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How does a coaching session work? How does a coaching session work?

04-07-2008 , 06:27 PM
Hi, all:

I'm a no limit poker player looking to get better. I'm looking for some coaching lessons but not sure how it normally works. Do I send my hand history to the coach and he's going to go over that with me on the phone? Is there gonna be some sort of online thing I can watch with the coach when we go through the coaching lessons? If someone can give me a general idea on how the process normally works, I'll be really appreciated.

How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-07-2008 , 08:15 PM
it really depends, it will probably be some combination of talking to you, reviewing hands you send him, and him watching you play. There are some threads in this forum (maybe on the other pages) made by coaches that detail their methods.
How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-07-2008 , 08:23 PM
First off - I apologize to PA incase this isn't allowed (just covering my bases)

As RoundTower stated, it varies heavily from coach to coach and really what you decide to sign up and/or pay for. Some coaches use programs such as TeamViewer, which has a built in chat (instant messenger) feature in it which allows the coach to view your screen as you play and communicate instantly with you. I coach this way simply because I can a) type faster than I can talk and b) visually see something happening before a student can say what is happening.

Some coaches will do as you stated - you compile a hand history of questionable hands or difficult spots you get yourself into and the coach will go hand by hand with you either via a) instant messenger/phone or b) video replay and commentary.

Another, somewhat less common, version is simply ghosting. This is where the coach will watch your tables, however you tell the coach (again either through instant message or phone) your hole cards when you yourself get into a difficult spot and he will either give his/her best advice as to the correct play or literally 'tell' you how to play it, etc.

Hope this helps
How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-07-2008 , 10:52 PM
I have made 2 video reviews, and IMO this approach is very effective.

Student send in video of him playing (no audio).
Coach views it and records (audio) feedback play by play.

Sounds hard but all you need is:
free demo of camtasia
voice recording
tiney bit of computer knowledge

live sweat sessions might not be optimal b/c there is a lot going on for the coach/
also HH reviews is like sooo 2006
How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-07-2008 , 11:57 PM
thanks guys, this is great.
How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-08-2008 , 12:24 AM
hey, john voight: can I join in the camstasia recording session and ask questions while coach records the feedback? Mostly, I want to see if I can get my question/answer with the coach into the recorded feedback so that I can review it later.

How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-08-2008 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
I have made 2 video reviews, and IMO this approach is very effective.

Student send in video of him playing (no audio).
Coach views it and records (audio) feedback play by play.

Sounds hard but all you need is:
free demo of camtasia
voice recording
tiney bit of computer knowledge

live sweat sessions might not be optimal b/c there is a lot going on for the coach/
also HH reviews is like sooo 2006

This seems like an excellent way to learn, which coaching sites offer this option?
How does a coaching session work? Quote
04-08-2008 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by wilsonyu
hey, john voight: can I join in the camstasia recording session and ask questions while coach records the feedback? Mostly, I want to see if I can get my question/answer with the coach into the recorded feedback so that I can review it later.


All you need is a microphone.

In fact you can talk through the whole video, asking stuff and whatnot.
The teacher would then just have to lower the volume of your voice in the video, so that his would get heard (and it wouldn't be 2 tracks of audio, making things very very incomprehensible).

Or, if you don't have a mic, you can add in text captions to the video in camtasia. Though a mic would def be better.

Originally Posted by RBT127
This seems like an excellent way to learn, which coaching sites offer this option?
non of the big name video sites to my knowledge.
though I am sure any instructor with a video editing software (camtasia, sony vegas, adobe, etc...) could do it fairly easy.

Hell, all you need is a software to record MP3:

check my other thread, specifically this post:

Here the user sent me a video file, and I did a play by play analysis; though I did not add the two together (in this particular version). Now, that sounds dumb, but all you have to do is play the two files in two different file players (and make sure to synchronize them).

Why didn't I combine? I did. Just I have not uploaded the final file, b/c it is so damn big (and my connection isnt great for uploading)
How does a coaching session work? Quote
