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Coronavirus Coronavirus

06-27-2021 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I am neither supporting nor disagreeing with these (honestly haven't read them yet) but here is the guy who invented mRNA vaccines.

Absolute garbage study. it's saying that anyone who dies after vaccination died because of vaccination
06-27-2021 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I disagree. Even in a war zone, people do all kinds of crazy things. Some will just panic and run into the line of fire and get shot to death because they can't sit still for very long, the terror around them messes with their head.

But regardless, we can adjust the parameters in that exercise until we come up with some interesting game theory scenarios.
I think at those sort of level they would be runing into bullets.

I think it only becomes a problem if the systems break down which they might - then we're ****ed. Otherwise we will cower happily in our shelters with food and the internet on tap.
06-27-2021 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
But regardless, we can adjust the parameters in that exercise until we come up with some interesting game theory scenarios.
We need to include the R number and the transmission mechanisms. Lots of very nasty diseases but if the R number is low and/or it's symptomatic transmission then it's handled fairly easily. At the other extreme if R is very high and it's robustly airborn then what can we do?
06-27-2021 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I am neither supporting nor disagreeing with these (honestly haven't read them yet) but here is the guy who invented mRNA vaccines.


Apparently, one of the editors resigned in protest because that paper was published. The editor who resigned is the same guy who told Nate Silver the chance of Covid-19 originating as a natural virus accidentally escaped from the Wuhan lab was 1% or less, and the chances of it being genetically engineered were orders of magnitude less than that.

See here:

Not exactly a bright guy, or like Peter Daszak, potentially compromised.
They report says 4.11 deaths per 100,000 doses and Europe has administered 300mil doses.
That would be 12,000 dead in Europe from the vaccine. Is that the case?
06-27-2021 , 03:44 AM
Dunno but there's a lot of extremely old/frail people in Europe and I doubt the side effects aren't potentially very serious for them. Nowhere near as serious as getting covid of course
06-27-2021 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
The point is the massive huge gargantuan disparity in case load between Australia and basically every other country and the introduction of lockdown, Australia will lockdown at background noise level of case load relative to other countries.

Australia is the anti Sweden.

I dont understand why you are pushing back against a simple observation of an obvious reality.
You have a very poor understanding of the issues or what reality is.

Most Australians have lived a normal life through covid while the rest of the world has been in lockdown. The death rate is 1/50th the rest of the world. Their experience of covid has been amazing compared to the other countries: far fewer lockdowns, far more personal freedom, far less fear of covid, and far fewer deaths. That you are attacking a strategy that has superior outcomes on every single metric by far makes you a stupid person.

You're also misinterpreting the data. The number infected includes those in quarantine. Australia essentially has zero infections in the population except when a case escapes the incoming traveler quarantine system. They then get it back to zero by locking down the local area.

The worst outbreak in Australia (in Victoria) and most of the tiny number of deaths in Australia happened because the left wing loser government in that state hired an incompetent/inexperienced/unprofessional indigenous security company to do the quarantine security in order to meet diversity quotas, and some of the unprofessional security guards had sex with the quarantined travelers. The isolation and eradication strategy is sound when well implemented.and as noted above in bold, even has far superior outcomes when not well implemented.

I mean, on what planet are you from where you're arguing that a strategy that's had far better outcomes on every single metric and is widely supported by the public is inferior? That's just weird bro.

As for now, we'll see what happens with delta. Even if delta is uncontainable right now, there is more than adequate time to get fully vaccinated to UK levels. Even with R = 3 (the minor-restrictions delta spread rate) it would take 20 weeks to infect 1% of the population while the rest get vaccinated.

So your analysis is just stupid on every single level possible.
06-27-2021 , 07:11 AM
Im not attacking the Australian approach.

All I have done it point out that unless it gets vaccinated soon, its the most vulnerable country to new variants etc because it has low natural immunity and vaccination, which would leave it in a position of continuous rolling lockdowns, which is exactly what is happening right now, in reality.

One fifth of the Australian population is in full lockdown because of Delta.

Given the needle barely has to move for lockdown to be implemented in Australia, but its getting easier and easier for said needle to move, then all other things being equal, there are going to be a lot more lockdowns in Australia going forward.

Australia is currently in a much more severe lockdown than any country in Europe.

If USA had the Australian strategy, most if not all states in the USA currently would be in severe lockdown.

No one would argue against this harder than you.

No one has been a harsher critic of the Australian approach than you.

There approach is the antithesis of everything you have argued for in this thread.

This needs repeating:

The green line country has 20% of its population in full lockdown.

The red line country would totally lose its **** at that suggestion with its current case load.

backtrackements and caveats incoming.

The point you are missing is that Australia has had European lockdowns.

Its not escaped absolutely scott free from mitigations, which seems to be the picture you are trying to paint, but its CPM has never got above 20.

At no point in the pandemic has case load got even close to that low in the USA.

Even now its still 2 times the most severe outbreak in Australia.

So in short, if Australia does not increase its vaccination rate, and the virus keeps getting more infectious, Australia will be having a **** ton of lockdowns going forward because the needle barely has to move above zero for lockdowns to happen in Australia.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 06-27-2021 at 07:32 AM.
06-27-2021 , 08:24 AM
You basically reiterated what you've already said and I've debunked. Again, being a black and white binary thinker leads you down these weird paths.

I've always had exactly the same position since covid first appeared in Wuhan:

1. IF an eradication strategy is possible in a country (strong existing border control, low incoming flows, isolated, centralized power, compliant populace, competent health and policing bureacracy, experts who aren't morons, a CDC who doesn't botch tests then lie about it), it's by far the superior strategy. Much of Asia has implemented this to great effect, as has Australia. China has an eradication strategy and they've done fantastically.

2. IF an eradication strategy isn't possible (decentralized health and policing, bureaucracies with brain dead corrupt losers US-style, high incoming flow, porous borders, low population compliance with test and trace for example in minority communities in NY at 35% compliance), the best thing is to slow burn it through the population with minor restrictions and stay mostly open.

I suggested going all out on (1) globally early in the pandemic to kill it in its crib was clearly correct, but because the experts are left wing morons that let the cat it out of the bag, (2) was the only strategy left.

I don't even know how anyone can disagree with this given that the results are now in. I've taken this position from the start because it's logical and correct and obvious and the experiment has been run and my view has been fully validated.

Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Australia is currently in a much more severe lockdown than any country in Europe.
That's because Europe is in summer which eradicates covid classic and the UK strain, and delta hasn't had enough time to spread.

If USA had the Australian strategy, most if not all states in the USA currently would be in severe lockdown.

No one would argue against this harder than you.

No one has been a harsher critic of the Australian approach than you.

There approach is the antithesis of everything you have argued for in this thread.

backtrackements and caveats incoming.
No sir. You just have a really bad case of black and white thinking. For real bro, for your own sake, get a handle on this, it's mind blowing how black and white, first-level your thinking is. You're missing all the nuance and (correct) branching logic staying on the first level (is it A or is it B? is about as deep as you go)

The point you are missing is that Australia has had European lockdowns.

Its not escaped absolutely scott free from mitigations, which seems to be the picture you are trying to paint, but its CPM has never got above 20.
That's not the picture I'm trying to pain at all as can be plainly read ("Australia had fewer lockdowns and more normal life"). I said that on every metric (normality of life, deaths, fear, average population time under lockdown), since covid has started, Australia has had a far better outcome. That's not even debatable. The same is true for the Asian countries that pursued an eradication strategy.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 06-27-2021 at 08:35 AM.
06-27-2021 , 08:29 AM
Australia is currently in a much more severe lockdown than any country in Europe.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
That's because Europe is in summer which eradicates covid classic and the UK strain, and delta hasn't had enough time spread.
Try thinking before you post.

UK for example is magnitudes higher case load than Australia, with Delta.

No lockdown.

Europe Cases Per Million : 61.86

Australia : 0.64

The bottom country has 20% of its population in lockdown.

None of the reasons you give are relevant in any way as whatever Summer does to covid in Europe, Europe still has magnitudes higher levels of Covid.

The facts and data are not close to disputable.

If Australia does not vaccinate quickly, it will have to have lockdown after lockdown or change its policy, as barely any CPM is required for LD in Australia.
06-27-2021 , 08:40 AM
You're blowing my mind, OAFK11. How does reality slide right by you so easily? I'm not your teacher and have better things to do, but I'll explain:

If R<1 because of summer, you don't have to lock down (regardless of case numbers)
If R>>1, you have to lock down eventually (regardless of current case numbers) and it's better to do it early and contact trace it to zero if you can.

Let me show you a graph of a country without many vaccinations, Montenegro and Bulgaria, compared to the high-vaccination USA:

Exactly the same result (vaccinations were irrelevant in dropping cases to near zero). Montenegro and Bulgaria were able to remove lockdown and still have covid dive because R is less than 1 from mid spring onwards, you silly person, not because they were vaccinated.

This is the second time you've been confused by R vs case numbers - the first time was when it blew your mind that Europe was about to soar past the US from far lower case numbers. You really need to get a handle on this stuff if you're going to discuss it intelligently.
06-27-2021 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
They report says 4.11 deaths per 100,000 doses and Europe has administered 300mil doses.
That would be 12,000 dead in Europe from the vaccine. Is that the case?
The report just logs people dying from what I've read.

I don't have the exact number but death rate in Europe is around 10/1000 / year

If we administer 300 mil people with the vaccine, 3 million of those will be death a year later (or 100 per 100.000).

We have looked at excess death all year now with COVID, we don't need magic studies to tell us what's happening post vaccination

Excess death is down everywhere.

If the vaccine is killing lots of people, it's not visible at the moment.
06-27-2021 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
You have a very poor understanding of the issues or what reality is.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
You basically reiterated what you've already said and I've debunked. Again, being a black and white binary thinker leads you down these weird paths.
ad hominem.
06-27-2021 , 08:53 AM
I will be deleting you from this forum.
06-27-2021 , 08:53 AM
Sometimes you can be good and evading moderation and terrible at bringing actual content to the table.
06-27-2021 , 08:57 AM
For those that don't know an "ad hominem" is when someone tries to survive by attacking others characters rather than contributing rationality and reason to the argument. Toothsayer never contributes and only ever attacks character. Once we removed his account from the bitcoin thread real discussion developed.
06-27-2021 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Does the UK have a R less than 1?


Also CPM in Europe is increasing not decreasing.

Does UK have a lockdown with a higher R than Australia and much much higher CPM?
06-27-2021 , 09:05 AM
No more attacking peoples character. You only get to assert reason.
06-27-2021 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
No more attacking peoples character. You only get to assert reason.
Dear sir,
1. You are completely crazy
2. Everything I do is about asserting reason. All my positions are argued with extensive data and reasoning. Occasionally someone is so dense and wasting everyone's time - like OAFK11 is above - that I do them a favor and explain where their thinking is silly.
Originally Posted by jbouton
I will be deleting you from this forum.
Originally Posted by jbouton
Sometimes you can be good and evading moderation and terrible at bringing actual content to the table.
This thread is full of amazing and useful covid content from me. We can see your own contribution above - 5 posts in a row of pure nonsense that have nothing to do with covid. OAFK11 and I might disagree vigorously but we do it about content that is at least illuminating on the subject at hand. You're basically a gibberish generator here and in the bitcoin thread.
Originally Posted by jbouton
For those that don't know an "ad hominem" is when someone tries to survive by attacking others characters rather than contributing rationality and reason to the argument. Toothsayer never contributes and only ever attacks character.
This isn't even remotely true. I post the greatest amount of data and useful content of anyone in this thread by far. Why would you lie, jbouton?
Once we removed his account from the bitcoin thread real discussion developed.
No, once I stopped posting you just felt free to start posting your crazy bitcoin rants again which bulls themselves openly mock you for. The bitcoin thread is a bull thread and the bears get systematically excluded, because it's a silly cult with its own in phrases like "hodl moon", and you are precious and allergic to anyone who disagrees with your "wisdom". As evidence of the crazy: you currently have a thread with 9 posts of yours in a row and 1 responder, which is a forum record I think of echo chamber crazy.

Back in your box, jbouton. Or post something about covid, which you might notice the rest of us are doing despite disagreeing - we're disagreeing about content whereas you've appointed yourself as hall monitor and have no made 5 posts completely unrelated to covid. Post something about covid or go back to your containment thread that no one is reading, son.

It must be frustrating to post what you believe are pearls of your deep wisdom (like I said, you're completely crazy) and get openly mocked for it (lonelybutrich is the funniest mocker of you, go back and read the bitcoin thread and his replies to you with the understanding that he's mocking you, it's gold), or to start your own thread with 9 posts in a row of your "deep" thinking on bitcoin and only one person replies. So now you're following me around to different threads to try and be relevant. If you need some attention (which you clearly do), post arguments and information of worth to others, as I do. It's not a high bar but you seem unable to get over it.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 06-27-2021 at 09:21 AM.
06-27-2021 , 09:18 AM
I wonder if Tooth ever went full ham attacking the policies of Australia but is now calling people idiots for daring cast any shade on it.

I wonder....

This gunna be good

The bellow are all observations made by Tooth about Australia:

Citizens are literally locked up inside Australia like pigs in a sty
Even with this tiny incoming flow, corona got out of hand, escaping those quarantines and requiring waves of harsh lockdowns in various states with large economic costs.
Australia lacks a constitution that guarantees freedoms and human rights. It's a loser's constitution
Melbourne spent 110 days in harsh lockdown which started in winter, costing about $100 billion dollars (whole-US equivalent: $4 trillion), putting more than 10% of the workforce out of work long term and only ending it in late spring
requiring terrible 110 day harsh lockdowns
It was dealt aces with an ace flop, screwed it up royally, locked down for 110 days
Locked down hard for more than 3 months with no one leaving their house = 1/4 of one year's GDP when including aftereffects
but to pretend like what Melbourne did is either desirable or repeatable is farcical.
the extreme and destructive measures required to get it to zero despite being dealt aces with ace flop
PriceWaterHouseCoopers. They project $327 billion in losses for the state over five years in the long lockdown case (which has played out with an extremely long lockdown with massive job loss and 18% of businesses saying they will go under).
And it's bad. Small business (the engine of the economy) are ****ed after the second long lockdown
Calls to crisis counseling have set all time records. Domestic violence is up 70%. Lockdowns have severe mental health effects as well, many that persist for years to a lifetime:
lockdowns in Victoria were some of the longest in the world.
Victoria eliminated it for massive cost, both personal and financial. They paid $100 billion to save the lives of maybe 4000 very old people vs an open society/no lockdown. That's pretty nuts.
They said the same after the first wave. Then had to go into a crippling 110 day lockdown costing $100 bilion+.
So much more where this came from, got bored pasting it.

Today though, Australia is favourite country No1.

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
That you are attacking a strategy that has superior outcomes on every single metric by far makes you a stupid person.

Yes you are.
06-27-2021 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
I wonder if Tooth ever went full ham attacking the policies of Australia but is now calling people idiots for daring cast any shade on it.

I wonder....
The bellow are all observations made by Tooth about Australia:
Firstly, it's hilarious that you're so cut you spent all that time on an ad hominem. Ouch man (for you).

Secondly, I notice you quote none of the posts (instead copy paste snippets) so that people are unable to read the context and understand that you're lying. That's deliberate and dishonest.

So much more where this came from, got bored pasting it.
Today though, Australia is favourite country No1.
Yes you are.
Once again it's black and white thinking from you, you cannot understand what's being said because you can only think on a single level. It's quite extraordinary, your cognitive incapacity; you're simply wasting everyone's time with it while not even realizing you have it.

Elimination is the optimal strategy if possible but it comes at very high cost. The cost is far lower than being unable to eliminate but still very high.

I used Victoria (Australian state) and as example of the cost of pursuing an elimination strategy in an Australian state where they screwed it up. The cost was very high to go to elimination. I used it as an example of how containment is total folly in worse situations (for example the US or Europe) which are less suited to an eradication strategy. That view has been proven correct.

Overall though, eradication is the correct strategy for Australia's and many Asian country's circumstances and has worked very well. Australia and much of Asia has:

1. Far lower average time spent in lockdown even with the state who screwed it up
2. Far less fear among seniors (very little)
3. Far more normal level of life during the covid period on average (almost normal life and socializing)
4. Far lower death rate (1/50th of the dead in Europe/USA).

So yes, Australia's strategy is suitable for them and far superior on every single metric. Doesn't mean I can't use the experience of one their states as an example of the high cost of an eradication strategy at the local level. None of that has anything to do with the overall country strategy, any more than the UK strategy has anything to do with whether Scotland has a bad time.
06-27-2021 , 09:46 AM
Dude anyone who goes and reads the posts will see you are fully unloading on Australia and its policies, those quotes perfectly summarise your opinion and there is nothing close to dishonest or lying in anyway.

You have been caught with your pants down in this way AGAIN.

You are absolutely full of **** and utterly worthless, your not even funny anymore, which was your one contribution.
06-27-2021 , 09:48 AM
To be fair - the following recent interaction was unintentionally funny

Originally Posted by jbouton
No more attacking peoples character. You only get to assert reason.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
1. You are completely crazy
06-27-2021 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Dude anyone who goes and reads the posts will see you are fully unloading on Australia and its policies, those quotes perfectly summarise your opinion and there is nothing close to dishonest or lying in anyway.
I did exactly that. Here's one of your quotes you took quotes from, in context:

Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Comparing citizens stranded overseas, sometimes homeless and unable to come home by harsh government policy in violation of international law, with illegal Central American immigrants - who often cynically send their kids on alone across the dangerous border (where 80% are raped by gangs as payment) so the adults can come in later as family - is risible.

Your Australian cheerleading is cute, but it's not really factual and Australia has been lucky, not better at handling it except in some ways which are necessary but not sufficient.

Firstly, it's summer in Australia. Europe did just fine in summer too. Australia also has very high sunshine levels compared to other countries, and a warmer climate (meaning windows can be open all year), and the houses are built such that air flow-through is standard. Australia is also a vast sprawling suburbia with single family households and widespread car use and lots of space. Thus R is going to be a lot lower to begin with, which makes it much easier to control. It was also summer when corona first hit, which was a huge advantage to not getting population spread in the first place. Pandemic hits in summer where R is barely greater than 1 => lock down borders => eradicate thanks to low summer R and no incoming flow => Easily maintain eradication.

Secondly, Australia shut itself off from the world for over a year. No one is allowed to leave the country!! Citizens are literally locked up inside Australia like pigs in a sty, and existing citizens can't get home. A tiny number are allowed back in each week and forced to quarantine for 14 days. Only a few low-traffic island countries can do that. As your former Prime Minister said, Australia is "the arse end of the earth", a long way from anywhere, which helps so much. And it already had severe border laws, which helps a lot as well. Even with this tiny incoming flow, corona got out of hand, escaping those quarantines and requiring waves of harsh lockdowns in various states with large economic costs. Imagine what would happen if the borders had to be more open, or if people traveled across state borders (10% in some US states) and national borders (1-5% in Europe) for work every day as they do in Europe and USA? It's an impossible situation then.

Thirdly, Australia lacks a constitution that guarantees freedoms and human rights. It's a loser's constitution. Thus governments can set and enforce harsh laws in ways they can't in the US. They can fine people thousands of dollars for walking outside. They can restrict travel between states for months (and states have nice clear boundaries unlike the US where 12+ major cities are cut in half by state boundaries). They can arrest pregnant women for anti-corona-lockdown posts on Facebook (no first amendment):

They can follow people buying too much takeout back to their house, bust in (no fourth amendment here), and fine people $26,000 for an illegal gathering. And so on.

Australians are also quite high on rule following (they're a top 10 country due to their demographic makeup), and high rule following populaces tend to do better with corona.

Fourth (and this is their sole good quality), Australia have a quality bureaucracy, and especially health bureaucracy, which can act nimbly and rapidly. That's because Australia has a cuck level private sector, so the bureaucracy attracts talent, unlike in the US where it attracts mostly useless people because the private sector is so lucrative and soaks up all talent. The bureaucracy is also centralized unlike the US which is a disaster of thousands of fractured local bureaucracies with different procedures and competencies and will to act.

Australia is lucky more than anything in that it was quite easy to eradicate corona there if it took harsh policies, in a way that was all but impossible in France, Italy, USA, etc. The prospect/possibility of a great outcome (eradication) also allows the populace to get behind eradication efforts. I layed it all out before here.
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Except that's not what it said. It was an examination of the conditions required for said lockdown to work/be worthwhile. Of whether it can be repeated elsewhere to similar effect. You have the reading comprehension of a special needs child.

Sufficiently long lockdowns in a society where they work and have a point (where you can block incoming flow forever) are a good idea. Unfortunately most of the rest of the world just isn't like that. Australia is the "arse end of the world" to quote their former Prime Minister and close to self contained and can isolate itself fully without great pains. In Europe and the US that's impossible.
Your attempt above is a straight up deliberate lie in order for you to save some face, which is why you don't quote the posts.

You have been caught with your pants down in this way AGAIN.

You are absolutely full of **** and utterly worthless, your not even funny anymore, which was your one contribution.
No, the above proves that you deliberately didn't quote the posts to mislead on the context. Nothing has changed for me ever on my opinion here - I love Australia's strategy for them (they're lucky to have the conditions to do it) but laid above difficulties they've had despite it being good for them and hence why it won't work for other places that are less suitable. That was the whole thrust of the conversation: Q: "Australia has low covid, why can't the US do it?" A: "Australia is lucky in that the strategy can work for them, but here are the costs and they don't scale to the far worse conditions in the US for trying this".

My position has been consistent and correct the whole time. You not only have a terrible case of black and white thinking which wastes everyone's time, you have now been caught with your pants down being completely dishonest/lying taking quotes out of context and deliberately not providing the click-through context to the original as is always done. It is very clear what I mean in context and it's exactly what I mean here.

This is so embarrassing for you. I mean, lol. Take a break from posting maybe.
06-27-2021 , 10:05 AM
Perhaps in future if you read the discussion in context rather than rage-froth quote mining from a year ago - and improved your terrible reading comprehension - you wouldn't have huge amounts of egg on your face right now. I mean, lol man. The most charitable take on our recent interaction is that you have such an extreme case of black and white thinking and you're so desperate and frothed up trying to quote-mine a win that you didn't even read the posts in question to understand their context. But the fact that you eliminated the context so that no one could click through and see that you were lying indicates to me that you were deliberately being dishonest.

Please do something about that black and white thinking. Your posting here with single-level thinking is just a waste of yours and everyone's time, man. We could be discussing useful stuff instead rather than stuck in your confusions from your single level black and white thinking.
06-27-2021 , 11:11 AM
Lol thinking that posting that quote in full changes anything.

That is a lie and anyone who wants to read through your frothing insult filled anti Australian ranting on page 170 will clearly see that.

You have cherry picked the one post with the least ranting in it, a post I took one quote from. You are less than a joke of a poster.

Its not binary thinking, its not having the total and utter double think you have to hold numerous contradictory positions at once.

Your positions (plural) could not be further from consistent.

Your posting is diametrically opposed to the concept of consistency.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 06-27-2021 at 11:19 AM.
