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02-07-2018 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Nooseknot
No, you might have heard me say Szabo is widely believed to be the number one candidate. Who were the other 2 you found?
I think he means Wei Dao and Adam Back.

Originally Posted by TomG
Do you think Hal would have viewed the myriad of altcoins as Bitcoin-backed banks? Or have Bitcoin-backed banks not arisen yet?
ERC20 tokens as Ethereum backed "banks" in that case. But what he meant was probably much closer to pegged side chains.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Nooseknot
You are also using this word wrong:

Listen. I have read Szabo's works, Nash's works, Smiths' works, Hayek's words, much Mises and Rothbard, Finney's works, Selgin's works in regard to economics and (free banking theory). I have also written extensively on the subject.

You are spouting sentiments and pretending that learning from these people makes you dumb and that your petty observation, which is really fearing what you don't understand and your truly uneducated ignorance is actually not petty uneducated ignorance. You don't know what you are talking about. You don't know anything about this subject or these people works and that is why you have come to your uneducated and ignorant OPINION.

None of the people that created bitcoin thinks it will kill banks. Only those that don't understand what banks are for and why and how they arose think this. You can't just hand wave science and academia and years of studies and evolution of institution with the assumption that you understand bitcoin and banks better than the respective domain experts.

It might make sense to you, and you can pat yourself on the back all you want, but no reasonable person would accept your feelings over domain experts.
Where did I say it will kill banks? You're quoting definitions like an 8 year old thinking it will win arguments. Am I talking to another unemployed google warrior? No wonder nobody posts anymore.

I suggest you go outside and away from your books and theories and look at the way our capitalist society actually functions in real life.
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02-07-2018 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
Exchanges seems closer to bitcoin bank than any alt coin when i read the post.
Originally Posted by TomG
Do you think Hal would have viewed the myriad of altcoins as Bitcoin-backed banks? Or have Bitcoin-backed banks not arisen yet?
Originally Posted by Zenzor
Exchanges are already providing alternative trading pairs to Bitcoin due to fees, congestion, etc. Security is the unassailable competitive advantage of Bitcoin in the arena of crypto-backed financial institutions, and none can surpass Bitcoin for as long as it remains the most worked immutable ledger.

That is my understanding of it anyway. Maybe Noose can clarify
Selgin is relevant. He gives an account of a great thought experiment of a theoretical land Ruritania that starts from pure barter to the arrival of commodity money and moves to a higher level clearance setting (ie like the imf):

Every basic role of banks is in that writing. In a sense alt coins are banks because they issue their own money, but the value of the money is based on the product and their purpose isn't necessarily to store or lend. But I like the question.

Central banks play a different role. They monitor the money supply for their respective economy and tend to the relationship between the supply and the underlying economy growth or contraction. It is often argued they do a counterproductive job in one school of thought whereas the other school of thought is that they are quite necessary and useful for a state.

So we often naturally refer to central banks as "banks" but their role is different than a more private type bank. They are both important.

The resolution is that we want central banks to someday print money which has an exchange price one par with all other national currencies ironically a situation akin to every nation using bitcoin as their national currency:
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 10:50 AM
Plz let nooseknot go back to explaining the awesome world of decentralized poker in NVG or at least dont quote his posts for poor people who put him on ignore.
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02-07-2018 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by upswinging
You also aren't using this word correctly. We are far from capitalist by the meaningful use of the word. And I should think that citing standard accepted definition is standard otherwise we are just using our own definition and making sloppy points.
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02-07-2018 , 10:55 AM
Touting textbook economics is like practicing idealism in a vacuum
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02-07-2018 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
Touting textbook economics is like practicing idealism in a vacuum
You have misunderstood something. An ignorant poster, who doesn't know what they are talking about, said bitcoin is going to down banks, and a few of us put up citations by the founders and builders of the project showing otherwise.

We aren't trying to convince YOU. We are showing any reasonable and rational person reading...what is correct in this regard.

No one is touting textbook economics. Reasonable people don't like to take ignorant peoples words for things, especially complex subjects, they like to hear from well read persons who can cite, quote, and reference, so that those that don't have time to research can wade through the disinformation. Because disinformation is very easy to create so there is a lot of it.

Last edited by Nooseknot; 02-07-2018 at 11:10 AM.
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02-07-2018 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
Plz let nooseknot go back to explaining the awesome world of decentralized poker in NVG or at least dont quote his posts for poor people who put him on ignore.
Read some of those posts. ****ing hilarious. I want to call him bat**** crazy but that might upset the poor guy . I'll leave the crazy unemployed google warrior to his own theoretical fantasy world.
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02-07-2018 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mat Cauthon
I think he means Wei Dao and Adam Back.
Wei Dai and Adam Back are seldom referenced as Satoshi candidates. Dai designed B-money and Back Hash Cash both of which are referenced on the whitepaper. Bitcoin is hash cash with inflation control.

Finney and Nash are the other candidates you will often here. Many think it was Szabo and Finney or Szabo Finney and Nash.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 11:29 AM
BTC future looking really bright atm. Mempool is empty, we have reliable and cheap transactions and lightning network is growing each day. Lots of other development going on such as MAST, merkle trees, mimble wimble and many others. A lot of alt coins seem super over-valued still and I think many will fail or at least fall in value. Would advise caution going balls deep in alt coins unless you've researched them and think the tech is really good.

Would advise bcash supporters to really rethink their position going forward.
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02-07-2018 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
I think it’s 95%+ speculators so not much. 5% if transactions being legit transactions is quite a bit though.
Can you provide any evidence that 5% of transactions are not speculation?

So the clearest utility of bitcoin is buying stuff on the dark web and if you take a peek at that article I reposted recently upthread, AlphaBay did an estimated 450 million in transactions over 3 years through 2017 following Silk Road's closure when it became the top player.

450 million seems pretty tiny relevant to $8000/coin and the crypto market cap, or nah?
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02-07-2018 , 11:38 AM
I made this post in about the forums, appreciate any feedback and suggestions:
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 11:41 AM
To anyone that uses binance, anyone know how to fix the issue where when you click on log in, the page keeps refreshing over and over? Basically cannot log into binance at all now. I use chrome and also clicked on remove history etc. Same issue.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 11:44 AM
Unrelated, but the guy who owns this forum just made a thread in politics about how much he loves Donald Trump.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Can you provide any evidence that 5% of transactions are not speculation?

So the clearest utility of bitcoin is buying stuff on the dark web and if you take a peek at that article I reposted recently upthread, AlphaBay did an estimated 450 million in transactions over 3 years through 2017 following Silk Road's closure when it became the top player.

450 million seems pretty tiny relevant to $8000/coin and the crypto market cap, or nah?

I have no evidence, just a guess. I know I’ve used bitcoin to transact for legal purposes and I really doubt I’m unique in that regard. I’m counting BTC - ****coin conversions within the “speculation” category of transactions, btw.

I’m not smart enough say what 450m means relative to the market as a whole or the value of any cryptocurrency. All I’m saying is that there are plenty of people out there who are using this technology for legitimate purposes. Many of these people are very smart, very wealthy, or both, and are the exact types of people who you would expect to usher in groundbreaking technology. the fact that the # of these people currently using the tech this way is small is insignificant in my opinion. The general public will always be slow and dumb and more focused on making a quick buck.

That being said, it doesn’t mean a btc is worth 9000 or whatever. It can still
Be way overvalued.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Unrelated, but the guy who owns this forum just made a thread in politics about how much he loves Donald Trump.
Serious question. Why did you post this in a bitcoin thread?
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02-07-2018 , 12:01 PM
Yeah no need to politard the thread up
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02-07-2018 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Unrelated, but the guy who owns this forum just made a thread in politics about how much he loves Donald Trump.
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02-07-2018 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
To anyone that uses binance, anyone know how to fix the issue where when you click on log in, the page keeps refreshing over and over? Basically cannot log into binance at all now. I use chrome and also clicked on remove history etc. Same issue.
Pressing F5 was enough usually unless I misunderstand.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
To anyone that uses binance, anyone know how to fix the issue where when you click on log in, the page keeps refreshing over and over? Basically cannot log into binance at all now. I use chrome and also clicked on remove history etc. Same issue.
Did you double check you are not a phishing site? And did you know that you are supposed to use ur own shortcut links?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
To anyone that uses binance, anyone know how to fix the issue where when you click on log in, the page keeps refreshing over and over? Basically cannot log into binance at all now. I use chrome and also clicked on remove history etc. Same issue.
i cleared cookies and log ins to fix this. seems to happen when you are logged in for a while and need to sign in again

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
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02-07-2018 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
A dip? BTC lost half its value and is still plunging. afaict, the people who said it was a speculative bubble all along appear to have been spot on, yet somehow they're being insulted and talked down to by the people who lost their shirts.

LOL @ U. Up 25% since 3 months ago, 8x since 1 year, and one little mania bubble thinks you got validated.

Investment Advice: Bitcoin could go up by 10x or more in a year or down 90% or more in 3 months. If you want to claim it's a bubble, make that call at a specific price, instead of watching it grow 20x that price, then down to still 5x the price you called bubble. If you do that, you may look really dumb.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nooseknot
Wei Dai and Adam Back are seldom referenced as Satoshi candidates. Dai designed B-money and Back Hash Cash both of which are referenced on the whitepaper. Bitcoin is hash cash with inflation control.

Finney and Nash are the other candidates you will often here. Many think it was Szabo and Finney or Szabo Finney and Nash.
Adam is definitely in the short list of a lot of people looking for candidates. The circle that would have the knowledge to do this is pretty small, so people are looking at the usual suspects as having some involvement.

Personally, I don't think he is Satoshi, although it is possible he knows more than he leads on about who it might be, or may have collaborated in some ways. I don't think it's Szabo as well. Best guess is it's someone unknown who followed that circle and had a bit of help from the usual suspects along the way. It's also better that no one knows who he is, so I typically don't speculate much on it.

Then again, we are all Satoshi, except Craig Wright.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 02:10 PM
That trolly mctrollson post is so hilariously bad

I think for the most part the bear patrol is jealous ppl who missed the train trying to comfort themselves. Same people who have been sitting in cash since 2012 bc the top is in ldo (they were out in full force on Monday too)

Just to be clear I haven’t owned any btc since mid December so don’t care what happens to it from a financial perspective
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 03:08 PM
Really happy to see this price recovery. Was talking to a police officer here yesterday who said that last month was the highest amount of suicides here for a month since they ever started tracking the stat. And not by just a little, smashed the record to bits.

I have no doubt that the combo of BTC plunge + pot stock plunge + winter blues did it. Was a perfect storm.
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