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Threats need to stop immediately Threats need to stop immediately

06-12-2010 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dire
Odds "breathweapon's mommy" is breathweapon.

I'll start the over/under at 99%.
100 percent its breathweapon, this guy is beyond lost. He still hasnt even admitted he lied about his results. Maybe if he did that, refunded everyone and asked for forgivness things would be good.

Until then, I dont begrudge anyone doing what they deem fit for justice.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by LawsuitPending
blah blah blah, counterthreats with lawyers, blah blah
You must be able to afford good lawyers, what with the 500k+ your son has made teaching english and playing poker over the last 2 years.

Last edited by ph2133868789; 06-12-2010 at 09:37 AM. Reason: 100k/yr russian=>engrish, 500k 400nl 8bb, 500k 200nl 8bb ... LoL
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 10:05 AM
Would the people lying about having spoken to my parents and the people claiming to be my parents please stop, this is exactly the kind of bull **** that I've been dealing for the last week and it makes it impossible to deal with anything with out knowing what is really going on.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 10:19 AM
/\ /\ headasplode.gif

Edit: Here's an idea for you ... why don't you skip those posts and focus on the ones from people who want refunds? Everything else is just noise.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by breathweapon
Would the people lying about having spoken to my parents and the people claiming to be my parents please stop, this is exactly the kind of bull **** that I've been dealing for the last week and it makes it impossible to deal with anything with out knowing what is really going on.
You said you wouldn't post your graphs because you were worried people could somehow track you down and hack you because of it.

You have now claimed to have frozen and closed all of your accounts. Can we have the graphs now then please?
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 10:26 AM
Also, thread title should be: Refunds need to start immediately.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 10:38 AM
Breathweapon, why did you send someone my graph claiming it as your own?
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 11:35 AM
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Roadsweeper
Any chance of a screen shot of threatening emails?
shouldnt be a problem
Obviously you have no idea of how difficult it is to create a screenshot, especially if you're someone who is not technical and doesn't know much about computers.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:30 PM
Please let me know if any student receives a refund, as promised by BW again in here.

Students that have already posted in one of the existing threads, not a 0 post person that says he was taken care of in such a nicer manner.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:30 PM
Since breathweapon hasn't verified his results yet maybe boywonder can out his screenname so that we can verify his win-rate. Boywonder, who's the guy who's always sitting on your left and owning your soul?
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by LawsuitPending
I want to personally thank the individual who started all of this for the on-line confession. My lawyers are going to love your actions, and trust me, I do have a law firm involved, and I intend to hire as many as it takes to proceed with whatever charges the legal system affords us for your attempted acts of extortion and the subsequent duress and harassment that my family and I have incurred because of you.

You can think what you want, but I can assure you that I am crazy enough to spend every last dime I have to hunt you down and take you down. I don't care where you live, how old you are or anything else about you. I will find you and I will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. You are responsible for all of this impugnment.
Even though this is like 99% either a level or bw posting I hope it's true. Say what you want about bw but I hope coachpolic goes down too blackmailing is not something to take lightly.

Originally Posted by LawsuitPending
Let me allow all of you the opportunity to not get further involved. I hereby advise you to cease and desist from any further harassment of me and my family (ALL members of my family) by way of postings, phone calls, e-mails, hacking attempts or any other means you are currently contemplating. I didn't ask for this and violating my privacy and harassing me and my family was uncalled for.

I strongly advise all involved parties not to disregard this warning, and this is the only warning and message that I will ever post on this site.
LOL phone calls and hacking you have a point about and to some extent emails but there's nothing wrong with people posting whatever they want on a message board as long as it is true. Your "son" used the message board to make money so now it's pretty acceptable to post what people want about him on the same board as long as it's true.

If there has been any slander (or libel, I always get mixed up which is writing which is spoken but w/e) it's been deleted pretty fast because I missed it.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:41 PM
You guys are such ******s that I'm surprised breathweapon even got caught.

LawsuitPending is breathweapon. It's so ****ing obvious. It's written in the exact same style as every other one of his posts and he just scammed a bunch of you once more.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by NuklearWinter
wtf... blackmail & family threats are not cool
They are pretty cool when the victim of said threats is a scammer.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Greco
Breathweapon, why did you send someone my graph claiming it as your own?
Breathweapon answer this damn question, your here reading and posting.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by d0nk3y
They are pretty cool when the victim of said threats is a scammer.
Not his family though, that makes the person threatening worse than the scammer and it's not even close.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Newff
Breathweapon answer this damn question, your here reading and posting.

Edit: Okay, almost this ... you're
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by d0nk3y
They are pretty cool when the victim of said threats is a scammer.
NOT this. (unless they are legal threats, which are totally justified)
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:33 PM
So what happened to the poster who said he had all this info on BW that he was going to post?
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 01:47 PM
Someone needs to post this guys details
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 02:20 PM
Lol, I don't see why anyone is bothering to rationalize with BW, asking him to answer questions and the like. The guy is a moronic, delusional scammer who I'm sure has posted under many different accounts in this debacle and will continue to do so.

His "parent" getting involved is just some psychopathic attempt at making his claims of harassment more legitimate or to gain *some* legitimacy. Don't give it to him. The guy has continually lied on subjects ranging from his own play, his results and his background in poker to his behaviour in dealing with this confrontation over the last week or so, how he had contacted the mods etc etc.

He deserves everything that happens him going forward, as do his family for giving birth to such a scamming dirtbag.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by breathweapon
Would the people lying about having spoken to my parents and the people claiming to be my parents please stop, this is exactly the kind of bull **** that I've been dealing for the last week and it makes it impossible to deal with anything with out knowing what is really going on.
I think a lot of you guys missed this. Even breathweapon is saying that's not his mom, so it's probably not his mom (obv) and it's also probably not breathweapon pretending to be his mom.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 03:24 PM
This is like a riveting novel. When will BW show up again, to say a lot of nonsense, provide zero proof, perform evasive maneuvers, then disappear again.
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 06:06 PM
i just emailed him to for refunds. i'll post if i hear anything from him
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
06-12-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
I think a lot of you guys missed this. Even breathweapon is saying that's not his mom, so it's probably not his mom (obv) and it's also probably not breathweapon pretending to be his mom.
Or he simply couldn't believe people didn't believe him so he went back to trying to play the victim as usual.

He seems to assume everybody here is gullible beyond belief, probably not realizing the old saying does ring true. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I mean read this:
Threats need to stop immediately Quote
