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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

06-01-2015 , 09:32 AM
Wow, I love this site! It really must be the future of online poker. I gave up playing poker years ago precisely because I won't play against multitablers or HUD users, so it's great to see a site aimed at casual players again.

I really like the avatars and ability to have multiple personas. I've seen some really funny username/avatar combinations already.

I have a few queries. I haven't read much of the thread, so sorry if these things have already been dealt with.

1. Do some people multitable on Unibet, is it possible? I hope it isn't - maybe one tournament and one cash table, at most. Personally I have always been a single-tabler, and I am very reluctant to play on sites where I am up against multi-tablers, as I perceive them to be grinders/pros.

2. Did you consider restricting new players from playing the higher stakes tables, e.g. 1/2 and 2/4? Perhaps the ability to play there could be an achievement to be unlocked. Just wondering if this might help keep players in the game, or not really?

3. The client freezes from time to time on my Android tablet. I'm sure it's a resourcing issue - it's a Hudl 2. The client will continually try to reconnect if it loses Internet connectivity, right? So if it freezes, it's likely to be that it's crashed, not that it's lost the Internet?

4. I would like a tick-box to log me in to the client automatically. Because when I have to restart after a crash, it takes a few more seconds when I have to re-enter my password.

5. Interesting to see the site facilitates ratholing. Players win a stack, then can take it off the table and return. You decided on the whole that this helps the fish more than the sharks? I've found it useful when I haven't felt comfortable playing 2 or 3 buy-ins deep, but it's felt a little weird that I've been able to do it.

6. Will 2+2 bring you the losing recreational players you need for your ecosystem to survive? Is it just a small percentage of players who read about the site on 2+2 who are net winners? Or could your promoting Unibet on 2+2 kill the games?

Thanks and keep up the good work.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 09:44 AM
i read the whats changed bit and couldn't find a way out of it back to the screen to accept the terms. clicked on the paper clip icon in the bottom left and it crashed the client
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 09:59 AM
Hey luckyjimm just giving you my own take on some of your points

Do some people multitable on Unibet, is it possible? I hope it isn't - maybe one tournament and one cash table, at most. Personally I have always been a single-tabler, and I am very reluctant to play on sites where I am up against multi-tablers, as I perceive them to be grinders/pros.
Yes people do multi-table sometimes, a cap has just been enforced to limit the number of tables at 4 and 10nl to 8. At other stakes the cap is 20 (but i'd imagine very few people would get close to that cap due to no huds, and that the software is intensive on computer)

On being reluctant to be against multitablers, believe me not everyone that multitables is a good (or even winning) player! Especially at the lower limits, if they were they would have more than likely already moved up. Multi tablers can be easy to exploit as their play tends to be more predicatable than players playing few tables and adjusting better to their opponents.

Also I get very bored if I am playing only 1-2 tables so would not play here if there was a restriction on multitabling. Having said that I'm by no means setting the world on fire with my poker at the moment, I just enjoy Unibet and enjoy a faster pace of game that multitabling provides

2. Did you consider restricting new players from playing the higher stakes tables, e.g. 1/2 and 2/4? Perhaps the ability to play there could be an achievement to be unlocked. Just wondering if this might help keep players in the game, or not really?
I think the problem with this is that new players will all have different amounts of disposable income. A player playing for fun that has 10k a month disposable cash will probabally get bored if they were restricted. Also some players will be able to budget themselves that are playing for fun and just play the amount that gives them fun and keeps them in the games. Some might not be able to and for that I like your idea, but I think given the varying levels in peoples disposable income you couldn't really set this. Maybe you could have a question at the start where someone picks two limits a 'current' and 'aspiring' and it wouldn't let them move up until they reach some kind of milestone, problem with that is from a pure business point of view I think it would be bad, as some players very responsibly would just want to spend more of their money at a higher limit that their current limit - and to prevent them from doing this would lose money for the site.

Interesting questions I enjoyed reading them!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
3. The client freezes from time to time on my Android tablet. I'm sure it's a resourcing issue - it's a Hudl 2. The client will continually try to reconnect if it loses Internet connectivity, right? So if it freezes, it's likely to be that it's crashed, not that it's lost the Internet?

4. I would like a tick-box to log me in to the client automatically. Because when I have to restart after a crash, it takes a few more seconds when I have to re-enter my password.
I feel you bro, same issues here. There's some still more improvements to do for android version compared to the win version. The reconnection issues, I think, sometimes are not even caused by the internet, rather the device itself.

The automatic reconnecting does not really work, sometimes it is even faster just to close a table and re-enter the credentials, so yes, of course it would be more convenient to have it login automatically. Nonetheless, I remember Andrew saying that now we have to enter both login name and password everytime due to some security requirements.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by PumaPerez
after logon client asked me if i accept or reject new T&C. when i click on part "whats new for poker" i got this:

without accepting it wont let me play. please fix as soon as possible.
I haven't tried it myself today and am going out but last time this happened I logged into the website and accepted the terms there, then went into the client - it didn't ask you anymore and this was a good workaround to the bug.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:07 AM
We believe that the browser version is finally fixed. I'm interested in any feedback anyone has on it - it used to freeze after 5 minutes, but seems to be OK now.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Shame I was looking forward to that part. I'd prefer a lot less money in the main promo and this active.

It would have been great as the straight flush reward isn't there to have split the prize pool weekly into three tiers eg something like 2k 3k and 5k with 4nl-10nl competing for 2k, 25nl-100nl competing for 3k and 200+ for 5k. Or whatever numbers worked when you looked into it.

This would give all limits a good chance at the promotion. Because as it stands as a 4nl player that was thinking of having a shot at 10nl for the promo it is going to be too hard for me to compete with higher players due to the multipliers. Also 4nl and 10nl have table cap so that makes it harder to compete too (although multiplier is main issue for us micro players)

So without the straight flush even given I'm a passionate cash player at micro stakes I can't see me getting much incentive from the promotion due to the uneven playing field.

This is just feedback, I realise you can't please everyone all the time, and you need to incentise high rakers but I think if promo was split like I suggested everyone would be incentivesed and there could still be a combined end of boot camp board to sort out an overall winner.

Given how much effort you put into adding value evenly across all player strands on the site I'm surprised you didn't take the option of splitting the weekly leader boards.

Have a good week!
We wanted to make it so that pure volume didn't count for too much - the multipliers are much lower than the stake ranges, and a lot of the points come from playing small amounts for several days in a row (or getting lucky with a straight flush). Let's see how it goes.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
can you check on my mtt ticket and change it to 4x1euro sngs?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by PumaPerez
after logon client asked me if i accept or reject new T&C. when i click on part "whats new for poker" i got this:

without accepting it wont let me play. please fix as soon as possible.
Weird, what's your alias? Also, which version are you using? I assume PC desktop?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:15 AM
Hi Andrew,

Is it possible to exclude myself from some games for a period of time? I want to stay way from PLO and Banzai and some higher NLHE limits but continue to play on your site. Yup, my discipline sucks!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:17 AM
We wanted to make it so that pure volume didn't count for too much - the multipliers are much lower than the stake ranges, and a lot of the points come from playing small amounts for several days in a row (or getting lucky with a straight flush). Let's see how it goes.
Yes. That was one of the first things I noticed when checking the promo out. That you had multipliers and not pure volume, which was good, easy to see a lot of throught has gone into the promo. fwiw i've promoted it on my twitter already so I'm not knocking it per se.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:25 AM
Thanks for your considered explanations, SuddenlyGood2.

I can see that players have totally different levels of disposable income, and there are plenty of losing players who will happily deposit to dive straight into 2/4 or 5/10 (or, there used to be). And you certainly wouldn't want to discourage that.

It's because I'm using the Android client that I didn't realise the PC version allows multitabling. I can see it wouldn't be feasible to restrict players to single tables, because ultimately the site needs deposited funds to be churned into rake, and it's the multitablers that are best able to do that.

And, yes, multitablers aren't all necessarily any good!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by luckyjimm
Wow, I love this site! It really must be the future of online poker. I gave up playing poker years ago precisely because I won't play against multitablers or HUD users, so it's great to see a site aimed at casual players again.
New blog please?

I'm glad to hear you enjoy the site, thanks for the feedback:

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
I really like the avatars and ability to have multiple personas. I've seen some really funny username/avatar combinations already.
I liked some of the ones during Blom's stream - having "Blom's Butler" kind of aliases makes it a lot more fun. Hopefully we can build on this a bit with the Unibet Open stream next week. Perhaps we could do some kind of identity-submission promo somehow.

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
1. Do some people multitable on Unibet, is it possible? I hope it isn't - maybe one tournament and one cash table, at most. Personally I have always been a single-tabler, and I am very reluctant to play on sites where I am up against multi-tablers, as I perceive them to be grinders/pros.
Yes, it's possible. The cap is 8 tables at NL4 and NL10, and 20 tables at other games. We didn't want to put off regulars by hobbling the software, we simply wanted to make it that the incentives point at the other end of the player spectrum.

I think that by disallowing huds and trackers we take away a lot of the benefits that multi-tablers have over everyone else though.

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
2. Did you consider restricting new players from playing the higher stakes tables, e.g. 1/2 and 2/4? Perhaps the ability to play there could be an achievement to be unlocked. Just wondering if this might help keep players in the game, or not really?
This is certainly part of the reason why we don't have anything over NL400 at the moment, though we experimented with NL1k earlier in the year for a few days in a month. NL1k didn't really harm NL400 churn rates, it's just that it didn't run a great deal and didn't really gain us a lot.

PokerStars used to require a phone call from Lee Jones to play 100/200+ limit. I always found that a bit condescending. I quite like the idea of restricting games until meeting certain criteria, but it'd be hard to do without falling into the same trap. I think the best way is to just not have big games.

I'm also interested in having automatic systems that, in real time, sees someone playing way higher than usual and gives them an incentive to play lower again. I think that may be the future of it, if we can avoid someone exploiting it. If someone really wants to play high, then so be it.

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
3. The client freezes from time to time on my Android tablet. I'm sure it's a resourcing issue - it's a Hudl 2. The client will continually try to reconnect if it loses Internet connectivity, right? So if it freezes, it's likely to be that it's crashed, not that it's lost the Internet?
If it loses connection it'll try to reconnect, yes. But it's possible that there're bugs related to the reconnection on some Android devices, we've had problems with reconnection from time to time. Android is hard to deal with because of the variety in devices, and relatively unusual cases are where we're more likely to have problems. If this happens to you, could you post your alias, device, and the time it happened please?

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
4. I would like a tick-box to log me in to the client automatically. Because when I have to restart after a crash, it takes a few more seconds when I have to re-enter my password.
Originally we were told internally that we had to use a global login system (i.e. over all of Unibet), which we argued against for a while. We got overruled and so we have the current crappy one. Recently I've persuaded them otherwise, and I hope to build a native login system to the poker client. That will require development time though, and it's relatively complicated so it's unlikely to happen until after the summer.

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
5. Interesting to see the site facilitates ratholing. Players win a stack, then can take it off the table and return. You decided on the whole that this helps the fish more than the sharks? I've found it useful when I haven't felt comfortable playing 2 or 3 buy-ins deep, but it's felt a little weird that I've been able to do it.
Exactly - it's about keeping players alive for longer. I actually don't think it harms anyone's EV, assuming people play similarly well/poorly regardless of how deep they are.

I think it affects perceived fairness though - I distinctly remember wanting to get "my" chips back from another player. This is one of those changes where I think it has positives and negatives, but that the aim of keeping players alive for longer is helped enough that we'll keep it. See also auto top-up, auto-posting BB, etc.

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
6. Will 2+2 bring you the losing recreational players you need for your ecosystem to survive? Is it just a small percentage of players who read about the site on 2+2 who are net winners? Or could your promoting Unibet on 2+2 kill the games?
I don't think we attract many players via 2 + 2, certainly not through banners or sites-last-clicked. I DO want to make us fairly well known generally, and doing it via 2 + 2 is one way to start doing that. But this thread is valuable for me because of the feedback, finding bugs, some sense of community, etc.

A big part of my job now is persuading the rest of the company to spend time on marketing. That's the way that we acquire new players. I don't think too much in terms of taking recreational players from other companies, more about getting people relatively or entirely new to poker, and simply keeping them alive for longer than PS et al do.

I'm also really interested in Twitch. That's why we had a Blom promo, and it's why I'm looking forward to streaming UO Glasgow next week. It's a way to reach an audience that are becoming harder to talk to, and it's always seemed that gaming and poker should mix more than it does right now.

Originally Posted by KeithMM
i read the whats changed bit and couldn't find a way out of it back to the screen to accept the terms. clicked on the paper clip icon in the bottom left and it crashed the client
This works for me and it works on a few of our test accounts. If you reopen and just click accept, does it work?

Originally Posted by luckyjimm
It's because I'm using the Android client that I didn't realise the PC version allows multitabling. I can see it wouldn't be feasible to restrict players to single tables, because ultimately the site needs deposited funds to be churned into rake, and it's the multitablers that are best able to do that.
We're planning to have multi-tabling on iOS/browser/Android after the Summer, though of course if you have resource problems one-tabling it won't matter much. It'll allow 4-tabling on those devices.

When we introduced table priority & tiling on the desktop versions last year it didn't hurt the churn rates at all - in other words, it didn't break new players faster. Perhaps part of this is simply because if you want to 8 table, you one-table Unibet, then 7 table PS. We want to find the middle ground where you can play as much as you'd like on Unibet, but without harming the ecology of the games. This middle ground is going to shift as time goes on, which is why we lowered the table caps at NL4 and NL10.

Last edited by UnibetAndrew; 06-01-2015 at 10:43 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Weird, what's your alias? Also, which version are you using? I assume PC desktop?
yep, win8.1 here. i am using alias called "PopeOfNope" at the tables mostly if that is what you were asking for. i will send you pm with few sec long video on youtube so you are aware when it happened exactly.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by UnlimitedRed

Also a few general questions to anyone, how quickly are your cashouts coming through? Any issues with having to send in ID etc before your first cashout? Just asking as I'll e-mail support right away to get that out of the way if so.

I'd never had a problem to cashout monney from Unibet,i have withdraw'it over 1.300 Euro in the last year,the only condition for a Bank Transfer is that the name of your Bank Account to be identicall with your Unibet Account Name...monney are in your Bank Account in 3-4 days!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
The rake is 3% to €3 at PLO25.

Is this accurate? I found this:


I guess just an out of date page?

I wasn't actually looking for rake when I found that page, I clicked on the promo in the client that said "Better 5 seat sit n go prizes" and thats where it took me.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 11:37 AM
Maybe rewarding the person the got the most straightflushes during the promo with 250 EUR ? That's not a big cost
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Mrtrebus
Is this accurate? I found this:


I guess just an out of date page?

I wasn't actually looking for rake when I found that page, I clicked on the promo in the client that said "Better 5 seat sit n go prizes" and thats where it took me.
Annoyingly, it's not accurate. We asked for the right numbers (PL/NL4 should be 1% to €1 and PL25 should be 3% to €3). We're chasing them now.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 11:50 AM
I rivered a straight flush earlier today but I guess I didn't win 250 euro then?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 12:36 PM
Thanks for your comments, Andrew.

I'm up 1200 Euros since I first deposited five days ago. Nearly all of that is at 0.25/0.50 six-max PLO. Thanks for flicking the boomswitch, I hope it continues.

I'd be curious to know how much I've raked so far? Although when I'm winning buy-in after buy-in then I really don't care about rake. Some people used to make good money on ENET, after all.

Also, could you convert any STT/MTT tokens I've got into PLO tokens, is that possible? I'll email you my username. Cheers!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

Yes, weird - what's your alias? Which platform were you logged in with at the time?
My alias is EveryHand, it happened at a €2/4 nl table a few minutes before my post (01.57 last night). I was already playing at another table either HU or 3 handed, but the glitch happened when a seat came up at a full table. I was using the desktop client which is what I always use.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 12:47 PM
I have 4euro plo ticket , can you exchange it to 4e NLHE ticket ?
username 'railgun'
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 02:51 PM

Is it possible to extend all my 10eur UO tickets by a few days? Would greatly appreciate it.
Also i would like to exchange my 50eur UO ticket to 5x10eur UO tickets. And 4x1eur SNG tickets to 1x4eur MTT ticket.

Alias: fergas

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 03:11 PM
can anyone give me an honest assessment of unibets current cash out situation?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by PumaPerez
after logon client asked me if i accept or reject new T&C. when i click on part "whats new for poker" i got this:
[SNIPPED IMAGE containing black box in middle of screen]
without accepting it wont let me play. please fix as soon as possible.
I got something slightly different:

And that's not even the up to date T&C's is it? (Screen says version 1.3, but we moved to 1.5 today).
Such a narrow window was not conducive to reading (no scrollbars), and there was no BACK button, so it was impossible to read the full rules or press the AGREE button, let alone do both. My workaround was to close the client and hunt for the PDF of terms and conditions on the website before logging in again and agreeing.

I think a solution for the future would be to just put a link to the website instead of making the text display badly in the client. i.e. "Here is a link to the updated rules. Click AGREE once you've read it."

FWIW, I was using Windows 7 on my desktop PC, I'm UK-based, and I have Firefox as my default browser.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by heAstroMan
can anyone give me an honest assessment of unibets current cash out situation?
Super quick for me, for UK bank. Never deposited and still managed a hassle-free cash out in 4 days
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by heAstroMan
can anyone give me an honest assessment of unibets current cash out situation?
Bank transfer took less than 24h for me.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
06-01-2015 , 05:18 PM
It would be nice to have some kind of counter for this new bootcamp promotion in the client, to know how much points we scored, because how else to know if we are not on the ladder ?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
