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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

09-22-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Hi Andrew, my welcome bonus is about to expire - I thought they lasted 3 months not 2 months. Any chance of an extension?

Also a question about the challenges. Are the points awarded basically saving up (the equivalent of) FPPs as you play cash and then releasing them in chunks as challenges are completed, or do you potentially score more points by adapting your style of play to the challenge? I was thinking particularly of the "3-bet preflop then flop an overpair" - if it was actually an incentive to 3-bet with hands like 88+ or if it just means you finish the challenge more quickly but getting fewer points.
You get the same points regardless of how long it takes to complete, sometimes you can get lucky and complete one very fast.

The challenge points awarded are different per challenge based on the average hands taken to complete.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 10:08 AM
Hi Andrew, could you cancel rest of my welcome bonus (i.e. €80 and €400)? Alias is -Martian-. Thanks!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 10:24 AM
Hello Andrew..

How can I feel safe playing at unibet, when sites like pokerstars are unable to detect all bots/collusion without the
help from the community and HH-sharing(russian ptr)? Would you say that your system for detecting cheaters are superior to pokerstars?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 11:54 AM
I've been playing on Unibet for about a week and have really enjoyed myself. I've been playing online for a dozen years and playing on Unibet gave me the same feeling that I once enjoyed playing on Paradise way back in the day.
It's actually fun to play poker again which is something I haven't felt for a long time playing on other sites.

It was tough for me to make the switch to Unibet as I'm not used to depositing on sites and in my old age I've become somewhat complacent and conditioned by what the industry offers us. Unibet gives a completely different look and user experience then any other site I've played on. The graphics are amazing and the lobby is extremely user friendly.

As for the business approach, who knows if it will be Unibet or some other site that pops up... but the reality is this business approach with anonymous tables and a HUD free environment will be the future of online poker. The other systems aren't sustainable and are already showing leaks in the dam.

The only things that I'd to see improve are the MTT offerings and the ticket sats that feed them. tbh I think the rake is a little high in MTT's especially at the higher buy ins and I'd like to see it scaled a bit.

As for cash games the price points are all fine but I think they've made an error in the blinds for NL25. Currently the blinds are .10-.25 and I think this should be switched to .15-.25. This adjustment will help the site as more flops will be seen by the sb vs bb battles and it help the recreational players who instinctively play to loose. Giving a bigger sb will reduce their error of opening too many hands. This small adjustment would be good for the site imo.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by OldBurf
Hi Andrew,

I have a double trouble ticket this week but unfortunately something has come up so I won't be able to play it. It would be great if you can extend it to next week.

Alias: Jugador

same here, would be highly appreciated esp. since the whole milestone thing turned out quite costly for me (Alias: MyColdHands)
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 01:59 PM
Hi Andrew, Good to finally meet you. Had a great time. Feedback: No receipt given by casino for winnings to be put into unibet account. Please exchange 250 ticket to 3 x 50 and 10 x 10. Many thanks pirahn
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 02:07 PM
Hi Andrew,

can you maybe expend my UO tickets, I haven't got much time lately for online poker.

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 02:12 PM
Andrew could you exchange my 250 UO ticket to three 50's, two 25's and five 10's.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Hi Andrew, my welcome bonus is about to expire - I thought they lasted 3 months not 2 months. Any chance of an extension?
Sorry, my current alias is lektoraj

and thanks to jonny2192
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by ice72
Hi Andrew, could you cancel rest of my welcome bonus (i.e. €80 and €400)? Alias is -Martian-. Thanks!
Sorry Andrew, I changed my mind, I would like to remove this post.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Torgil
Major challenge: "Reach a flop where the cards add up to 26 or more. Jacks, queens, kings and aces don't count."
I don't think I've ever had that one. It sounds like it could take quite a while to clear it. What's the average number of flops for that one, Andrew?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-22-2015 , 09:39 PM
Hi Andrew,

Unfortunately I wasn't able to play the double trouble today, is it be possible to extend this ticket for some time?

Alias: Lestienne

Would be much appreciated.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 03:39 AM
Hello, I am missing some tickets from Unibet Open stream. I participated all days except saturday and I only got 1x4NL and 1xUO2€. Also I won the 10NL raffle, I was asked my alias in twitch PM (which I answered right away - 17 september 7pm CEST). Alias used in all of them: yesyes6.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:16 AM
I'm also missing 1x2euro UO open ticket and a 10euro cash ticket from a raffle, alias: luckybucky, thanks in advance.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 05:37 AM
Another low priority feature request to put on the list.

When I click "View Profile", at top right there is a challenges box/panel showing points and my major challenges for both Holdem and Omaha. It would be nice if the system knew who was overwhelmingly a Holdem player and who was overwhelmingly an Omaha player because it would be better to show these people both the major and minor challenge for their preferred game in that panel and nothing about the challenge for the game they don't play.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by andr1
I'm also missing 1x2euro UO open ticket and a 10euro cash ticket from a raffle, alias: luckybucky, thanks in advance.
Im pretty sure it will be done in the next days But, for example, I didnt get any message asking for my alias even until now, so that was weird
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 06:40 AM
There'll be a server restart in the early hours of Monday (28th). There's no client release this month, just server changes:
  • Q4 Challenges with 4 unlockable avatars added
  • October Mission with 2 unlockable avatars added
  • Autumn Bootcamp promotion added
  • Super Double Trouble promotion added
  • 5 new avatars added
  • 8 previously locked avatars unlocked for everyone
  • Fixed an issue causing bonus progression not to work correctly when a player cleared multiple steps with one hand/tournament

Originally Posted by andr1
Am I the only one who hasn't got any tickets from the stream yet?
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I haven't credited them yet. I have the chat logs but I don't know which keywords were which ticket. I don't really want to just do NL4 tickets for everyone on the list because it's hard to tell who is just spamming and who won tickets on different days. So I'm waiting for people to be back from Cannes.
The NL4 and UO2 tickets should be done now.

Originally Posted by nononononono
i think i won a twitter comp but i havent had confirmation. my twitter name is @phil10220. can you please let me know if i did indeed win.
I'll ask the guy who ran it to look into it.

Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Hey Andrew. Will there be qualifiers for the Unibet Open Antwerpes?
I mean, qualifiers for just the buy-in of €1100, not the €2000 package. I think alot of Belgian and Dutch players would be interested in this
I'll test the waters, as this wouldn't be purely my decision.

Originally Posted by darkzpf
Could You extend my double-trouble ticket?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by dummy101
Have I missed this promo? What is it?
Originally Posted by jonny2192
They have giveaways on the twitch stream, The ones Andrews referring to here is to do with the Unibet Open stream, There was giveaways everyday for 5 days.

They are starting to run regular streams and Sam Grafton has been on a lot and they normally giveaway a few tickets.

Follow on twitch at
and it will email you when they are live or follow on twitter/facebook its usually announced there as well.
The aim of a lot of our Twitch activity is to attract new players. One way that we do this is give away small stakes tickets during the Unibet Open. It's also why I don't really advertise it in this thread.

Originally Posted by Torgil
For all of these challenges I have very little to no control. Are the challenges somewhat randomly assigned to players? Am I just very unlucky to have gotten three of those particular challenges in a row?
They're pretty mixed. I don't want to make it purely about altering behaviour to clear a Challenge because it rewards players who pay more attention and I'd prefer to not make that a prerequisite to playing on the site.

It's also hard to come up with interesting Challenges that don't make one set or another of players to play significantly worse. I guess I don't mind making good players play worse, but there aren't really ways to do that that don't also harm weak players.

You can discard one of each Challenge per month if you get one you really hate.

Originally Posted by Torgil
Apart from being unhappy with my challenges I very much enjoy playing on Unibet. You brought the fun back to playing poker for me! Before I started playing on Unibet I couldn't imagine playing without a HUD nor playing 6max. And here I am now playing every day if I can manage it with my work. Thank you!!!
Cool, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it!

Originally Posted by AGENT66
Andrew can you change my 50€ UO ticket to 5*10€ UO tickets?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by OldBurf
I have a double trouble ticket this week but unfortunately something has come up so I won't be able to play it. It would be great if you can extend it to next week.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Furo86
how many tickets were you giving out for the 10k freeroll this week? (max. entrants)
I don't think it'll go over 500 entrants.

Originally Posted by safje
I was wondering, Ive been playing quite some time now on Unibet on about every limit, but is it possible to tell me how many hands Ive played on 4nl and how much profit? Or just the bb/100.
My username is waffeltje.
Sure, OK to mail it to you?

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Hi Andrew, my welcome bonus is about to expire - I thought they lasted 3 months not 2 months. Any chance of an extension?
Sure, what's your alias?

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Also a question about the challenges. Are the points awarded basically saving up (the equivalent of) FPPs as you play cash and then releasing them in chunks as challenges are completed, or do you potentially score more points by adapting your style of play to the challenge? I was thinking particularly of the "3-bet preflop then flop an overpair" - if it was actually an incentive to 3-bet with hands like 88+ or if it just means you finish the challenge more quickly but getting fewer points.
The number of points per challenge are set in advance. So there's an incentive to alter your behaviour, but ideally not by a lot because the lost expectation by playing worse should make up for the gained Challenge points per hand.

Originally Posted by ice72
Hi Andrew, could you cancel rest of my welcome bonus (i.e. €80 and €400)? Alias is -Martian-. Thanks!
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Fred9
How can I feel safe playing at unibet, when sites like pokerstars are unable to detect all bots/collusion without the
help from the community and HH-sharing(russian ptr)? Would you say that your system for detecting cheaters are superior to pokerstars?
I wrote about this quite a lot last week, so rather than rehash it here I'll link it again:

Originally Posted by Sect7G
I've been playing on Unibet for about a week and have really enjoyed myself. I've been playing online for a dozen years and playing on Unibet gave me the same feeling that I once enjoyed playing on Paradise way back in the day.
It's actually fun to play poker again which is something I haven't felt for a long time playing on other sites.

It was tough for me to make the switch to Unibet as I'm not used to depositing on sites and in my old age I've become somewhat complacent and conditioned by what the industry offers us. Unibet gives a completely different look and user experience then any other site I've played on. The graphics are amazing and the lobby is extremely user friendly.

As for the business approach, who knows if it will be Unibet or some other site that pops up... but the reality is this business approach with anonymous tables and a HUD free environment will be the future of online poker. The other systems aren't sustainable and are already showing leaks in the dam.
Cool, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site. What you describe is what we wanted to achieve when we started building the site a couple of years ago.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
The only things that I'd to see improve are the MTT offerings and the ticket sats that feed them. tbh I think the rake is a little high in MTT's especially at the higher buy ins and I'd like to see it scaled a bit.
We'll have the new tournament lobbies ready for the end of Oct, and we'll have a new tourney schedule by then. We've tested running a few tournaments on lower rake and it doesn't appear to do anything, but I take your point on the bigger tournaments.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
As for cash games the price points are all fine but I think they've made an error in the blinds for NL25. Currently the blinds are .10-.25 and I think this should be switched to .15-.25. This adjustment will help the site as more flops will be seen by the sb vs bb battles and it help the recreational players who instinctively play to loose. Giving a bigger sb will reduce their error of opening too many hands. This small adjustment would be good for the site imo.
We just went with the industry norm here. Aren't we at risk of making the jump from NL10 to NL25 too big by doing this?

Originally Posted by youCALLyouFALL
same here, would be highly appreciated esp. since the whole milestone thing turned out quite costly for me (Alias: MyColdHands)
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by pirahn
Hi Andrew, Good to finally meet you. Had a great time. Feedback: No receipt given by casino for winnings to be put into unibet account. Please exchange 250 ticket to 3 x 50 and 10 x 10. Many thanks pirahn
Thanks for the feedback, what were the circumstances? I didn't know there was anything that paid out into the client in Cannes. Tickets exchanged.

Originally Posted by Turn
can you maybe expend my UO tickets, I haven't got much time lately for online poker.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Sect7G
Andrew could you exchange my 250 UO ticket to three 50's, two 25's and five 10's.
Sure, what's your alias?

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Sorry, my current alias is lektoraj
Aha, done.

Originally Posted by ice72
Sorry Andrew, I changed my mind, I would like to remove this post.
Bugger, already done it. As it's my mistake, I'll just credit you with a new one. The new bonus is €200 but is easier to clear, do you prefer that or the old one? I think I've accidentally already done it twice, I'll check back later on.

Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I don't think I've ever had that one. It sounds like it could take quite a while to clear it. What's the average number of flops for that one, Andrew?
3,330 hands on average, so it is indeed the slowest one (just).

Originally Posted by Mex93
Unfortunately I wasn't able to play the double trouble today, is it be possible to extend this ticket for some time?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by r0yal
Hello, I am missing some tickets from Unibet Open stream. I participated all days except saturday and I only got 1x4NL and 1xUO2€. Also I won the 10NL raffle, I was asked my alias in twitch PM (which I answered right away - 17 september 7pm CEST). Alias used in all of them: yesyes6.
I believe this has been fixed now.

Originally Posted by andr1
I'm also missing 1x2euro UO open ticket and a 10euro cash ticket from a raffle, alias: luckybucky, thanks in advance.
I'll ask the guy to take care of it, sorry about that.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Another low priority feature request to put on the list.

When I click "View Profile", at top right there is a challenges box/panel showing points and my major challenges for both Holdem and Omaha. It would be nice if the system knew who was overwhelmingly a Holdem player and who was overwhelmingly an Omaha player because it would be better to show these people both the major and minor challenge for their preferred game in that panel and nothing about the challenge for the game they don't play.
The Challenges page is all basically a compromise for time vs. what we'd like to build. Redesigning it is definitely on the list of things to do, but I think it'll be a while until it's ready. It's going to get more complicated too because ultimately I want Banzai and SNG Challenges too.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 06:52 AM
I have recieved two 4NL tickets, and two UO 2E tickets. Many thanks for that, but i think i'm missing one or two since i was viewing the stream and participating the give aways all days, except the first day. Also i won two raffle's. One NL10 ticket and one 5Banzai if i'm correct. I've responded to a private message on twitch for the NL10, havn't recieved a message for the 5Banzai. No rush on this please, just thought i'd let you know. I'm sure everything will be just fine. But since other people where mentioning, i thought let me do the same.

One more thing, i just loved the stream! Like last UO this one was great, the commentary was beautifull and everything was just ay okay! Many thanks to everyone who made it possible!

Alias: SuperPtje

Last edited by SuperPtje; 09-23-2015 at 06:57 AM. Reason: forgot to mention alias
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 07:48 AM
Hi Andrew,
could you change my 2xNL4 tickets into 2x4€ SNG tickets? (Alias: TheBankWins)
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 07:58 AM
Yo Andrew,

can you swap my 10e UO ticket to 5x2e UO tickets?

alias ricoleest

thanks, Rico
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 08:00 AM
i haven't bothered with the monthly challenges yet as i only play cash so they are a bit of a pain. Are they worth doing? can you get good prizes from them?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by a_r_K
i haven't bothered with the monthly challenges yet as i only play cash so they are a bit of a pain. Are they worth doing? can you get good prizes from them?
check the website?^^
You will get some cash and sng/mtt tickets every month (mostly in the 4 to 10€ range) for easy challenges like play one sng or something like that

@andrew: Again no sng promotion =/?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 08:36 AM
^ You mean the missions? If you play at the lowest stakes then IMHO they are worth doing - e.g. play 5 euro worth of tournaments to get a 4 euro ticket for something - so it's way more than 100% rakeback.

If you are so bad at tournament play (or HU, the HU SNGs take way less time than the other SNGs) that you are drawing dead in those tournaments then maybe it's not plus EV but then you have some major leaks that must be affecting your cash play. Obviously if you normally play NL400 then it's not worth the screen space to complete the mission but otherwise it's worth doing.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Bugger, already done it. As it's my mistake, I'll just credit you with a new one. The new bonus is €200 but is easier to clear, do you prefer that or the old one? I think I've accidentally already done it twice, I'll check back later on.
I would prefer €200 bonus. Thank you so much!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
09-23-2015 , 09:44 AM
hi could you please change my nl4 ticket into 2x2uotickets ?
alias is bloodmasto

thx already
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
