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Collections coming after me for Chase and Verizon charge offs, how to salvage my credit? Collections coming after me for Chase and Verizon charge offs, how to salvage my credit?

01-25-2013 , 01:46 AM
Included are two screenshots of my credit report as of yesterday (at bottom of post). Quick backstory, lost my job in beginning of 2012, fell into a depression and shut out the world for an entire year. Trying to pick up the pieces but after some initial research it looks like this Chase charge off will haunt me for the next 7 years?

My dad is willing to pay off the verizon (collections wants $300 of the ~$600 owed), I've spoken with the collections and they said they cannot do a pay for delete, I had planned to call Verizon later today to try the same but will wait for any opinions/help; I haven't talked to Chase yet.

If you were in my position, what would you do? I'm just now looking for a job, all of my basic needs are covered, I'm finally getting unemployment (long story, was too embarassed to get it, would have been able to pay my own debt but I'm an idiot), dad willing to pay Verizon not sure about Chase.

What's my next move? I had like a 700+ credit score before 2012, I'm guessing that's vaporized now for many years?

Collections coming after me for Chase and Verizon charge offs, how to salvage my credit? Quote
01-25-2013 , 06:50 AM
I had a problem like this with a $60 comcast bill that got lost in a move. Dropped my score by 80 pts, if you don't have a lot of history the math on credit scores is ridiculously punishing.

Most collections agency can't authorize the pay for delete anymore, so it really does suck once it gets there, no one wants to deal with you at that point hah. You can get a letter authorizing it from the originating companies though. First things first, contact these people; you're going to be transferred 20 times and have to call 20 times anyways to get this done by yourself so start getting some info. The frustrating part is you get a different story from everyone so if you have the option to handle any of it locally do that.

Most companies are receptive to figuring something out with you though, Chase will likely be easier to get out of collections than Verizon and that's more important long term for you anyways so start there and just pay the verizon one for now, it is reversible.

Last thing, put a freeze on 2 of your reports and leave one bureau open, you can do this really quick and easy online. When you are applying for a loan in the future or credit, unfreeze the 2.
Collections coming after me for Chase and Verizon charge offs, how to salvage my credit? Quote
