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09-06-2021 , 03:37 PM
You're just a cog in the bill gates' world domination machine. Look at Ontario, vaccines don't work!
09-06-2021 , 04:06 PM
Yeah, and that is with over 75% fully vaccinated that can get it and over 80% receiving one dose. No idea how some of these retro anti-vaxxers still believe the vaccine does nothing to prevent hospitalizations and deaths, but whatever. They can continue to support Merck with their ingestion of their not made by big pharma products or something. Would be genuinely funny if someone at Merck did a deal with Carlson and a few others under the table to pitch their product in a big pharma/media conspiracy. Still not sure why the conspiracyderps love their big pharma placebos.

Also, saw this

so we will see - you may win what we talked about , though I already did the donation anyways. May as well do it this calendar year.
09-06-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
62% of US population vaccinated with at least one dose. Your statement quoted above would have a lot more validity if more citizens were vaccinated (dare I say mandated).

I assume you know that the vaccinated are not the people that are in the hospitals or dying. Vast majority in that category are unvaxxed.

I suppose you are saying that the spread has not slowed because the vaccinated and the unvaxxed are still spreading the disease. In that you are correct. But the unvaxxed are the ones that are suffering.

If only there was some way (FREE!) to massively slow the rate of hospitalizations.......
There is.

Targeted vaccination of at risk groups is clearly the way to slow hospitalizations.

Mass vaccination of the whole population is actually incredibly stupid and could make things a whole lot worse by potentially driving escape variants to evolve. Vaccinating children is just unnescesary. It will not have any effect on slowing transmission and children are not at any significant risk anyway. What's the point of vaccinating low risk sections of the population with vaccines that don't prevent transmission? It makes no sense whatsoever....
09-06-2021 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
So, clearly the vaccines are doing diddly squat to slow down the pandemic.

Might be time to try plan B. Oh wait, there is no plan B.

Meanwhile in Canada with majority of people with 2 vaccines doses .

“ From mid-July to mid-August, Tam said, the COVID-19 infection rate was 12 times higher among the unvaccinated than the vaccinated, and the hospitalization rate was 36 times higher.”

It’s of course getting confirm more and more …shrug .

I do not know what the hell is going on in the US ….
But the vaccine is doing what it’s suppose to do clearly in Canada .

Must have some physic unknown forces working only in the US , mandate by god himself probably , making vaccine not efficient ….
That is how politics run in a lot of south states anyway about science right ?
09-06-2021 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
62% of US population vaccinated with at least one dose. Your statement quoted above would have a lot more validity if more citizens were vaccinated (dare I say mandated).

I assume you know that the vaccinated are not the people that are in the hospitals or dying. Vast majority in that category are unvaxxed.

I suppose you are saying that the spread has not slowed because the vaccinated and the unvaxxed are still spreading the disease. In that you are correct. But the unvaxxed are the ones that are suffering.

If only there was some way (FREE!) to massively slow the rate of hospitalizations.......
Everyone here agrees with vaccinating the old. Here's a quiz for you, science boy.

Vaccinating all under 40s will reduce hospitalization rates by _______ compared to vaccinating none of them.

I dare you to work out that number from known non-vaccinated hospitalization data and fill it in - then you'll realize that you don't have a leg to stand on and are just pure irrationality as silly as the rednecks who think this is a Bill Gates conspiracy.
09-06-2021 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
You're just a cog in the bill gates' world domination machine. Look at Ontario, vaccines don't work!
I’d love to see that broken down further and show obese / not obese.
09-06-2021 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
62% of US population vaccinated with at least one dose. Your statement quoted above would have a lot more validity if more citizens were vaccinated (dare I say mandated).

I assume you know that the vaccinated are not the people that are in the hospitals or dying. Vast majority in that category are unvaxxed.

I suppose you are saying that the spread has not slowed because the vaccinated and the unvaxxed are still spreading the disease. In that you are correct. But the unvaxxed are the ones that are suffering.

If only there was some way (FREE!) to massively slow the rate of hospitalizations.......
So just worry about yourself and let all the unvaxxed die. It's amazing how much the vaxxed love and want unvaxxed people to live and not get sick. Thus forcing their vaccinations on them. Such heartfelt people.

It's either that or they just want a bed available for when they die from heart disease.
09-06-2021 , 09:05 PM

New favourite subreddit
09-06-2021 , 10:21 PM
Imagine enjoying the deaths of other people so much that a forum dedicated to celebrating innocent people dying is your favorite.
09-06-2021 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Everyone here agrees with vaccinating the old. Here's a quiz for you, science boy.

Vaccinating all under 40s will reduce hospitalization rates by _______ compared to vaccinating none of them.

I dare you to work out that number from known non-vaccinated hospitalization data and fill it in - then you'll realize that you don't have a leg to stand on and are just pure irrationality as silly as the rednecks who think this is a Bill Gates conspiracy.
Chart of weekly Covid hospitalizations by age group.

Going back to about April there have been more hospitalizations among 18-49 than either the 50-64 group or the 65+ group.

Obviously more older people are vaccinated and the 18-49 cohort is larger overall, but the idea Covid is a nothingburger under 50 (or 40) is simply not true.

And of course the entire risk/reward calculus depends on how dangerous Covid is vs how dangerous the vaccine is. The vaccines are so safe, that even for people under 40 this should not be close to being a difficult decision.
09-06-2021 , 10:35 PM
What's the co-morbidities rate for those hospitalizations? Quite high I would guess.
09-06-2021 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Imagine enjoying the deaths of other people so much that a forum dedicated to celebrating innocent people dying is your favorite.
Was not familiar with that forum but it seems to be mainly racists and bigots mocking Covid, mocking vaccines, mocking libs, and then dying of Covid. So yeah I'd say celebrating the death of horrible people is perfectly acceptable.

TBH if the Covid deniers read that forum, it might do more good than all the attempts by medical experts to talk sense to them. Something visceral about seeing these dolts go from mocking Covid, to desperately asking for prayers from the ICU. It hits home more than news stories or statistics.
09-07-2021 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
You are of low moral character sir.

Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Imagine enjoying the deaths of other people so much that a forum dedicated to celebrating innocent people dying is your favorite.

Originally Posted by revots33
Was not familiar with that forum but it seems to be mainly racists and bigots mocking Covid, mocking vaccines, mocking libs, and then dying of Covid. So yeah I'd say celebrating the death of horrible people is perfectly acceptable.

TBH if the Covid deniers read that forum, it might do more good than all the attempts by medical experts to talk sense to them. Something visceral about seeing these dolts go from mocking Covid, to desperately asking for prayers from the ICU. It hits home more than news stories or statistics.
Show me the racist and bigoted remarks because I couldn't find any. Thanks. Kind of absurd how everyone gets painted as racists and bigots these days for no reason. Please prove me wrong and show me the racists and the bigots.

Covid deniers reading that forum would make them want to stay further away from that. If getting the vaccine makes you enjoy the suffering of others and mocking them after they're dead than who would want to join that group? Pretty sad group of human posting in there in my opinion.

Anyone who enjoys reading that thread is not someone I would want to be friends with. Zero compassion.
09-07-2021 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Chart of weekly Covid hospitalizations by age group.

Going back to about April there have been more hospitalizations among 18-49 than either the 50-64 group or the 65+ group.

Obviously more older people are vaccinated and the 18-49 cohort is larger overall, but the idea Covid is a nothingburger under 50 (or 40) is simply not true.

And of course the entire risk/reward calculus depends on how dangerous Covid is vs how dangerous the vaccine is. The vaccines are so safe, that even for people under 40 this should not be close to being a difficult decision.
Maybe I missed something but without knowing the percentage of people in hospitals who were vaccinated I don’t see how you can make a lot of conclusions about the effectiveness of vaccinations in mitigating hospitalizations. I am fairly certain vaccines help mind you but I don’t think that chart tells us a lot about the effectiveness of vaccines. I could be missing something though.
09-07-2021 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Maybe I missed something but without knowing the percentage of people in hospitals who were vaccinated I don’t see how you can make a lot of conclusions about the effectiveness of vaccinations in mitigating hospitalizations. I am fairly certain vaccines help mind you but I don’t think that chart tells us a lot about the effectiveness of vaccines. I could be missing something though.

This data gives some context.

Cliffs: overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated.

So I think it is safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of 18-49yo people hospitalised for Covid, were unvaccinated.
09-07-2021 , 03:17 AM
09-07-2021 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Was not familiar with that forum but it seems to be mainly racists and bigots mocking Covid, mocking vaccines, mocking libs, and then dying of Covid. So yeah I'd say celebrating the death of horrible people is perfectly acceptable.

TBH if the Covid deniers read that forum, it might do more good than all the attempts by medical experts to talk sense to them. Something visceral about seeing these dolts go from mocking Covid, to desperately asking for prayers from the ICU. It hits home more than news stories or statistics.
Horrible people. Really? Just because they don't agree with you about vaccines (rightly or wrongly) they deserve to die?

Maybe they made a bad choice depending on their risk profile, but celebrating their death is absolutely disgusting imo. If you think that is acceptable you are a despicable person and should be ashamed of yourself.
09-07-2021 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Horrible people. Really? Just because they don't agree with you about vaccines (rightly or wrongly) they deserve to die?

Maybe they made a bad choice depending on their risk profile, but celebrating their death is absolutely disgusting imo. If you think that is acceptable you are a despicable person and should be ashamed of yourself.
Just not agreeing ? Really ?
Yeah it’s pretty easy now to say when vaccine is working , making their disagreement AND actions that goes with it , less a danger for others that was life threatening for a good portion of the population, right ?
Yeah baby boomers have massive demographic…
Let’s not forget over 4.5 millions people did die !

Those disagreements are a serious danger cause it will comeback someday and is applicable on others issues that creates enormous problems too .
There is a serious disconnect for a good portion of these people .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-07-2021 at 05:24 AM.
09-07-2021 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Chart of weekly Covid hospitalizations by age group.

Going back to about April there have been more hospitalizations among 18-49 than either the 50-64 group or the 65+ group.

Obviously more older people are vaccinated and the 18-49 cohort is larger overall, but the idea Covid is a nothingburger under 50 (or 40) is simply not true.
Yes it is true. Under 50 is NOT under 40 (huge lol at equating them). 40-49 has 4x the hospitalizations of all of 18-39. Once you exclude the few young who should get the vaccine (young diabetics, heart disease, immune compromised, etc), it's truly a total nothingburger. There's no reason to vacc 0-39 and in fact it's HIGHLY counterproductive since the vaccine doesn't provide proper immunity - you're still a spreader at 14x the rate of natural infection when immunized. It's far better to burn through the nothingburger high spread demographic (with the old/susceptible vacced) and get herd immunity sooner, including for protection against future variants.

And your data shows how batshit crazy it to want to vacc 5-17. You can't even see a blip on that graph. Yet the uber-loons are pushing it.

And of course the entire risk/reward calculus depends on how dangerous Covid is vs how dangerous the vaccine is. The vaccines are so safe, that even for people under 40 this should not be close to being a difficult decision.
How do you know how safe the vaccines are? There have been several vaccines that have had bad side effects years later, including ADE for future strains. Including unknown risks, not vaccing under 30s is straight up no brainer.
09-07-2021 , 06:07 AM
It would be nice to see a better breakdown by ages, though not sure it would matter that much in terms of general behavior. Your point is that 40-49 is quite different that under 40, yet a good chunk, and perhaps the majority of people screaming against the vaccine in this thread (and in general) are in their 40s or above.

Originally Posted by BradleyT
I'm 47 M WI and unvaccinated.

I looked at the data and laughed.

Divide age group by 10 and 6.5 and 3.5 males my age have died in those entire years?

And you want to FORCE A VACCINE INTO ME?

All the numbers are a joke if you're young and healthy.

Go on, post your age and state and we'll pull up your numbers since you clearly don't know how to if you're actually afraid.

Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
I flew back home from Poland to New York on March 14, 2020 where I stood in line at customs packed liked sardines for 4 hours because of CDC safety measures. I took a greyhound bus from los Angeles to Las Vegas in June 2020, spent 5 nights drinking, smoking, playing slot machines in a strip casino without masks, sanitizer. Can you imagine, hand to mouth in a high touch environment nonstop for 5 days in "THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC." Then I took a greyhound bus from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City. Immediately after I spent two weeks with my 79 year old dad following this Vegas/Greyhound trip. Then we had a family get together in northern California where we had members of 6 households gathered together.

What would be your advice with regard to the vaccine toward these 47-55 year olds that believe they are actually very young and are at pretty much no risk from Covid? Are they part of the "nothingburger high spread demographic?"
09-07-2021 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Imagine enjoying the deaths of other people so much that a forum dedicated to celebrating innocent people dying is your favorite.
While there is certainly an element of dark humour there that is often something that accompanies tragic events and choices. Perhaps necessarily so as a coping mechanism when people make choices that fly in the face of logic.

There is a pretty clear straight line that can be drawn between Herman Cain's choices and his death which he seems to have gleeful accepted in service of Trump.

That about 70% of Derps in certain Trump areas, many who are very at risk, are now embracing the idea of a Cull and then being sifted by the Survivors who emerge with natural immunity is something that will lead to dark humour for a long, long time.

How could it not. These people are literally choosing the path that says 'we accept the Cull, and that those who survive will have natural immunity and those of who die, do so to strengthen the remaining herd'.

It is laughable. Laughably sad. But laughable none the less.
09-07-2021 , 09:46 AM
This post to me is the defining sentiment of this debate and one we see echoed constantly in this thread.

It is one of 'you can make a choice to take precautions (labelled as 'fear') but don't demand I do the same.

And I respect their right to embrace the Cull path.

Where this falls apart is when the same people say to others ...'whoa, no way can you choose to come out of your home and operate within and go to businesses that want to cater to those who have taken safety measures.'

As Tooth is pushing many Derps want gov't to pass laws to say the Derps should be able to enter any and all spaces and again if there are people or businesses who do not want to associate with them, too bad. Stay home.

They would use fascism to impose interaction and socializing.

A Derp does not see it as enough that they do have free choice (not to get vaccine, take measures) but they also think an extension of their freedom is that they should be able to force others to interact with them. Others should have no freedom of choice of who they engage with.
09-07-2021 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by revots33

This data gives some context.

Cliffs: overwhelming majority of hospitalizations and deaths are unvaccinated.

So I think it is safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of 18-49yo people hospitalised for Covid, were unvaccinated.
Ok fair enough the post I responded to didn’t have vaccination information.
09-07-2021 , 10:00 AM
For the record for those too young to know this, we had pretty much this exact same debate in the 70's with regards to smoking and second hand smoke.

The same selfish Derp type fought endlessly and without any desire to compromise.

A handful of smokers (minority of the population) basically smoked everywhere. Church, Airplanes, Hospitals, Movie Theatres, Restaurants and as a non smoker if you truly wanted to avoid smoke they would tell you to 'stay home'. Your fear of potential ramifications of second hand smoke should not limit their free choice. You stay home if you do not like it.

Many locals at first considered many measures to limit or reduce the amount of spaces people could smoke in such as giving restaurants and bars a number of 'smoking licenses' similar to the then liquor licensing model that looked at population numbers and tried to tie that in to a formula. So if 30% of the adult populace smoked then perhaps 30% of bars could end up getting a smoking license allowing them to cater to that crowd while allowing other spaces to remain smoke free.

The smoking Derps made it known they would never accept any such compromise. There was a singular answer that was they should be able to smoke anywhere and anyone who did not like it should stay home.

Thankfully gov't just got fed up with them and seeking reasonable compromise with the selfish and illogical Derps and just made rational decisions ignoring the Derps entirely.

But think where we would today if that had not changed. You would still have smokers smoking everywhere and if an entrepreneur wanted to try and open a "Smoke Free" Restaurant or movie theatre, etc to cater to individuals who wanted to avoid smoke, derps like Tooth would argue the gov't should not allow that. That smokers should have forced access into those spaces and a right to socialize with those people. And if they don't like it 'stay home'.

It defies belief that anyone who has even a 1% libertarian, small gov't belief would not see that as fascist and think that is how you protect freedom and rights.

Imagine being Tooth. lol.
09-07-2021 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Anyone who enjoys reading that thread is not someone I would want to be friends with. Zero compassion.
Eh, I see myself as a compassionate person. I volunteered for the vaccine trial because I wanted to be a part of ending the pandemic. I have no kids and figured I'd try to do something to help.

There is an element of gallows humor here, similar to the Darwin Awards. I am not happy anyone has died, regardless of their politics. Many were simply misled or taught to not believe science or experts. So in many ways it is just a lack of education and critical thinking skills that killed them.

That being said, there are some despicable people who mocked Covid, actively infected others, actively tried to prevent others from protecting themselves. Some post racist memes mocking George Floyd, BLM,etc. Some mock mask-wearers as lib pu**ies who are afraid of a catching a cold. I have a hard time finding sympathy for these people. If you want to not protect yourself then fine, but no need to be an a**hole to everyone else.
