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[ Nevada] Unofficial thread [ Nevada] Unofficial thread

05-04-2018 , 11:52 AM
Why can't you start 100nl full ring etc. Why is there no option to sit?
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 12:03 PM
cos that game has never been offered on wsop b4...
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 12:10 PM
Unable to verify location was my issue.

"We use your computer's Wi-Fi signal, together with other detected Wi-Fi networks, to determine your location in Nevada.

Note: You don’t need to be connected to the Internet using Wi-Fi, but you should be able to see Wi-Fi networks from your computer.

If your device doesn't have Wi-Fi capabilities, many players have found success using a Wi-Fi Adapter which can be purchased at most major retailers and/or electronic stores."

I bought $9.99 USB wifi adapter from Fry's and it all works smooth now. Issue resolved.

[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 12:55 PM
i have the wifi adapter wsop provided for free when they switched to wifi geolocation.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
Why can't you start 100nl full ring etc. Why is there no option to sit?
They use to offer higher FR games, but then they got rid of them.

Idk why, a lot of live players won't play anything less than a table with 8 people at it.

One guess could be is that they really have no idea what they are doing.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by mdroz247
They use to offer higher FR games, but then they got rid of them.

Idk why, a lot of live players won't play anything less than a table with 8 people at it.

One guess could be is that they really have no idea what they are doing.
NV never had it... also we never had any plo8 tourneys im told NJ used to have one... looking forward to getting that!
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 03:54 PM
Here is a hand from that total random hand generator they talked about on their site.


[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 03:55 PM
Does anyone else have a problem with auto time bank not starting?
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 04:41 PM
timebank starts for me... but i think i have it set that way in the settiengs
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 05:07 PM
I have it set in the settings also, but if I don't manually click it than it folds me.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 06:02 PM
So didn't pre do we get our money off our old accounts??
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 11:16 PM
FYI for those that have issue downloading the software (it would show the download manager for 1-2 minutes, then disappear.) I tried running program as administer and download worked finally...
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-04-2018 , 11:57 PM
FT hype in the 1k deepstack, 6/6 with 10 BB lmao
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 12:20 AM
blehhhh shoved 88 with 12 BB in 5th , 2-1 cl on 6th, SB wakes up with QQ, not a tourney player so i have no idea if that was right, felt right, GG
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 12:52 AM
Is there a way to get a report showing all my tournament results. Buy ins, place, cash, etc?

I got one report auto emailed to me but it was all cash game stuff.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 02:16 AM
It should be in the same report as cash for the buy-in amount/any cashes as long as you requested the report for the days you played the tournaments on.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 02:26 AM
Didn't see it there earlier but I called and got right thru to support tonight.

My profile/game history/tournaments
That shows the buy in amounts and if you cashed, but not what place.

They still couldn't help me with why my auto time bank doesn't work, its the same on laptop and desktop.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 07:55 PM
Whats up with the player status and rakeback system is it like even turned on? Where can I see the points I'm earning. I'm just stuck at "player" status. And I've been playing quite a bit paying a lot of rake.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-05-2018 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by DrDanimal
Whats up with the player status and rakeback system is it like even turned on? Where can I see the points I'm earning. I'm just stuck at "player" status. And I've been playing quite a bit paying a lot of rake.
settings/game display/progress bar settings
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-06-2018 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by TS2
NV never had it... also we never had any plo8 tourneys im told NJ used to have one... looking forward to getting that!
NV did actually have 100nl and 200nl FR. I used to grind those games a couple years back. And they ran quite a few tables every evening too. Still not sure why they took them away.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-06-2018 , 01:03 AM
Probably on Ultimate Poker, the 1st to market and the 1st to close up shop. lol
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-06-2018 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
Probably on Ultimate Poker, the 1st to market and the 1st to close up shop. lol
huh? I'm talking about 100nl and 200nl fr on wsop. it existed.
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-08-2018 , 12:59 PM
Can confirm WSOP had FR at those limits, please don't bring them back, FR is terrible. Cant log in this morning, its stuck at verifying my location. Basically froze, and wouldn't even let me close the client without force shutting it down. Restarted and still trying to log in.


Probably whole site problem, when I look at tables before trying to login there's only like 5 players actually on.

On now.

Last edited by Willett72; 05-08-2018 at 01:06 PM. Reason: Update
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-08-2018 , 02:10 PM
I wrote this post in the thread in NVG but feel like more people would see it here.

So playing on wsop nv since launch the new software is terrible. On the surface it is the same horrible 888 software but there are a ton of bugs. Nearly everyone I know is experiencing glitches or bugs of some kind.

The first annoying change is tilting tables. On any poker site ive ever played on if you minimized a table and click tile it would tile all the tables you have opened even ones that are minimized. Well this is not the case anymore. This is insanely annoying if you open sit cash games. The other issue with this is they don't pop up to front even when someone sits.

The new software you no longer have the option to click full card view which just sucks.

Since the merger I am having the amazing "waitlist glitch" way more often than before. Anyone who doesn't play on wsop its when it tells you're seat is a available you go to click it and you cant sit.

The new schedule if this is the real schedule is pathetic. Theres a few big tournaments on weekdays that the end of late reg/reentry i believe was 11pm for vegas which is 2am for nj. The biggest buy in tournaments of the day shouldnt go that late or it will eliminate a lot of recreational players in NJ.

MTT sattys. Before on wsop if you won a sattelite you got a tournament ticket which you can use for any mtt or sng for that buy in which expires in a year (lol). Now if you win a satellite to the 320 100k on sunday you are directly entered into it. Well this sucks for a million reasons. The software also doesn't allow you to play any more satellites once you are registered for the tournament. It also makes it so the 320 main event satellite which there are less off is an entirely different satellite. So rather than just running a bunch that give 320 tickets and have bigger fields because people get tickets and can choose which one and also stockpile tickets the software now automatically registers you.

Random bugs:
Nearly everyone I talk to is experiencing something wrong with the software. One that I have had happen is when a tournament pops up for some reason i cant click that table. Sunday I was playing 14+ mtts/sattelites and i noticed the yellow light saying i was sitting out somewhere was in the top left. Naturally I clicked tile and i am assume the table was minimized for some reason and because of the new software it didn't pop up when clicked to tile. The only thing I could think that would work would be to close the software and reopen it and all my active mtts would popup and i could click tile. On any other site this would have worked but not since the merger. When i did this a popup for every single table I was on popped up teling me i was being delt in and I had to click ok. The problem is if you don't click okay for you cant click on that table. Well a bunch of the popups i couldn't click the ok button it wasnt even visible. So after restarting the client over and over for 30 minutes eventually it didnt glitch bad enough where i was able to get back. All this time was only able to randomly act on certain hands on certain tables and I was deep in a 100 buy in and in a lot of turbo and super turbo satellites.

I have a friend who since the merger the client will randomly lose connection for no reason. I have a few friends who can't get the new software on their computer and one who has not been able to get geolocated.

Another glitch thats happening to people on windows 10 seems to be where a table will just go white and freeze and take time to refresh. Its usually quick and rarely an issue but ive had it not refresh and i have had to restart the client. Its also rather annoying you cant autosave login and password. It would help get back on quick especially with all the bugs right now.

I hit 7 star grinding on wsop and they stopped giving free rooms even though I would only request them once every 6 weeks or so. They said because i have no play in the pitts they were no longer going to give free rooms. I have a friend who had the exact same issue. It shouldn't matter how you earned 7 star if you got it all the benefits should apply. Also I heard that they no longer match live status so moving forward.

I really wish there was competition so wsop actually had to care. They removed all the 9 handed nl games over 25-50 cent. There used to be very good 2-5 nl 9 handed games. Wsop moved it all to 6 max and claimed it was better for the longevity of the games. It was more so they thought they could spread more tables thus more rake. Problem is a lot of recreational players don't want to play 6 max. I remember noticing a lot of 2-5 nl fish disappeared or dropped to 25-50 cent 9 max. I heard on a few occasions live someone would comment on how they stopped playing on wsop as they played 2-5 or 5-10 nl live and wanted to play 9 handed 2-5 online. The other issue is 6 max games break a lot faster than 9 handed games too. PLO has 9 handed games available and i prefer to play 6 max but i notice when full ring runs i see people who arent in the 6 max lineups at the table. They really need to just have the 9 max nl games available and let people choose.

While playing late last night i was playing heads up sngs and cash and after rematching a sng the table popped up and one of the glitches happened where i couldn't click anything on the table. Only way to resolve this is to restart the client which i did. Well my timing sucked because it was while the site was not letting people log on and was stuck at the geolocation loading page. I called support as i was just blinded out of that game and most certainly the other sngs i was lobbied for. After being told they were experiencing higher than normal call volume and waited over and hour and a half I finally got someone on the phone. She told me she had no idea they were experiencing any issues. I asked what i needed to do to get reimbursed for those sngs and she said she would tell a supervisor who will email me. have emailed wsop 4 times this week because of software problems on their end that has cost me money, the one on sunday probably quite a bit, and not a single response yet. I am hoping they refund me, but at this point who knows.

I am sure this is full of typos pretty tired. Long story short I think wsop need real competition so they will actually care before more states join. If that doesn't happen i fear a lot of people having a bad experience with the site and moving on. I really do hope that all these bugs are worked out and wsop puts out and effort for the players.

Also I scanned this post a bit and saw some people wanting to know why there was no horse or mixed games. The problem is wsop software is just 888 software. The software is incredibly outdated and unless 888 adds horse or mixed we won't get it. Wsop really needs to think longterm and spend the money and build new software. Its obviously not cheap but if this is the start of poker in the us they should be thinking more longterm

Originally Posted by mdroz247
They use to offer higher FR games, but then they got rid of them.

Idk why, a lot of live players won't play anything less than a table with 8 people at it.

One guess could be is that they really have no idea what they are doing.
Yep the 2-5 nl 9 handed that used to run on wsop were amazing. Most of the guys who were losing in those games quit or dropped down to 9 handed 25-50 cent. Wsop got greeedy wanted more rake but recreational players dont want the aggression level of 6 max. They claim they got rid of it because of a lack of player pool. Lets see if with NJ here and a much bigger player pool at 1-2 and 2-5 they bring it back.

I forgot about another new glitch. Lately its been happening pretty often where im multitabling and on one tournament when i click the open lobby in the top right it does nothing. I have had the same thing happen in cash but not as often and sometimes on that table when i click the replayer button to see last hand it doesn't work. My computer is an i7 with 16 gigs of ram and none of these issues existed before the merger.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 05-11-2018 at 04:13 PM. Reason: 3 posts merged
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
05-08-2018 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by lvprof
I forgot about another new glitch. Lately its been happening pretty often where im multitabling and on one tournament when i click the open lobby in the top right it does nothing. I have had the same thing happen in cash but not as often and sometimes on that table when i click the replayer button to see last hand it doesn't work. My computer is an i7 with 16 gigs of ram and none of these issues existed before the merger.
I'm in NJ but I'm having serious issues with my rakeback and app points not posting properly. I have more than enough for Elite but my status has not changed yet because the software is still on the old rewards program. ughh
[ Nevada] Unofficial thread Quote
