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04-24-2021 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by kekeeke
Man i have no powder until monday, bank fiat frozen for over 10 days because they can I guess, ****

They are doing you a favor that **** will give you a heart attack
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by skiier04

I do think they're in a tough spot now because an outright ban or attack on crypto would have a very negative effect on all global markets imo.
I really doubt that .
Bitcoin is only 1 trillions cap , it’s nothing compare to bonds market , equity .
Bitcoin isn’t a big adoption in every investors yet .
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by ZodiacalRelease
What can they do about it?

Disruption Theory teaches us the only way to avoid the disruption is to make a separate company/department (with its own rules, its own P&L; in other words, not beholden to the parent company in any way) in that field and compete. Otherwise disruption wins.

You can't ban it. You can't ignore it. All you can do is hope to compete.

I say: bring it on!
It wouldn’t be that difficult .
Imo you overestimate the power of bitcoin on the political front .
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04-24-2021 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by IntheNow
Why in the world would you payoff your house/get out of debt with your macro view? That would be the fishiest thing you could possibly do (other than selling your btc)...
Exactly. If the value of the dollar is going to be inflated away then you should be taking out every loan you can and pay it back in the future with worthless dollars.

You’ve figured out Zodiacal is a total fraud.
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04-24-2021 , 09:16 PM
IF .....
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
@Two SHAE and @rickroll:
I wasn’t saying that miners are the only ones doing the selling. I was just saying that I believe they are doing the majority of the selling.

Miners: 90%
Everyone else: 10%
Strong correlation with S2F model

Miners: 60%
Everyone else: 40%
Moderate correlation with S2F model

Miners: 30%
Everyone else: 70%
Weak correlation with S2F model

Over time, the correlation becomes weaker.

It is only a theory though and I could be wrong, but I’m not entirely sure how or if it is possible for us to know. I hope that made sense. I’m going to be done posting about it for awhile though, because Yeah.
you know you could easily spend 10 minutes looking at volume charts and you'd see that over 50k btc are bought and sold each day, sometimes far more than that

even assuming miners are selling 100% it'd be less than 10% of total volume

i have worked with some people who have mine ownership in china, while some sell as it's mined because they need cashflow, the majority are backed by investment so don't need liquidity and thus hold it to sell tranches at strategic moments if at all

gun to my head, <2% of coins sold each day were mined that day and <5% were mined that month
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
IF .....
Have you seen Zodiacal express any doubt about any of his opinions? Any admission he might not know everything?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by skiier04
I still think there is a path to BTC becoming a global reserve asset but it's going to be a very bumpy one, super easy and profitable halving trade every 4 years is very obviously not going to keep happening forever.
Yeah, this echoes my main question going into this year basically. I feel this cycle will be the last time to get a solid print on the halving cycle alpha, it's the main "physics" of the whole equation (that someone like Michael Saylor loves to extrapolate). I'm still unsure exactly how I will trade it, and trying to stay sane going into the latter half of this year when most of my bags end up being btc. But will need to decide how much to potentially stablecoin/re-allocate at whatever bonkers 6-figure level decides to show up.

It's tough because any macro-bull-btc thesis won't hurt longrun by just closing your eyes and hodling for years as a base asset in your portfolio, but for anyone in crypto a long while, it still feels like trading through some wild peak and valley 6-8 months from now isn't impossible.
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04-24-2021 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by ZodiacalRelease
Me personally, I don't believe in any debt, ever.

It makes me happy to be completely debt free. If I want something, I save up for it / buy it all in cash.

For me, money is about happiness and health.

That's why I don't myself bother with DeFi loaning protocols (although I do study them for market purposes).

It works very well for me. YMMV.
I can perhaps understand the psychological satisfaction of not having any debt, but it has to be a massively -EV move, and it seems to contradict your optimistic view of rapid growth of BTC and other coins.

For example, why would you choose to put down, say, $500k on a house when you could instead pay a relatively low rate of interest with a mortgage, and invest the $500k in BTC? You think BTC will 3-6x by the end of the year, so by your calculations you would be throwing away $1MM - $2.5MM just for the remainder of this year alone- all for the peace of mind of not having any debt.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 10:41 PM
I might be a tad bit ******ed. I’m not really sure what I was thinking. Ignore everything I’ve said about S2F in the last 4 posts and let’s pretend it never happened. It’s so bad I want to delete it all, but I can’t.

Although, the thing about the model relying on previous data might hold merit. The thing about the ratio between miners selling and everybody else selling is ridiculous considering the volume. 900 BTC is less than 0.1% of the trading volume just of today. Oops.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheGodson
I'm assuming that S2F graph came from

It seems that the person who built that graph used 111 data points from December 2009 to February 2019 and shoe horned it into a formula giving out arbitrary numbers
It sounds like you haven't actually read the stock to flow article by the originator which can be found here or gotten into the weeds of his subsequent commentary. The purpose of the original model was to predict the market cap of Bitcoin after the 2020 halving. It was never meant to provide ongoing predictions for the price 20, 50 or 100 years out. He's stated on numerous occasions his models are only meant to predict the next 2-3 halving cycles as beyond that we will be in uncharted territory as there are no other commodities on Earth with a S2F of what Bitcoin will soon be (125x, 250x, 500x etc.).

You routinely take really strong opinions on subjects where it's clear you're out of your depth. Just a bit of advice.

MAR 22, 2019 - Modeling Bitcoin Value with Scarcity
The hypothesis in this study is that scarcity, as measured by SF, directly drives value. A look at the table above confirms that market values tend to be higher when SF is higher. Next step is to collect data and make a statistical model.
Fitting a linear regression to the data confirms what can be seen with the naked eye: a statistically significant relationship between SF and market value (95% R2, significance of F 2.3E-17, p-Value of slope 2.3E-17). The likelihood that the relationship between SF and market value is caused by chance is close to zero. Of course other factors also impact price, regulation, hacks and other news, that is why R2 is not 100% (and not all dots are on the straight black line). However, the dominant driving factor seems to be scarcity / SF.
The predicted market value for bitcoin after May 2020 halving is $1trn, which translates in a bitcoin price of $55,000. That is quite spectacular. I guess time will tell and we will probably know one or two years after the halving, in 2020 or 2021. A great out of sample test of this hypothesis and model.
People ask me where all the money needed for $1trn bitcoin market value would come from? My answer: silver, gold, countries with negative interest rate (Europe, Japan, US soon), countries with predatory governments (Venezuela, China, Iran, Turkey etc), billionaires and millionaires hedging against quantitative easing (QE), and institutional investors discovering the best performing asset of last 10 yrs.
The 95% R2 and more importantly, the cointegration, are what they are because of the price data.

OCT 4, 2019 - What Bitcoin Did: Plan₿ on Bitcoin’s Stock to Flow
Yeah, the correlation that I first spotted was with the market values of gold, silver, Bitcoin and the stock to flow values that were related to that. So you see an almost $10 trillion gold market and a very high 60+ stock to flow and you see all of those commodities with stock to flows around 1 and very low, $10 billion, $100 billion range market values. So that that was the first hunch that there was a correlation between stock to flow and market value.

Then when you map it out, you get this weird high 95% correlation that you seldom see. I mean in real life I don't see that, but maybe it's also good to point out that it's not so much the correlation, but the co-integration that is interesting and that's a technical term, I'll try to explain it. A correlation means that the two variables, stock to flow and the price, move together. So stock to flow goes up, price goes up and if that goes lockstep, you have a correlation of 100% and 95% is of course very high already.

But we also know if stock to flow goes up after a halving, price doesn't go up right away. It usually lags a little bit and maybe in the future we'll front run it, who knows? But it's not lockstep up and down and especially in the four year period off a halving thing, the halving increases slightly, but the price can fluctuate wildly around it. So the correlation there is also not perfect. But what's even more interesting is the co-integration.

Co-integration means that the difference between the stock to flow and the Bitcoin price is constant, well not constant, but the distribution is stationary. So today they move together, like if they're connected with a rubber band or something. So if the price can go far away from the stock to flow, but it will always return. It can go below the stock to flow, but it will return to the model value and that's exactly what you see.

So every single year for last 10 years, the actual Bitcoin price was above the model price and below the model price every single year. So that's what you can expect for the future and it doesn't matter if the price goes right away after the halving up or half year later, you know it will go up.

At least that's the hypothesis, that's also what the math and the statistics say. So yeah, I have very high confidence in that. But the next halving will of course, be the big test, the big outer sample test for this hypothesis. But yeah, it's good to know that it's the co-integration and not so much the correlation that is interesting from an investment point of view.

He tried recreating the model for Litecoin and the result was Bitcoin has genuine digital scarcity/unforgeable costliness, and Litecoin/shitcoins do not.

Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe. Stock to flow has proven divisive but more often than not when I see people dismissing it it becomes clear they haven't done enough research on the matter.

The scarcity of Bitcoin in my opinion is related to two factors: the first is obvious which is built into the protocol halving every 4 years. The second is arguably more important and difficult to replicate: a global consensus among investors that Bitcoin is an asset to hold. Achieving consensus among unrelated and self-interested parties is incredibly difficult and is in many ways a self-fulfilling feedback loop, which means it is equally hard to undo because once people are invested, it is in their self-interest to maintain it.

As a result, most other cryptocurrencies should fade away except those that are being backed by institutions (ie: Ethereum being added to corporate balance sheets, products being added to Grayscale trusts).

Last edited by johnnyBuz; 04-24-2021 at 11:04 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
It wouldn’t be that difficult .
Imo you overestimate the power of bitcoin on the political front .
Nope. You underestimate it. Go read the Internet of Money.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by MeleaB
I can perhaps understand the psychological satisfaction of not having any debt
So why are you still responding to me? Lol at "I'm just going to pretend I read and understood what you said but then reiterate the same thing I said earlier in an attempt to convince you."

I don't care. Go away. Add me to your ignore list.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by ZodiacalRelease
Nope. You underestimate it. Go read the Internet of Money.
National security law .
NSA can do a lot of $hit.
G7 or even G20 could tomorrow come to an agreement and say something like we price gold at 1 bitcoin or w.e else .

The entities that makes laws own gold not bitcoin .
They can reprice gold at any value they want while you can’t with bitcoin .
They did in 1933 and it would not surprise me they redo something like that to cover an incredible amount of debts worldwide.

You speak as if bitcoin is WMD of the world and by itself will kill every government around the world .

Slow down and be a bit more realistic .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 04-25-2021 at 12:01 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-24-2021 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
Have you seen Zodiacal express any doubt about any of his opinions? Any admission he might not know everything?
Must be a millennial ?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
National security law .
NSA can do a lot of $hit.
G7 or even G20 could tomorrow come to an agreement and say something like we price gold at 1 bitcoin or w.e else .

The entities that makes laws own gold not bitcoin .
They can reprice gold at any value they want while you can’t with bitcoin .
They did in 1933 and it would not surprise me they redo something like that to cover an incredible amount of debts worldwide.

You speak as if bitcoin is WMD of the world and by itself will kill every government around the world .

Slow down and be a bit more realistic .
I don't care that you don't get it.

You obviously haven't researched a damn thing in the space. You don't know anything. I don't care about your ignorance. Go away. Stop responding to me. Add me to your ignore list.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:16 AM
Ok yoda .
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:17 AM
I added you to my ignore list myself. I told you I don't care.

I don't know what you and others don't get: I'm not here to "convince" you. You get it or you don't. If you don't, more power to you; keep your reality. If you get it, cool, let's see if we can learn from each other. If you want to be saved/convinced, go pray to Jesus.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:19 AM
I hope your logic about bitcoin is not the same as your logic joining a forum for the purpose of banning everyone o0 ...
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
National security law .
NSA can do a lot of $hit.
G7 or even G20 could tomorrow come to an agreement and say something like we price gold at 1 bitcoin or w.e else .

The entities that makes laws own gold not bitcoin .
They can reprice gold at any value they want while you can’t with bitcoin .
They did in 1933 and it would not surprise me they redo something like that to cover an incredible amount of debts worldwide.

You speak as if bitcoin is WMD of the world and by itself will kill every government around the world .

Slow down and be a bit more realistic .
Idk, I think eating up gold market cap is very conservative, gold inferior in every way, the powerful own it sure, but you can't price gold in btc and decide this is the new market. Who's going to supply the btc? You can only manipulate a market when you have power on both sides (GOLD-USD).

BTC goes to 0 or it eats up a big part of the current system, 10T market cap is nothing.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by ZodiacalRelease
So why are you still responding to me? Lol at "I'm just going to pretend I read and understood what you said but then reiterate the same thing I said earlier in an attempt to convince you."

I don't care. Go away. Add me to your ignore list.
Calm down, SpermicidalRelease. You don't know how to play with the other kids so just take your toys and go home. When you are incapable of engaging in conversation with the majority of people on forums such as this, then the fault isn't with everyone else. Clearly you have severe mental and social problems, as well as deep-seated insecurity issues. This forum doesn't exist solely for your temper tantrums. Sorry your mummy didn't love you.

I am not a doctor.

p.s. I know, I know, you're adding me to your ignore list.

EDIT: To answer your questions; 1. I didn't respond to you earlier, so I'm not reiterating anything I said, and 2. I'm not trying to convince you, I was asking you a question, you muppet.

Last edited by MeleaB; 04-25-2021 at 12:53 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Ok yoda .
Originally Posted by ZodiacalRelease
I added you to my ignore list myself. I told you I don't care.

"You're on the Ignore List."
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by MrFeelNothin
Exactly. If the value of the dollar is going to be inflated away then you should be taking out every loan you can and pay it back in the future with worthless dollars.

You’ve figured out Zodiacal is a total fraud.

And the move going forward imho, is ignore. I know I willl (not officially, I’ll just scroll without reading like a normie). This thread is actually important. Especially considering the fish/emotional/short term takes recently.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by IntheNow
And the move going forward imho, is ignore. I know I willl (not officially, I’ll just scroll without reading like a normie). This thread is actually important. Especially considering the fish/emotional/short term takes recently.
I'll add you to mine as well. thinking I care.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
04-25-2021 , 02:02 AM
guys, he literally doesn't even care.
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