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How to choose between Cash Game and MTT ? How to choose between Cash Game and MTT ?

08-12-2024 , 09:16 AM
Hi guys!
My nickname is Su Dong Po (my favorite poet)

I'm playing NL 5 ~ 10 crush game and buyin 1~100 mtt on GGpoker

its not easy to win both to me

Firstly about cash game why i want to learning cash game , I'm living in china , i could to play some living cash game here like $10/20 even higher game its easy to win i think
because my opponents play too bad , i have played over 50k hands on nl5 these days , lots of mistakes and on tilt decisions , so i really need help about these :疯狂的:
also , I'm study Gto by myself and watch some videos to improve my perflop strategy

MTT recently wsop on ggpoker will start , i really have a champion dream (who hasn't? lol)
but i realized i have no idea to win a tournament on this game , i have played over 500 games on gg
never win a champion its too grinding !

I have enough time to learn poker whatever cash or mtt
My bankroll is $10k
If i lose all in one year, i will give up online poker because i have saw lots of RTA , AI even more terrible problems about online poker on this forum . thanks a lot about the point
i could speak a little bit english and i think i could understand what your means on poker language
please DM me if you think i could be your student

my contact info :
telegram :
Youtube for recording

thanks !
How to choose between Cash Game and MTT ? Quote
08-31-2024 , 09:31 AM
中国线下局娱乐玩家很多的,只要你有基础的德州扑克知识且运气不是很烂,NL10000¥以下的级别,长期 打基本都是50-150bb每百手的盈利,GGpoker是练功房,娱乐玩家相对于国内线下局少很多,而且线上基本翻前不会 随便limp进池。

如果你想真正提升技术的话,多复盘吧,入门阶段(比如你游玩手牌的总数甚至都不超过20万手或者游玩时间不 超过1200小时)复盘学习时间和打牌时间的比例不应该低于2:1,如果你自认为悟性高,那就多用Pios olver或者gtowizard这类软件来拆解手牌,弄清楚每个行动线背后的ev来源以及诈唬组合有哪些 。

至于锦标赛和现金桌,如果你未来要长期居住在国内,锦标赛不太合适,真正好赚钱的锦标赛都在线下,靠线上锦 标赛想发家致富不太可能(你应该也没听说过谁是靠线上锦标赛发家致富的)。如果你以后长时间呆在国外,从盈 利角度看锦标赛比现金桌合适多了,线下现金桌搞小动作的很多,没必要冒这个风险,而赌场的抽水又很重,靠有 限的手牌数想要战胜抽水很难(除非娱乐玩家很多)。

ggpoker可以打磨技术,但千万别指望在那儿能发大财。德扑高手的盈利来源永远都是肥鱼,无论锦标赛还 是现金桌,一个肥鱼不足够多的地方,不要过分留恋。当你能够战胜zoom NL200的抽水的时候,在中国任何级别的线下局你绝对可以横着走了,如果不能打出统治级的表现,说明牌局 肯定有猫腻。

国内的扑克环境很差,现金桌非法,比赛办得更差。不知道你年纪多大,扑克这条路在国内很难,我见过很多有热 情的人,最终要么回归其他行业,要么败给了自己的情绪或者下风期。


How to choose between Cash Game and MTT ? Quote
