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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

04-16-2015 , 03:32 AM
I miss Andrew...
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Andrew when you get around to crediting my 5x10 euro UO tickets, can you also convert my 50 euro UO ticket into 5x10 euro UO tickets please, so I'll have 10x10 UO tickets in total. (alias drlector)

Hi i've deleted this alias now new alias is, thanks!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 06:50 AM
Sorry for the lack of replies, I spent Mon-Wed in an internal marketing conference. I ought to be able to catch up on the thread this afternoon.

We had quite a few site problems recently:

11th Sat, ~18:40 to ~18:55, network problems
11th Sat, ~20:45 to ~21:00, network problems
12th Sun, ~18:40 to ~18:50, packet loss
12th Sun, ~16:00 to ~20:00, tourney lobby update problems
13th Mon, ~09:10 to ~09:15, DDOS
13th Mon, ~11:15 to ~11:45, DDOS
15th Wed, ~21:30 to ~21:35, packet loss

We're investigating the tourney lobby problems on Sun. The network problems are essentially out of our hands - it's stuff that happened to other companies somewhere between us and several players. Packet loss is probably our ISP having trouble, or something going wrong on Unibet's side, though may also be something inbetween us and a lot of players. It tends to affect a few players but not everyone.

The DDOS was against Unibet rather than poker specifically and I think it's been resolved now, though I don't really know how that stuff works.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 08:40 AM
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 09:16 AM
If you have any refund requests from the problems above, please mail support - they can sort it out better than I can.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Great thank-you, and look forward to trying the patch.

Can I have 5*10 UO tickets please (alias: drlector)
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Mex93
I currently have 25 euro in regular MTT and SNG tickets, is it possible to convert this to a bonus?
Sorry for the late reply, I assume this is too late now?

Originally Posted by Shogunnn
I got 3 more those MTT tickets so can you change all 6x 1e MTT tickets to 1e SNG tickets Thank you!
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by pedatn
Oh and one more suggestion: have an option to turn off sound except for the "your turn" alerts. I like for my tables to alert me but I don't need the constant clicking of chips.
I think this might work instead of the on/off slider we currently have. I'll see if we can find a way to do it.

Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
Andrew, this happens all the time as well. It doesn't impact actual play it's just rather annoying to look at. Also, I wont be able to open new tables if needed.

Do you know what causes it? Have you gone from the profile back to the lobby? I've not seen it before.

We're working out how to fix the time-out thing by the way. It's Danish only and it was fixed a few months ago (I believe from your report then too), so we aren't sure why it's back yet.

Originally Posted by WWFCBlue
Could I change my tickets to 2 x 10e SnG please?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by CirtogC
Hi andrew, can u pls split my 100e ticket in 2x50e UO ticket. user:traian7 ty
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Firstly, I cannot tell you how this bug shows up, but it's not the first time like this. It's when the back and full schedule buttons disappear from the top left corner.
Thanks - I don't think I've seen this before so I think it's at least somewhat rare. We're redesigning the tourney lobby and will hopefully fix these kinds of things when we release it in the summer.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Another bug with one card happened (on all of the tables) when I was adjusting animation and avatar options.
Thanks - I think this takes us up to 5-6 known cases of this happening. We can't replicate it yet, but your image ought to help. If it happens again you should be able to see the holecard via dealer chat.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Although I won several tickets to the slot freeroll, I still do not really get it how the points are counted. I made some screens which kept me wondering...
I assume this is fine now?

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
There is another problem I discovered with the Android app, again, I am not sure if it's app or the device that I use. E.g. if I exit the app to the main menu of OS try to reopen the app couple of seconds after, most of the time the game is already disconnected...
I don't think we've seen this one either, I've reported it.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Lastly, can I ask about my total balance in poker (starting from this year)? Also, can you exchange my remaining €2xMTT to €2xSNG? Thanks
So far this year you've played 28,883 hands, seen 8,225 flops, raked 53.19 and are up 125.03 in cash games. You've played 427 MTT for 3.70 total fee and are down 1.72. You've also played 24 SNG for 1.91 fee and are down 6.85.

Originally Posted by krayz1e1
whats weird is that the mobile client works while the windows client gives the technical error...
The problem on the 11th was down to network issues. Someone somewhere between you and us had problems. It's likely that your mobile phone operator's traffic was routed in a different way to your desktop ISP's.

Originally Posted by darkzpf
Today because of technical error - disconnection - I lost 4€ - hand 143159026
It wasn`t first time - several pages ago I put screenshot with AA in final table of 250€ UO...
What to do with this? Should I report at or what? This problems drives me crazy :/
Yes, support please. Sorry for your problems.

Originally Posted by jonny2192
Hi Andrew,

I made an alias called "TwitchStream" for use during the promotion and 2 people who i was playing came and watched.

This made me think that it would be good if you could show a twitch stream badge on your avatar, even better if you could click it and go to the stream.
Originally Posted by pedatn
That's a pretty great idea, especially if people do it without delaying the stream!

Really though if anyone should bet on Twitch it's Unibet, having the most modern looking software and no HUD. Sure I watch streams of dudes 4-tabling midstakes on Stars but most rec users (as I assume Twitch has many of) probably prefer streams like jcarver who plays one table and has a lot of audience banter.

Might do one myself but i need to get a haircut and exfoliate first
Mostly I'm worried about people seeing the streaming-badge, opening the stream, and seeing your holecards.

By having no table selection and by having alias changes, people should be able to stream with less delay on Unibet. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic there though, and we should just run it in the traditional style and take advantage of the graphics and lack of HUD to give us an edge.

I agree that Twitch should be huge though. We can't get Negreanu or JCarver, but I don't really want the latter kind of player. I want to make it more beginner friendly and fun, it fits in with our whole ethos. I'm working on some things, and we just hired someone to look after poker social media - in my mind that job is going to be 75% Twitch.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by joggle0
Just got back from the UKStudent Poker Championships and saw a load of people wearing Unibet patches. I think it was Plymouth uni?
Was good to talk unibet poker with other players.
Andrew, how can I get some patches for my uni?
That's one of the things that I'd like to get our new social media guy involved in. Mail me - - and I'll pass it on to him when he starts later this month.

Originally Posted by Daniel2903
and can you change my 12 1 EUR tickets to 1x10eur and 2eur tickets? Thank you.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by 77777
Could you change my tickets (some expire tomorrow) for 1x€100 and 1x€25 HUSNG please?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Hatebreedd
Just came back from vacation and saw the post that some players have a HUD on unibet ? Is this problem solved or can people still use that hud ? Are you banning players using it ? Because if some people use a hud the playingfield isnt really "level"
We'll work to block any HUD that we find and we'll ban anyone we find using one.

Originally Posted by Vizkid79
Hey Andrew, don't really understand when you said 33% of hands reach the flop at NL25. Do you mean 2/3 of all hands end preflop?
I haven't played that much NL but that seems way too nitty for what I've seen of the games.
Yes - it's the number of hands that are raked. It isn't the same as VPIP because I can put money into the pot, you can 3 bet me, I fold = not raked.

Originally Posted by pirahn
hi andrew, used up my 50 tickets. please exchange 250 ticket to 3x50 and 10x10. thanks pirahn
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by regispoker23
Hi Andrew, can you exchange my 4e Daily 4 ticket to 4x1MTT Alias HappyLT Thanks
I assume this is OK now?

Originally Posted by Dink_Boobie
please cancel my welcome bonus, i have not had the time to complete this step.

if you can transfer the accumulated points across to my queued bonus's then awesome, if not no worries.
Could you post your alias or PM me your username please?

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Andrew - the reload bug is happening more often than it's not to me the last few days. I am out of the loop with that bug (the one where you click reload chips and nothing happens until you close all the tables you have open) - just wondering what current status is of that one. I'm playing with tickets not sure if that has any impact.
This'll happen during network problems/DDOS - have you had it outside of those times?

Originally Posted by potsataja
please change my 4 1euro sng´s to 1 4euro sng.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Andrew when you get around to crediting my 5x10 euro UO tickets, can you also convert my 50 euro UO ticket into 5x10 euro UO tickets please, so I'll have 10x10 UO tickets in total. (alias drlector)
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by pool
5 x 4 euro UO tickets
15 x 2 euro UO tickets.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by travish25
Regarding the issues I had with lag last week I played the sportsbook freeroll Thursday and subsequent to that numerous cash games and SnG's which all worked perfectly. I was even able to have other applications running at the same time with no problems. Then Sunday, during the slot freeroll the issue started again?
This was almost certainly due to the tourney controller problems on Sunday.

Originally Posted by travish25
My final point I wanted to bring to your attention was that I noticed it's possible for more than one player to play from the same internet connection? I was recently round at a friends house and decided to show him the unibet application and after he signed up we found it was possible to sign up for the same tournaments etc. Obviously we didn't play but I just thought I'd bring it up to see if you could find a patch for it as it would clearly make it much easier for players to collaborate.
Yes, should be fine. It's the kind of thing that raises a security flag, but it's not the way that we catch colluders etc.

Originally Posted by Bobby12
could you please convert the following:
- 25 NL25 Cachgame Ticket to 25 SnG
- 8 x 1MTT + 2 x 4MTT + 4 x 1SNG to 2 x 10 SnG
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by ShaoKahn
Hi Andrew, could you change my €50 UO ticket into 5x€10 UO tickets?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Ariebombarie
Could you change my 1x 10€ UO ticket to 5x 2€ UO tickets?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Whatnot
IMO you'd do really well to add a third, easier to achieve, challenge category. Obviously balancing the value of the others so the total rewards % remains the same.

I've been driven crazy stalled on both my major and minor achievements for the last X sessions, have no idea how long really. (Actually, if you want to check how long I've been stuck on 14 out of 15 in my major challenge and at 0 out of 1 on the minor challenge, I'd be really curious to know if I'm running terrible or it's just my perception -- recent UID 'burtferguson').

Anyway, end result is I'm taking a break from cash games on your site, which is bad news for regs and the site. I'm the dream customer! Care more about the challenges than the games, don't mind losing some $, splashing around, etc etc...
You can remove one of each category each month.

The problem with shorter ones is that they'll be boring - it'll just be "be dealt aces", "be dealt kings", etc. I'll see if I can come up with any more interesting ones next quarter.

I'm afraid I can't easily see hands played in periods shorter than a day so it wouldn't add up properly.

Originally Posted by labainoriu
Hey, some gadgets in your rewards program would be super cool. (like gsm, ipads..)
Yeh, I'd like to do this but it's a lot of work. We'd also need to be able to segment the program by country, which we can't yet. That's because if you ship an iPad to some countries it'll mysteriously go missing at customs, or the fee will be as much as the actual item. I think it'll have to remain on the longterm todo list.

Originally Posted by SuperPtje
Hi there got a question. Often i see freerolls restricted for specific countries only. There's nothing wrong with that of course but i never see my country . No my question is will there be any freerolls restricted to Dutch players only? Or maybe Benelux players?
When we redesign the tourney lobby we'll hide tournaments that you can't enter (e.g. the weekly staff tournament here).

Those are done for the regional marketing managers - if they ask for a BE or NL tourney we'd build it for sure.

Originally Posted by ArjenRobben
I have received an email on the 7th that I would get 5 spins on the UB slot , cause of some technical issue, I didn't see them , and contacted live support who would forward this to the proper department, it is the 14th today, could you look into this please?
There was a problem with the mail - they forgot to mention when they were credited. It was due to the freeroll that didn't work. We compensated people with 5x spins on the Friday but didn't mail until Monday. You used them on the 3rd.

Originally Posted by SuperPtje
Could you change my Daily 4 ticket in to a NL4 ticket please if possible? My name is SuperPtje. Thanks in advance
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by pedatn
Proposal: every week where >30% of the player pool experiences disconnects, lag, errors etc: NO RAKE SATURDAY!
I like being generous with these things, but I think it generally has to be our fault when things break. I think there's a limit to how generous we can be if someone DDOS-es us for example. We'd also need to make sure that the problems are actually over - if we do a big freeroll one day then the tourney controller falls over, we're in worse trouble than we would've been.

Originally Posted by PumaPerez
i am currently still releasing first deposit bonus. however i already recieved some 5 euros bonuses via challenges. do these bonuses wait for me untill i clear FDB or do they have some expiration time?
Bonuses don't start expiring until they're active - they can stay in the queue forever (actually a lot of them have hard expiry dates in 2019, but that's close enough to forever).

Originally Posted by AGENT66
Andrew can you extend all my 14*10€ UO tickets and extend my bonus???


Sorry, the bonus has been there since Sep. I can't extend it again.

Tickets are fine, but there're limits there too - I don't want to sit here extending tickets by a month every month. One of them was from December.

Originally Posted by vanillablazin
Hey, Andrew i have won twich prize drope, asked for 50x1 € sng tickets (u know me ), but instead of that i got 1x50 € ticket. So what i'm saying could you or some your co-worker exchange this one ticket to 50 tickets of 1 € sng?
Whoops, sorry. Is this fixed now?

Originally Posted by PrsHarlequin
If they dont know/ like your question, unibet support just disconnects from your chat, after you waited for 15 minutes for them to put you on in the first place... What i was trying to clarify is
Could you let me know your alias and the time this happened please? As obviously it shouldn't happen.

Originally Posted by PrsHarlequin
-Can you 'complete UO qualifier' like, 3 days after earning 3 spins, or must it be exactly only the very next, calendar day ?
Nope, has to be the very next day.

Originally Posted by 5b10b1525b
Can you please exchange 2 x 1e mtt ticket + 2 x 4e mtt ticket to one 10e mtt ticket ?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
I have noticed one thing which you should look at. If you leave the table in a cash game using one alias and immediately join a table using different one, not only you are sat at the same table, but also you dont have to wait for a BB to start playing, which is an obvious indication you are the same player who left the game.
Thanks, I didn't know about that one. But might this not cause a problem where people just use this to table select?

Originally Posted by jonny2192
Just a note for Unibetpoker and twitch guys.

Twitch search not showing live streams when you search for unibet.
Have to find us through Games>Poker.


Are streaming at the moment.
Originally Posted by jonny2192
Originally Posted by vanillablazin
Hey guys i'm making giveaway on twitch of 20 € when i reach 250BR . Also unibet said that they'll give another 20 € in tickets to one lucky follower). I believe 99% that i'll hit it today so if u are interested come join us at
Good luck! That was me vanillablazin (normally it isn't). Did you reach it?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:16 PM
Hi Andrew

Can you combine all my €4 PL4 tickets into 1?
and all my €10 NL4 into 1 aswell =)

Alias: Frosttiger
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Frosttiger
Can you combine all my €4 PL4 tickets into 1?
and all my €10 NL4 into 1 aswell =)
Sorry, I can only really do 100bb tickets. There're some €10 NL4 ones already made due to the welcome bonus, that's about the only exception.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:33 PM
Shiet, never going to get throug them all xD
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:35 PM
If I combined them then I'd have to combine the flop requirements too, so it wouldn't make any difference. The expiry is 7 days since you last saw a flop, so as long as you play one flop on each every week they'll stay alive.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Good luck! That was me vanillablazin (normally it isn't). Did you reach it?
He did reach it, and some guy who came last and followed his channel got lucky with the €20 cash prize drop
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 12:39 PM
flop requirement isnt really a issue.
Its more maintaining the expiration time on all of them
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 04:16 PM
can you change my nl25 ticket to a plo25 ticket?
and can you also change my mtt tickets to sng tickets?

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 08:56 PM
If i discard a 'Make a flush or better on the flop' challenge, what would i get, which one is next in line ?

Last edited by PrsHarlequin; 04-16-2015 at 09:02 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 10:04 PM
Getting Technical Error #3 when trying to log in at the minute...
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-16-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by WWFCBlue
Getting Technical Error #3 when trying to log in at the minute...
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 03:38 AM
Our ISP was DDOS-ed at 01:05-02:30 and 05:50-05:55. Looks like it's over now.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:11 AM
Hey, Andrew.

Can you split my €50UO to 5x 10UO?

Btw, your teaser video is awesome, top-quality and I really love the soundtrack.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 04:45 AM
I wanted to play on Unibet yesterday, so i got myself some pay safe card and started deposit, they charge 3% on each deposit, that is so rude, and so wrong towards the player. I won't be playing there, just because of this, and because of lack of omaha games!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by LTDALdo
I wanted to play on Unibet yesterday, so i got myself some pay safe card and started deposit, they charge 3% on each deposit, that is so rude, and so wrong towards the player. I won't be playing there, just because of this, and because of lack of omaha games!

Nothing rude in passing on a cost you have to pay and there is always plenty of omaha games being played when I look.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:21 AM
Does anyone else get Technical Error #3 at the moment?

its gone now, but was for a few minutes, all of the players sat out
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Pr3dat0r
Does anyone else get Technical Error #3 at the moment?

its gone now, but was for a few minutes, all of the players sat out
Yes, closed client and opened 10 minute later and all was ok.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 05:55 AM
Hey Andrew,

could you convert my tickets into one nl100 ticket and remaining value into highest possible sng ticket?

alias: mulli_
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 06:07 AM
Hello Andrew

Please change my saturday stack ticket to 2x NL50 tickets.

Thank you.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
04-17-2015 , 07:47 AM
Hi Andrew,

Could you exchange my 1x 10€ UO ticket into 5x 2€ UO ticket,
and my 1x 50€ UO into 5x 10€ ticket UO please?
Alias: CarlCox

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
