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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

04-15-2016 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
If the tilt can't be changed is it possible to have another deck option with single notations for each card? (A single big A, K, Q, J, T, 9 etc). I understand you want to keep the options minimal but maybe this would be classed as an accessibility option
This is part of a longterm project, but it's a few months away still.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
A normal leaderboard (based on the simple formula that you get 1 point for a win) would mean Player A plays 10 SnG and wins 8, Player B plays 100 SnG and wins 25, Player B is top of leaderboard with 25 points even though he's on winning 25% of his games, compared to 80% for Player A.

Using some sort of winrate formula (With a minimum games played to qualify at 20) you would have Player A play 20 SnG and win 5 (25% win rate) and player B plays 100 SnG and wins 25 (25%) and they both top the leaderboard. The tricky bit is working out a formula that doesn't punish players that play 100's of SnG because they're more likely to have to deal with variance over someone that runs hot in their first 20 games and then stops. I think the suggestions of splitting the league into buy-in or volume would help with this but having a cap on games counted seems unfair.
But we run into problems where we're rewarding players for being good. They already get rewarded, as they win money.

Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Re sng promos, the most fun one I played was on; sponsored players (think they were amateurs on TV show) each have €10 bounty on them as added money, play was limited to a few peak hours and low stakes sng only.

This doesn't massively favour regs, rec players often play closer to correctly in these games, adds another element of strategy, and is fun.
Originally Posted by SleazyP84

Could easily be incorporated with the weekly Twitch streams too.
I can see how a SNG bounty might work for us, as you can't see who is in which games. We could stream it and have the bounty play a few tables at once. But I don't know if that'll actually grow traffic much. It'd be fun as part of the normal streaming stuff though.

Originally Posted by kapetain
Fresh BUG report:
badges are acting weird lately. they pop in and out for no reason, and today, when I turned the sound back ON in the options, all players at a table suddenly received badges (4 players same badge, and other 2 another badge). They also disappear later for no obvious reason.

btw, while on the subject, I really hope you will eventually make these badges more meaningful, things I'd like to see is pop-up description of badges, and that different aliases can have different badges.
I don't think that badges or achievements do anything at the moment really, which is a shame as I designed them. I don't think it works to have Challenges, Achievements and Missions, particularly alongside other promos. It's too complicated.

Originally Posted by restorativejustice
RE: Rec-friendly SnG Leader Board Idea

Why not base it on a player's win percentage over every given 100 SnGs they play?

This would encourage people to play more to up their percentage in the NEXT 100 over what their win rate was over the last 100 while also not giving grinders an advantage as anyone (rec or pro) can have the best win percentage over any given set of 100 SnGs (playing more SnGs just gives the grinder more sets of 100 in which to up his percentage, but does not guarantee him anything).

You could also do it for each level of SnG: 1, 4, 10, 25, 50, and 100 which would allow more players to be more competitive in efforts at finishing with the highest win percentage for the SnG level in which they play.
I think this rewards good players too much. I also think that 100 SNG is a lot for most people - if someone's playing on the iPad and one tabling, that's a lot of leisure time just to complete one set. This would be more of a grinder's promo.

Originally Posted by z7777777
Ok third time im writing and i got a little PANIC since tickets expiring all the time, today banazai ticket value 27euro expires etc. Turn all tickets etc into a cash bonus now pls. alias "volvouffe"
I've said twice now that if there were any ticket exchange requests that I'd missed, please let me know. You don't need to panic.

But I don't exchange tickets that have already been partially played through.

Originally Posted by mullion
the best sng promo for recs i have seen are the "jackpot" ones on ipoker. How about you do something like them?
How do they work?

Originally Posted by mullion
Or maybe if your levels are 1, 4, 10, 25, 50, and 100 how about a prize for the first person to win one of each consecutively. starting at 1.
That rewards the best players at the expense of the weakest though.

Originally Posted by Ariebombarie
Maybe i am gonna cut off my own profits by saying this, but....this is on the UKTour page;
  • Players can earn four packages per event.
  • Packages cannot be exchanged for cash or any other online tickets.
  • Packages won cannot be moved to alternative events.

So if a player has 4 packages for all events in the tour, i think it would be reasonable (justifiable) to not let them play anymore.

I actually expected the "left-over-tickets" to disappear, or maybe change them to like 1/4 of the value in bonus (so if you have all packages you are allowed to win, and you got 2x 100UK left, MAYBE exchange it into 50 Bonus.)
Thanks. I don't have an easy way to see how many tickets everyone has. I mean, it's doable, but it's a lot of work in Excel and the gain is pretty small. I don't think this is a big deal at the moment, but if it becomes bigger than we'll have to figure it out.

Originally Posted by llJ0T4ll
Hi, can you please extend my bonus? thank you. Alias: pollom0n
Yes, but that's the last time. The bonus has already been very extended.

Originally Posted by Bruxelles
I have 1x90€ mtt and 10x1€ sng, can you transform all in 4x25€ sng please?
Sorry, I don't exchange tickets from one satellite system (the €90 SE) to tickets for another system.

Originally Posted by Hatebreedd
Love the 2017 changes and the bonusshop The change comes right on time otherwise you might risk turning into a a reginfested site with the high rakeback Great news
It'll be interesting to see how well this is received when a wider audience is aware of it. When I know 100% that it'll make it in in time, we'll inform people.

I think that even without any effort to stop this, we wouldn't have as bad a ratio as other sites, because none of them are trying to stop it themselves, and our basic strategy will still go to work for us.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
FYI there is a US facing poker site that works on that model called - the name is a throw-back to a previous business model. I think as a black-market site they have had "issues" related to cashouts in the past though I think not currently - so it's going to be hard to draw many relevant conclusions for you from it. I think this is a good idea BTW
On Chico? Do all the sites on that network have the same thing?

Originally Posted by BotOnTilt
Could you change my tickets to 10 euro MTT tickets if I can play the PLO tournies with them? If not NL5 Banzai tickets would do fine.

I have:
- 1x 10€ NL4 ticket (I used it a bit to try out the software, but it now has €12 so I assume its ok to change it for €10 worth of tickets..)

- 3x €1 Banzai tickets

- 3x €1 MTT tickets

- 8x €1 SNG tickets

Alias: WEloveANDREW
I exchange €20 of tickets to 2x €10 MTT tickets, they will work in PLO tournaments too. I'm afraid I can't exchange tickets that have already been partially played through though.

Originally Posted by BotOnTilt
Also thanks for running a very nice site. I would wish that I could tag players, since I don't really remember how they played the next time I log in.
Thanks. We don't have player tagging because we think it helps good players beat weak players faster, and we want to keep those weaker players alive for as long as we can.

Originally Posted by BotOnTilt
I also wish that the lobby could default to the game I played last. It has happened to me so many times that I signed up for a NL pool, even though I only play PLO. lol.. we'll, at least the NL players there get some easy money before my blind comes up again
Good idea, I'll pass it on. We were talking about having it default to player's "usual game" but that's a bit opaque to players, this is easier to understand and easier for us to define.

Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
There's something that needs to be done about the opportunities to rathole on the site

I've noticed that when I'm switching tables, sometimes I will end up at the same table I was trying to move from. And when this happens I won't have to buy in for the amount I left with if I left with more than the max.
Originally Posted by loosefoot
Why do you think something needs to be done? I think it's a good thing as long as the minimum buy in isn't lowered. What is it now, 40? It allows players to leave and come back when they feel uncomfortable playing deep or want to put some of their stack in the 'bank' (then possibly use it to play more tables). Otherwise they might just leave the table and not come back. So i think it might encourage more action, and games to run.

I think that having to rejoin the same tables as the ones you left curbs table selection and regs constantly sitting in and leaving.
This obviously comes up quite often. The reason behind it is as loosefoot says - a lot of players, particularly weaker players, become uncomfortable when they have too much money in play at once.

The solution we came up with last time was to allow ratholing > 100bb, but not < 100bb. I think this solves all of the problems while keeping most of the benefit. This isn't built yet obviously, but I definitely want it.

Originally Posted by samigina
Do you get this every time?

Originally Posted by LP1995

Free bug report. I think this is a real mixed game tourney.
Thanks, I've passed this on to Robin, should be fixed now.

Originally Posted by anuj22
Yes please let me know why India is on the exclusion list for Poker.

Infact I just had a look at your site's Terms and conditions, India is not on the exclusion list for Bingo & Side games but excluded for Poker Many poker sites accept Indian players.
This should be fixed quite soon but I don't have an exact ETA yet.

Originally Posted by LP1995
is it true, that Unibet only the sponsor of the twitch streams and If I want to know if the coverage will be moved back or not to wednesday (Sam's stream), than I have to ask the twitch administrator cos Unibet is not organiser or part of Twitch website? Unibet live chat's agent told me that and it sounds so weird.
Hm, I don't think I understand. We pay the streamers to stream, and the schedule is down to us rather than down to Twitch. I think the CS agent was confused, if that's what they said.

Although we decide the schedule, it has to be on days that Sam is able to stream. That's why the schedule has changed a bit lately.

Originally Posted by v87
Just by going on the waiting list first and getting assigned a seat stops the idea of not quitting a game and joining another game being impossible. No way to stop that, just unibet propaganda saying people cannot quit a game and go to another table.
I think that calling it propaganda is a bit much. It's possible to table select, it's just much much harder than on other sites. We can't stop it entirely.

Originally Posted by v87
PLO 50 BB mnimum buy in ratholing stil has value, but it is already an improvement from 20 BB buy in. Making it 100 BB buy-in minimum and maximum would maybe be best, but there are probably arguments against that as it would have been done already somewhere.(like in Spanish casinos 20 years ago)
I preferred 100bb minimum too, and I argued for that before we launched, back before I had the final say. But it's too late now - people are used to 50bb and the entire rewards structure (like how cash game tickets work) is based on the idea that there's a 50bb minimum.

Originally Posted by HOPlop
I don´t see why ratholing is a bad thing, I admit I do that sometimes.
It's more of a problem in PLO because there're bigger advantages to playing short.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Turns out I have nothing better to do with my time so I came up with this as an example SnG leaderboard formula.

- Games played are based purely on random numbers I've plucked out my head, I have no idea what the average play is per week/month per player.
- Formula is based on 10 game minimum for weekly and 30 game minimum for monthly with no cap. I don't think players should be punished for playing more games as that is exactly what the site wants.
- There are probably better ways to do the formula but I'm not clever enough to work it out It's also been a long time since I wrote a formula down so I apologise in advance if it's wrong.

If you don't want to look at it the formula, it's basically :-

(1st place rate over x games * y) + (2nd place rate over x games * z) + (x game / a)

x = games played over week/month
y and z = multipliers for 1st/2nd place finishes to allow you to weight base points given
a = value to divide games by to create additional points based on games played

The formula is then purely based on your cash rate over your total games played and not just pure points for wins. If two players cash rate is identical then games played comes into it but how much emphasis you put on it is up to you. I tried lots of different combinations of y/z/a to get something that give someone that played less games but did well an equal chance of being high in the leaderboard as someone playing lots of games with a lower win rate. Turns out it's pretty hard

Feel free to pick holes in it, I just wanted to prove you could potentially do it with some real-ish examples Strangest bit about all this is that I hardly play SnGs on the site myself!
Cool, thanks for the effort. But I think this has the same problem as some of the other suggestions - it rewards good players more than the average player, and good players are already rewarded by winning money.

Originally Posted by Kozzmicchaos
Cant wait untill the bonusshop is implemented. Like it more then these challenges/missions.
We'll still have Challenges and Missions, it's just that most of the payouts for Challenges in particular will be in bonus money instead of tickets. We'll still award some tickets (which I would no longer exchange) because we want to encourage more play in specific games. I'd still exchange tickets won via satellites though.

Originally Posted by Kozzmicchaos
Is it possible/allowed to create a custom background or cards? The cards are hard to read when multitabling in my expierence on my 1366x768 laptop. Expecially the cards on the table themselves, because they dont stand straight but somewhat oblique.
It seems like a couple of people have figured out how, and I haven't decided how I feel about that yet.

Originally Posted by Kozzmicchaos
Will it be possible to resize the tables smaller in the future? For example 1366x768 screens, wich are common. Even 4 tables are allready overlapping. :/
Yes, this is part of the longterm project. The minimum table resolution is 640x480 which doesn't work very well on 1366x768, the most popular PC resolution. I wasn't at Unibet when we made that decision so I don't know if they considered the problem there.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
More SnG promo ideas

- Knockout Week

Make all SnGs Knockout format basically. Small bounty on each players head, either progressive or standard. I imagine it would annoy the pure SnG fans but bounty stuff in general seems to be popular. Could add challenges for x knockouts achieved, knockout two players in a game etc.

- Winner takes all Week

Self Explanatory.

- Fast play week

Time bank is decreased.

- Turbo/Hyper/Deep/Ante week

Structure changes to suit.

All of the above could be part of SnG month with a new style every week.

- Shark Cage

I'm stealling this from PS but nobody appears to have implimented the format online yet as far as I'm aware. Development time probably rules this out and the rules can be a little tricky to explain but it would be a nice twist on normal SnGs

- Best of 3 series

Players play 3 SnG against each other instead of 1. Points are awarded for finishes in each game (5 for 1st, 4 for 2nd etc) and then after the three games payouts are awarded on points scored. You could pay three instead of two if each SnG is paid for seperately (i.e. it would be 3 Euro for the lowest best of 3) or offer additional bonus points for other criteria (Royals, Knocking every other player out in a game etc) to make the emphasis less on good play and a bit more random. You could also offer a rakeback if someone scores no/lowest amount of points over x games. This could also work for the headsup games as a winner takes scenario. Based on how many games people woud want to play against each other it could be raised to 5 if the structure leant towards turbo/hyper and still be done in an hour or so.
Thanks, I'll pass these on to David, the poker promotions manager.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
- Tooltips?

I think this is what they are called. Those little boxes of text that appear when you hover over a button explainging what the button does. They don't appear to exist on the software. The icons are fairly self explanatory but they may be handy for new players. They would also be great for when players have achievement icons on their avator so you know what they were for.
This is part of the longterm project that I sometimes talk about. I think it's useful for explaining the client to new players, which is very important.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
- Chat

I don't mean a full chat box but a few basic predefined options you can direct at a player. Simple stuff, like 'Good Luck', 'Nice Hand/Bluff', 'Good Game' etc. that you could click on a player and send to them. Being anonymous is fun and all but it also means you can't be friendly. I've seen it in games like Hearthstone and it works quick well there.
I started playing Hearthstone a couple of years ago purely because I wanted to see if we should copy their chat system. But people just use it to troll each other, which is the reason we don't have regular chat anyway.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
- Delete/Change Identity/Avatar

Is it possible to delete Identites or change avatars? It seems to offer unlockable avatars if you are limited to 5 idenities ever. If it is possible, apologies, I've not fould it yet
You can just add more identities and the eldest of your existing ones are moved into quarantine instead.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
- Center tiling for windows

When you tile multiple tables they always align to the left. Any chance of an option to have them tile in the center of the screen?
Hm, I don't understand.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
I don't know if I'd wait until 2017 to make some changes.
Pretty much the earliest we can get the full bonus shop would be Jan '17 and that's already cutting it close.

Originally Posted by xNikos
Hello Andrew, I pm'd you
I'm on 25 unread PMs at the moment. I'm not going to get to them until I'm up to date on this thread.

Originally Posted by kapetain
No one notices that this thread has reached 1000 pages ?
Good point, if I'd been in all week I'd have done a competition but let's wait until Monday now.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
I think it probably is. We weren't warned off when we discussed it in the thread a month ago.
I don't have an opinion on this yet, I need to think about it for a while. My instinct is to say that I don't want it because it's making changes to the client that aren't available to everyone, but on the other hand I don't think it does any harm.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Not everyone has it set to display at 15 posts per page though I do.

How about an NL400 ticket to whomever makes the 15000th post?

Something like that would be really, you know, good for the poker economy or something.
Nice try.

Originally Posted by z7777777
Well my tickets are expiring, i "wrote the nickname before but you might need my username which is "mr7lars"
Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. What do you want to exchange? It doesn't matter if the tickets have expired recently, I'll still exchange them.

Originally Posted by v87
The idea about " a way " to give more rakeback to losing players makes sense for the poker ecosystem.
What is the difference(besides judicial problems) between this" keeping them alive longer " by giving them back more, from putting an algorithm in there making sure nobody wins too much, so winners also have to play longer to get whatever kind of money they are looking for.
This way you keep everybody playing longer and unibet can rake more while climbing up in the pokerratrace between pokersites.
Are you saying that we should rig the site? The reason we don't do that is that a) it's illegal, b) it's immoral, c) it doesn't make us any money because we'd risk getting shut down, and d) it isn't poker any more. We're a poker site.

Originally Posted by MrLazyyy
Could you pm me my total number of flops and hands played.
I sent it to the email address registered to your account.

Originally Posted by restorativejustice
I would like to be able to throw objects at an opponent. One per hand.
But I think people would just use this to troll each other too. I think the ideal solution is just no chat/similar interaction within the client.

Originally Posted by Ariebombarie
for me your almost caught up on every ticket-conversion i requested, except 1 thing; you didn't credit the 5x1 SE tickets , no hurry, as i know you will fix it
Originally Posted by oldhabbit
can you change all my tickets into a bonus
Originally Posted by zatteRene
Can you change all my tickets into a bonus please.
Originally Posted by Larissa123
Could you convert all my tickets, mtt and sng to bonus.
Originally Posted by liveroulette
Could you convert all my tickets, mtt and sng to bonus.
Originally Posted by fifty
I asked on 03-31-2016 but it didn't get done:

"I have 3 x €50 UO tickets that will soon expire. Can you please extend them to 30 days or more because I won't be able to use them before they expire."

Can you restore them?
Originally Posted by HOPlop
I won´t be able to play much poker for the next 2-3 weeks so would it be possible to extend my dep bonus, by atleast a couple of weeks, pref a month.
Originally Posted by josearcadio
could you please convert my 25Euro SaturdayStack Qual. ticket into 4x5Euro, 2x2Euro and 1x1Euro Sat. Stack tickets?
Originally Posted by spax2
This might be a long shot Andrew but are you able to bring back my double trouble and super double trouble freerolls back from the dead? I missed this weeks one by about an hour. Thx. Username donkinundrum.
Originally Posted by naumuni
Hey Andrew .pls exchange my 4mtt,2x1mtt and 2sit&go into 2x4 sit&go
Originally Posted by greedisgood1
could you please exchange all my tickets to a bonus? (they probably will be expired when you read this)
Originally Posted by Naamafantti
I have one dt-ticket and one super-dt-ticket that expire in 3 days so I don't get a chance to use them anymore. Could you give them 2 more weeks expiration time? (I'm asking for 2 weeks instead of 1 week because I ALSO have one super-dt-ticket and one dt-ticket that expire in 10 days and I would like to use those in the next week's tournaments.)
Originally Posted by jonny2192
Please change

6x100uk to 20x25uk 20x4uk 20x1uk
1x250uo to 20x10uo 25x2uo
1x90se to 3x25se 3x5se
Originally Posted by ThomAnn
Could you please change my UO10-ticket to 5x2UO-tickets?
Originally Posted by harchibald3
Could you extend the dates on my UK Tour 1 euro tickets as I am un able to play this weekend due to Nottingham.
Originally Posted by magano
Can you please change my banzai and MMT tickets into 4€ S&G?
Originally Posted by Neri1983
I currently have 1x 25UK and would like to break down to the following please:

5x 4UK
5x 1UK
Originally Posted by spax2
Hi Andrew, I would like my both my €10 SNG tickets converted to a bonus. Username donkinundrum.
Originally Posted by Strahinjak
Can you convert all my tickets into a bonus.
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
Hey Andrew could I get a cash game report for the year if possible?
All done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:14 AM
i am reading about sng promotions to much "reward best players " "reward grinders" , but lets think about last month promotions : omaha outlow - only best grinders were rewarded in those leaderboards , mtt ko leaderboard : only the mtt grinders were rewarded in this promo.

The only easy step to play a freeroll was on sng scrap.


what is the difference between thos sng grinders and those cash games grinders? i think in cash games you may loose your bankroll faster than in any sng games.if in sng you may have a ton of luck and be in the money , on cash games you may loose all the money in one hand
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:54 AM

I'm only one who gets this when trying to log in ?

EDIT: It's something related to my country, will be fixed. nvm

Last edited by Claymicro; 04-15-2016 at 08:07 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:04 AM
hi Andrew.
I think you missed my post:

Originally Posted by tidor
Hi Andrew,

I have 17€ worth of tickets.
Please change to 4x 4€ plo tickets. leave 1€ mtt ticket.

Could you send my plo stats for this year?
Hands, rake and profit/loses. Plo4 and plo10 separated.

alias: nemora

Thank you!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:16 AM
Andrew I wasn't referring to a rush in implementing the bonus shop. I was talking about altering feasible rake back levels.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Claymicro

I'm only one who gets this when trying to log in ?

EDIT: It's something related to my country, will be fixed. nvm
It's the same for me. Are there any ways to fix this ? I cannot log in even if I click "yes" (it's the same for the client or the website).
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:43 AM
last time I had that message, it did log in after clicked "No" :S
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 08:58 AM
with this quote "Are you saying that we should rig the site? The reason we don't do that is that a) it's illegal, b) it's immoral, c) it doesn't make us any money because we'd risk getting shut down, and d) it isn't poker any more. We're a poker site." are you saying that Unibet is not using an algorithm to have an equilibrum between advanced players and begginers? how are you explaining the millions situations where low cards are tripled in a way where even the einstein would be ashamed?

What i have seen today i never believed that i will ever see in a poker room ever in my life.I do have my doubts regarding your fairness in this poker room.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by pecal
i am reading about sng promotions to much "reward best players " "reward grinders" , but lets think about last month promotions : omaha outlow - only best grinders were rewarded in those leaderboards , mtt ko leaderboard : only the mtt grinders were rewarded in this promo.

The only easy step to play a freeroll was on sng scrap.


what is the difference between thos sng grinders and those cash games grinders? i think in cash games you may loose your bankroll faster than in any sng games.if in sng you may have a ton of luck and be in the money , on cash games you may loose all the money in one hand
There's a difference between the biggest winners and the biggest grinders. Winners win, grinders put in lots of volume. Because the benefits of liquidity aren't linear, there're plenty of times that we want to encourage volume. That doesn't harm ecology because of the network effects of greater liquidity.

Originally Posted by Claymicro

I'm only one who gets this when trying to log in ?

EDIT: It's something related to my country, will be fixed. nvm
Originally Posted by Cti
It's the same for me. Are there any ways to fix this ? I cannot log in even if I click "yes" (it's the same for the client or the website).
What're your aliases?

Originally Posted by Sect7G
Andrew I wasn't referring to a rush in implementing the bonus shop. I was talking about altering feasible rake back levels.
I don't think we can reduce this by much without giving players a lot of notice. Maybe we can do something for Q4 now, but Q3 is probably too soon. People are already earning playthrough bonuses that will last them into Q3, which they'll do under the assumption that they'll get xyz from Challenges.

Maybe it's worth doing for Q4 though. We'll discuss it internally.

Originally Posted by pecal
are you saying that Unibet is not using an algorithm to have an equilibrum between advanced players and begginers?
Originally Posted by pecal
@andrew - you dont have to respond to all my ******s posts . most of them are during tilt period so please no answer is needed for my posts. sorry

Originally Posted by tidor
I think you missed my post:
Aha, sorry. Done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Claymicro

I'm only one who gets this when trying to log in ?

EDIT: It's something related to my country, will be fixed. nvm
Same here. I can't login to unibet site too. I also think that it's because of government restricting gambling, but would like to get approval from unibet. I hope everything will be fine later. Alias Mindaugas00.

I played 10€ UO tourney, had pretty wealthy stack and only 1 played left to receive 50€ ticket. I hope I wasn't blinded out
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 09:59 AM
Why not make a SNG-promo like the milestone-promo.

A base prize per stake with multipliers for winrate and games played.

Or a player predefines his winrate and games played, if he does, he gets the prize. If not, he gets no prize.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
On Chico? Do all the sites on that network have the same thing?
I'm not familiar with it beyond the fact it exists.

Of course if its on a network then the benefits would mainly flow to the other skins on the network, depending on how the network runs its rake sharing model (one network supposedly tracks money round the system and remembers who originally deposited it).

Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I don't have an opinion on this yet, I need to think about it for a while. My instinct is to say that I don't want it because it's making changes to the client that aren't available to everyone, but on the other hand I don't think it does any harm.
I am one of the people who have a modified deck. If you remember I have been one of the old people droning on about the default cards being hard to read and this has helped me see the cards better. It would be ideal if the software offered a choice of deck as some other sites do, but in the meantime this is a good correction of what many perceive as a "fault" with the poker room.

I think if you allow people to swap the graphics file then it will be made available free to everyone - I think its only going PM at the moment because there isn't clarity over which way you want to go on it - but I didn't know or pay the person who let me have it. If he doesn't want to make it available then someone else would create one that was available to everyone so hopefully that aspect shouldn't be an issue.

Also, in my opinion as a (former) programmer, a graphics file isn't part of "software" so I think you can do this without compromising your no 3rd party software policy.

Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Nice try.
Foiled again. Of course you've been on 2p2 long enough to know that the phrase "good for the poker economy" means "good for me personally".
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:21 AM
Thanks for the replies again Andrew.

When you tile 4 tables for example they tile into a square but the square is aligned to the left of the screen not the centre. Please enjoy the following crude paint image to explain what I mean

Window on the left is how it works now, window on the right is how it would be in an ideal world
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

How do they work?

The ipoker jackpot sngs have a extra entry fee, much like normal jackpot cash tables. They had a $2 that cost $2.40, a $5 that was i think $6 to enter. The extra rake was used to provide a pool for the first person to win 5 consecutive ones. They also had/have higher buy in ones but i dont know if you would have the liquidity for these.
It is not always the better players who win these, and with your site allowing screen name changes it would provide a carrot for the normal guy to aim for i think.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by mullion
The ipoker jackpot sngs have a extra entry fee, much like normal jackpot cash tables. They had a $2 that cost $2.40, a $5 that was i think $6 to enter. The extra rake was used to provide a pool for the first person to win 5 consecutive ones. They also had/have higher buy in ones but i dont know if you would have the liquidity for these.
It is not always the better players who win these, and with your site allowing screen name changes it would provide a carrot for the normal guy to aim for i think.
this is not an ordinary poker room , it has been told so many times you cant make something that you know everybody will collude. Ipoker shut down jackpot sng because of that .It is perfect as it is in this moment with only 2 sections of sng : hu and 5 max.

if it will be as it is on 888 poker will be chaos. they have so many types of sng and they simply dont run as it should be. thx god someone on unibet was thinking on this aspect and has build only 2 types of sng
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Now done to the end of 3rd Apr.

Done. Also, we probably have mutual friends, I played SC at the WCG for the UK before you were playing.

Hey, just seen this. Yes, we definitely do have mutual friends. You're daishi.exe right? I vaguely remember seeing you online and playing a few games with you near the tail end of your SC lifespan and near the beginning of mine. I spoke with Eerik,, Def-The-Feared a lot around that point, all of whom I'm sure you know
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:06 PM
Nice to see a website give fair notice before altering the VIP program.
Q4 seems fair to me.

As for a SNG promo I really think it would be cool if it wasn't judged on really any skill or mass volume.

How about it broken down to a 20 block period and points are given out for hitting good hands.

Flopping trips is worth x points
Hitting a str8 flush worth x points
KOing 2 people in the same hand worth x points
Comeback from half the starting chips.
And other cool hands/accomplishments as well.

This would allow anyone a fair chance to win while giving grinders a bigger chance based on percentage of tries.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by minvit
Same here. I can't login to unibet site too. I also think that it's because of government restricting gambling, but would like to get approval from unibet. I hope everything will be fine later. Alias Mindaugas00.

I played 10€ UO tourney, had pretty wealthy stack and only 1 played left to receive 50€ ticket. I hope I wasn't blinded out
I've raised it with our internal service desk, but I don't know much about what's happening yet. Unibet are investigating. I recommend that you mail support and ask for a refund from the UO tourney.

Originally Posted by Snibbles
Why not make a SNG-promo like the milestone-promo.

A base prize per stake with multipliers for winrate and games played.
I was thinking of this for the millionth tournament, though now we're on 3.3m or so. I think it might be workable, but it'd require a lot of development which makes it unlikely in the medium term.

Originally Posted by Snibbles
Or a player predefines his winrate and games played, if he does, he gets the prize. If not, he gets no prize.
Hm, I'm not sure how this would work.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
I'm not familiar with it beyond the fact it exists.

Of course if its on a network then the benefits would mainly flow to the other skins on the network, depending on how the network runs its rake sharing model (one network supposedly tracks money round the system and remembers who originally deposited it).
Yeh, that's why I enquired. It only works if the whole network has it, otherwise you're just giving money to the other sites on the network. That's one of the big problems with that model of online poker.

iPoker and MPN both have systems to allocate rake to sites on the network based on whether players win or lose, as well as how much they rake. I don't know how effective they are, but it looked pretty decent when I was at Ladbrokes.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Thanks for the replies again Andrew.

When you tile 4 tables for example they tile into a square but the square is aligned to the left of the screen not the centre. Please enjoy the following crude paint image to explain what I mean

Window on the left is how it works now, window on the right is how it would be in an ideal world
Aha, got you. Yeh, that makes sense, thanks.

Originally Posted by mullion
The ipoker jackpot sngs have a extra entry fee, much like normal jackpot cash tables. They had a $2 that cost $2.40, a $5 that was i think $6 to enter. The extra rake was used to provide a pool for the first person to win 5 consecutive ones. They also had/have higher buy in ones but i dont know if you would have the liquidity for these.
Ah, got you, like bad beat jackpots.

Originally Posted by mullion
It is not always the better players who win these, and with your site allowing screen name changes it would provide a carrot for the normal guy to aim for i think.
It's not ALWAYS, but the better players have much better odds. Their EV per game of this is significantly higher than that of a weak player.

Originally Posted by pecal
if it will be as it is on 888 poker will be chaos. they have so many types of sng and they simply dont run as it should be. thx god someone on unibet was thinking on this aspect and has build only 2 types of sng
Yeh, this is important - we need to be very careful about splitting liquidity. We don't do as much micromanagement of liquidity as we used to because we're big enough for it to be less of a problem, but I think this is often overlooked.

Originally Posted by ToTMidiaN
Hey, just seen this. Yes, we definitely do have mutual friends. You're daishi.exe right? I vaguely remember seeing you online and playing a few games with you near the tail end of your SC lifespan and near the beginning of mine. I spoke with Eerik,, Def-The-Feared a lot around that point, all of whom I'm sure you know
Yeh. God, I hate those old names (.exe was the clan though). I talk to Eerik a lot as I lived in Estonia for a year when I played cards last, and in fact I was there two weeks ago on holiday. Maybe this was too far before your time, but coincidentally I had dinner with [9]Everlast a couple of days ago.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
As for a SNG promo I really think it would be cool if it wasn't judged on really any skill or mass volume.

How about it broken down to a 20 block period and points are given out for hitting good hands.

Flopping trips is worth x points
Hitting a str8 flush worth x points
KOing 2 people in the same hand worth x points
Comeback from half the starting chips.
And other cool hands/accomplishments as well.

This would allow anyone a fair chance to win while giving grinders a bigger chance based on percentage of tries.
Yeh, I much prefer this kind of approach because everyone's EV per block is the same. Grinders can work more to reduce their variance, but it doesn't reward winners.

Last edited by UnibetAndrew; 04-15-2016 at 12:19 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:22 PM
On SNG promos - I think the trouble with one that rewards ROI over the month is that if someone runs really well for the first 100 tournaments or whatever the minimum is, they are actually disincentivised to keep playing.

Also one that lets you restart and have goes at more blocks of 100 or 50 or whatever would send value to people who were going to play those tournaments anyway.

Probably best to just do it over the first 100 - and do it on a points basis, so someone who has played 40 so far is encouraged to another 10 and move up the leaderboard. Not sure how it should work with different stake levels though - maybe there should be separate leaderboards - if so then 100 per leaderboard is too many.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Yeh. God, I hate those old names (.exe was the clan though). I talk to Eerik a lot as I lived in Estonia for a year when I played cards last, and in fact I was there two weeks ago on holiday. Maybe this was too far before your time, but coincidentally I had dinner with [9]Everlast a couple of days ago
I've seen the screen name before, but yeah never interacted with [9]Everlast. Eerik used to berate me a lot when I first came onto the scene but eventually gained his respect when I started beating him more than he beat me haha. Not spoke to those guys in years but still have Eerik and pr0n as Facebook friends.

You're doing a good job with Unibet and the support in this thread etc btw, so thanks for that. I'm one of those guys who quit Stars due to rakeback changes and ever tougher games squeezing me into smaller and smaller winrates. Although I miss the software and how convenient it was to just sit down at 8 zoom tables with 0 waiting time, I don't miss much else about it. Certainly not since the Amaya takeover anyway.

I didn't even make a deposit at Unibet, just started with the free 14.5 euro NL4 ticket and am now easily rolled for NL200 lol. Not quite like the old days, but def like the direction with keeping the recs happy and aiming more bonuses towards them

Last edited by ToTMidiaN; 04-15-2016 at 12:45 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:48 PM
I tried to login which was unsuccesful so I contacted support and this is what I've been told "We are expirence a general technical issue with accounts from Lithuania." Im not sure what is the situation with my poker tickets but hopefully this will be fixed until they expire
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:33 PM
Hey Andrew I just got the email. I was wondering if I could get one with all my cash game results cause the email only has mtt and sng results

Alias = Cleanoutkid

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
Hey Andrew I just got the email. I was wondering if I could get one with all my cash game results cause the email only has mtt and sng results

Alias = Cleanoutkid

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
why you dont send e-mail to support and you get that in the same day?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by pecal
why you dont send e-mail to support and you get that in the same day?
I didn't know I can do that, ima get on that just now tho

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-15-2016 , 02:00 PM
Ignore my previous posts, my phone never showed me the Cash game report spreadsheet for some reason but I opened it up on my computer and I see it now

Sorry about that
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
