Originally Posted by **********
this just all seems like too much to me. why would anyone give jason ho access to their ftp account? why would anyone let him play on their account? why would anyone let him transfer money to someone else from their account without their permission first? obviously jason did a good amount of screening these people before scamming them to make sure they were complete morans. if you have even a small bit of a brain you would realize you were getting scammed from the moment he asked you to create an FTP account so that he can play on it?
however, i really do hope justice is had because from what i've read ITT jason basically abused these ppl for their lack of brains and almost certainly just stole money from them. my 2c.
A fool and his money are soon parted, evident in this thread. I can just imagine these stary-eyed morans with hopes of making easy internet pokers moneys like durrr and getting totally duped by the ****head Jason Ho. Jason Ho might have won in the short term, but for someone seemingly intelligent to scam lesser intelligent people, one would think he would have the wisdom to have the foresight that this will come back to him and cause more problems than it was worth. If I was ever stupid enough to get scammed by a similarly ridiculous scam, I would kill Jason Ho if I ever met him on the street somewhere. That's right, Jason Ho would probably get thai clinched, kneed, mounted, and Ezekiel choked until he stopped living. Jason Ho, you sir are actually worse than the morans that you scammed, because you made a more severe intellectual blunder. YOU GOT CAUGHT.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.
You are a very bad man Jason Ho.