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Coronavirus Coronavirus

01-11-2021 , 10:19 AM
Everytime I come around here Cuepee gets dumpstered so hard.

This is worst than the Nothing Burger debacle.
01-11-2021 , 10:23 AM
"Countries not named US are handling it well...."

Lol another Cuepee beauty. Quebec is not a country but we handled it so well we are in a 4 week curfew with nearly same death rate as USA.


All have near identical death rates as USA. Handled it well though.
01-11-2021 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
lol howard acting as if cupee is the psychopath. not the ranting racist that has been banned from almost every forum except bfi
Its not fun to see your boy cuepee get dumpstered so often. Throw the white towel for him then.
01-11-2021 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
lol howard acting as if cupee is the psychopath. not the ranting racist that has been banned from almost every forum except bfi
Howard Treesong, himself, cannot really post outside the BFI.

For the first time a couple of months ago he poked his head into the Political forum to spew some Trump booster nonsense and immediate got destroyed. He d*ck tucked and left town to come and safely post here.

All the BFI Coronavirus thread is, is a safe space for the Parler types of Trump supporter who wants to post here stuff like "Trump managed Xi and the China situation brilliantly. There is nothing he could do better. Xi was a maniac' while not only, not getting challenged but having all your bro's chime in 'oh good point, good point. You really dunked on that guy with all the Trump quotes hard."

It is a true circle jerk with Tooth as the leader being fellated by the rest of them.

it so awesome violating their safe space and seeing how rustled facts and disinfectant make them.

You know, disinfectant, like inside the body...

FLOL. Very stable genius.
01-11-2021 , 11:52 AM
Do 2p2ers who have researched vaccines have any strong feelings about which is best in terms of efficacy and safety of the approved ones so far?

Seems like the Oxford one is safer/more traditional and the Pfizer/Moderna ones more experimental/dangerous long term, but there were also questions over Oxford efficacy?

And are you going to get it asap/see which one and assess/avoid?

01-11-2021 , 12:01 PM
I'm not so much dunking as you as you're dunking on yourself, Cuepee.

You absurdly overreach with clown-level views (such as that Trump was the biggest part of aiding China's actions), refuse to defer to data, refuse to falsify your views, and just generally are the equivalent of an obsessed little clown with a small mind and an even smaller perspective.

I said from the beginning (before Trump could be blamed) that leaders are mostly irrelevant for corona and it's the bureaucratic/expert class and population characteristics that will decide how this plays out.

And I predicted this result (global pandemic) from watching how horribly the expert/bureaucratic class was handling this around the world. For example, a month after knowing about covid, a healthy 37 year old in Italy was able to present to a hospital with severe very atypical pneumonia and was not isolated, reported or contract traced for two weeks! He started the spread through Italy and Europe that they failed to contain. That's just rank incompetence of the health system/bureaucratic class and it was how I knew that it was 99% likely going to be a pandemic.

You're just a dumb sideshow with all your Trump blame. He doesn't matter for the pandemic and never did. I marked in red for you all the countries close to the US in death rates. None of them have Trump as leader, yet they have the same death rates around the level of the US, despite in most cases far more lockdowns and economic damage in the other countries.

You going to blame the 24 red ones on Trump too? You're demonstrably silly enough to at this point. The US should actually top all lists because it has the highest prexisting conditions in the world and they took the path of staying open. Yet deaths are at the middle of major Western nations. It kind of defies explanation how low they are.
01-11-2021 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by RedQueenDream
Do 2p2ers who have researched vaccines have any strong feelings about which is best in terms of efficacy and safety of the approved ones so far?

Seems like the Oxford one is safer/more traditional and the Pfizer/Moderna ones more experimental/dangerous long term, but there were also questions over Oxford efficacy?

And are you going to get it asap/see which one and assess/avoid?

I'm going to wait. I'm not keen on the mRNA ones. But the Oxford ones had problems too with related MERS so it's not like they're a sure thing either.

The issue I have with the mRNA ones is the potential for unknown long term health effects. They don' have a good track record although the other mRNA uses have bee a little different. I'd get it at over 50 or so and probably avoid it under 35.
01-11-2021 , 12:10 PM
Tooth, the idea that you think you think you think you can dunk on any one is hillarious. Lets take this outside your safe space and debate and see who wins.

Oh wait, you cannot. You are literally prohibited by this site as a way to contain the madness and illogic and stupidity of your ramblings to a singular place (containment) where they can appeal to like minded morons.

I know, I know, you will likely retort, it is not me, it is all of them, in true Trumpian fashion but i hope the irony on you is not lost. I hope you are at least smart enough to see it. You've been contained due to stupidity and think you are the one dunking. FLOL.
01-11-2021 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
I'm going to wait. I'm not keen on the mRNA ones. But the Oxford ones had problems too with related MERS so it's not like they're a sure thing either.

The issue I have with the mRNA ones is the potential for unknown long term health effects. They don' have a good track record although the other mRNA uses have bee a little different. I'd get it at over 50 or so and probably avoid it under 35.

The mRNA vaccines have higher effectiveness rates than the Oxford vaccine. I'm entirely willing to trade long-term risk from an mRNA vaccine against the long-term risk from a C-19 infection, so I'll take either of the mRNA vaccines as soon as I can get one. I'm 57 with no health problems or other risk factors.
01-11-2021 , 12:40 PM
At 57 it makes sense. If everyone 55+ could be vaccinated the death rate would drop 93% (just 7% of what it is now).
01-11-2021 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by RedQueenDream

Seems like the Oxford one is safer/more traditional and the Pfizer/Moderna ones more experimental/dangerous long term, but there were also questions over Oxford efficacy?

And are you going to get it asap/see which one and assess/avoid?

They both went through clinical trials with tens of thousands of participants. They both have been extremely safe in trials. I am not sure why you would assume the mRNA vaccines are more dangerous. There is no data to support this. The Oxford vaccine uses a novel approach also (chimp adenovirus modified with DNA), so I'm not sure why you would assume it is safer.
01-11-2021 , 05:03 PM
01-11-2021 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by RedQueenDream
Do 2p2ers who have researched vaccines have any strong feelings about which is best in terms of efficacy and safety of the approved ones so far?

Seems like the Oxford one is safer/more traditional and the Pfizer/Moderna ones more experimental/dangerous long term, but there were also questions over Oxford efficacy?

And are you going to get it asap/see which one and assess/avoid?

Originally Posted by RedQueenDream
Do 2p2ers who have researched vaccines have any strong feelings about which is best in terms of efficacy and safety of the approved ones so far?

Seems like the Oxford one is safer/more traditional and the Pfizer/Moderna ones more experimental/dangerous long term, but there were also questions over Oxford efficacy?

And are you going to get it asap/see which one and assess/avoid?

I don't really agree with the notion the Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines are more dangerous. I've seen people criticize them as hijacking your cells' machinery to produce proteins of the virus, and that this could alter your DNA or have some carcinogenic effect, but I don't know of any good evidence or even the mechanism for how they could change your cell's DNA. The Pfizer vaccine does hijack your cells' machinery to produce the spike protein, but the virus does this in a much more damaging way. And more to your question, the AstraZeneca vaccine hijacks your cells' machinery to produce the spike protein also, and does so in a way that's more invasive and involves actual DNA.

Here's a brief explanation of how they work:
mRNA ones inject mRNA encased in an envelope of fat globules into your body. The fat adheres to cells and allows the mRNA to enter the cell. The ribosomes, which are outside the nucleus, then produce the spike protein that the mRNA instructs them to. After a day or two, the mRNA deteriorates and your cells stop producing the spike proteins.

The AstraZeneca vaccine injects a chimp virus (because you have no immunity to chimp viruses) that has had its DNA modified to eliminate its replication abilities, and to include instructions to make the spike protein of the coronavirus (the same instructions that the Pfizer vaccine gives to your cells). This virus then enters your cell, enters your cell's nucleus, then your nucleus transcribes its DNA into RNA, which leaves the nucleus, and ribosomes take the mRNA's instructions and produce the spike proteins.

As you can see, both involve mRNA going into your cells to instruct them to produce spike proteins. But the Pfizer and Moderna ones really are only doing that, whereas the AstraZeneca one is also giving you a genetically modified chimp virus with foreign DNA that enters your cell's nucleus.

I guess I'll just leave it there, and say that I'd prefer to get one of the mRNA vaccines, from both a safety standpoint and an efficacy standpoint. And I think they're worthwhile to get even if you're in your twenties or thirties. There may be some people a few years from now who will have lucked out and never gotten infected from SARS-CoV-2, and who never had to get a vaccine, and SARS-CoV-2 will have become eradicated. But I think most people are either going to get inoculated—either via the virus, the mRNA vaccines, the AZ vaccine, or a subsequent vaccine. Of those four options, I'd choose the mRNA vaccine.
01-11-2021 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Howard Treesong, himself, cannot really post outside the BFI.

For the first time a couple of months ago he poked his head into the Political forum to spew some Trump booster nonsense and immediate got destroyed. He d*ck tucked and left town to come and safely post here.

All the BFI Coronavirus thread is, is a safe space for the Parler types of Trump supporter who wants to post here stuff like "Trump managed Xi and the China situation brilliantly. There is nothing he could do better. Xi was a maniac' while not only, not getting challenged but having all your bro's chime in 'oh good point, good point. You really dunked on that guy with all the Trump quotes hard."

It is a true circle jerk with Tooth as the leader being fellated by the rest of them.

it so awesome violating their safe space and seeing how rustled facts and disinfectant make them.

You know, disinfectant, like inside the body...

FLOL. Very stable genius.
Cuepee is so gone in the head that he believes being disallowed from posting in a hugbox that values censorship is a bad thing. That's like feeling bad about not being allowed to post in a CCP forum because you're not a communist. I would personally wear that badge with pride.
01-11-2021 , 08:58 PM
I've probably posted 200 times in OOT since then, Cuepee, so you can **** right off.
01-11-2021 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I've probably posted 200 times in OOT since then, Cuepee, so you can **** right off.
Jesus Howard don't drag him to OTT. This is why we can't have nice things.
01-12-2021 , 01:10 AM
Point taken, cap. I know better.
01-12-2021 , 01:11 AM
O no... someone can't post in the politics section where the mods post more than the users lol

there is a reason people don't want to post in that biased cesspool
01-12-2021 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Wow! This is something new out of the democrats. Admitting defeat. Finally they understand what is happening.

And of course I was right the whole time, the smartest play was getting the virus over with as fast as possible, it was going to get everyone anyway, it just dragged out the misery way longer than it should have. Its so funny how people are petrified of this virus, but dont seem to have a care in the world about all the other horrible diseases you can get and die from in old age.
01-12-2021 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
O no... someone can't post in the politics section where the mods post more than the users lol

there is a reason people don't want to post in that biased cesspool
They get their arse handed to them in every debate is the main reason.
01-12-2021 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I've probably posted 200 times in OOT since then, Cuepee, so you can **** right off.
Originally Posted by de captain
Jesus Howard don't drag him to OTT. This is why we can't have nice things.
What is OOT.

Not familiar with that one. If it is another safe space I will definitely check it out and start participating.

Originally Posted by lvr
O no... someone can't post in the politics section where the mods post more than the users lol

there is a reason people don't want to post in that biased cesspool
By virtue of needing to be banned as opposed to opting out, I think we know the logic in your post is lacking.
01-12-2021 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Wow! This is something new out of the democrats. Admitting defeat. Finally they understand what is happening.

And of course I was right the whole time, the smartest play was getting the virus over with as fast as possible, it was going to get everyone anyway, it just dragged out the misery way longer than it should have. Its so funny how people are petrified of this virus, but dont seem to have a care in the world about all the other horrible diseases you can get and die from in old age.
Because they are seeing massive budget deficits and realize they can't shutdown anymore. Someone has to pay for all this lockdown mess. Hundreds of billions in deficits.... we were told we could lockdown forever and print money forever. Wrong.

All anti business liberals quickly become pro business when faced with massive budget deficits.

They could have asked a capitalist.
01-12-2021 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
Wow! This is something new out of the democrats. Admitting defeat. Finally they understand what is happening.

And of course I was right the whole time, the smartest play was getting the virus over with as fast as possible, it was going to get everyone anyway, it just dragged out the misery way longer than it should have. Its so funny how people are petrified of this virus, but dont seem to have a care in the world about all the other horrible diseases you can get and die from in old age.

Another grand lie in the Trumpian tradition.

I guarantee you won't bet me that his "smartly and safely" won't drop the need for 'distancing', 'masks' and 'strategically selected openings while keeping certain things closed', which is exactly the type of opening "democrats" have argued for and that have been fought against by the 'm'uh freedums' republicans.

But please, show me once you will stand behind your view as if you believe it and lets bet. I will even give a tight time frame. If within one month Cuomo does not make it clear that his 'opening' means things like what I say, you win.

I would gladly give odds to anyone else that spino will not take this bet.
01-12-2021 , 10:53 AM
NOW Cuomo wants to legalize sports betting and weed.

“By legalizing mobile sports betting, New York will be able to reap the benefits of the economic gains it will create and help the state rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic,” Addabbo said Jan. 6, after Cuomo released a preview of his speech.

Yeah, now it's morally OK!

Originally Posted by Cuepee

Another grand lie in the Trumpian tradition.

I guarantee you won't bet me that his "smartly and safely" won't drop the need for 'distancing', 'masks' and 'strategically selected openings while keeping certain things closed', which is exactly the type of opening "democrats" have argued for and that have been fought against by the 'm'uh freedums' republicans.

But please, show me once you will stand behind your view as if you believe it and lets bet. I will even give a tight time frame. If within one month Cuomo does not make it clear that his 'opening' means things like what I say, you win.

I would gladly give odds to anyone else that spino will not take this bet.
In what way do you think things will change vs how they are now? Why is he saying this mid winter and when UK strain or whatever is now here?

Btw I don't think there's a single person itt, regardless of their politics, that thinks you're a good poster with solid reading comprehension or logic.
01-12-2021 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
They get their arse handed to them in every debate is the main reason.
Hard left politics mods ban everyone who makes a compelling argument against their leftist religion, and the only people left are those that can't make compelling arguments.

It's a classic "safe space" strategy. The communists took it one step further and killed/imprisoned/"reeducated" anyone who could argue convincingly against their views. That's the logical conclusion of the leftist fundamentalist experiment that's going on in the US. Moral panic + love of government as a problem solver + censorship/deplatforming + centralized "consensus" expert opinion always ends the same way.
