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08-12-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bitcoin boom
I'd be shocked if Ether is profitable for anyone within the next year. Unfortunately, I think some people who "invested", looked at Ethereum as a way to profit. The only reason I can see to buy Ether is to financially support a cause I believe in.
Any opinions on the Doge Counterparty clone ( )?

Last edited by ValarMorghulis; 08-12-2014 at 04:11 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-12-2014 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
Proof of Stake is used in a large number of alts. Bitcoiners love their mining so most have no interest in it, but to me, PoW is the problem with bitcoin and PoS is the solution. (There's a proposal to switch bitcoin from PoW to PoS, if that happened, I'd probably sell my alts, but I doubt it will.)
I don't want to always play the same tune, but Vitalik's article on PoS was pretty solid
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-12-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
Any opinions on the Doge Counterparty clone (
I am invested in Counterparty so when I look at Dogeparty, I look at it a bit differently that most people as my first thought is what effect will it have on Counterparty.

For Dogecoin I think Dogeparty is fantastic. Doge has a low hashing rate and the inflation makes it worse all the time. There was a figure out out recently that Doge could be 51% attacked at a cost of $450 for whoever pointed the hashing power at it and away from Bitcoin. Perhaps these features:

- Create coins
- Crowdfund
- Pay dividends to shareholders
- Decentralized exchange
- Peer-to-Peer betting (binary/cfd)

Will help spark additional interest in Doge and prevent such a low cost attack.

Doge has one of the most active and ingenious communities of any coin I think. Certainly in a sea of marketing terribleness, Doge did something new and exciting and they have continued to innovate and lead the way. Dogeparty is a natural extension of that and it will be a great fit.

I'm even more excited from the Counterparty side. I would be thrilled to see Counterparty forked and placed on all blockchains that wanted it. If I had to choose a blockchain to put a Counterparty clone on first, it would without a doubt be Doge.

There is little to no overlap of the Counterparty and Dogecoin communities. The very things that attracted early investors to both projects repulsed the other group because the projects were basically polar opposites. Now these two groups of early adopters are being brought together by technology. There will be much more crossover in the communities. More people will fully understand how awesome the Counterparty technology is, which is a big deal because explaining Counterparty to a Bitcoiner is similar to explaining Bitcoin to someone that has never heard of Bitcoin.

EDIT: The other thing I'd say is the people running Dogeparty, especially Wendell, are bosses. There should not be a concern about execution or professionalism at all. They are professionals.

Last edited by Bitcoin boom; 08-12-2014 at 04:29 PM.
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08-12-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by LozColbert
I don't want to always play the same tune, but Vitalik's article on PoS was pretty solid
Yeah, I read it, very thorough. He talks about what he sees as the potential flaws and discusses the solutions to those (Slasher and TaPoS).
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-12-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bitcoin boom
I am invested in Counterparty so when I look at Dogeparty, I look at it a bit differently that most people as my first thought is what effect will it have on Counterparty.

For Dogecoin I think Dogeparty is fantastic. Doge has a low hashing rate and the inflation makes it worse all the time. There was a figure out out recently that Doge could be 51% attacked at a cost of $450 for whoever pointed the hashing power at it and away from Bitcoin. Perhaps these features:

- Create coins
- Crowdfund
- Pay dividends to shareholders
- Decentralized exchange
- Peer-to-Peer betting (binary/cfd)

Will help spark additional interest in Doge and prevent such a low cost attack.

Doge has one of the most active and ingenious communities of any coin I think. Certainly in a sea of marketing terribleness, Doge did something new and exciting and they have continued to innovate and lead the way. Dogeparty is a natural extension of that and it will be a great fit.

I'm even more excited from the Counterparty side. I would be thrilled to see Counterparty forked and placed on all blockchains that wanted it. If I had to choose a blockchain to put a Counterparty clone on first, it would without a doubt be Doge.

There is little to no overlap of the Counterparty and Dogecoin communities. The very things that attracted early investors to both projects repulsed the other group because the projects were basically polar opposites. Now these two groups of early adopters are being brought together by technology. There will be much more crossover in the communities. More people will fully understand how awesome the Counterparty technology is, which is a big deal because explaining Counterparty to a Bitcoiner is similar to explaining Bitcoin to someone that has never heard of Bitcoin.

EDIT: The other thing I'd say is the people running Dogeparty, especially Wendell, are bosses. There should not be a concern about execution or professionalism at all. They are professionals.
Interesting, thanks for the info. Are you intending to burn Dogecoins?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-12-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
Interesting, thanks for the info. Are you intending to burn Dogecoins?
I don't plan on investing in it as I think the EV of Counterparty is higher.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-12-2014 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bitcoin boom
I don't plan on investing in it as I think the EV of Counterparty is higher.
Though most of the value in Counterparty investing so far has mainly been enjoyed by those who burnt (I know you expect that to change). I just missed the burning period, so my XCPs are only treading water in terms of profit.

I wondered if you saw DogeParty as competition, since there's no actual overlap. Shares that decide to float on Dogeparty are ones that won't now float on Counterparty. Though, I guess, in general it's a different market; more serious shares won't trust the Doge blockchain. As you said, getting new users to find out about 2nd generation blockchain features is probably more important.

Interestingly, Nxt is trying a 'Nxt Inside' campaign, where a Nxt wallet could be incorporated into a 1st gen. coin wallet, allowing them access to some 2nd gen features through Nxt. Not sure how it would work exactly, or if it will take off, but the advantage over forking would be that everyone would be using the same blockchain for shares.
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08-14-2014 , 01:21 AM
So I go to and get a bitcoin address and private key for importing to a wallet. What stops my address from being duplicated? Is it just that unlikely to have two identical addresses created?

My second question is with the private key that you get; what is to stop someone from making a bot that just generates key strings and tries to import them? Below is a sample private key:
5JxB2twpdugpGhxb4gmH8npXUxB8dFiwSCqbUxfSf9LVHH8oov Q

What's to stop someone from just importing the above and creating a program that changes the characters and just tries them all day and night?

I want to use an address for cold storage but these two questions keep coming to mind.

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-14-2014 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by msusyr24
What's to stop someone from just importing the above and creating a program that changes the characters and just tries them all day and night?
Bitcoin addresses are 160 bit hashes of the 256 bit private keys, so there are 2^160 or about 1,460,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 possible addresses.
Let’s say it’s 2045 and the world population is 9 billion. In an unrealistic scenario, every single person on the earth is using Bitcoin and each person has created and used 10 million addresses; yes let’s go overboard with this: that would mean a total of 90,000,000,000,000,000 addresses spent addresses.
So, the possibility of collision, in this scenario is:
90,000,000,000,000,000 / 2^160 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000615%
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08-14-2014 , 10:00 AM
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-14-2014 , 12:09 PM
Any reason for the sudden relatively big drop in price?
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08-14-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by wejo
Any reason for the sudden relatively big drop in price?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-14-2014 , 10:13 PM
If we follow the Feynman model then the price dropped because supply outstripped demand. I leave it to the next poster to try and explain why supply outstripped demand.
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08-16-2014 , 07:55 AM
Was on vacation with the family and noticed a Freshii restaurant that accepts bitcoin. It was my first time spending some at a brick and mortar. The wife wasn't all that impressed, but I thought it was awesome.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-16-2014 , 09:21 AM
on the surface, theres not much to be impressed with. bitcoin is more of an under-the-hood thing.

simply, you paid the merchant. you did not ask the holder of your money if you can pay the merchant, and the merchant did not ask the holder of their money if they can have the payment... you just paid them directly and securely.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-16-2014 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by bucktotal
on the surface, theres not much to be impressed with. bitcoin is more of an under-the-hood thing.
Every time I have been buying things online for bitcoins I have been very impressed. was amazing.
1. Press link to "pay with bitcoin"
2. Electrum opens everything filled in, press send
3. Write password for electrum
4. Less than a second later homepage in the background turns green "paid"

The whole process took like 10seconds.

But yeah, my experiences paying with bitcoin irl have been terrible failures of android devices crashing, having to write amount with 6 digits on my phone, them reloading etc.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-16-2014 , 06:13 PM
I'm not familiar with how offline payments work. But as I understand it, a QR Code could be generated and you scan it and it makes a payment? Do you somehow get to confirm the payment amount beforehand? In other words, what if the QR Code was generated incorrectly and the payment was .5 Btc instead of .05 btc?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-17-2014 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bitcoin boom
I am invested in Counterparty so when I look at Dogeparty, I look at it a bit differently that most people as my first thought is what effect will it have on Counterparty.

For Dogecoin I think Dogeparty is fantastic. Doge has a low hashing rate and the inflation makes it worse all the time. There was a figure out out recently that Doge could be 51% attacked at a cost of $450 for whoever pointed the hashing power at it and away from Bitcoin. Perhaps these features:

- Create coins
- Crowdfund
- Pay dividends to shareholders
- Decentralized exchange
- Peer-to-Peer betting (binary/cfd)

Will help spark additional interest in Doge and prevent such a low cost attack.

Doge has one of the most active and ingenious communities of any coin I think. Certainly in a sea of marketing terribleness, Doge did something new and exciting and they have continued to innovate and lead the way. Dogeparty is a natural extension of that and it will be a great fit.

I'm even more excited from the Counterparty side. I would be thrilled to see Counterparty forked and placed on all blockchains that wanted it. If I had to choose a blockchain to put a Counterparty clone on first, it would without a doubt be Doge.

There is little to no overlap of the Counterparty and Dogecoin communities. The very things that attracted early investors to both projects repulsed the other group because the projects were basically polar opposites. Now these two groups of early adopters are being brought together by technology. There will be much more crossover in the communities. More people will fully understand how awesome the Counterparty technology is, which is a big deal because explaining Counterparty to a Bitcoiner is similar to explaining Bitcoin to someone that has never heard of Bitcoin.

EDIT: The other thing I'd say is the people running Dogeparty, especially Wendell, are bosses. There should not be a concern about execution or professionalism at all. They are professionals.
Nothing is going to "spark additional interest" in Dogecoin. If we think of this mutt of a coin in doge years, it's best ones are behind it and the kind thing would be to put it down. Unfortunately, some owners prefer to drag it out until the poor thing is ****ting itself.

There is nothing ingenious about the dogecoin community. Foolish, naive and dull is how I would describe them.

These are the foolish people who allowed a marketer to swindle them out of their bitcoins. These are the naive people who welcomed Jackson Palmer back because he's cunning enough to know he can pull the same scam twice on these people with Stellar. You watch, he'll begin pitching it to shibes shortly. These are dull people who aspired to nothing more in life than sponsoring a car as a community because doing so as an individual was a dream, always and forever beyond their reach.

Dogecoin investors, dogeparty early adopters.. such oxymoron, much shibes to slaughter. The community you speak of left some shibes suicidal due to the huge losses.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-17-2014 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by wejo
Any reason for the sudden relatively big drop in price?
Ethereum just raised a **** ton of Bitcoins and cashed out a bunch to pay off debts.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-17-2014 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Ethereum just raised a **** ton of Bitcoins and cashed out a bunch to pay off debts.
well, they've withdrawn 4000 bitcoins to date. that represents about ~20% of a daily trade volume, ~5% weekly volume. and thats only if all coins withdrawn are sold in one chunk randomly. the market can easily absorb those coins.

in this case, its useful to look at b1tfinex usd swap stats. the leveraged longs got squeezed, and this excites some good 'ol panic from the weak hands (TM)
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-17-2014 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by cazalla
Dogecoin investors, dogeparty early adopters.. such oxymoron, much shibes to slaughter. The community you speak of left some shibes suicidal due to the huge losses.
The person who wrote that article has an excessive amount of hatred, he's got a serious bone to pick or something. Enough salt in the wound already.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-18-2014 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by cazalla
Nothing is going to "spark additional interest" in Dogecoin. If we think of this mutt of a coin in doge years, it's best ones are behind it and the kind thing would be to put it down. Unfortunately, some owners prefer to drag it out until the poor thing is ****ting itself.

There is nothing ingenious about the dogecoin community. Foolish, naive and dull is how I would describe them.

These are the foolish people who allowed a marketer to swindle them out of their bitcoins. These are the naive people who welcomed Jackson Palmer back because he's cunning enough to know he can pull the same scam twice on these people with Stellar. You watch, he'll begin pitching it to shibes shortly. These are dull people who aspired to nothing more in life than sponsoring a car as a community because doing so as an individual was a dream, always and forever beyond their reach.

Dogecoin investors, dogeparty early adopters.. such oxymoron, much shibes to slaughter. The community you speak of left some shibes suicidal due to the huge losses.
Eh, maybe you're right. I personally don't think so, but you could be.

Dogeparty seems to be getting quite a bit of use less than a week into the burn and more assets were created on Dogeparty in the first 24 hours than have been created on Counterparty to date. While those assets are just for fun, many, many people who previously had no interest in Bitcoin 2.0, are learning about Counterparty, which is a useful technology. So that's cool. I'm eager to see what happens on Dogeparty's DEx once it's up. There is no volume to speak of on Counterparty at this point, but I think the Shibes will get more use out of that particular functionality.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-18-2014 , 09:56 AM
Ether just sounds backwards to me. If ethereum is the best platform ever and applications start moving onto it, demand drives up the price of ether so high that you prevent other applications from moving onto it and you possibly make your own app or existing ethereum apps unprofitable.

If this platform is the greatest thing ever, let every single web application onto it and charge them all tiny amounts for everything they do.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-18-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
I'm not familiar with how offline payments work. But as I understand it, a QR Code could be generated and you scan it and it makes a payment? Do you somehow get to confirm the payment amount beforehand? In other words, what if the QR Code was generated incorrectly and the payment was .5 Btc instead of .05 btc?
Well it didn't take long to answer my question. 2 days later and we have a $140 purchase with $13,700 in fees because of a decimal placement typo......
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
08-18-2014 , 06:51 PM
I don't think that has anything to do with the QR code, but I am moderately clueless when it comes to them, which is why I didn't tackle your question sooner.
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