Welcome to an uncontrollable pandemic. This can't be contained without total border closures and lockdowns China-style.
Had a window of about 5 weeks in China where they could have contained it if they weren't an evil dicatatorship, and about 2-3 weeks in the rest of the world had the WHO head not been bought/pressured/bamboozled by the Chinese.
There's still a tiny chance that this isn't as lethal as China shows but it's small at this point; I've been through the math and evidence in the 2020 trading thread weeks ago and more data since then has only made the opinion stronger.
The hospitalization rates of 15% mean services will be overwhelmed and the death rate will go up a lot without treatment. Total border closure and lockdowns will be the only way to prevent a Wuhan nightmare in multiple cities.
There's a chance that spring (mid April) will slow infection rates, it's the only hope I see at this point and it's not high odds.
Last edited by ToothSayer; 02-26-2020 at 09:27 PM.