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[LOW STAKE MTT] looking to join study group or create a new one [LOW STAKE MTT] looking to join study group or create a new one

08-08-2023 , 02:27 PM
hey im playing courrently 2-16.5 mtt on ps and looking to move up to low stakes
Im seeking comunity because i fell it could improve my game and more importan i think i can be a help for someone also

here is my graph

i started taking this game seriously at 17.5k games
avg buy in 7$ roi 34% from pt4 runing slighty above ev in bb/100
[LOW STAKE MTT] looking to join study group or create a new one Quote
08-08-2023 , 02:27 PM
[LOW STAKE MTT] looking to join study group or create a new one Quote
08-15-2023 , 02:35 PM
Winning Cash & Tournament Study Group.

500NL Regulars + $50 ABI MTT

90+ members and growing.

5 active coaches.
[LOW STAKE MTT] looking to join study group or create a new one Quote
