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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

04-18-2016 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Glad to hear you're enjoying the site. If you qualify for UO through Challenges, let me know, we can have a beer. Also, it's good PR if you played it up from an NL4 ticket!
Slow to see this again. It's one of those months where it seems to be everyone's birthday and I'm out celebrating by getting drunk or hungover every day of the week. Consequently I've not played much this month and I'm way off pace for the UO Package.

I only made 400k points in the first quarter, although I did start at NL10 at beginning of the year so I think the 1.25mill package is within reach playing NL100-400, just need to put the volume in. Seems unlikely I'll make it this quarter now, but it's definitely one of my aims to hit that 1.25mill marker before the year is out. If/when I do, would be more than happy to meet up for a beer.

I also live very close to Nottingham so could head down there when events are on even if I'm not playing in the UO open
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 06:31 PM

Alias: TheRaven
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 06:56 PM
for the banzai tickets - gladoslover

thank you for the free roll sir!!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 07:01 PM

alias: RivieraKid
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Right then. As we've passed 15k posts, let's do a thread competition. Everyone who posts their alias in this thread over the next 24 hours will receive 4x €1 Banzai tickets tomorrow (Tue) at about 11am GMT.

Then everyone has 48 hours to play the tickets though, after which I'll award €20 to the players with the five highest value tickets. It's a bit different than normal, but this game is higher variance than normal.

Deadline for aliases is 11am Tue 19th
Deadline for playing ticket through is 11am Thu 21st

Then after I post the winner's aliases, they'll need to PM me or post here with the format in which they'd like their prize.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 07:06 PM

Alias: AceHighNeri
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 07:38 PM
Alias : Shytinabag
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:01 PM
Banzai! DePosse87
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:19 PM
Banzai please

Alias: fruityfairy
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:21 PM
Banzai please

Unibet alias weejohn666

Last edited by Weejr; 04-18-2016 at 08:27 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:34 PM

alias: SamWorger
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:42 PM
Hello Andrew, please could you reinstate my recently expired UK Tour ticket and swap my €4 MTT, €2 SnG and 4 * €1 SnG tickets for a single €10 SnG ticket, thanks.

Alias: iEatUrChips
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 09:01 PM
Alias - Sharkatak
Hope this is the right place to post this for the Banzai freebies, noob here lol
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 10:13 PM
Banzai GTOpenguin
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 10:22 PM
alias: kassse
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:57 PM

alias: sleepyBird

Also, any chance you could extend my bonus one more time? I would like to try to finish the current level. You did extend it already once (again, thanks for that), so of course totally understand if it cannot be extended anymore.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 12:21 AM
Question about unibet. If i sign up an account, does it matter signing up directly with unibet or you could get some other incentive signing up with an affliate or anything like that.

Also i can get usd account or its only euros?

And what program works with unibet? HEM2 and what else similar to tableninja/tableoptimizer etc...?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Question about unibet. If i sign up an account, does it matter signing up directly with unibet or you could get some other incentive signing up with an affliate or anything like that.

Also i can get usd account or its only euros?

And what program works with unibet? HEM2 and what else similar to tableninja/tableoptimizer etc...?
affiliates are good for rake races so you may make a search on internet

programs? none of them works , this site is no hud , no tracking no anything. is pure poker
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 02:38 AM

Alias: aky4inz
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by REDLACw1
Alias : Shytinabag
location: scotland
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 04:28 AM

alias: hAAgenees
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 05:07 AM
Go on then, I'll give Banzai a crack on the off chance I actually have an internet connection in my new house within the next 48 hours.

There should really be more poker variants named after Channel 4 game shows from the 90s.

Alias: ChapInAChair
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

Hm, I'm not sure there're promised benefits. Subscribers get Unibet poker emotes. We spend the sub money on Twitch promos. That's just how Twitch works.
There was. It was discussed every Monday on the stream since the subscribe option went live in December. Thats why I subscribed in the first place. I let it keep billing because we were often told they were coming soon or were almost ready. That been said, its only a few bucks, I've had plenty of freebies off Unibet, I wasn't posting to complain, I just wanted to know if I should let it keep rebilling because I got the impression nothing was coming.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Right then. As we've passed 15k posts, let's do a thread competition. Everyone who posts their alias in this thread over the next 24 hours will receive 4x €1 Banzai tickets tomorrow (Tue) at about 11am GMT.

Then everyone has 48 hours to play the tickets though, after which I'll award €20 to the players with the five highest value tickets. It's a bit different than normal, but this game is higher variance than normal.

Deadline for aliases is 11am Tue 19th
Deadline for playing ticket through is 11am Thu 21st

Then after I post the winner's aliases, they'll need to PM me or post here with the format in which they'd like their prize.
Let's say the deadline is 1pm GMT, as then I can credit the tickets after I've had lunch.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-19-2016 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by plipflops
There was. It was discussed every Monday on the stream since the subscribe option went live in December. Thats why I subscribed in the first place. I let it keep billing because we were often told they were coming soon or were almost ready. That been said, its only a few bucks, I've had plenty of freebies off Unibet, I wasn't posting to complain, I just wanted to know if I should let it keep rebilling because I got the impression nothing was coming.

We have finally decided on our subscriber rewards...

Subscriber rewards:

Monthly Sub Freeroll hosted live on Twitch by The Butler and/or David Vanderheyden!

Prizepool of the freeroll depends on how many subs we have and is as follows:

1-20 subs: €100

21-50 subs: €200

51-100 subs: €300

101-500 subs: €400

501+ subs: €500

Custom Unibet Poker emotes! The more subs we get, the more emotes we can unlock. Emotes will be based on requests from the community.


!unibetDiggy (diggy diggy hole oh yeahhh)

Join us every Tuesday/Thursday/Friday for poker, music, and chill (get your mind out of the gutter).
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
