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Any help I can get Any help I can get

12-04-2014 , 08:03 PM
After much transformation, therapy and self-discovery I know the way I’m living my life isn’t working. I am not passionate about trying to develop a suburban way of living. I know that if I go after my dreams and devote energy living a life that is in line with what my mind and body have been telling me these last 5 years I will be much happier. I know I have to disregard the advice of the mainstream, my parents, and my friends and family, it is the only way I can live my life and I believe the only way anyone should live their life. It is time to take a stand and live the life I know is right for me. To be clear, this is not the life for everyone, but it is the life for me. I am writing this because my dream is to live a life in the poker world. Not for money, not for fame. It is no longer a choice for me. There is no choice to work at a bank, there is no choice to sell insurance. The choice has been made. I know what I’m getting myself into, I know it is going to be years of struggling, I know I will want to quit. I also know I’ve tried settling for something less than a dream and it almost killed me. I can spend my energy pursuing the 9-5 and working for someone else’s dream but I won’t be happy, I won’t be fulfilled. I won’t settle for that. I am fortunate to be in the position I am at 29 years old, having gone through deep depression for years, having gone through complex PTSD, having gone to the edge of suicide. After years of therapy and working through these issues with other’s help I know who I am and what I want out of life. I have gone to the depths of hell and crawled out with a broken back. I have put in the work to change my mentality, it took YEARS but I did it. I know the importance of working hard. Joe Rogan and his guests have changed my life. I will stop at nothing to persue this idea and this way of life. I may never be the best poker player on the planet but I will damn well train like I’m going to be. I will chase my dream. I will persue other avenues related to the poker world. I will change my life. I will help others like me. I will ask for help and I will ask for feedback. I will work doing any job possible, I will move my life where I need to, I will surround myself with the greatest for I believe that is the only real way to become the best. I will work for knowledge, logic and insight. I don’t know how, but I believe with enough math and logic any man can conquer the world. I will monitor my thinking and further my self-discovery. I am committed to nothing less than living my dream life. I will live like I am the star in a movie about my life. I will push myself to excellence. I am Michael Norman and this is the beginning.

I have $900 to my name, I spent everything I had on 3 years of school pursuing a degree in something I was never interested in and years of therapy to change my life. I live in Chico, CA. I will be moving to Vegas as soon as possible to knock on doors and earn the respect and trust of someone I believe can help me on this new path. I will be thinking outside the box and working hard to put myself in a position to be around great poker minds. I can’t tell you how much I would value any feedback or suggestions. I will gladly do anything you suggest, be a part of any project you have, clean your house, do any job you tell me to, just to pick your brain. I am green, I need a lot of work, I know it will take years and years, I understand this going in but again there is no choice anymore. Poker is who I am.

Some avenues I am interested in are coming up with a solid Twitter plan for people to follow my progress and the people I am working with.
I am also interested in developing a Joe Rogan Experience style podcast. Developing a conversational platform with poker pros where we look at poker but also look outside of poker. I believe people who play high level poker develop strategic thinking that can be used in so many aspects of life, business and pursuing an individual’s dreams. I want to hear what others have to say on this subject. I want to stir conversation about using things like marijuana or psilocybin to improve your life. I want to talk about things that most people don’t know such as how there are clinical trials are going on right now using psilocybin, MDMA, and Marijuana to treat PTSD in soldiers. That these types of drugs have the potential to improve life if used correctly and not abused. I want to talk about how strategic thinking is used in MMA and how similar that is to poker. I want to talk about genetically modified foods. Our corn based diet. The importance of exercise to increase endorphin and serotonin production. The importance of meditation and self-reflection. One of the goals of this podcast would be to develop a following in other areas that are similar to poker such as MMA, Gaming, Chess, Business, Technology. I want guests from those worlds. I want to decriminalize poker and convince the world it is a game of strategy and skill. I want to transform it the way cage fighting has transformed from being looked at as dog fighting to a sport of skill and hard work. People now recognize top MMA fighters as some of the best athletes on the planet, I want the world to realize that top poker players are some of the smartest people on the planet. That the way top poker players think and break down an opponent’s play is a way of thinking most people don’t even know is possible. These are the top mind athletes in the world.
Another idea I have is developing a video blog series getting into the lives of different pros. Showing how they balance poker and what their day to day life is like. Or possibly some kind of show like the UFC does with fighters. I’m talking about how they do the Countdown shows before a fight where they go After much transformation, therapy and self-discovery I know the way I’m living my life isn’t working. I am not passionate about trying to develop a suburban way of living. I know that if I go after my dreams and devote energy living a life that is in line with what my mind and body have been telling me these last 5 years I will be much happier. I know I have to disregard the advice of the mainstream, my parents, and my friends and family, it is the only way I can live my life and I believe the only way anyone should live their life. It is time to take a stand and live the life I know is right for me. To be clear, this is not the life for everyone, but it is the life for me. I am writing this because my dream is to live a life in the poker world. Not for money, not for fame. It is no longer a choice for me. There is no choice to work at a bank, there is no choice to sell insurance. The choice has been made. I know what I’m getting myself into, I know it is going to be years of struggling, I know I will want to quit. I also know I’ve tried settling for something less than a dream and it almost killed me. I can spend my energy pursuing the 9-5 and working for someone else’s dream but I won’t be happy, I won’t be fulfilled. I won’t settle for that. I am fortunate to be in the position I am at 29 years old, having gone through deep depression for years, having gone through complex PTSD, having gone to the edge of suicide. After years of therapy and working through these issues with other’s help I know who I am and what I want out of life. I have gone to the depths of hell and crawled out with a broken back. I have put in the work to change my mentality, it took YEARS but I did it. I know the importance of working hard. Joe Rogan and his guests have changed my life. I will stop at nothing to persue this idea and this way of life. I may never be the best poker player on the planet but I will damn well train like I’m going to be. I will chase my dream. I will persue other avenues related to the poker world. I will change my life. I will help others like me. I will ask for help and I will ask for feedback. I will work doing any job possible, I will move my life where I need to, I will surround myself with the greatest for I believe that is the only real way to become the best. I will work for knowledge, logic and insight. I don’t know how, but I believe with enough math and logic any man can conquer the world. I will monitor my thinking and further my self-discovery. I am committed to nothing less than living my dream life. I will live like I am the star in a movie about my life. I will push myself to excellence. I am Michael Norman and this is the beginning.

I have $900 to my name, I spent everything I had on 3 years of school pursuing a degree in something I was never interested in and years of therapy to change my life. I live in Chico, CA. I will be moving to Vegas as soon as possible to knock on doors and earn the respect and trust of someone I believe can help me on this new path. I will be thinking outside the box and working hard to put myself in a position to be around great poker minds. I can’t tell you how much I would value any feedback or suggestions. I will gladly do anything you suggest, be a part of any project you have, clean your house, do any job you tell me to, just to pick your brain. I am green, I need a lot of work, I know it will take years and years, I understand this going in but again there is no choice anymore. Poker is who I am.

Some avenues I am interested in are coming up with a solid Twitter plan for people to follow my progress and the people I am working with.
I am also interested in developing a Joe Rogan Experience style podcast. Developing a conversational platform with poker pros where we look at poker but also look outside of poker. I believe people who play high level poker develop strategic thinking that can be used in so many aspects of life, business and pursuing an individual’s dreams. I want to hear what others have to say on this subject. I want to stir conversation about using things like marijuana or psilocybin to improve your life. I want to talk about things that most people don’t know such as how there are clinical trials are going on right now using psilocybin, MDMA, and Marijuana to treat PTSD in soldiers. That these types of drugs have the potential to improve life if used correctly and not abused. I want to talk about how strategic thinking is used in MMA and how similar that is to poker. I want to talk about genetically modified foods. Our corn based diet. The importance of exercise to increase endorphin and serotonin production. The importance of meditation and self-reflection. One of the goals of this podcast would be to develop a following in other areas that are similar to poker such as MMA, Gaming, Chess, Business, Technology. I want guests from those worlds. I want to decriminalize poker and convince the world it is a game of strategy and skill. I want to transform it the way cage fighting has transformed from being looked at as dog fighting to a sport of skill and hard work. People now recognize top MMA fighters as some of the best athletes on the planet, I want the world to realize that top poker players are some of the smartest people on the planet. That the way top poker players think and break down an opponent’s play is a way of thinking most people don’t even know is possible. These are the top mind athletes in the world.
My goal right now is moving to a centralized location where I will be able to work with top poker minds in person and develop these ideas into reality. It doesn’t matter where I need to move, I will move there, but I do need help in brainstorming the best place to move to from you top guys. I am looking to find a place where at least a few great players live who are working hard on their game and interested in moving into and helping me develop these ideas. If you are interested please let me know, I would love to schedule a time to come out and talk to you in person and see if we are a good fit.

Michael Norman
inside the lives of fighters and show how they are training and mentally where they are at. Another example is UFC Embedded.

I think there is room for a solid poker documentary in the market. Their have been some good ones done but never any real professional one that has properly represented the growth of poker and how it has developed into a game of chess like skill to what it is today. Or some variation on that.

My goal right now is moving to a centralized location where I will be able to work with top poker minds in person and develop these ideas into reality. It doesn’t matter where I need to move, I will move there, but I do need help in brainstorming the best place to move to from you top guys. I am looking to find a place where at least a few great players live who are working hard on their game and interested in moving into and helping me develop these ideas. If you are interested please let me know, I would love to schedule a time to come out and talk to you in person and see if we are a good fit.

Michael Norman
Any help I can get Quote
