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Coronavirus Coronavirus

03-12-2020 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
At least FL has tropical-ish weather that has shown a strong ability to all but curb the virus
yes this was a reason why it was strongly considered, especially since they'd be camping in the keys and fairly isolated but eventually the decision came down to the end game in which they'd rather want less competition for the ventilators if an outbreak occured

my dad has asthma and heart disease and been an AARP member for some time, i don't like his chances if he gets it and it's a major item of concern that's been on my mind for a while
03-12-2020 , 10:20 AM
Sometimes Facebook delivers:

"It’s not fake but it isn’t as serious as all these paranoid idiots are making it. It is just a common flu.

We have an immunization for the flu and over 60,000 people have died worldwide from it this year.

There have been over 7,000 abortions this year.

Less then 3,000 people have died from Coronavirus this year.

You mofo’s will get up in arms over whatever the media feeds you. EDUCATION IS KEY.

You got serious illnesses like AIDS that people are still out here wearing no condom and being wreckless. But those same idiots are buying up hand sanitizer (which is anti-bacterial, meaning it kills bacteria. This is a virus not a bacteria). Buying 7 months worth of toilet paper and just going into hysteria over a ****ing cold virus.

Boy I tell you, the worst type of individual is an uneducated can’t think for themselves individual."
03-12-2020 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Boy I tell you, the worst type of individual is an uneducated can’t think for themselves individual."
The worst type of individual is an educated, can't think for themselves individual, which describes most experts and most of the academic and journalist class. Experts do enormous damage with their widespread stupidity, combined with unwarranted respect for their opinion. They're the ones who brought you this crisis. The guy above just brought you some humor.
03-12-2020 , 10:26 AM
I am one of those that DO think this is a particular bad version of the flu that’s here to stay.

What I didn’t realize is people don’t seem to remember how much damage the common flu strands did the first times they swept the globe.
03-12-2020 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
What I didn’t realize is people don’t seem to remember how much damage the common flu strands did the first times they swept the globe.
And we still don't have anti-viral hand sanitizer!
03-12-2020 , 10:53 AM
Well, viruses are very unstable so really anything with alcohol or even slightly acidic/basic (most household cleaners, even organic stuff) kill viruses pretty well.
03-12-2020 , 11:09 AM
Then why are they labeled anti bacterial? Duh
Education is KEY
03-12-2020 , 11:12 AM

Do you expect to see south korean deaths rise significantly in the next week?
03-12-2020 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Brass
More arrogant posts from the chicken littles-- how surprising...

You guys sound like all the gold bugs you like to make fun of who always point to some new case and shout louder about how the collapse is really going to happen any day now. I'll state it here in no vague terms: The S&P 500 will never again drop below 2700, which is less than the 20% drop you chicken littles have been predicting for a month now because of this "pandemic".
03-12-2020 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Sometimes Facebook delivers:

"It’s not fake but it isn’t as serious as all these paranoid idiots are making it. It is just a common flu.

We have an immunization for the flu and over 60,000 people have died worldwide from it this year.

There have been over 7,000 abortions this year.

Less then 3,000 people have died from Coronavirus this year.

You mofo’s will get up in arms over whatever the media feeds you. EDUCATION IS KEY.

You got serious illnesses like AIDS that people are still out here wearing no condom and being wreckless. But those same idiots are buying up hand sanitizer (which is anti-bacterial, meaning it kills bacteria. This is a virus not a bacteria). Buying 7 months worth of toilet paper and just going into hysteria over a ****ing cold virus.

Boy I tell you, the worst type of individual is an uneducated can’t think for themselves individual."
If there was some financial instrument that would allow me to short the sort of thinking this reposting of dumb Facebook posts represents, I'd cash in everything, take out loans, and YOLO that **** to the moon.

Edit: you posted more thinking that I wish I could short:

Originally Posted by 5 south
And we still don't have anti-viral hand sanitizer!
Originally Posted by 5 south
Then why are they labeled anti bacterial? Duh
Education is KEY
03-12-2020 , 11:56 AM
France pres announces phase 3 tonight. Their quarantine starts soon.
03-12-2020 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Backstabr
If there was some financial instrument that would allow me to short the sort of thinking this reposting of dumb Facebook posts represents, I'd cash in everything, take out loans, and YOLO that **** to the moon.

Last edited by SootedPowa; 03-12-2020 at 12:07 PM. Reason: and i'm in
03-12-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I am one of those that DO think this is a particular bad version of the flu that’s here to stay.

What I didn’t realize is people don’t seem to remember how much damage the common flu strands did the first times they swept the globe.
It quite probably is but I'm sure you also agree that's not what most people mean when they say it's just the flu. That would be misleading even if most people didn't way underestimate the current severity of flu.
03-12-2020 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Last 24 hours in Boston everything I'm involved with (graduate night class, basketball league, day job) have moved to 100% remote for all people for the foreseeable future.
I'm also in Boston, community spread is all but guaranteed to have been happening here since at least the beginning of the month if not earlier. BioGen (~150 attendees) was nearly two weeks ago now. My fiancee was notified Sunday night that ten employees from her company were at the conference and are now self-quarantining and that all(or most) of their 1k+ employees should work from home. [edit- I should listen better, apparently those ten people have all since tested positive and at least two attended another conference (400+ attendees) two days later at a different Marriott in the city. Now she was just informed that her company will announcing a mandatory work from home order for all employees starting Monday]

At least two people at a wedding in Cambridge last week have since tested positive as well but they haven't officially released any information the individuals or where they may have been infected.

There are a million hospitals here give or take so I'm pretty optimistic overall still but I'm sure glad I've been buying extra groceries and supplies for a couple of weeks thanks to this thread.

Last edited by PuraVida96; 03-12-2020 at 12:44 PM.
03-12-2020 , 12:17 PM
O/U on date Trump announces a total lockdown/ban on public gatherings/closures of schools and some businesses nationwide? Weeks? Months? Never?
03-12-2020 , 12:40 PM
Possibly never since local governments might be deciding that
03-12-2020 , 12:42 PM
for all incoming flights to china

1. passengers are not allowed to disembark plane until they pass a test, this can sometimes take up to two hours depending on how many planes are landing at that moment

2. upon disembarking you will have an additional health check with a doctor and you'll be questioned about where you've been over the past 14 days and any illnesses or symptoms you've experienced

3. they'll then determine if you are allowed to self quarantine or are quarantined at a government facility

4. if you can self quarantine, you can either go on a bus taking you to your district or you can take a private car that has already registered to be allowed to go to airports

5. upon arrival at home, you'll be visited by local government that will have you sign a pledge that you'll not leave the house and will take your temperature daily. they will also provide you with anything you need such as masks, disinfectant, gloves, etc, this will happen 24/7 even if you land at 3 am it'll happen

not sure how feasible some of these would be in the US, but I think not leaving anyone leave the plane/airport without first passing a test is not asking much and would do a lot
03-12-2020 , 01:05 PM
DC you gotta realize there's ample evidence that some of the covid survivors are left with permanent lung damage

even if you survive it, you're never going to live the same healthy life you once had
03-12-2020 , 01:50 PM
Mandatory 14 day quarantine or until tested negative.

Exceptions for citizens able to self quarantine.

Get testing ability everywhere as fast as possible .

Where are the math experts to explain to Trump how much each day delay costs us?
03-12-2020 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
not sure how feasible some of these would be in the US, but I think not leaving anyone leave the plane/airport without first passing a test is not asking much and would do a lot
An act of god. There are healthcare workers and who couldn't even get tested ffs.
03-12-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Nittery
Mandatory 14 day quarantine or until tested negative.

Exceptions for citizens able to self quarantine.

Get testing ability everywhere as fast as possible .

Where are the math experts to explain to Trump how much each day delay costs us?
Why are you assuming any logical, data based explanation will work when it hasn't for anything else?
03-12-2020 , 02:00 PM
My university is essentially waiting for the 1st confirmed case before shutting down, genius! Yes, let's wait for something that is completely inevitable anyways! Let's wait for a student to get confirmed, that way he can go on to spread it to other students and those students can take it home to their parents, Geniuses! School is going to get shut down anyways, it's is inevitable! Why let some kid start spreading this thing? With this level of stupidity, we almost deserve what's is coming to us here very shortly.
03-12-2020 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by HolidayInTheSun
03-12-2020 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Spyutastic
An act of god. There are healthcare workers and who couldn't even get tested ffs.
this is what drives me crazy, i have labs asking me to help them sell their testing kits abroad - same testing kits used in hospitals and in government checks here

they are cheap too, the real cost is the employee handling them etc

but everyone is afraid of getting sued by the fda

so we're waiting on US approval for tests that cost 10x+ more

that's how i know the us government is still not taking this seriously

i get it, they have these regulations in place for a reason but how is an occasional false positive or negative (what they are worried about) a worse result than no test at all?

this is what pisses me off about us government, they are unable to adapt
03-12-2020 , 02:11 PM
genuinely considering creating a website, selling testkits individually and hoping the FDA doesn't put me in cuffs next time I come home

have some phone calls scheduled with some labs in france tomorrow, maybe that country will allow testkits that are good enough for the country that has already been dealing with the disease successfully for months...

sorry about the rant, this isn't even about making money, it's just really frustrating being in on the sausage making and seeing how impossible it is to help people
