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Looking for good study material Looking for good study material

03-22-2023 , 08:12 PM
Can someone point me in a direction to help with ascending through micro stake online. I have experience years ago with both micro and low level online and 1-2NL live. I'm looking for study material to begin digesting so that I can then start participating more actively in a study group.
Looking for good study material Quote
03-30-2023 , 11:59 PM
Two choices that come to mind depending on where you are in your poker career.

If it's been a while, "a few years ago," then this first option could be suitable: Microgrinder Poker School with Alton Hardin. He teaches basic fundamentals and a strategy that is most effective at the Micros online. It ramps up slowly, and there really isn't anything too difficult to understand. He posts graphs on his website, so it appears he's a clear winner, which can be hard to determine with some poker coaches. The price is great, $9 a month, and his play and explains are still some of the most fun I've had while watching poker training. Furthermore, it's helpful at the time I was watching, to really get a sense of how frequently you should be folding post-flop at the Micros.

From the Ground Up is what I'm learning currently at Run It Once. More advanced theory and strategies ~"on the flop we should use a merged raising range against a merged c-bet range, and a polarized raising range against a polarized c-betting range." I remember when I first was learning online poker, I tried some of the free training videos, and I had no idea what they meant by "construction an opening range." Some videos assume you understand what these words mean haha. Therefore, I'd recommend you try the same, I think a few of the videos for From the ground up are free. If you choose this route, it's a one-time fee of $50, and the coach, Peter Clarke, is very clear in his instruction and gives good presentations throughout, so although the strategies are more advanced, the instructor is equal to the challenge here.

And whether you've started studying seriously or just want to make an intro, feel free to add me on discord. We've got a small study group going, and I'm trying to grow it. My info for discord is below, thanks!

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