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Need some feedback or possible ways of playing this Need some feedback or possible ways of playing this

10-29-2012 , 10:26 AM

I was at a local casino and was playing a $1/$2 blinds max $200 buy in cash NL holdem. 10 players at the table.

I'd like some feedback on how I played this hand.

I had Q2 on big blind. UTG+3 (let's call him J) raises to $11, everyone folds except me. I call since J has seemed to play very aggressively and with bad hands (eg. 8 5 off suit straddled taken to showdown). Flop comes 4 7 T . I raise about 3/4 of pot, hoping to take it down there or represent a set.

Get a call fairly soon after as expected. Turn shows another junk card, not spade. I check, J bets 1/2 pot. Pot is currently around $70, I shove with about $80 in chips. J takes a while, then calls, leaving him with less than $20 in chips.
We show our hands, he shows AT. River is a blank, and I bust.

Did I play this hand OK? I thought that I could get him off anything other than a set or possibly a draw. When he called, I expected to see a set, but only saw TPTK.

Also, I had been establishing a very tight image at the table. I didn't play many hands, but when I did, I won with strong hands.

Not sure if this is in the right section, but anyways.. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
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10-30-2012 , 08:00 AM
I'd try a different sub form, paste in the live poker subforum and you'll get a reply there
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11-07-2012 , 01:55 AM
no did not play hand ok

should have just folded preflop.. need queen 9s or better to play here plus pot was 22/ 200 spr was ten / needed at least 20 with a speculative hand like q2 which has no real high card strenght.
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11-08-2012 , 02:50 AM
Playing hands like this often get players into trouble. However, they can pay off if played correctly and will get your opponent guessing what you have in future hands. I would've slowed down and let Villain take control of the betting. Then only call if the math is right. Spade to win and Queen is a probable win.

After the flop you're slightly under %50 percent to win the hand, if he bets call. On the turn it should have been an easy fold if he bets more than 30% of pot.

Everyone plays different but that is how I would've played it against a loose cannon. I am always trying to minimize my loses and max gains.
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11-13-2012 , 03:53 PM
Fold pre. the logic "blah blah was playing bad and loose, so I played Q2 from out of position!" is complete garage. If J is that bad just wait till you get a better hand
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12-08-2012 , 05:57 AM
Folding pre flop is the best choice but since you called you should have check called to control the pot size and checked turn and if the price was right on the turn call if not let it go but folding is the optimal play
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12-20-2012 , 11:43 PM
I think if you realized that "J" was that bad of a player you should have also realized that your table image probably meant nothing to him. If you know hes a calling station why would you attempt to bum rush him with a hand like Q2?

I like that you are paying attention to how other players are playing but you need to make your card selection a little bit better.
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