Originally Posted by pokerfan655
The problem for BTC is it has no utilization in society - I can't go to the grocery store and buy bananas with BTC - literally all I can do is sell or buy it on online markets. The biggest issue I see is if BTC started to become mainstream at some point where I could go to the grocery store and use it, the government would impose regulations to protect the USD rendering utilization minimal. Holding BTC right now is really pure speculation on the supply/demand and there's really no key factors to argue holding or selling. I don't think there's any indicators that would say BTC is going to 1 million quicker than it could go to 10,000.
You don't see ANY utility in having a money that cannot be debased to inflation?
Zero utility in the only asset that there can never be more of? Everything else can be increased in supply -- RE, stocks, cash, gold, etc
Zero utility in having a money that can't be subject to jurisdictional laws?
Zero utility in the only asset you can cross borders with and travel with your entire net worth inside your head?
Bitcoin may not ever be spent to buy bananas, but maybe it will! By that time you will have missed the greatest asymmetrical bet of your lifetime, but Bitcoin will still welcome you with open arms when you are looking for a safe haven from fiat inflation.