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My Dream My Dream

02-04-2014 , 10:13 PM
My dream for the last two or three years was to become a professional poker player. I am not naturally gifted at the game and still am not the greatest. I am a student and do not have a lot of money but i play online poker every chance i get. I study it when ever i can. The studying part really helped my game tremendously (obviously) but the last two months or so i have hit this really strange wall. I play late nights all week and make some good money (relative to me) and then on the weekend when i have more time to play i lose almost every thing and start the next week with very little money. And here is where i lose........ I try and play 18, 27, and 45 player sitngos but mainly 45. Almost every time i get down to 18 players. Then all hell brakes loose. I just cannot finish. Even when i am chip leader i always lose my K-K to trip 4's and just crazy stuff. And when i do cash its almost always within the bottom three. How can i cash consistently and why is it that i can make it through over half the field fine and then just get pummelled.
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02-09-2014 , 06:28 AM
Send me a PM we can discuss some stuff.
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02-09-2014 , 03:50 PM
I don't think I have met the requirements to PM yet. I appreciate the reply and it would be great to talk about some things.
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02-13-2014 , 11:04 PM
Given the limited information I think I might be able to help a little. Remember that when you make it through half the field your now facing the better half. Also I dont know how you play post flop. Keep in mind that the average winning hand I holdem is 2 pair. Aa and kk are only one pair so there will be plenty of times where you will have to lay them down post flop. Knowing when you good hand is not good enough to win is esential. The very good players play their hand post flop not just pre flop. Also touraments are very hard to make consistent cashes. One bad beat when you made the right decision takes you out. I hope this helps a little.
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