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06-29-2021 , 06:52 PM
How in the absolute **** did the FDA approve this vaccine for kids? There were only 1100 kids in the trial for two months. ELEVEN ****ING HUNDRED. One of them nearly died and appears to be permanently handicapped needing to eat with the help of a feeding tube and is in a wheel chair.

Imagine someone coming to you with a drug where 1 in 1100 kids, KIDS!!! nearly dies. The drug prevents 16 mild cases of a sickness that has ~0% mortality rate and well under 1% hospitalization. You then put your stamp of approval to vaccinate as many as 20 million American kids based on this short trial.

20 million kids with each a 1 in 1100 shot of being permanently disabled. Thats around 20,000 disabled kids potentially. Sure the true rate may be 1 in 10,000, but it also might have been 1 in 500. Even if its 1 in 50,000, this is too high for a disease that is either mostly asymptomatic or mild.

DID SHE HAVE TO ****ING DIE FOR THE VACCINE NOT TO BE APPROVED??? I'm so ****ing mad. How can any human promote this vaccine for kids?

Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1

I 100% believe this woman's story is happening at a higher prevalence than is being acknowledged. Sad to watch. The vaccine can obvious trigger some weird ****--see myocarditis in young men. Crystal clear that happens due to vaccine at a much higher EV than normal. It's a lot harder to be ignorant of a bunch of 20yr olds having heart attach symptoms and ending up in ER...

The question is really what would have happened to the people with bad vaccine reactions if instead they had covid? Same thing or worse? I mean idk, sure would be helpful if these things were acknowledge, investigated and we had more insight.

It's would be pretty devastating to injure (or kill) young healthy people, if their vaccine reaction was uncorrelated to their demographic's (very low) bad covid reaction, especially where covid is not-prevalent or likely to be caught, they've potentially had covid, and it's looking like delta is less serious.
06-29-2021 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
What are hospitalization figures doing in the UK?
I agree deaths look significantly lower than before, but they will go up significantly too before this wave is "under control". I wonder if they will hit 100 7-day avg deaths again. That would still be below 10% of the peak they reached (1,2k/day).

Currently average deaths is at 17/day, it got as low as 5 a little while ago. Still incredibly low numbers for a country like the UK of course.
The main UK coronavirus site is quite detailed -

Click on the healthcare tab for hospitalizations and ventilators. Vents are up 150% in the last month. Number admitted to hospital up around the same amount. Overall numbers are fairly low, but are rising right in line with a 2-4 week lag from cases.

The UK is testing an enormous amount, about 10% of the population every week (some of the same people testing multiple times), which is about 50-100% more than the winter. They are catching more cases so CFR will be down and since the young are being tested more, that should further lower CFR.

So, I think they'll need 2.5-3 times as many cases now to equal the winter surge. They are up to 20k cases now with winter peak at 60k, so still along way from where deaths would be the same. That said, the time of cases to double is decreasing and growth is as fast as any other time period. I wouldn't be surprised to see 50k cases in two weeks.
06-29-2021 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think
Everyone thinks you're stupid.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
They will make comments like "lol, I thought your vaccine and measures were supposed to work" and such while ignoring that we have known for months now that the lower the vaccination rates, and the more you live in societies willing to "let it rip" through a significant population base, the more likely we are to get new variants that will require selective shutdowns and other such measures.
You mean like the Indian variant aka Delta that started in India? ****in MAGA muh freedom bro Indians.

Which mask are you going with this time? Sticking with the free surgy?

Originally Posted by TeddyPetrou
How in the absolute **** did the FDA approve this vaccine for kids? There were only 1100 kids in the trial for two months. ELEVEN ****ING HUNDRED. One of them nearly died and appears to be permanently handicapped needing to eat with the help of a feeding tube and is in a wheel chair.

Imagine someone coming to you with a drug where 1 in 1100 kids, KIDS!!! nearly dies. The drug prevents 16 mild cases of a sickness that has ~0% mortality rate and well under 1% hospitalization. You then put your stamp of approval to vaccinate as many as 20 million American kids based on this short trial.

20 million kids with each a 1 in 1100 shot of being permanently disabled. Thats around 20,000 disabled kids potentially. Sure the true rate may be 1 in 10,000, but it also might have been 1 in 500. Even if its 1 in 50,000, this is too high for a disease that is either mostly asymptomatic or mild.

DID SHE HAVE TO ****ING DIE FOR THE VACCINE NOT TO BE APPROVED??? I'm so ****ing mad. How can any human promote this vaccine for kids?

Qpee thinks it's worth it though, think about how many variants them kids will create.

So Maddie was captured in this:

And their conclusion was basically meh yeah not enough evidence vaccine bad, confidence interval--sample size and what not, "h.Very serious concern for imprecision." OK APPROVED.

Do you know of anywhere to read detailed description of the 5 "Serious adverse events" noted in the CDC's table?


That section is what I'm really interested to read a detailed individual breakdown of.

Last edited by TooCuriousso1; 06-29-2021 at 08:44 PM.
06-29-2021 , 09:07 PM
This [EUA amendment]( has a breakdown of the solicited reactions and severe adverse events. I'm not sure if the highlighted area is Maddie, but this is the only SAE that could be her's. The diagnosis is "functional abdominal pain". There is no mention of how long the hospitalization was, number of visits to the emergency room, feeding tube, or wheel chair. Imagine if they had to put images of her in these reports. But, I don't know if this report is for her, but not sure else where it would show up.

There was also this note on the next page after their followup 1 month after.

1 participant with constipation was diagnosed with functional abdominal pain after an
extensive work-up; the participant also developed generalized neuralgia beginning 1 day
after Dose 2 (described above).
Also not sure if this is the complete report.
06-30-2021 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by bbfg
What are hospitalization figures doing in the UK?
I agree deaths look significantly lower than before, but they will go up significantly too before this wave is "under control". I wonder if they will hit 100 7-day avg deaths again. That would still be below 10% of the peak they reached (1,2k/day).

Currently average deaths is at 17/day, it got as low as 5 a little while ago. Still incredibly low numbers for a country like the UK of course.
I think we're probably looking at 5-10% of the winter death rate in the UK, given vaccination rates and the efficacy of the vaccines, so I think it's very likely we'll be looking at 100 deaths a day before the end of summer. I suspect nearly all of these will be unvaccinated, elderly, vulnerable or a combination.
06-30-2021 , 03:41 AM
So, the dreaded delta variant is actually a pussy. More transmissible but less deadly. Of course that won't stop the panic porn being ramped up to maximum on the richter scale. Got to get those vaccines into as many sheep as possible before they realize what is going on. Huge profits are at stake after all.

Last edited by bobbyJ; 06-30-2021 at 03:46 AM.
06-30-2021 , 04:05 AM
Speaking of panic porn who hasn't seen this charlatan all over twitter cranking the fear factor to 11.

With one hysterical tweet after another, Feigl-Ding went from having a small social media following to accumulating a massive army of influence. Feigl-Ding’s consistent elevation of fear and panic, doom and gloom, and his relentless themes of chaos and destruction related to a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate has brought his accounts millions of clicks and views, and hundreds of thousands of new followers.

And he did it all without having a clue what he’s talking about.
06-30-2021 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Speaking of panic porn who hasn't seen this charlatan all over twitter cranking the fear factor to 11.
Yeah, I started following this guy like a week ago. Basically he's like omg everybody mask up or we're all going to die. Masks are our only hope.

It is crazy how so many people really think if everyone would just start wearing masks the whole thing would be over and done with and god forbid you say a mask ain't doing **** for you if you're indoor for more than 15min or whatever. You're then immediately labeled as an antimask Trumper.
06-30-2021 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
So, the dreaded delta variant is actually a pussy. More transmissible but less deadly. Of course that won't stop the panic porn being ramped up to maximum on the richter scale. Got to get those vaccines into as many sheep as possible before they realize what is going on. Huge profits are at stake after all.
Of course, the alternative hypothesis that vaccinating 80% of the population and better understanding of how to treat hospitalised patients is somewhat more parsimonious...
06-30-2021 , 05:56 AM
80% of the population? If you are going to come up with a feasible alternative hypothesis, plucking random numbers out of your ass won't cut it I'm afraid. Try a bit harder, OK.
06-30-2021 , 06:17 AM
Apologies, the actual number is 84.6%
06-30-2021 , 07:29 AM
lol at being so removed that you dont know intuitively that vaccinations in the UK are an obvious reason for decline in CFR.
06-30-2021 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
lol at being so removed that you dont know intuitively that vaccinations in the UK are an obvious reason for decline in CFR.
You're not implying that 6/52,846 in the "<50 unvaccinated" cohort of Delta is higher than Alpha right?
06-30-2021 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
You're not implying that 6/52,846 in the "<50 unvaccinated" cohort of Delta is higher than Alpha right?
1. Under 50 is not unvaccinated. Putting in a binary way like that shows your confirmation bias hand. There is a linear degree of vacination.

2. Under 50 cfr is already much much much lower v over 50 cfr.

So even comparing the CFR of under 50s unvaccinated v CFR of over 50s unvaccinated of Alpha is in no way a fair comparison.
06-30-2021 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Everyone thinks you're stupid.
That's a badge of honor in this forum which is known as the dunce core.

You mean like the Indian variant aka Delta that started in India? ****in MAGA muh freedom bro Indians.
exactly like that because if you are not part of the dunce core you REALIZE that unvaccinated due to poverty and unvaccinated due to M'uh Freedums, can trigger the same outcome. Fertile ground for the virus to spread and mutate.

But lol at you thinking m'uh freedoms =/= poverty and thus my point is not valid, when anyone not stupid can see it is.

So again when the dunce core agrees with me that is when I worry.
06-30-2021 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
1. Under 50 is not unvaccinated. Putting in a binary way like that shows your confirmation bias hand. There is a linear degree of vacination.

2. Under 50 cfr is already much much much lower v over 50 cfr.

So even comparing the CFR of under 50s unvaccinated v CFR of over 50s unvaccinated of Alpha is in no way a fair comparison.
I don't really follow what you're saying.

What do you mean under 50 is not unvaccinated?

They literally looked at people unvaccinated and <50 and people vaccinated and <50 and took the CFR. Both around 1/10k.

Put another way

In the <50 & unvacc cohort with Delta, 6 out of 52,846 died.

If we ran the sim, <50 and unvacc with OG Covid, how many would have died?
06-30-2021 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
I don't really follow what you're saying.

What do you mean under 50 is not unvaccinated?

They literally looked at people unvaccinated and <50 and people vaccinated and <50 and took the CFR. Both around 1/10k.

Put another way

In the <50 & unvacc cohort with Delta, 6 out of 52,846 died.

If we ran the sim, <50 and unvacc with OG Covid, how many would have died?
Eh where are you getting those numbers?
06-30-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Eh where are you getting those numbers?

See post 15884.

Def see protection in &gt;50 but it’s hard to say in the 72k sample of &lt;50 because the number of deaths are so small
06-30-2021 , 11:54 AM
Based on that report the CFR for alpha is ~0.06% and the CFR for delta is ~0.01% for under 50s, regardless of vaccination status, since the start of Feb. For starters, with such a small sample size I'd be surprised if that difference was more than barely inside of a 95% CI if it's inside at all. More importantly though, the alpha cases will be heavily weighted to the start of that time period, when the rate of vaccination was much lower in this age group, and delta cases will be heavily weighted to the end of the time period. Between the small sample and time-frame of infections relative to vaccinations I don't think it's reasonable to conclude that delta has a lower CFR for <50s than alpha.

The data is somewhat more useful for analysing the effectiveness of the vaccine vs the delta variant, but only in terms of hospitalisations/serious illness rather than specifically deaths due to the tiny sample size of the latter.
06-30-2021 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
You're not implying that 6/52,846 in the "&lt;50 unvaccinated" cohort of Delta is higher than Alpha right?
It seems as though measuring the actual relative deadliness of a new variant vs original strain is difficult. Many confounding factors (vaccinations, better hospital treatments, monoclonal antibodies and other early treatments, small sample size, etc.).

Bottom line in almost every single case the vaccinated do far better than the unvaccinated. Especially in the +50yo age group where sample sizes are high enough to draw meaningful conclusions.

So I don't think it is fear mongering to advise unvaccinated people to get a vaccine in light of the Delta variant. It spreads more easily and is easier to catch, that much is not in dispute. Even if it is no more deadly than the original strain, higher odds of being infected means more overall risk for unvaccinated people, especially in most vulnerable age groups.
06-30-2021 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
Based on that report the CFR for alpha is ~0.06% and the CFR for delta is ~0.01% for under 50s, regardless of vaccination status, since the start of Feb. For starters, with such a small sample size I'd be surprised if that difference was more than barely inside of a 95% CI if it's inside at all. More importantly though, the alpha cases will be heavily weighted to the start of that time period, when the rate of vaccination was much lower in this age group, and delta cases will be heavily weighted to the end of the time period. Between the small sample and time-frame of infections relative to vaccinations I don't think it's reasonable to conclude that delta has a lower CFR for &lt;50s than alpha.

The data is somewhat more useful for analysing the effectiveness of the vaccine vs the delta variant, but only in terms of hospitalisations/serious illness rather than specifically deaths due to the tiny sample size of the latter.

Why refine less when we can more?
We have an delta unvaccinated &lt;50 death rate of 6/52k and compare to death rate of &lt;50 unvaccinated of alpha.
I mean that way you’re not guessing on the influence/protection of vaccine.
I agree the sample size is prob an issue if it’s anywhere close to 1/10k. But doesn’t 1/10k strike you as very low for that demographic? The big issue is the age distribution of “&lt;50” (obv big CFR spread within that).
But 1/10k is what, the alpha CFR of 20yr old?

Originally Posted by revots33
It seems as though measuring the actual relative deadliness of a new variant vs original strain is difficult. Many confounding factors (vaccinations, better hospital treatments, monoclonal antibodies and other early treatments, small sample size, etc.).


06-30-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
It seems as though measuring the actual relative deadliness of a new variant vs original strain is difficult. Many confounding factors (vaccinations, better hospital treatments, monoclonal antibodies and other early treatments, small sample size, etc.).

Bottom line in almost every single case the vaccinated do far better than the unvaccinated. Especially in the +50yo age group where sample sizes are high enough to draw meaningful conclusions.

So I don't think it is fear mongering to advise unvaccinated people to get a vaccine in light of the Delta variant. It spreads more easily and is easier to catch, that much is not in dispute. Even if it is no more deadly than the original strain, higher odds of being infected means more overall risk for unvaccinated people, especially in most vulnerable age groups.
Factor in the risk of injury or death from the vaccine and it's not quite so clear cut in favor of getting vaccinated vs not getting vaccinated imo. As always there are multiple factors that go into the risk/reward ratio. That ratio is different for every individual.

Blanket advise to all unvaccinated people to get a vaccine is fear mongering to an extent. Every individual should weigh up the risk/reward ratio that applies to themselves specifically. If you are older with comorbidities the ratio may favor getting vaccinated. Younger and healthy maybe not. Trying to scare people into getting vaccinated because of the (deadly) new delta variant, when it's unclear how deadly it is, is fear mongering. There is a lot of that going on at the moment.
06-30-2021 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Apologies, the actual number is 84.6%
Incorrect. Try again.
06-30-2021 , 07:23 PM
And here we go. More panic porn for the masses.

06-30-2021 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
And here we go. More panic porn for the masses.

I think you are overstating it. He is saying Delta is much more infectious than original strain (true). He is also saying being younger or in good physical shape is not a guarantee of protection from illness (also true). He is also recommending vaccination as the best means to avoid illness from the much more contagious variant (hardly a controversial position).

So where is the panic porn?

I'd say the panic porn is the breathless tweets about the exceedingly rare serious reactions to the vaccine.

But at any rate if people don't want the vaccine no one is forcing them. But you can't really blame a doctor for recommending it.
