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Coronavirus Coronavirus

09-04-2021 , 07:48 AM
We also need to start making significant improvements to cleaning air. Like we do water. Maybe once mAsKs WoRk dies down a bit we can focus on things that make a difference. Imagine going to work or school and having like a 90% reduction in getting infected from aerosols. That would be amazing. They had the perfect opportunity to pivot from their garbage masks work dogma this summer with how much more infectious delta is but nah they doubled down.
Ultimately I think that’s where this is going to go, need to figure out how to invest in that theory.
09-04-2021 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I suspect many of the unvaccinated Americans will not casually say "yeah this is how it works and should work" when they get a huge hospital bill. Add to that that most will not bother thinking about it until it is too late because they trust their immune system or are self medicating or whatever.

I get what you are saying in a theoretical sense, but in reality it will play out like the Mike Tyson quote of "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
Plenty will moan whatever is done. Your point applies just as easily, if not more so, to us pro-government lot who moan endlessly bout the failings of the system we support.

Many will be genuinely bothered but in general a huge mistake on the left is thinking that many dont genuinely support free market capitalism even when it hurts them. Just as many of those in the UK who get let down very badly by failings in the NHS still totally support it.
09-04-2021 , 08:15 AM
I think people in America for the most part believe they support free market systems, even though they are surrounded by the equivalent of socialized services that they happily accept. Beliefs like that get tested when it impacts them on a more micro level, and a 5 or 6 figure hospital bill because the insurance companies say "no shot, no cash - this is the market system" will definitely generate a reaction, probably with bigger conspiracies involving the insurance companies or something. When this happens we will see whatever the new messaging is shortly later on these forums as all the anti-vaxxers here are unexceptional followers.

Not really about being left or right. Most humans stink at looking ahead, and they do not consider consequences until it is relatively too late. We just happen to be in a rare situation where a simple cost free act (vaccination) will prevent not only serious disease and death significantly, but it will also prevent a ton of unexpected expenses as well, and a bill that cannot be paid is less abstract to many of these people than the concept of them dying.
09-04-2021 , 08:19 AM

#1 vaxxed state having an excess death surge
09-04-2021 , 08:29 AM
Yeah, but even the number 1 state has 25%+ people unvaccinated, and since unvaccinated are nearly all the Covid deaths after the vaccine was available - it is safe to say that with Delta and reduced mask requirements and fewer shutdowns/restrictions that the unvaccinated are croaking at a faster rate, which makes sense and was not difficult to predict. Kind of odd you would showcase that with your perspective on things. There will be a good chunk of excess deaths this year, with nearly all being unvaccinated people due to Covid. Nobody will be surprised with those stats.

Anyways, you should check with your health insurance company, if you have any, as to which (if any) Covid costs they will pay if you need them after you get the natural Covid form of inoculation. Always good to plan ahead.
09-04-2021 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
You did not explain anything, you ham-fistedly made some statements that only shows how bad you are at establishing a hypothesis via argumentation.

All I have done since then is mock you for it.

The above is just more of the same.

Any argument that references the masculinity of newsreaders, which you absolutely did, however much you want to hand wave it away, is looooooool, moron. That is the highlight of your terrible exegeses but its all in the same ballpark.
I made the effort to explain what is common sense to you because you have the social skills of a toaster. I included images of an effeminate wokester like brian stelter for the same reasons they have lots of pictures in children's books.

Gender Differences in Personality across the Ten Aspects of the Big Five


Replicating previous findings, there was a significant gender difference in Agreeableness such that women tend to score higher than men, and this pattern was the same for the aspects, Compassion and Politeness, when measured in terms of raw scores or residualized scores. Compassion most clearly represents a tendency to invest in others emotionally and affiliate on an emotional level, encompassing traits such as warmth and empathy
Big Five Personality Traits and Political Orientation: An Inquiry into
Political Beliefs


Trait agreeableness is the fourth of the Big Five personality traits, which is a trait characterized by showing a compassion for others, a self-sacrificing character, the avoidance of conflict, and a nurturing mentality. People who are high in trait agreeableness are the people we think of that are very kind and will not spark conflict even when their situation does not correspond with their ideal. Those high in agreeableness are willing to sacrifice what they want or need for what others want or need, coming at their own expense
The best way to describe agreeableness is by describing it as the “motherly trait” being that it likely arose as a result to foster cooperation between members of the in-group, as well as the ability to care for infants or children without being upset
Moving on to how agreeableness correlates with political orientation, the higher the levels of agreeableness in a person, the more likely they will be a liberal (Gerber, et al., 2011). A two standard deviation increase in trait extraversion is correlated at .02 with self-reported liberalism, meaning that the more agreeable somebody is the more likely they are to be liberal, or more liberal than they would otherwise be
Neuroticism describes the tendency to experience negative emotion and related processes in response to perceived threat and punishment; these include anxiety, depression, anger, self-consciousness, and emotional lability. Women have been found to score higher than men on Neuroticism as measured at the Big Five trait level, as well as on most facets of Neuroticism included in a common measure of the Big Five, the NEO-PI-R (Costa et al., 2001). Additionally, women also score higher than men on related measures not designed specifically to measure the Big Five, such as indices of anxiety (Feingold, 1994) and low self-esteem (Kling et al., 1999). The one facet of Neuroticism in which women do not always exhibit higher scores than men is Anger, or Angry Hostility (Costa et al., 2001).
Moving on to how neuroticism correlates with political orientation, the higher the levels of neuroticism in a person the more likely they will be a liberal(Gerber, et al., 2011). A two standard deviation increase in trait neuroticism is correlated at .26 with self-reported liberalism, meaning that the more neurotic somebody is the more likely they are to be liberal, or more liberal than they would otherwise be (Gerber, et al., 2011). Additionally, a two standard deviation increase in neuroticism correlates at .13 with social liberalism (Gerber, et al., 2011). For economic liberalism, a two standard deviation increase in neuroticism correlates at.43 (Gerber, et al., 2011). Analyzing how neuroticism is positively correlated with liberalism, Gerber, et al. suggests that “because people who score high on Emotional Stability are less likely to feel anxious
09-04-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Oh well, at worst I'll be worm free. So it's not all bad.
Apparently theyre using it in Japan. I didn't see this anywhere else but afaik it's real

None of this really convinced me its effective.... until I saw this. I'm in. No pfizer boosters for me

09-04-2021 , 02:55 PM
LOL. That Alex Jones clip is hilarious.
09-04-2021 , 02:59 PM
Jones is on some blow with a chaser of ivermectin
09-04-2021 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, you predict Ontario will go into another general lockdown in the near future. I predict they will not (barring a new crazy variant that makes vaccines useless).....
Willing to make a friendly $50 wager Ontario will enact restrictions beyond what is currently in place between Oct 1st and Jan 1st, 2022

I already won a little $50 bet on 2 weeks to flatten the curve when this started, so it's time to double my money here

If you are willing to bet between now and end of April 2022 I will go upto $500
09-04-2021 , 03:32 PM
I would take your side of that wager with the terms you have set, because nearly anything would qualify, including any new form of vaccinated only allowed protocols. Some of the universities and colleges are requiring all people going in person to have proof of vaccination by mid October, so right there that side wins when that goes into effect, since it is not in effect as of today. Many have no class size restrictions, so if the province has a 250 student in person limit put in then that would qualify as well, even if it impacts very few classes.

A simpler way of doing it would be this. Will all the places that give haircuts be mandated to shut down completely again by the province as has happened twice before? I say no they will not.
09-04-2021 , 03:53 PM
Meanwhile in Israel.

Israel’s national coronavirus czar on Saturday called for the country to begin making preparations to eventually administer fourth doses of the coronavirus vaccine.

“Given that that the virus is here and will continue to be here, we also need to prepare for a fourth injection,” Salman Zarka told Kan public radio.

The Health Ministry last week also announced that the “Green Pass” system — a document that allows entry into certain gatherings and public places for those who are vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus — will expire six months after the holder received their second or third dose, hinting that a fourth dose may be administered in six-months time.

09-04-2021 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Apparently theyre using it in Japan. I didn't see this anywhere else but afaik it's real

It is months old and misrepresented

Flawed ivermectin preprint highlights challenges of COVID drug studies
The study’s withdrawal from a preprint platform deals a blow to the anti-parasite drug’s chances as a COVID treatment, researchers say.
09-04-2021 , 06:17 PM
I'm 47 M WI and unvaccinated.

I looked at the data and laughed.

Divide age group by 10 and 6.5 and 3.5 males my age have died in those entire years?

And you want to FORCE A VACCINE INTO ME?

Those are joke numbers. All the numbers are a joke if you're young and healthy.

Go on, post your age and state and we'll pull up your numbers since you clearly don't know how to if you're actually afraid.

Last edited by BradleyT; 09-04-2021 at 06:26 PM.
09-04-2021 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I would take your side of that wager with the terms you have set, because nearly anything would qualify, including any new form of vaccinated only allowed protocols. Some of the universities and colleges are requiring all people going in person to have proof of vaccination by mid October, so right there that side wins when that goes into effect, since it is not in effect as of today. Many have no class size restrictions, so if the province has a 250 student in person limit put in then that would qualify as well, even if it impacts very few classes.

A simpler way of doing it would be this. Will all the places that give haircuts be mandated to shut down completely again by the province as has happened twice before? I say no they will not.
Give me 3-1 on the barber shop between now and end of April and I'll take that.

We can do all sorts of props or a general flat bet defined as any restrictions on people allowed into a commercial space including retail, entertainment or beauty (hair salon, nails etc)

Basically I'm saying restrictions in capacity will take place again within commercial settings in Ontario
09-04-2021 , 06:56 PM
Tell you what - if hair places are forced to completely close by April I will toss $100 to the charity that Bobo supports. I liked when he and another mod did a friendly wager last year and though I was not part of it (I seem to remember one side had pretty much no chance to win) - they both ended up donating and I matched them because I thought it was a cool thing they did. If they do not get closed then you don't have to do anything and I will probably still donate at that time. Just be sure to remind me of this on May 1! As odd as it sounds, I am not much into random gambling, which may sound strange given I have been in this industry a long time, but nearly all my wagering has been done with a huge mathematical advantage, whether that was running an online casino bonus group for a few years or betting against Trumpderps last year or backing poker players with an edge on the population. Actual bets for the sake of betting kind of bore me.

As to your point about some capacity limits being put in place - that I can see going either way, though I just do not see a full blast shut down like the past to mainly benefit the voluntary unvaccinated. Look at the donk who posted above you, who apparently has not seen how 47 year olds are regarded by some in this thread - why should things shut down for people like that. Not sure I see the political will for that move.
09-04-2021 , 08:46 PM
I took a few months hiatus from the internet, Covid information, and Covid statistics and it really cleared my head. I feel like I can judge the current situation better than I ever have, and I also feel emotionally better as well. I suggest everyone here do the same. No one is immune to having their perceptions distorted, especially when there is so much information from so many sources and so little inherent trust for those sources. A funny thing happens when you turn off the news and statistics for long enough. Covid all but disappears. I am amazed now at how different my perception of the threat of Covid is, an effect even more obvious when looking once again at objective data. A break really resets your perception and your cognitive ability to assess the truly objective facts, of which there are few. Some people in this thread are clearly suffering from various symptoms of mental illness; well, this is one cure. So, take a break.

I see that this thread is still polluted with mostly pointless posturing and bickering, so I won’t stay for long, but I am going to drop some observations and source material for anyone interested.

Since my ‘return’ about a week ago I have noticed an objectively true and alarmingly disturbing trend in society. This trend is towards a sort of de facto segregation and/or apartheid for those who refuse to tow the line wrt to vaccines/masks/response compliance. Tooth has mentioned this in a few of his recent posts, and he is correct. It doesn’t surprise me that some people here don’t believe him or throw his observation out, because these people have distorted perceptions and are viewing reality through fear-tinted glasses. They consider totalitarianism to be less of a potential existential threat than the virus. However, they are wrong. It's not an enormous threat yet, but it could become a very serious one the more frustrated, anxious, and divided everyone becomes the longer this ‘pandemic’ goes on. People appear to be suffering what’s known as a mass formation or mass psychosis. I recommend reading this excellent interview with Mattias Desmet (as well as anything else you can get your hands on from him), a pHD in clinical psychology. I have also begun to read “The Origins of Totalitarianism” by Hannah Arendt, and I suggest everyone here who is interested in how the current situation alludes to situations past to get this book. Her deduction is rather astounding.

With that said, let’s go over the other objective facts:

-Vaccines are clearly working at lowering the death rate but do virtually nothing to reduce the spread. In fact, vaccines are artificially selecting against early variations and creating a keyhole that more transmissible mutants pass through, which might be a very bad thing depending on several other assumptions. This obviously makes perfect sense. The virus, in whatever form, is going to find uninfected people to infect. Those with alpha already will not be infected with delta ->if no one can get alpha because of vaccines more people will get delta, mu, etc.

-Vaccines are still almost totally pointless for anyone under the age of 50. If you disagree, here is some simple math for you to understand: chance of covid death in under 50 = (19776 + 501+2630+361)/(361+2630+7501+19776+98973+137149+167533+180608) = 4.92% * chance of dying from covid * chance of getting infected with covid = 0.006% = 1 in 16 666 chance of catching covid and dying from it. If you take a 95% efficacy vaccine that reduces your chances to 1 in 300 000. So you take a small lottery chance and turn it into a slightly smaller lottery chance. In practical terms, it’s the chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime (1 in 15000) being reduced to the chance of having conjoined twins. I know there are people here that will argue against this, but it’s a fact and you can’t deny it. The statistics are publicly available for everyone to see. In another vein, under 49s have a reduced life expectancy of less than a day. Your anecdotal counterexample does not do anything to change this (my uncle died and he’s 45, so there!). With that said, vaccines for anyone over the age of 50 are essential and you could even make an argument mandatory, though on rights abuse issues I disagree.

-Masks (as used) are virtually useless and we may as well bin them

-Lockdowns are virtually useless and not an effective containment strategy

-Covid follows a bizarre and repeating pattern of infection that currently cannot be explained

-the goalposts for governments are constantly changing (slow the spread->keep olds safe->get everyone to 60, 70, 80 now 85% vaccinated->hospitalizations are what matter->low case counts are all that matter)

-the vaccine carrot did not get you what you wanted (covid to be over), and unvaccinated people are not the reason why

-Weight of probability is covid came from a lab in Wuhan

Not really interested in debating or getting sucked into this rabbit hole again so that's all I have for now. Stay well one and all.

Last edited by Wittgenhe!ny; 09-04-2021 at 09:12 PM.
09-04-2021 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Tell you what - if hair places are forced to completely close by April I will toss $100 to the charity that Bobo supports. I liked when he and another mod did a friendly wager last year and though I was not part of it (I seem to remember one side had pretty much no chance to win) - they both ended up donating and I matched them because I thought it was a cool thing they did. If they do not get closed then you don't have to do anything and I will probably still donate at that time. Just be sure to remind me of this on May 1! As odd as it sounds, I am not much into random gambling, which may sound strange given I have been in this industry a long time, but nearly all my wagering has been done with a huge mathematical advantage, whether that was running an online casino bonus group for a few years or betting against Trumpderps last year or backing poker players with an edge on the population. Actual bets for the sake of betting kind of bore me.

As to your point about some capacity limits being put in place - that I can see going either way, though I just do not see a full blast shut down like the past to mainly benefit the voluntary unvaccinated. Look at the donk who posted above you, who apparently has not seen how 47 year olds are regarded by some in this thread - why should things shut down for people like that. Not sure I see the political will for that move.
If hair places close you donate $100 to Bobo's charity. I don't see what I have to do with this. Let's just move on and if we remember this we will remind the other
09-04-2021 , 11:00 PM
Speaking of totalitarianism. More news on the disturbing rise of fascism in Australia.

Unvaccinated Victorians will be prevented from going to "many venues" once the state reopens and the COVID-19 vaccine threshold has been met.
Premier Daniel Andrews warned Victorians that once the state reached its 80 per cent target of double dose vaccinations, unvaccinated people would unlikely be able to enjoy freedoms such as attending events - including sporting matches and even going to restaurants and pubs.
"At 70 and more likely 80 per cent double dose, we will have an opportunity to open up parts of the Victorian economy to those who have been vaccinated," he said.
"What will become a bigger part of our response is a lockout of many venues for those who are not vaccinated.
09-04-2021 , 11:04 PM
And more horse de-wormer news.

‘Cheers’ Star Kirstie Alley, 70, Says She Used Ivermectin, Joe Rogan Protocol To Treat COVID And Recovered In 12 Days
WOW. Didn't realize she was that old.
09-05-2021 , 12:43 AM
Juan Valdelzo,

citing the 5 personality traits lol... so you are a Dr. Peterson incel.

thank you for self reporting.
09-05-2021 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenhe!ny
-the vaccine carrot did not get you what you wanted (covid to be over), and unvaccinated people are not the reason why
It might not have done this but it's certainly allowed vaccinated people to go back to living their lives as if the virus doesn't even exist. I'm an avid American Football fan and turning on my TV to witness fully packed college football stadiums and normal college gameday routines, etc is just fascinating to me when viewing it in comparison to what these sports and sports stadiums looked like prior to the vaccine.

I remember watching the NBA finals and they kept showing the deer district fans which had to be a mid to five figure amount of people cheering closely together outside of the Buck's stadium. Jeff Van Gundy jokingly said that Dr. Fauci must be rolling over right now, and the other color commentators sort of laughed it off for a second before realizing it might not be something to laugh about but it definitely did seem like a total 180 degree turn in the media and thoughout when a month or so prior to that NBA teams didn't even allow fans in their stadiums.
09-05-2021 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
It might not have done this but it's certainly allowed vaccinated people to go back to living their lives as if the virus doesn't even exist.
Welcome to how the rest of us have been living since April 2020.
09-05-2021 , 10:39 AM
Except for all the ones who died along the way.
09-05-2021 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Welcome to how the rest of us have been living since April 2020.
I don't think you are being honest but if you are tell us which fully packed College Stadiums you were in??

And that kind of misses the main point regardless which is if all those who took precautions had not, pre vaccination the numbers of people getting infected and hitting the hospitals and then dying would have pushed most systems to the brink, if not over it.

You only need look at how with a much smaller percent of unvax'd now and society going back to normal the percent of unvax'd clogging up the hospitals.
