Originally Posted by Party
i wonder if these people all share the same mental illness, or if it's more of a general hodgepodge of stupid
Recent state of politics, meme stocks, NFT's, anti-vaxxers, Q followers, MLM participants, and Time Share purchasers suggest that a significant number of people are irrational and when they try to make sense of things or business decisions they choose the easiest and least researched options, often those options are contrary to their best interests.
In the case of bitcoin the appeal to criminals and those trying to avoid taxes is real and understandable. To people looking to get rich quick without contributing anything meaningful to society that is also understandable, I didn't say it's the right thing, but understandable as in it makes sense.
Not sure of the future of bitcoin, but still strikes me as shady AF. But hey who doesn't want something a little shady now and then. amirite?