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01-01-2021 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by NC82
What information are you willing share and how are you going to proof they are real!
That's up to you. Not revealing any personal information obviously.

Also if this is gonna happen it's gonna be a real amount of money that hurts for you to lose.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 07:24 PM
Bunch of free money waiting to be picked up
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 07:38 PM
None of you biatches is ever going to escrow money and make an actual bet so I propose everyone STFU about that. TS isn’t exactly famous for providing a ton of escrowed action on 2+2... in spite of his reputation for threatening it.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
The thing which you still don't get is that you don't have to love or believe in something to make money on it. The corollary of this is that you will hold bad investments simply because you believe in them, even in the face of strong evidence against and/or falling prices.

The fact that you don't even realize this about yourself, and I do, suggests that you shouldn't invest in anything requiring any independent rational thought. Stick to etfs and/or treasuries. Take my advice. You are guaranteed to lose money investing by thinking the way you do.
yes but those people don't have incredibly dumb takes like;

if coinbase gets an ipo its the end of crypto. Keep pretending you have a clue, case3 might be convinced.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
yes but those people don't have incredibly dumb takes like;

if coinbase gets an ipo its the end of crypto. Keep pretending you have a clue, case3 might be convinced.
What's my dumb take, exactly? Evaluating a growing in popularity (albeit ****) asset as offering a tremendous skew of upside risk when it was trading 20% of its peak value and dumping 20k into it, and then cashing out when retail noobs were FOMOing in at peak levels of coiner zealot euphoria and the risk skew had badly reversed? And then doing it a second time? Whatever you say...

Like I said earlier whether bulls or bears are right about a qualitative analysis of an asset is irrelevant to the ability to make money on it. The only thing that matters (in the short-med run) is the balance of beliefs about that asset. Which is still so weird that people are focusing on that instead of what really matters. This is a thread on an investing foum, but it reads more like religion or politics.

The balance of sentiment about bitcoin will eventually approach the true reality of it, which means longing bitcoin is the worst possible position you could have. It's also the reason most people in the crypto space are born bagholders.

Last edited by Wittgenheiny; 01-01-2021 at 08:06 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
What's my dumb take, exactly?

This was your response to someone posting an article about the upcoming coinbase IPO

Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
I think I'll probably sell my crypto if this flies. Crypto is an uncorrelated hedge against the financial system. Integration makes it worthless to me. A Coinbase IPO would be a business model of taking fees on a speculative bubble, which would eventually result in a huge loss for shareholders.
leaving crypto over coinbase ipo. what a nuanced take.

here another solid dumb take at 29.3k yea those longs sure have been getting crushed. gj escaping those "profits" at 22k

Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
which means longing bitcoin is the worst possible position you could have.

You are really dumb a troll or both.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts

Also I don't care if we do this bet or not. If it's a number that matters to you, don't do it. Just buy some bitcoin and enjoy the ride.
Booked. We can do it, I assume you don't want to escrow because its a long time and would rather put the money to use. I assume its a small enough amount to you that you are trusting of a stranger here, I can provide proof its a relatively small amount for myself and my IDs although Im sure you aren't going to hunt me down. I might buy bitcoin at some point though for the record.

I don't own any at the moment. Only I owned was a few K last year in January from ACR withdrawal and was convinced to sell after a little run in mid January. You also recommended me a place to buy at the time.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 08:29 PM
Just ignoring 2020 join date accounts makes the 2+2 experience much better, also 2021 now.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
Also if this is gonna happen it's gonna be a real amount of money that hurts for you to lose.
How much would that be then?

you can start with telling us the smart bull strategy you applied to realize 2M in gains. You must have quite the networth to realize those gains without yolo-ing part of the run.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by GlassGlazer
This was your response to someone posting an article about the upcoming coinbase IPO

leaving crypto over coinbase ipo. what a nuanced take.

here another solid dumb take at 29.3k yea those longs sure have been getting crushed. gj escaping those "profits" at 22k

You are really dumb a troll or both.
Already addressed that. The burden of proof (or at the very least some type of argument) is on you why deep integration with the financial system and regulation that comes with it is a good thing for bitcoin. But then again, to a zealot everything is confirmation of his bias.

No one who understands risk would ever be sad the bubbly asset they sold went up an additional 10, 20, 50, or even 200% before crashing hard.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:05 PM

What are your motivations for discussing BTC in this thread with a bunch of dumb bulls?

You've already made 2 million and don't seem to have a position long or short. Would you take a position, on either side, if a situation presented itself?

I only ask because your stance seems to strike a strange balance between understanding the bull thesis (why others would fall for it even if you don't) and profiting off the ponzi wave, but then failing to comprehend how dumb bulls could still hold those same "irrational" beliefs that lead to your profitable trade in the first place.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
Already addressed that. The burden of proof (or at the very least some type of argument) is on you why deep integration with the financial system and regulation that comes with it is a good thing for bitcoin. But then again, to a zealot everything is confirmation of his bias.

No one who understands risk would ever be sad the bubbly asset they sold went up an additional 10, 20, 50, or even 200% before crashing hard.
you can't address having dumb takes. they are dumb takes. remember your 51 percent attack might be happening now dumb take... theres so many to choose from.

enjoy your crypto crusade w no investment.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:17 PM
Some people really do love the sound of there own voice don't they. Fwiw i don't think TS and Wittgenhieny are the same person (despite Wittgenhieny trying to be balls deep in TS at every opportunity).
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by catangod

What are your motivations for discussing BTC in this thread with a bunch of dumb bulls?

You've already made 2 million and don't seem to have a position long or short. Would you take a position, on either side, if a situation presented itself?

I only ask because your stance seems to strike a strange balance between understanding the bull thesis (why others would fall for it even if you don't) and profiting off the ponzi wave, but then failing to comprehend how dumb bulls could still hold those same "irrational" beliefs that lead to your profitable trade in the first place.
I originally posted in this thread to see if there was anything I hadn't heard before. Then it turned into a sharpness exercise.

Other people holding onto irrational beliefs is how I (believe, at this point) made most of my money in the markets. I've also lost tons of money the other way being irrational/greedy myself.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Irieguy
The fractional reserve argument is a good one, and is absolutely a strong bear case. To whatever extent there are trust-requiring third parties involved in the Bitcoin ecosystem, there are vulnerabilities to catastrophic losses. If Bitcoin indeed crashes and loses 75%+ of its value it will be due to this. Speculators must appreciate this risk. But this doesn’t support an argument that Bitcoin is a failure. If people want to turn over custodianship of their coins to a third party, they are accepting counterparty risk. This is hardly a revelation. And even if almost everyone did that, and almost all of the value was lost overnight, the Bitcoin network would keep working. Mining would become unprofitable and hash rate would plummet, and then difficulty would adjust and the blockchain would carry on.
There have already been 4 instances of >80% crashes and numerous more 50-60% corrections. Any bull/hodler that has been in this space has likely experienced one by now, and if they haven't they'll get a chance in 2022 when we likely see another 80% crash. Weak hands get weeded out and the investor base strengthens. It happens every cycle

Notable Corrections:
  • JUNE - NOVEMBER, 2011: -93%
  • AUGUST 17-19, 2012: -57%
  • APRIL 10-12, 2013: -87%
  • DECEMBER 2013 - JANUARY 2015: -85%
  • DECEMBER 2017 - DECEMBER 2018: -84%
  • JULY 2019 - DECEMBER 2019: -53%
  • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2020: -63%
  • NOV/DEC 2021 - JANUARY 2023: ????

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 09:38 PM
I have a question

so if consumption is usually 50-70% of GDP in a nation, which is equal to the income of that nation.

And then bitcoin is a deflationary coin, which promotes savings and not consumption, because people know that there are only a limited amount of bitcoin available (21MM), so people tend not to consume now but save their bitcoins because in the future they will be able to buy more stuffs with the same amount of bitcoins.
IE: If you can buy a car with 1 bitcoin now, you postpone that purchase because you know that maybe in 1 year you'll be able to buy 2 cars with the same bitcoin, cause of the deflationary philosophy of the coin.

Well, that in economics is absolutely catastrophic, deflation is a lot worst that inflation, if people do not consume it stops the production of good and services, which stops the grow of the economy, which is the income of the nation, and then everybody is poorer

So how a coin that promotes to save and not to consume can work in the everyday?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Let's make a gold bet.

oz gold = $1900 right now

If an oz of gold is > $2400 first, you pay me an oz of gold

If an oz of gold is < $1500 first, I'll pay you an oz of gold
You guys would just be flipping a (golden) coin according to the market. Using GLD as a proxy the 3/18 131 C is trading at $47.50 and the 225 P is at 46.70. It is similar if you go out to June: 131 is 47.65 and 224 is 47.60.

Its monkey math. But what I think is interesting is the idea of a calendar spread (time arb) here. Buy the June and sell the March contracts.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by rand
You guys would just be flipping a (golden) coin according to the market.
My point is if you're receiving a golden coin in winnings, would you prefer to win if that coin is worth $1500 or $2400?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-01-2021 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
My point is if you're receiving a golden coin in winnings, would you prefer to win if that coin is worth $1500 or $2400?
I can't believe this actually has to be explained.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by astro
I have a question

so if consumption is usually 50-70% of GDP in a nation, which is equal to the income of that nation.

And then bitcoin is a deflationary coin, which promotes savings and not consumption, because people know that there are only a limited amount of bitcoin available (21MM), so people tend not to consume now but save their bitcoins because in the future they will be able to buy more stuffs with the same amount of bitcoins.
IE: If you can buy a car with 1 bitcoin now, you postpone that purchase because you know that maybe in 1 year you'll be able to buy 2 cars with the same bitcoin, cause of the deflationary philosophy of the coin.

Well, that in economics is absolutely catastrophic, deflation is a lot worst that inflation, if people do not consume it stops the production of good and services, which stops the grow of the economy, which is the income of the nation, and then everybody is poorer

So how a coin that promotes to save and not to consume can work in the everyday?
Well this is why we moved off the gold standard and why no country will ever move to a "bitcoin standard" or use bitcoin as a national currency. You need a little inflation to get people to invest and consume.

No one is suggesting we do that. Bitcoin is here to serve as a decentralized store of value ("digital gold") that people can use to preserve wealth instead of storing it in a fiat currency that is continuously losing value through inflation.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 02:21 AM
Iknownothing is basically the only one making any sense in this thread re: ts predictions so it's not surprising all you dummies are disagreeing with him

Wittgenheiny is obviously a clown troll who will never bet a penny on his nonsense claims despite talking a big game so it's pretty safe to put him on ignore
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Wittgenheiny
What's my dumb take, exactly? Evaluating a growing in popularity (albeit ****) asset as offering a tremendous skew of upside risk when it was trading 20% of its peak value and dumping 20k into it, and then cashing out when retail noobs were FOMOing in at peak levels of coiner zealot euphoria and the risk skew had badly reversed? And then doing it a second time? Whatever you say...

Like I said earlier whether bulls or bears are right about a qualitative analysis of an asset is irrelevant to the ability to make money on it. The only thing that matters (in the short-med run) is the balance of beliefs about that asset. Which is still so weird that people are focusing on that instead of what really matters. This is a thread on an investing foum, but it reads more like religion or politics.

The balance of sentiment about bitcoin will eventually approach the true reality of it, which means longing bitcoin is the worst possible position you could have. It's also the reason most people in the crypto space are born bagholders.
Sounds very religion like, if you ask me!
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by Steve350
It's very interesting that a bet on the BTC forum is made in dollars rather than BTC. Why not make the bet for .0039BTC?
I'll bet you 1 BTC, and give you 10,000/1 odds, that it reaches $100k before it reaches $0.

(If someone offers you 10,000/1 odds on anything, you take it.)
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Bitcoin is going to crash from $50k to $30k and these guys are going to say "see! ponzi waves! told ya so!"
Nope, I'm going to say I told you so when you can't do squat about it, but I know most of you won't be around when that happens.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:22 AM
till then you're going to continue to watch people get rich while you stay on the sidelines. That will teach em

new ath 29.9
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
