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08-24-2021 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Anybody can post on VAERS. You can go on there rn and post the vaccine made you blind
That would be a violation of Federal law but sure go for it.
08-24-2021 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Dates: 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013

Results: VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children

So your new experimental MRNA technology injection, that is in stage 3 human clinical trials until 2022/2023, has killed more than 3x as many people than this entire 16 year period combined in just 6 months... And now you are so sick in the head and brainwashed by propaganda that you want to start injecting children with it?
You Use brute death count without knowing how many vaccine shot that 2000 death represents prior to covid ?
And anybody can make claims with that vaers organisation .

It’s very scientific …..

As trials and errors gets bigger , confidence results should increase right ?
We are already at 350 millions shot with a death rate of 1/52000 trials .
But your not scared of covid with a death rate of 1/100 , shrug .
I can’t help you there if you think 50000 is not massively , massively , massively less dangerous than 100.

And 350+ millions trials is extraordinary big ….,

Ps: like I said previously I’m not in a favour of obligatory vaccination toward anyone , including kids .
It’s up to personal views to decide with which risks they accept to live with ….
Im just bringing context on , where people being scared by vaccines, aren’t base on rational fears when you take into account the probabilistic side.

Vs the unknown , I usually go to the side with the best probabilities .
52000 try divide by 365 days = we could play this game everyday for 142 years before I died from a vaccine shot ….
While with covid it would be around 3 months , shrug .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-24-2021 at 06:19 PM.
08-24-2021 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
You're the one who brought up the childish "You wouldn't say that to my face" bs. Remember? So you won't tell me where you live? Called it. Coward.
As they say FLOL. You created a gimmick for the sole purpose to talk trash and wish death on my worthless life. "Childish"

So you routinely wish death on people in person for..... things like discussing how good masks are and if ADE is going to happen with vaccines? Very interesting, how many teeth do you have left?
08-24-2021 , 06:21 PM
Not even Tooth had gimmick accounts coming after him. TooCuriousso1 really said something extreme.
08-24-2021 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Dates: 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013

Results: VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children

So your new experimental MRNA technology injection, that is in stage 3 human clinical trials until 2022/2023, has killed more than 3x as many people than this entire 16 year period combined in just 6 months... And now you are so sick in the head and brainwashed by propaganda that you want to start injecting children with it?
Olaf, are you okay with adults above 30 getting injected with the vaccine?
08-24-2021 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
If you had a functioning brain you would have noticed that I created several accounts just to insult Tootsie, the narcissistic cocaine addict. Keep up, Grandpa.
Can you list the names of the accounts you made? Just for fun.

Is this LeoTrollstoy by any chance? Guy made a lot of accounts that got banned and always made funny usernames.
08-24-2021 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Lol, they started giving the boosters how long ago? A month or less.

And they are once again already proven to work! The first shots were proven to work. Now the booster shots that had to be taken because the first shots actually didn't work are proven to work. SCIENCE!
I guess you are trying to be sarcastic but you are actually saying random things, none of which prove the vaccines don't work and in fact prove the opposite.

Vaccine works incredibly well vs original variant for which it was designed. Better than even the most optimistic projections although Shuffle will tell you they are really a pump and dump scam.

Works less well against Delta strain, but still provides a high level of protection against hospitalization and death, which you define as "not working".

Works even better against Delta with booster, to the point that early Israeli data shows it is helping wipe out any surge caused by waning immunity vs Delta.

All of which you think somehow proves the vaccines "don't work".
08-24-2021 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Not even Tooth had gimmick accounts coming after him. TooCuriousso1 really said something extreme.
Yeah idk prob won a bunch off him at poker at something.

Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
"discussing",lol. Wait till October/November, then you can "discuss" with the doctor in ICU. Oh wait, no, you actually can't because of the tube in your lung. ¯\_o_/¯

Why do you think this? I've had the vaccine. So unless it's ADE that does it.
My mask position is pretty simple. Low quality masks do little, certainly improperly worn. I prefer keeping distance, circulating air, and big spaces, over the garbage that is surgical and cloth masks as the literal science posted itt shows. And I have a supply of N95s when I feel it's appropriate.

Also had the delta booster 6 days ago ¯\_o_/¯
Which happened from [also] vaccinated parents that came to visit who ultimately gave it to everyone (all vaccinated).
Sorry to tell you, unless you live in a cave (which by the sounds of it you very well might), it's coming for you. Your piece of **** cloth isn't going to protect you or end this pandemic.

Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Just fyi likely high correlation with typing that little figure and being a complete loser.

Anyways, I suspect that's the last we'll hear from you, if so bye it's been fun.
08-24-2021 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I guess you are trying to be sarcastic but you are actually saying random things, none of which prove the vaccines don't work and in fact prove the opposite.

Vaccine works incredibly well vs original variant for which it was designed. Better than even the most optimistic projections although Shuffle will tell you they are really a pump and dump scam.

Works less well against Delta strain, but still provides a high level of protection against hospitalization and death, which you define as "not working".

Works even better against Delta with booster, to the point that early Israeli data shows it is helping wipe out any surge caused by waning immunity vs Delta.

All of which you think somehow proves the vaccines "don't work".
Great post.
Fwiw, we are in a point in society where people are fightings probabilities laws which obviously is incredibly accurate and well understood.
You can’t reason with people once that barrier is cross imo .

Same thing with climate changes being cause by human .
We reach the golden ratio of sigma 5 of confidence in probabilities for climate changes and still massive part of population disagree .

No point continuing ….I’m out .

Ps: I guess that is why poker and stock market are still massively profitable .
08-24-2021 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Lol, they started giving the boosters how long ago? A month or less.

And they are once again already proven to work! The first shots were proven to work. Now the booster shots that had to be taken because the first shots actually didn't work are proven to work. SCIENCE!
I also love science, especially when it's clear.

Originally Posted by nutella virus
Anybody can post on VAERS. You can go on there rn and post the vaccine made you blind
Here's an actual doctor talking about VAERS, fwiw.

BREAKING: The FDA has granted full approval to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, despite significant side effects & deaths being reported in the VAERS system.

Medical trials are not scheduled to be complete until April 2023.

This is the most deadly medication “approval” is history.

Last edited by Werner Klopek; 08-24-2021 at 07:40 PM.
08-24-2021 , 07:35 PM
I assume when (not if) the booster shots are effective that the message pivot will be more toward the sheeple getting the untested (heh to those who think FDA approval would change the needle with derps) evil microchip/Gates juice. Your guys messaging has been so much of a mess that it is kind of fun to predict it, but feel free to toss in your thoughts as to the next anti-vaxx messaging campaign when the boosters are effective.

We can all enjoy watching whatever that messaging is as the vast bulk of people croaking continue to be those who choose not to get the vaccine. Annoying the medical expenses and overworked medical system the unvaccinated choosing their body, their choice, their corpse represent, but sometimes society has to pay for those short term costs.
08-24-2021 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Werner Klopek
I also love science, especially when it's clear.

This nails it on the ****ing head.
08-24-2021 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I guess you are trying to be sarcastic but you are actually saying random things, none of which prove the vaccines don't work and in fact prove the opposite.

Vaccine works incredibly well vs original variant for which it was designed. Better than even the most optimistic projections although Shuffle will tell you they are really a pump and dump scam.

Works less well against Delta strain, but still provides a high level of protection against hospitalization and death, which you define as "not working".

Works even better against Delta with booster, to the point that early Israeli data shows it is helping wipe out any surge caused by waning immunity vs Delta.

All of which you think somehow proves the vaccines "don't work".
Did they not know there would be variants? They likely 100% knew there would be variants. Yet they said, get the vaccine and you will be good. They didn't put any other info out there about how when the variants come you will be ****ed.

So when they give a ****ing vaccine for COVID. And it doesn't work for COVID, then the vaccine doesn't ****ing work. I don't care that it's some slightly different version of COVID. It's still ****ing COVID. If it ****ing worked they wouldn't be lining the world up for more shots after they already got them.

And you are still running on some bullshit short timeline. The photo above says it all. Nothing can be proven to work in such a small time.

It works until it doesn't the next week.

This thread should be ended with that ****ing picture
08-24-2021 , 09:24 PM
Unvaccinated people are about 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated, according to a study released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The new study, published in the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, also found that unvaccinated people were nearly five times more likely to be infected with Covid than people who got the shots.
"vaccines don't work"
08-24-2021 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
This nails it on the ****ing head.
"Science" means you must do what they say at all times. That's the definition of the word.
08-24-2021 , 09:38 PM
"covid is a health tax on the young and healthy"

agree or disagree?
08-24-2021 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
"vaccines don't work"
Because they worked for a few months, that means they work? They are already falling apart and boosters needed.

Will the boosters increase protection for longer periods of time or will it turn to where you need a booster every week because the body reacts less and less to it each time and you no longer have the ability to fight it naturally so your hooked on their juice?

Let the time tell.

I would say common sense says, that if 2 shots wear off so damn quickly, the more shots you get, they will start to wear quicker and quicker, while they claim it will be the opposite. And when that happens you will all know you've been had.

Are they regularly testing all the people who get the vaccine? If not, how would they know if someone who got the vaccine is 5 times less likely to get covid? Please tell me how they came to that stat.

And even when you answer that which I'll eagerly await, keep in mind that people who get the vaccine are also more likely to live a more conservative lifestyle and be less exposed to covid as a whole.

And why is it 29 times more likely to be hospitalized when all the numbers have been 99% of people hospitalized are non vaccinated? Are they dropping rapidly?

Last edited by onemoretimes; 08-24-2021 at 09:51 PM.
08-24-2021 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
"covid is a health tax on the young and healthy"

agree or disagree?

If I ever make it to 80, I hope I'm not selfish enough to expect the strong to take risks with themselves so I can drag on a few more years.
08-24-2021 , 10:19 PM
I hope if you make it to 80 you will stop being an anti vaxxer.

The Alabama Department of Public Health has released new data to show just how effective vaccinations are against COVID-19.

ADPH reports that between April 1 and Aug. 18, a total of 89.8% of the state’s coronavirus cases were among those who were unvaccinated against the disease. In the same time period, ADPH reports that 94.1% of all COVID-19 deaths were among those who were not vaccinated.

Of the 8,787 people who have died in Texas due to COVID-19 since early February, at least 43 were fully vaccinated, the Texas Department of State Health Services said.

That means 99.5% of people who died due to COVID-19 in Texas from Feb. 8 to July 14 were unvaccinated, while 0.5% were the result of “breakthrough infections,” which DSHS defines as people who contracted the virus two weeks after being fully vaccinated.
The evidence is overwhelming. Vaccines work.

Probably high EV+ for everyone above 30.
08-24-2021 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
"vaccines don't work"
So if I receive my first dose on July 14th, my second dose August 14th and go to the hospital and die on August 21st..that is considered an unvaccinated hospitalization and death according to your CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

Trust The Science.
08-24-2021 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1

Scroll and take note of rate/100k of <18
Thanks for this link.
08-24-2021 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I hope if you make it to 80 you will stop being an anti vaxxer.

The evidence is overwhelming. Vaccines work.

Probably high EV+ for everyone above 30.
Lol, did you not see the picture? What is that picture going to look like 1 year from now?
08-24-2021 , 10:46 PM
You look at pictures.

I look at raw data.
08-24-2021 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
You look at pictures.

I look at raw data.
Drank a glass of water, 5 minutes later I was still alive. Water makes you live forever. The data shows it.

We had 7 billion people drink a glass of water and 5 minutes later they were all still alive! Drink water for immortality!

0 people died or got sick! Take the water!

That's the "data" you are running off.
08-24-2021 , 11:04 PM
Here is raw data:

Weekly death numbers for age groups. I look at those numbers. I look at aggregate death numbers due to covid for countries, I compare that to vaccines numbers, and I make up my mind whether vaccines work or not. I don't look at pictures, facebook posts, or twitter posts.

List of reasons why you should not get vaccines:

Covid doesn't exist
Nano technology injected into you via vaccines
Will make you sterile
Experimental Vaccine
Not FDA Approved
Something else <-------- We are here
