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09-03-2021 , 07:27 AM
It's super obvious the whole Ivermectin thing is a ridiculous media offensive, right? I find it hard to believe people actually think Ivermectin is only used for animals. It's approved by the FDA themselves for use on humans, it's been used billions of times. Forget about it's effectiveness vs. covid. These are simple facts which a reasonal person simply can't dispute.

It's just another datapoint of how unreliable the media actually is.
09-03-2021 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by CoolTimer
It's super obvious the whole Ivermectin thing is a ridiculous media offensive, right? I find it hard to believe people actually think Ivermectin is only used for animals. It's approved by the FDA themselves for use on humans, it's been used billions of times. Forget about it's effectiveness vs. covid. These are simple facts which a reasonal person simply can't dispute.

It's just another datapoint of how unreliable the media actually is.
If a significant number of people are attempting to self medicate for Covid by taking ivermectin via horse/animal medicine then of course the Media is going to report on that.

There maybe some sensationalism present, but that is standard of every single issue the media reports on, so thinking there is some special treatment for ivermectin, a campaign as such, is pure absolute tin foil hat.
09-03-2021 , 08:15 AM
The irony is that when one reads his post's first sentence/question - a logical conclusion would be that he is asking if the media companies that are actually pushing this as a preventative alternate medication to a proven vaccine are doing it as some form of media offensive. Just look at Rogan monetizing the product before he got Covid and especially after he got Covid. To his credit, he is an anti-vaxxer that did not get the vaccine. I bet a lot of people who are trying to monetize anti-vaxxers actually are secretly vaccinated.

Also, not quite sure how else people who buy paste for horses from a feed shop are supposed to be covered. They did their own "research," watched the required YouTube videos, listened to the needed podcasts and read the various tweets from non medical people who told them what they wanted to believe. After that they went out and bought horse paste for self medication purposes. Shrug.
09-03-2021 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by airwave16

so we should all still be masking and distancing to avoid production of more new variants.

Lold. Maybe if the “mask up!” zealots like yourself instead focused on something that mattered like ventilation we’d actually have done better.

I’m curious do you actually read studies on this or just regurgitate what your favorite idiot expert’ says?

Did you read the aerosolized olive oil study (that showed surgical masks over first 90 min did worse than nothing, and kn95 with 3mm was totally worthless over the entire period measured)?

Did you read the Bangladeshi study?
Masks work, a little bit, but only if you’re over 50.

Lol how many of these studies get abandoned because they don’t show what places like Yale wanted them to. Massive selection bias and even so the best and most recent 2 are very underwhelming for the amount of effort that’s been put in.

This doesn’t even address masking school children in the US where basically all of Europe disagrees.

Read that article and look at some of the many comments from MDs outraged that it was published, despite literally not being able to point out a single thing he got wrong.

09-03-2021 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
I’m curious do you actually read studies on this or just regurgitate what your favorite idiot expert’ says?
You go on to do exactly this.

I mean its not clear if even the image you post is talking about prevention to others or the wearer, if the prevention to others (the main reason for wearing masks) is that high from wearing masks, then of course in any setting where you cant control the age group you might encounter then of course you should wear one. If its only talking about the protection to the wearer, then its completely worthless.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 09-03-2021 at 08:45 AM.
09-03-2021 , 09:49 AM
Does anyone know the median death age of the delta variant? Can't find it anywhere.
09-03-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
If a significant number of people are attempting to self medicate for Covid by taking ivermectin via horse/animal medicine then of course the Media is going to report on that.

There maybe some sensationalism present, but that is standard of every single issue the media reports on, so thinking there is some special treatment for ivermectin, a campaign as such, is pure absolute tin foil hat.
That's not what the media is reporting on, lol. They aren't concerned that people are overdosing on horse/animal medicine, they don't give a *** about that. They are literally telling people not to take ivermectin because it's designed for animals, which is a ridiculous claim to make, and it's blatantly obvious as well. People defending the media on this one are a special breed.
09-03-2021 , 11:25 AM
The people that are self medicating are generally buying the animal stuff, because it sits on a shelf in a feed store. Otherwise they would need a prescription, and odds are most doctors will not hand those out casually.

You tell me, is the stuff in the package with the happy horse designed for human use in the form it is in? That's the stuff people are buying. GiddyUp!
09-03-2021 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
If a significant number of people are attempting to self medicate for Covid by taking ivermectin via horse/animal medicine then of course the Media is going to report on that.

There maybe some sensationalism present, but that is standard of every single issue the media reports on, so thinking there is some special treatment for ivermectin, a campaign as such, is pure absolute tin foil hat.
Isn't the version made for animals also not ideal for peeps?
09-03-2021 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
The people that are self medicating are generally buying the animal stuff, because it sits on a shelf in a feed store. Otherwise they would need a prescription, and odds are most doctors will not hand those out casually.

You tell me, is the stuff in the package with the happy horse designed for human use in the form it is in? That's the stuff people are buying. GiddyUp!
?? You can buy it over the counter in tons of countries. You can even order it online at clearnet ffs, no need for tor. This isn't some obscure medicine, that's the entire point. It's so inconsistent to push for a vaccine, yet **** on ivermectin. The vaccine has so much more unknown unknowns than ivermectin has.

Downside of ivermectin: Some known side-effects.
Upside: At this point there's tons of research pointing to lower hospitalizations and death rate, especially when given very early. Worth a shot me thinks.
09-03-2021 , 01:17 PM
The UK's vaccine advisory body has refused to give the green light to vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15 years old on health grounds alone.

But the UK's four chief medical officers have been asked to have the final say based on the wider impact on schools and society.

The government could still decide to offer the vaccines based on their assessment.

as we like to lefty bash I'll mention that as a lefty I side with the advisory body and oppose vaccinating kids unless it's in their own health interest.
09-03-2021 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
People who disagree with me are obviously effeminate is a new one.

Such a total arse clown perspective, I can hear your manly knuckles dragging across the ground.

PS I did not have to include an argument because I was not replying to one, I was replying to your personal fantasy stated as fact.
It's not people that disagree with me, its just common knowledge that the left of libs lean more feminine temperamentally. We know and can predict people politics derive from their big 5 personality traits. Of course things are complicated and its not always a straight line, but yes woke men have a feminine personality

This becomes toxic at a point. Just like you had the architype of a knuckle dragger in your head, we know the saying "loser in their mothers basement". They don't say fathers basement for a reason. Its excess empathy, coddling, and maternal perspective becoming pathological. Its the same with the tv show intervention where the first thing they do to cure the victim is to train their family to not be enablers. They are manipulated by the attic to support them. Even dogs know how to beg for treats and prey upon empathy. We se this pathology in 120lb 5 year old kids

As some wise poster once pointed out there seems to be a "muh freedoms" crowd and it seems to be right wing. Correct. Just like its more of a paternal role/instinct to kick an adult out of the nest, its also masculine/paternal instinct to prioritize individual growth, independence, and freedom. Toxic femininity want to coddle from all danger to the point of harm. People with elevated testosterone actually take more risks.

Everybody kind of knows this by observing the highly effeminate men left of liberal. Of course there are weirdos on the internet with the social skills of a robot who demand explanation

This is a 2p2 poster who struggles to beat online micro stakes games. I pillar in the 2p2 far left politics community. Obviously a scrawny low T ccat lover

A far left college prof

This is the latest far left activist on the news. Scrawny effeminate commie activist. Of course

Its even obvious in who reports the news for who. The women on fox news like laura ingraham and jeanine pirro have a more masculine personality that don lemon, brian stelter, and anderson cooper. Rachael maddow is a neurotic cat mom

A couple of distinguishing differences between men and women is agreeableness and neuroticism. Conservatives are higher in conscientiousness and libs more in openness (creativity). You can also notice this on the forum where low conscientious posters have astronomical post counts and are far left politically

from pew research

Notice the different personality characteristics here. pretty obvious

We could also look at a basic if only X voted map

There's a discussion to be had about freedom and restrictions. I don't think garth brooks having a 50k stadium packed a the beginning of the pandy is a good idea because "muh freedoms". On the flip side, lets be real. People at insanely low risk are terrified neurotic disasters. No reasonable level of safety or protection will calm them down. Effeminate men are leading the charge on vaccine passports and even geo location apps. This is extreme personality and pathologic fear, coddling, infantilizing, and ultimately control. Its the neurotic cat mom bringing hot pockets down to feed their 400lb 30 year old son in the basement.
09-03-2021 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
If a significant number of people are attempting to self medicate for Covid by taking ivermectin via horse/animal medicine then of course the Media is going to report on that.

There maybe some sensationalism present, but that is standard of every single issue the media reports on, so thinking there is some special treatment for ivermectin, a campaign as such, is pure absolute tin foil hat.
You are completely missing the plot. It is blatantly dishonest reporting. Its the same game being played across the left wing media. Joe Rogan obviously didn't take horse de-wormer just like he doesn't get his steroids from a golds gym shower room

We see over and over again in this thread and across social media, complete rubes lap this completely transparent stupidity. Do people think drugs are invented for animals and then we just experiment with them on humans... or perhaps is it usually the other way around?

Google is not hard

This doesn't mean that ivermectin is effective in treating covid or that there isn't people buying horse de-wormer online. It does mean that people parroting the sentiment of this headline are total rubes though
09-03-2021 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
It's not people that disagree with me, its just common knowledge that the left of libs lean more feminine temperamentally.
This is just an opinion held by yourself and maybe your echo chamber peer group that you are stating as a fact.

It must be true because you have one video of one professor.

That is your standard of "evidence".

That and the women on Fox look more masculine to me, you win the prize for dumbest most stupid ******ed argument on the internet today.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 09-03-2021 at 02:20 PM.
09-03-2021 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

Self medicating with any drug without medical advice when its not known to work is beyond dumb, not just because it does not work but because drugs are complicated and have interactions and you need to take the correct dose etc.

If you are on any other type of medication its beyond super dumb, because some drugs block other drugs etc.


You are completely missing the point, surprise surprise.

Yes there is some sensationalisation going on, the point is this is super super super standard for the media and they are not treating this subject any different to any other.

If you want to suggest that its only the "left" wing media, of which there is barely any anyway, the majority being centre right, but that is another topic, that exaggerates topics, then again that is just you being unable to detach reality from your highly self centric subjective opinion.

Again, yes of course the standard of journalism and reportage could be higher/better, but it is no worse on this subject than it is on any other.
09-03-2021 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

Its even obvious in who reports the news for who. The women on fox news like laura ingraham and jeanine pirro have a more masculine personality that don lemon, brian stelter, and anderson cooper. Rachael maddow is a neurotic cat mom
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
This is just an opinion held by yourself and maybe your echo chamber peer group that you are stating as a fact.

It must be true because you have one video of one professor.

That is your standard of "evidence".

That and the women on Fox look more masculine to me, you win the prize for dumbest most stupid ******ed argument on the internet today.
There's this constant theme in your last handful of posts where you completely lose the plot and enter fantasy world with all sorts of spin and dishonesty. I really don't have the patience to untangle every instance of ridiculous spin and stupidity.

The bolded highlights some of it as you punctuate your completely transparent act of clownery with yet another claim that its the dumbest thing you read on the internet

To people with the social skills greater than a robot diagnosed with a few screws missing, noticing masculine and feminine personality is obvious. Providing normal people who aren't embarrassed by spasticly spinning things, Observing Laura Ingraham has a more masculine personality than Brian Stelter and a right wing audience is obvious

I honestly didn't read your arguments about sweden earlier in this thread. I'm sure they were brilliant. One thing that I thought I remembered was that you proclaimed you were quitting the thread and here you are waterboarding us with this unhinged clownshow. If that's the case, you've joined elite company in mountroy and shuffle
09-03-2021 , 03:23 PM
I have asked a few posters here who they consider to be "good" posters, so it would certainly be interesting to see someone as toxic as you offer an answer to that. The others, despite proclaiming that this thread produces excellent conversation from the regs, refuse to name any of them that actually do this, which is interesting.

Thus, who in your special opinion do you consider to be good posters in this thread. If you consider this question as being too feminine for your taste, that's fine. You have made your disdain of all things you categorize as female pretty clear in a fairly mundane incel manner.
09-03-2021 , 03:27 PM

He's 54 so maybe that age is higher than 1/10 group avg

Roughly 150 unhealthy Texas Males his age died this year with Covid.

Joe Rogan is white, non-obese, non-diabetic - that health profile isn't found within that 150 number.
09-03-2021 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
100% pure derp
What is amazing is that you are so incredibly stupid and ignorant in such a quintessential way, is that you think the above represents an argument.

Everyone can just see what I see, that is no way go through life son.

That is not it though, using the alleged masculinity of one female newsreader to predicate such a complete world view, this is just beyond moron, it special.

You are special, but not in a good way.
09-03-2021 , 03:39 PM
juan valdez,

which sect of incel do self report as?

my bet is Dr. Peterson. ( pre brain damage)
09-03-2021 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I have asked a few posters here who they consider to be "good" posters, so it would certainly be interesting to see someone as toxic as you offer an answer to that. The others, despite proclaiming that this thread produces excellent conversation from the regs, refuse to name any of them that actually do this, which is interesting.

Thus, who in your special opinion do you consider to be good posters in this thread. If you consider this question as being too feminine for your taste, that's fine. You have made your disdain of all things you categorize as female pretty clear in a fairly mundane incel manner.
In keeping with your persona as a midwit troll, you have completely misrepresented my point to where we are dealing with your cartoon world.

I never criticized women for being feminine, I pointed out that effeminate men are leading the crusade in a pathologic form of destructive feminine/maternal behavior. Obviously the vast majority of women don't have 150lb 6 year olds or a 400lb adult/child loser living in the basement. Or Hunter Biden

As a customer to the insane asylum left wing community in the politics section here you've also observed these (as pictured) scrawny low t life losers petting their cats and perplexed as to how people could oppose people born with penises competing with women in sports. As a community of effeminate men who probably had their sisters pin them down and take the tv remote daily, all of these things are colored by your experiences in the world. I'm just kindly pointing out that you're outliers and weird people.

I asked you a simple question based on your own opinions earlier and you point blank refused to answer and opted to troll instead. Since I possess the leaderships skills and courage to express myself unlike an insecure troll who tries to dunk on conspiracy theorists 6k times like a mentally unwell dolt, I will be happy to answer your question even though its sole purpose is to generate more trolling

Posters bring forward information and opinions are valuable. The ability to argue them even weakly is valuable. The effort to argue against things you believe are wrong is valuable. It all contributes to sense making and understanding of a situation. What isn't helpful is habitual trolling with zero attempt at even expressing your own opinion about your own post. Arguments so bad they last pages of insane drivel. Posters that miss the point so badly that it appears they aren't even reading the post they're responding to. It just results in idiotic noise. I think its safe to say we have identified who offers up idiotic noise.

Posters providing what I have described prior provide cumulative value across time. It's not that any single post is ground breaking or earth shattering and should earn anyone a purple heart.

Hope that helps sweetheart. Happy trolling
09-03-2021 , 03:56 PM
I noticed that you did not actually answer the simple question of naming specific posters you consider as good posters in this thread, but you did make it clear that you really do hate women again while complaining if others do not answer questions to you in a way you prefer. Seems your toxic post made you feel happier about yourself temporarily, which does fit the incel profile. Note, you are welcome to be whatever type of incel lifestyle you prefer - I do not care in the slightest the same way I do not care what form of inoculation people choose with Covid.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Sharing is caring.
09-03-2021 , 03:58 PM
Its comedy gold in this thread.

I dont think any top tier comedian could come up with:

I will support X perspective via the masculinity of female fox newsreaders.

The irony is that the moment any man starts claiming me more manly than though, of course this is the blazing klaxon of radical insecurity, secure men never ever make this claim.

All Juan has done is put the blazing inferno of radical inadequacy that burns in his soul on show for everyone to see.
09-03-2021 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
What is amazing is that you are so incredibly stupid and ignorant in such a quintessential way, is that you think the above represents an argument.

Everyone can just see what I see, that is no way go through life son.

That is not it though, using the alleged masculinity of one female newsreader to predicate such a complete world view, this is just beyond moron, it special.

You are special, but not in a good way.
That never happened though. Anyone reading the page can see this crystal clear. I told you repeatedly that I don't have the patience to untangle your dishonest spin which is apart of every single one of your posts.

Glassglazer aka max cuts spirit animal

you have no idea how much it hurts my feelings calling me an incel, while not being an incel. please make it stop. my fragile emotions are on a rollercoaster

thanks again for your contribution to this thread. This is right on par with the rest of your posts
09-03-2021 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
That never happened though.
It absolutely happened.

The women on fox news like laura ingraham and jeanine pirro have a more masculine personality
Maybe you dont understand the extension of your own arguments, given you are stupid enough to make such arguments, that would seem more than likely.

Ok it was two readers, that changes nothing, obviously.

Tell us again how your political views make you more masculine.
