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09-07-2021 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
Yeah we covered this. All the people grandstanding moral superiority are never what they proclaim

Story checks out

Originally Posted by juan valdez
It's been a weird spin than have been making significant effort to perpetuate. One might speculate its being spun and amplified so that people can hate each other. Making people hate each other is profitable. As we've seen ITT, rubes have latched on to this fabricated narrative like lenny from of mice and men

You could just feel they were elated to finally get this story.
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Its too bad you lost the courage to let everyone know what a miserable disaster you are. At least you're consistent

Originally Posted by Cuepee
Overdoses from anti-parasite drug ivermectin overwhelm rural Oklahoma hospitals - leaving gunshot victims waiting for emergency rooms

- Hospitals in rural southeast Oklahoma are struggling with a surge of ivermectin overdose patients

- So many patients are coming in with overdoses of the horse-grade medicine that other serious injuries - like gunshot wounds - have to wait

- Ivermectin is FDA approved for human use fighting some parasite-related conditions, but has not demonstrated that it can fight viruses in humans

- Many are purchasing versions of the drug meant for horses and other large animals, where doses are dangerous for humans
You haven't stopped rambling fueled by a soup of CTE, boomertitis, and pharmaceutical grade meth, but could you take a breathe and give everyone an update on this?
09-07-2021 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Eh, I see myself as a compassionate person. I volunteered for the vaccine trial because I wanted to be a part of ending the pandemic. I have no kids and figured I'd try to do something to help.

There is an element of gallows humor here, similar to the Darwin Awards. I am not happy anyone has died, regardless of their politics. Many were simply misled or taught to not believe science or experts. So in many ways it is just a lack of education and critical thinking skills that killed them.

That being said, there are some despicable people who mocked Covid, actively infected others, actively tried to prevent others from protecting themselves. Some post racist memes mocking George Floyd, BLM,etc. Some mock mask-wearers as lib pu**ies who are afraid of a catching a cold. I have a hard time finding sympathy for these people. If you want to not protect yourself then fine, but no need to be an a**hole to everyone else.
Show me the racist posts, I went through that thread and didn't see any. Just ignorant people dying, getting mocked, then defamed after death being called racists.

Do you also like to laugh at ******ed people who do stupid things?
09-07-2021 , 01:03 PM
If they are racists then does that make it ok to mock them in your opinion? Curious what categories would fall into the "let the mocking begin" category for you.

For what its worth, I do not laugh or find amusement in specific dummies dying because they were dummies, and I would never contribute to threads like that which mock what they consider to be the award winners. I simply do not care that they died, other than they put a needless burden on the health system. I suspect most people share this sentiment. If the anti-vaxxers in this thread want to put up a facade that they are nurturing, caring individuals that cherish every life - go for it. In reality most do not even care much when a fellow anti-vaxxer croaks since it is not them.
09-07-2021 , 01:12 PM
Of course if a large number of publicly vocal pro vaxxers were dying, none of the usual suspects on here would be crowing about.

But naaah
09-07-2021 , 01:39 PM
Honestly I could not care less if the Covid deniers think it is mean to laugh at people who mocked Covid, and then died of Covid. Those people should be laughed at. They have probably led to many other deaths, through their unsafe behavior and spreading of misinformation.

My hope is that some of the Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers will read that reddit forum, recognize themselves in the FB posts and shared memes, and then wise up and get vaccinated. Probably won't happen because the only time these people ever seem to wise up is as they are gasping for their last breath.
09-07-2021 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Honestly I could not care less if the Covid deniers think it is mean to laugh at people who mocked Covid, and then died of Covid. Those people should be laughed at. They have probably led to many other deaths, through their unsafe behavior and spreading of misinformation.

My hope is that some of the Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers will read that reddit forum, recognize themselves in the FB posts and shared memes, and then wise up and get vaccinated. Probably won't happen because the only time these people ever seem to wise up is as they are gasping for their last breath.
Where are the racist posts though? You said they were "mainly racists and bigots", yet you haven't even shown one example of any racist post. Please provide examples or admit you were lying or mistaken.

No one will read that thread and wise up. It will harden their hearts against vaccination to read people mocking the dead. I'm pro-vax and reading that thread makes me feel more anti-vax than anything. Who would want to be a part of a group that mocks the ignorant and dead? Why is that so hard for people to understand? You are just as ignorant as the anti-vaxxers in my view.
09-07-2021 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Honestly I could not care less if the Covid deniers think it is mean to laugh at people who mocked Covid, and then died of Covid. Those people should be laughed at. They have probably led to many other deaths, through their unsafe behavior and spreading of misinformation.

My hope is that some of the Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers will read that reddit forum, recognize themselves in the FB posts and shared memes, and then wise up and get vaccinated. Probably won't happen because the only time these people ever seem to wise up is as they are gasping for their last breath.
Have you seen anyone around here laughing at people who die or have complications after getting the vaccine? I haven't.

Interesting that it's only one side that seems to get enjoyment out of people dying.
09-07-2021 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

Its too bad you lost the courage to let everyone know what a miserable disaster you are. At least you're consistent
Lol your so pathetic .
I did give the same kind of answer when I saw the exaggeration from another poster in Bobbyj.

Trying to just win pawning lines is not in my priority like you seem to enjoy and try to do .

I do not have that much time on this like you do to waste for this garbage .

I’m here to exchange facts mostly .
Your way to emotional for I don’t know why …
Even seeing false affirmation and try misrepresenting people to pawn them more lol ….
You should really start talking less and try think , read and listen a bit more on people you think are your enemies but actually are not because guess what .
I’m not in favour of mandatory vaccine .
But thinking vaccines aren’t efficient and dangerous is pretty ****** .

Anyway Im not surprise , people like you seem to always need an enemy to explain failure around your kind instead taking responsibility and admitting being wrong .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-07-2021 at 02:58 PM.
09-07-2021 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Have you seen anyone around here laughing at people who die or have complications after getting the vaccine? I haven't.

Interesting that it's only one side that seems to get enjoyment out of people dying.
Well during the high of the pandemic , a lot did laugh about the ridiculous preventive measures were and laughing how idiotic people were , while a lot more were dying at that time but let put this under the rug.
09-07-2021 , 04:22 PM
This is no laughing matter either.

09-07-2021 , 04:37 PM

Scholars Research Library

Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian
onchocerciasis patients


The effect of ivermectin, a broad spectrum antihelminthic on the sperm functions of animal models have been extensively studied, however data on humans are very scanty hence this present study.

In this study we screened a total of 385 patients who were diagnosed of onchocerciasis. Out of which, 37 (9.6%) were eligible for further tests, as their sperm counts were normal while the remaining patients had very low sperm counts and were therefore not used for further tests or were too weak after the preliminary screening tests and were not considered eligible for further test/studies. We therefore investigated the effects of ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of these eligible 37 diagnosed patients of onchocerciasis who were of ages between 28 and 57 years.

The sperm functions were assessed via seminal fluid analysis using standard procedure and the following parameters were measured: sperm counts, sperm motility, sperm morphology, sperm volume, sperm viscosity and sperm liquefaction time. The above parameters were measured before and after the patients were treated with 150µg/kg body wt of ivermectin for eleven months and the results were compared and also with normal control reference range.

We observed significant reduction in the sperm counts and sperm motility of the patients tested. On the morphology there was significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells. This took the forms of two heads, double tails, white (albino) sperms and extraordinarily large heads. It is suspected that the above alterations in the already determined parameters of the patients’ sperm cells could only have occurred as a result of their treatment with ivermectin.

However, we could not record any significant change or alteration in the sperm viscosity, sperm volume, and sperm liquefaction time of the patients. We therefore suggest that caution be seriously exercised in the treatment of male onchocerciasis patients with ivermectin to avoid the adverse effects it has on the patients’ sperm functions.

09-07-2021 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Eh, I see myself as a compassionate person. I volunteered for the vaccine trial because I wanted to be a part of ending the pandemic. I have no kids and figured I'd try to do something to help.

There is an element of gallows humor here, similar to the Darwin Awards. I am not happy anyone has died, regardless of their politics. Many were simply misled or taught to not believe science or experts. So in many ways it is just a lack of education and critical thinking skills that killed them.

That being said, there are some despicable people who mocked Covid, actively infected others, actively tried to prevent others from protecting themselves. Some post racist memes mocking George Floyd, BLM,etc. Some mock mask-wearers as lib pu**ies who are afraid of a catching a cold. I have a hard time finding sympathy for these people. If you want to not protect yourself then fine, but no need to be an a**hole to everyone else.
there are also those who mock the Olds saying they should be dead regardless of covid and are just taking up resources the younger people could better utilize as a way to say 'who cares if covid kills them'.

We also have those mocking anyone with long Haul covid issues as basically deserving it due to being weak and/or over weight.
09-07-2021 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Where are the racist posts though? You said they were "mainly racists and bigots", yet you haven't even shown one example of any racist post. Please provide examples or admit you were lying or mistaken.
Well they are there and I don't feel like going through looking for them. I only browsed the thread for a few minutes last night (had never heard of it before). One guy had a meme with Leonardo DiCaprio that said "Yes I'm still proud to be white". Another had a George Floyd meme. A couple had memes mocking BLM. Several had anti-immigrant memes about the border. Almost all had memes about the "stolen" election, Trump, lock Fauci up, etc.

And this was all in about 20 mins of browsing at random.

You are being disingenuous if you are trying to pretend that most of these pro-Trump Covid deniers are not racist or anti-immigrant in any way. We all know that is not the truth.

Now, are there many honestly decent people who did not believe Covid was serious, or who mistakenly believed the vaccines were unnecessary and/or more dangerous than Covid itself? Yes I am sure there are a lot of those. I feel bad for them. But that reddit thread did not really seem to focus on those people from what I saw.

At any rate this is all a derail anyway. People are dying who could have been saved by a 100% free, safe, effective, and widely-available vaccine. That is the point.

Edit: Just logged into the site and literally the first post has "close the border", Derek Chauvin, Archie Bunker, and Megan Rapinoe/kneeling for the anthem. No racists on the anti-vaxx right though!

Last edited by revots33; 09-07-2021 at 05:02 PM.
09-07-2021 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Have you seen anyone around here laughing at people who die or have complications after getting the vaccine? I haven't.

Interesting that it's only one side that seems to get enjoyment out of people dying.
Mocking those who end up with long haul illnesses due to covid suggesting they are just bums, lazy and out of shape.

Originally Posted by Tien
Lol at fatigue 5 weeks later. 4 days later I was back on the home treadmill even when I had half of those symptoms still ongoing.

There is a certain percentage of general population bums that are lazy and out of shape no matter what and will always tell you they are fatigued.

Putting out a comment to mock the olds dying and suggest they should be dead anyway to make room and provide their resources to younger folk.

Originally Posted by Tien
There is a limit to how long humans should be living. After a certain age, most of us will just be taking up room / opportunities / resources from the newer generation.


These are comments Tooth argued in favour of ITT.
09-07-2021 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Well they are there and I don't feel like going through looking for them. I only browsed the thread for a few minutes last night (had never heard of it before). One guy had a meme with Leonardo DiCaprio that said "Yes I'm still proud to be white". Another had a George Floyd meme. A couple had memes mocking BLM. Several had anti-immigrant memes about the border. Almost all had memes about the "stolen" election, Trump, lock Fauci up, etc.

And this was all in about 20 mins of browsing at random.

You are being disingenuous if you are trying to pretend that most of these pro-Trump Covid deniers are not racist or anti-immigrant in any way. We all know that is not the truth.

Now, are there many honestly decent people who did not believe Covid was serious, or who mistakenly believed the vaccines were unnecessary and/or more dangerous than Covid itself? Yes I am sure there are a lot of those. I feel bad for them. But that reddit thread did not really seem to focus on those people from what I saw.

At any rate this is all a derail anyway. People are dying who could have been saved by a 100% free, safe, effective, and widely-available vaccine. That is the point.

Edit: Just logged into the site and literally the first post has "close the border", Derek Chauvin, Archie Bunker, and Megan Rapinoe/kneeling for the anthem. No racists on the anti-vaxx right though!
None of that justifies laughing at and celebrating their deaths though. Anyone that would use that as justification is just scum imo. Imagine if someone set up a similar site to mock people who died from the vaccine and justified it because of their political views.

That would be just as reprehensible.
09-07-2021 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Well they are there and I don't feel like going through looking for them. I only browsed the thread for a few minutes last night (had never heard of it before). One guy had a meme with Leonardo DiCaprio that said "Yes I'm still proud to be white". Another had a George Floyd meme. A couple had memes mocking BLM. Several had anti-immigrant memes about the border. Almost all had memes about the "stolen" election, Trump, lock Fauci up, etc.

And this was all in about 20 mins of browsing at random.

You are being disingenuous if you are trying to pretend that most of these pro-Trump Covid deniers are not racist or anti-immigrant in any way. We all know that is not the truth.

Now, are there many honestly decent people who did not believe Covid was serious, or who mistakenly believed the vaccines were unnecessary and/or more dangerous than Covid itself? Yes I am sure there are a lot of those. I feel bad for them. But that reddit thread did not really seem to focus on those people from what I saw.

At any rate this is all a derail anyway. People are dying who could have been saved by a 100% free, safe, effective, and widely-available vaccine. That is the point.

Edit: Just logged into the site and literally the first post has "close the border", Derek Chauvin, Archie Bunker, and Megan Rapinoe/kneeling for the anthem. No racists on the anti-vaxx right though!
Oh ok, you're just an idiot who doesn't know what "racism" is. Everything you disagree with isn't racism. Nothing in the link you posted is racism. Nothing you mentioned is racism. Stop calling people you disagree with racists.


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:
09-07-2021 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Oh ok, you're just an idiot who doesn't know what "racism" is. Everything you disagree with isn't racism. Nothing in the link you posted is racism. Nothing you mentioned is racism. Stop calling people you disagree with racists.





prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:
Lol ok right, the guy posting that had George Floyd had just done what Chauvin told him, he'd have been fine, is not racist at all.

I'm not playing that game where everything short of the n-word is just "honest differing opinions".
09-07-2021 , 06:52 PM
Was Herman Cain a racist as well, or did he deserve to die just because he supported Trump?
09-07-2021 , 06:57 PM
Not sure he deserved it. He did die due to his support of Trump and ignoring health guidelines, so given that and and having a name some people know - the award named after him seems a logical and reasonable choice, whether you agree with the award or not. Certainly makes sense from a messaging perspective which is why it stuck, unlike for instance vaccine fundamentalists which a few people here tried as a thing to say and that resulted in a swing and a miss in terms of catching on.

Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Oh ok, you're just an idiot who doesn't know what "racism" is. Everything you disagree with isn't racism. Nothing in the link you posted is racism. Nothing you mentioned is racism. Stop calling people you disagree with racists.
Well, as you are the expert you can decide if the meme one award winner posted of a black dog defecating with the tag "Hold on - I got black lives matter movement right now" is merely a supportive statement of canine regularity.

For what its worth, seems most people featured are just standard anti-vaxx Trumpderps who say dumb things. Most don't bother with race type statements (as that is not the topic of the thread), but I doubt many would think they represent the most inclusive group of humans (now deceased) that ever existed by the nature and language of their anti-vaxx posts. Still, you can say that there are very fine people on both sides as needed.
09-07-2021 , 07:00 PM
Some old lawyer guy on Facebook was proud showing covid was not dangerous and being a “real warrior” , discrediting science , he decided not getting help , hospital , vaccine ,etc and made couple appearances on Facebook showing his evolution .

Poor bastard end up dead .
Should I be sad and full compassionate ?

Let’s say he did not die and unknowingly entice couple hundreds or thousands old people to not get vaccinated even tho the numbers confirm how dangerous covid is for that age group ….being responsible for all those death .

Sad to say but by dying that idiot probably saved life .

Now should I be compassionate because his dead being an idiot or because he saved life by being an idiot by dying ?

Point it is hard to have compassion for people jumping from the 29th floor thinking they can fly and entice others to do the same …

How many time I hear the conspirators laughing about covid vaccine and restrictions during the high of the epidemic while thousands were dying every day .
We’re they compassionate?

Please …..stop that fake compassionate bs just because it aim aT your group while having non when it does not !

That message was not aim at revolt or monteroy.

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-07-2021 at 07:08 PM.
09-07-2021 , 07:31 PM
revots harping on about anti-vaxxers being racists is a new thread low. What an absolute idiot.
Originally Posted by revots33
Lol ok right, the guy posting that had George Floyd had just done what Chauvin told him, he'd have been fine, is not racist at all.
How is a purely factual statement racist? You're a weirdo. Don't break the law then repeatedly resist arrest then repeatedly try to escape the police cruiser. Not rocket science bro. Does he get a Darwin Award for that like you want to give to people who die of covid? Or are you not morally consistent? How is it any different? Do incredibly stupid things then get a bit of bad luck on top and die.

I'm not playing that game where everything short of the n-word is just "honest differing opinions".
Everything short of believing black people are genetically inferior, or putting them down/excluding them because of their race, is NOT racist. That is correct. For example:

- Thinking there isn't meaningful structural racism isn't racist (proof: Asian and African immigrants - black skin too, you clown! - massively outperform even whites)
- Thinking that black culture is toxic and needs to change isn't racist (it is and does - 70% of black fathers leave their children which destroys their youth and wealth, it was 20% when there was actual structural racism in America)
- Thinking that a nation should have borders excluding all others except through legal order means isn't racist - it's bipartisan law and standard global practice and the standard left wing position from a mere decade ago.

And so on

You really should try to be less of a brainless sheep and think through these issues for yourself. You would actually help rather than exacerbate problems hurting minorities if you did that. This sheeplike crowd-following you do is so toxic and stupid - you didn't come up with these ideas yourself, and you'd have been supporting horrible racism decades ago because it was standard public belief in your social circle, because you have no mind of your own.
09-07-2021 , 07:42 PM
Interesting. Apparently the "Hold on - I got black lives matter movement right now" meme is indeed a simple factual supportive statement of canine regularity. The more you know.
09-07-2021 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Lol ok right, the guy posting that had George Floyd had just done what Chauvin told him, he'd have been fine, is not racist at all.

I'm not playing that game where everything short of the n-word is just "honest differing opinions".
You are right, even if Floyd would have complied he was ODing so no he would not have been ok.
09-07-2021 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
revots harping on about anti-vaxxers being racists is a new thread low. What an absolute idiot.

How is a purely factual statement racist? You're a weirdo. Don't break the law then repeatedly resist arrest then repeatedly try to escape the police cruiser. Not rocket science bro. Does he get a Darwin Award for that like you want to give to people who die of covid? Or are you not morally consistent? How is it any different? Do incredibly stupid things then get a bit of bad luck on top and die.

Everything short of believing black people are genetically inferior, or putting them down/excluding them because of their race, is NOT racist. That is correct. For example:

- Thinking there isn't meaningful structural racism isn't racist (proof: Asian and African immigrants - black skin too, you clown! - massively outperform even whites)
- Thinking that black culture is toxic and needs to change isn't racist (it is and does - 70% of black fathers leave their children which destroys their youth and wealth, it was 20% when there was actual structural racism in America)
- Thinking that a nation should have borders excluding all others except through legal order means isn't racist - it's bipartisan law and standard global practice and the standard left wing position from a mere decade ago.

And so on

You really should try to be less of a brainless sheep and think through these issues for yourself. You would actually help rather than exacerbate problems hurting minorities if you did that. This sheeplike crowd-following you do is so toxic and stupid - you didn't come up with these ideas yourself, and you'd have been supporting horrible racism decades ago because it was standard public belief in your social circle, because you have no mind of your own.
Says the guy who constantly uses dog whistle laden words complaining about dirty inner city Dem voters, and dirty migrants but wants to hide behind the 'nothing to see here' because he stops short of saying the words he really wants to say.

Sorry revots is correct about this forum and the game played by most to not say certain words therefore I am innocent will not fly and should not fly.

There are NOT fine people on both sides.
09-07-2021 , 10:30 PM
Brave guy. Get's Bells Palsy after his first shot. Now wears eye patch. Then goes back for the second shot.
