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Coronavirus Coronavirus

08-24-2021 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Well in your (extremely stupid and gullible) case it works like "Hurr durr, told you, I've been right all along, hurr durr"

Funny how you scream for your mommy, but in any other case it's "Hurr durr, muh freedom of speech, hurr durr"

Do you really think I don't know I will be banned and deleted in 5 minutes top? What a stupid gullible moron you are, lol.

Fitness challenge or gtfo
08-24-2021 , 01:50 PM
Everyone knows a challenge in this thread has to be the biathlon of pull-ups and property ownership.
08-24-2021 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Well in your (extremely stupid and gullible) case it works like "Hurr durr, told you, I've been right all along, hurr durr"

Funny how you scream for your mommy, but in any other case it's "Hurr durr, muh freedom of speech, hurr durr"

Do you really think I don't know I will be banned and deleted in 5 minutes top? What a stupid gullible moron you are, lol.
This is embarassing on so many levels.
08-24-2021 , 02:14 PM
While you guys are still arguing whether masks are effective or not 18 months into a "pandemic", you are missing a key point: prolonged mask use is unhealthy, and might cause bacterial pneumonia to develop.

Which is a good thing because then you can count that death as a covid death, creating a never ending loop of bullshit.
08-24-2021 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You were the one who said you liked to follow him. Every click you do is money for him. You don't have to send him money on Paypal to be monetized.
I like following him in the sense that there is a chance I discover information and truth earlier than I otherwise would have.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
You were the one who said you liked to follow him. Every click you do is money for him. You don't have to send him money on Paypal to be monetized.
You mean like this?

Originally Posted by Monteroy
I did do a quick read .
I guess we were both monetized by an anti vaxxer in the same capacity. I sure hope you can find a way to get to sleep tonight and not mull over it.

Were you a high level poker player? It's interesting to me you've taken such a keen interest in the rig thread. Is there something about your poker playing experience that you think drives you to do so?
08-24-2021 , 02:17 PM
If by the same capacity you mean that I clicked his Twitter once, and you follow him and click many more times than once - well, I guess you got me with that. No difference whatsoever!

My online gambling experience is an unconventional one. I started in this industry long ago when I organized a fairly large bonus whoring team that targeted online casinos mainly, and we tossed in some poker (much slower returns) through affiliates I setup (some of which are still going today). The team got several online casinos at the time to ban (or bonus restrict) the entire country of Canada (we always thought that was funny when it happened). I have backed a ton of players for a long time since, and last year I kickstarted the old team (none were actual gamblers, as no real gamblers were allowed) and we charged full on with the political betting opportunity that 2020 presented, which was literally a once in a decade plus situation (add in the surge in Crypto for an unexpected bonus). I have posted a lot of details of the casino stuff in various threads here, and I will eventually post on the political stuff (never know, it may happen again to a smaller degree). Safe to say I have learned that if any system has a flaw then someone will discover it and break it, which is probably why I am not a believer of silly conspiracies that only the nutjobs can see but never prove.

Originally Posted by Werner Klopek
While you guys are still arguing whether masks are effective or not 18 months into a "pandemic", you are missing a key point: prolonged mask use is unhealthy, and might cause bacterial pneumonia to develop.

Which is a good thing because then you can count that death as a covid death, creating a never ending loop of bullshit.
You don't trust actual scientists, so why should you be trusted when you pretend to be one.

Last edited by Monteroy; 08-24-2021 at 02:27 PM.
08-24-2021 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Werner Klopek
While you guys are still arguing whether masks are effective or not 18 months into a "pandemic", you are missing a key point: prolonged mask use is unhealthy, and might cause bacterial pneumonia to develop.

Which is a good thing because then you can count that death as a covid death, creating a never ending loop of bullshit.
Having observed your posts in politics and here, you now score 100% on the russian shill score.

Major signs.

[ X ] All political parties/entities are the same, all ****, all bad.

[ X ] All solutions to significant problems proposed by the technocracy are false or fake, the problem probably does not even exist.

[ X ] Low post count, posts almost exclusively in threads where you get to promote the above.
08-24-2021 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Having observed your posts in politics and here, you now score 100% on the russian shill score.

Major signs.

[ X ] All political parties/entities are the same, all ****, all bad.

[ X ] All solutions to significant problems proposed by the technocracy are false or fake, the problem probably does not even exist.

[ X ] Low post count, posts almost exclusively in threads where you get to promote the above.
Sir this isn't Reddit, you'll have to do better.

Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Implications for Future Pandemic Planning

The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.
Dentists are warning about the health issues tied to prolonged use of a mask to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Improper use of medical masks can cause infections

N95 masks useful only in intensive care when worn by health personnel, infectious diseases physicians say
See the key word there? Health personnel. You're not supposed to wear masks for days on end, especially without proper care. And most people are not surgeons, let's put it this way.

Meanwhile claims that "masks lower your risk of COVID-19 by at least 70%". Not even close for most types of masks.

But go on with the usual strawman, a solid strategy when you don't have arguments.
08-24-2021 , 02:47 PM
In Soviet Russia, mask wears you.
08-24-2021 , 03:13 PM

All I was expressing was that a criticism consisting of “science was wrong about x, therefore y” is garbage. Every framework we have for decision making or knowledge accumulation has been wrong many times. The critique sucks.

I’m perfectly open to critiquing scientism. I agree that short term, unreplicated, often shoddy p-hacking done by some grad student who doesn’t understand statistics AT ALL is often presented by the media as HOT FRESH KNOWLEDGE. I agree that smarter than average humans should often go off their own cost/benefit analysis in novel contexts rather than rely on recent, scant research.

Still, you seem to go too far discounting a driving force behind the world we have today.
08-24-2021 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes

I'm not really worried from dying from the actual vaccine. What I'm worried about is taking it and screwing up my immune system that I have had no issues with. Where are the stats that show how well you fight covid after your vaccine wears off compared to people who never took the vaccine in the first place? Oh ya, they have no idea.

Where are the stats that show how well people fight covid that have never had the flu shot compared to people that do? The fact they don't have this out there lets you know the numbers aren't good.

So in the end, if the vaccine has adverse results, it won't be from dying from the actual vaccine, it will be from a sickness death that the person couldn't handle because they screwed up their immune system with the vaccine. And I can guarantee it won't be listed as a vaccine death.
Why you think vaccine would take years to deploy side affects when its clearly less dangerous and less concentrate than the virus itself ?
what ingredients you think are dangerous inside vaccine that would take years to emerge ???

Well i hope you apply all of this vs every medications from medical science provides because its the same damn thing....
How many time some old people dies because they mix medications by accidents ?

its ok to be "scared" or "paranoid" but at some point you have to correctly evaluate the dangers you speak about are already present like in multiple medications risks.

People that are almost 100% against vaccines should be against medications as well.

ps:im not a medical expert researcher but dont you think with the amount of computing power today with AI and billions of simulations about reactions from medications , vaccines and the like, unavailable just decades ago, would make vaccines today even more safer by a wide margin than what was created before ?

And before, vaccine did not do what your doom concern is worryed about .
Why today it would be more dangerous with better equipment, knowledge, test, etc....?

PSS: To me your talking about probabilities odds that are similar to risk of being hit by a lightning, yet 2 000 people per years dies from lighting strike....

"About 240,000 incidents regarding lightning strikes happen globally each year.[11]

According to National Geographic, annually about 2,000 people are killed worldwide by lightning.[12] According to these figures, then, the average human has roughly a one in 60,000 to 80,000 chance of falling victim to lightning in a lifetime of about 65–70 years."

From previous source i gave already, "More than 357 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 16, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death.."
that ends up around 1 chance on 52 000 to die from vaccine -> hit by lightning 1 chance on 60 000, shrug.

Do not come out of your house when it rains.

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-24-2021 at 03:56 PM.
08-24-2021 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Funny, in a few weeks you will catch covid, your lung will be working at 10% capacity afterwards and then you will look at this stupid little post and you will cry like the little ***** that you are. Why don't you just gtfo and enjoy the last few "normal" weeks you have left?
Make a new username and insult me too. I feel left out.
08-24-2021 , 04:09 PM
Stupid attention whore. Old fart.

Didn't hurt my feelings enough.

But I like the spicyness in your veins.
08-24-2021 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Stupid attention whore. Old fart.

Didn't hurt my feelings enough.

But I like the spicyness in your veins.
he must be a stalker, how the fack he knows your old ?
08-24-2021 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
What are your thoughts of your team of anti-maskers as seen in this thread, and their general beliefs? Quite the herd galloping along these days.
I have no issue with anti maskers. Masks are useless. Have never been proven to do anything vs covid.

The only thing that works vs covid is being away from infected people and vaccines.
08-24-2021 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Funny, in a few weeks you will catch covid, your lung will be working at 10% capacity afterwards and then you will look at this stupid little post and you will cry like the little ***** that you are. Why don't you just gtfo and enjoy the last few "normal" weeks you have left?
I mean I assumed this was QPs gimmick, but idk anymore, gasket completely blown if so.

You are hiding behind a gimmick calling people names that you would never have the courage to in person. Funny that.
08-24-2021 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Why you think vaccine would take years to deploy side affects when its clearly less dangerous and less concentrate than the virus itself ?............
Bc if people aren't dropping like flies then it's on to the next unprovable problem. We'll all be sorry when all that's left is vaccine truthers to repopulate the earth
08-24-2021 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Derpee boy, this isn't how most of Covid is being spread.

Look at the majority of places where covid is spread. 10% masks have been absolutely useless in these places.
The argument is not over the most likely place covid is spread so GTFOH with this version of the 'fix it 100% or do nothing' type argument.

For people who take covid precautions seriously and do not gather indoors with others during peak spread, the main areas of incidental contact will be when they are forced to go out and into situations like the grocery store, or an appointment. Incidental, brief contacts that CANNOT be avoided.

For those people the masks work fine.

i've never argued for masks being very useful in any longer term, closed air setting, but even then they could potentially help depending on how good the air circulation/exchange is in the building.

And to TooCuriousso I would disagree. Velocity of breath would be more impactful then the redirect for those nearby in most instances, especially if there is any decent air ventilation to dilute and break the breath up before it reaches you.

Last edited by Cuepee; 08-24-2021 at 05:02 PM.
08-24-2021 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

From previous source i gave already, "More than 357 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 16, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death.."
that ends up around 1 chance on 52 000 to die from vaccine -> hit by lightning 1 chance on 60 000, shrug.

Do not come out of your house when it rains.
Dates: 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013

Results: VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children

So your new experimental MRNA technology injection, that is in stage 3 human clinical trials until 2022/2023, has killed more than 3x as many people than this entire 16 year period combined in just 6 months... And now you are so sick in the head and brainwashed by propaganda that you want to start injecting children with it?
08-24-2021 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Try looking in the mirror and/or think about your life.

No no no, Covid is harmless, please spend lots of time in crowded places without a mask, it's proven that it's totally safe.

Aww, the "I am strong and you are a coward" routine. Cute. You will think about this as well when there's a plastic tube in your lung and you try to beg the doctors to save your worthless life.

When will you finally realize that Covid is nature's way to get rid of the bottom feeding morons? Well, you will, soon enough.

And of course I would call you names to your face. If you had the courage to tell me your address. But we both know that you don't.

You've never thrown a fist at anyone in your life, nor have you called people names to their faces in real life outside of elementary school. Internet tough guy right here.
08-24-2021 , 05:16 PM
Let's call it a draw, since the two of you are fairly equally matched, and move on.
08-24-2021 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
You've never thrown a fist at anyone in your life, nor have you called people names to their faces in real life outside of elementary school. Internet tough guy right here.
Don't feed the troll, at least until he has the balls to post under his main account. Not that it's hard to figure out who he is.

Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Dates: 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013

Results: VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children

So your new experimental MRNA technology injection, that is in stage 3 human clinical trials until 2022/2023, has killed more than 3x as many people than this entire 16 year period combined in just 6 months... And now you are so sick in the head and brainwashed by propaganda that you want to start injecting children with it?
You should also post that in the Politics subforum, I wonder what reaction it would get in normie land. I guess they would consider that a Russian conspiracy since they didn't hear about it on TV.
08-24-2021 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Dates: 1 July 1997 through 31 December 2013

Results: VAERS received 2149 death reports, most (n = 1469 [68.4%]) in children

So your new experimental MRNA technology injection, that is in stage 3 human clinical trials until 2022/2023, has killed more than 3x as many people than this entire 16 year period combined in just 6 months... And now you are so sick in the head and brainwashed by propaganda that you want to start injecting children with it?
Anybody can post on VAERS. You can go on there rn and post the vaccine made you blind
08-24-2021 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
And of course I would call you names to your face. If you had the courage to tell me your address. But we both know that you don't.

Oh my address huh you’re gonna come over and say nasty things?

This is quite the fantasy you have.

Are you going fly or drive?

What’s the first thing you’re going to say?
“Get intubated scum anti vaxxer and masker (Who has N95s and got the vaccine)!!!
08-24-2021 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Just proves how disconnected from reality you are. I'm fine with an IP check (not that a conspiritard like you would believe it if a mod said "This IP, like the IPs from the last 20 accounts from this guy is clearly from Europe)
To be fair - many Americans believe Canada is in Europe.
