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[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread [PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread

09-09-2013 , 06:44 PM
can they email me my hand history? i had disconects during a few big hands.

also lol thta if you have a disconect for like 2 seconds the entire hand is missing. please fix
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-09-2013 , 08:40 PM
prob crashed over 15 times tonight. I gave up.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-09-2013 , 08:42 PM
I get disconnected very often, with that "establishing connection" popup on all tables, and it usually last for like 5-10 sec, often folding hands. The thing is, that when playing on a table, and even reconnecting on time, hand history is not available, and so i have a lot of hands missing from PT.
Knowing the theft policy that has become crystal clear over last couple of months, i wouldn't be surprised that it was designed on purpose, so they can start deducting money straight from players accounts, bit by bit, in the middle of the sessions, and think they can get a way with it, because no one could prove them wrong...
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-09-2013 , 11:41 PM
Beware that while practices player segregation, it does NOT segregate our balances/deposits! Our player funds are used for operating costs, just like FTP did. If bwin keeps losing money, it may eventually go through bankruptcy or liquidation, and we will be SOL just like players who lost all their money at Purple Lounge, 5050 Poker, Everleaf, Ultimate Bet, Absolute Poker, etc.

Since bwin uses our balances but keeps making bonuses and fees worse, everybody should withdraw their entire balance except for the minimum they need to play their few remaining games. I was lazy like other players in leaving my huge balance at Party, but I recently withdrew ALL my cash.
Originally Posted by xPeru
Some regulators such as ARJEL in France, and the Nevada Gaming Commission require player funds to be held in trust (or equivalent) so that the businesses creditors can have no claim on player deposits - everyone else's money is at risk if the operator fails.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 01:17 AM
good time to withdraw all money from the site; send a message
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 03:00 AM
player transfers seem to be down since yesterday

actually, totally disallowing player transfers would be another big step in Party/Bwin current direction, highly recommend it!

Last edited by czGLoRy; 09-10-2013 at 03:06 AM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by skinnybob123
I have to agree. Honestly the new software has NOT improved at all. The achievements are so useless for any reg, maybe can attract fish initially. But I don't see how the novelty would not wear off fast.

Also the friends concept I think is ******ed. How do these fish feel they all of a sudden know that there are like 100+ people that have added them as friends. This is not a friendly facebook game. This is a ****ing predatory game where all these guys wanna take the fish's money. Like FK do you really want them to know this fact? So many have already removed a bunch of friends or changed their privacy settings.

Constant disconnects and crashes when moving the software around a lot or tiling tables. This is mega tilting, and does not outweigh any possible benefit (if there was even any) from the new site.

All in all for 2 years of work and multiple delays in the release date, it would be an understatement to say this release is a disappointment.

Just one thing that need to be addressed. We need to stop taking about the new software. there isn't any new software it is just another PR bull**** sold us by

Moreover if they just fixed old bugs it would be hell better. Instead we have a siitation when it is a total disaster.

Seriously it seems like they made it so bad on purpose. It is almost like their IT Indian team (cause many departments of Party are located in India) made it on purpose thinking "If we introduce more buggs there will be **** ton of work for us- **** ton of billable hours "

BTW Speaking about being recreational players friendly.
Dear Party.bwin team to take old buddies list and make them your friend list in the new software you have to be mentally disabled. Seriously anyone with half clue would know why regs add people to the buddy list.

Now thinkhow it will impact recreational payers base at mid+ when suddenly they have XXX+ "friends" . The same friends that hunt him/her down and sit out when he/she sit out for whatever reason.

Maybe it is tie to hire people who have some clue about poker and how the poker ecosystem runs??
For the last year or so you have been introducing the changes that you expected to iprove your margins/create better poker enviroment/make it more recrearional players friendly so there would be more deposits.

You haven't reached any of these goals but you keep bull****ting us with all sort of silly stuff.

The regs already quit. Even players that still play there have Party as 3rd/4th site and just bumhunt there. There is a reason why there are very few regs starting tables and even fewer regs playing HU to start 6-max/fr table.
Just no one bothers anymore.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 04:45 AM
maybe they're trying to tank the site cuz some headguy is shorting it.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by BadBlueBoy
I get disconnected very often, with that "establishing connection" popup on all tables, and it usually last for like 5-10 sec, often folding hands. The thing is, that when playing on a table, and even reconnecting on time, hand history is not available, and so i have a lot of hands missing from PT.
Knowing the theft policy that has become crystal clear over last couple of months, i wouldn't be surprised that it was designed on purpose, so they can start deducting money straight from players accounts, bit by bit, in the middle of the sessions, and think they can get a way with it, because no one could prove them wrong...
Same here. Constantly disconnected yesterday. Also the lobby freazes when I move tables around too much. Really tillting!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 07:48 AM
how do you turn off the notifications while playing?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kenny Bania
how do you turn off the notifications while playing?
account - my details - alert settings
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 09:02 AM
Ok, today I logged in and installed the new poker client. Perused it for a couple of minutes. For the past couple of years, I ve been registered at party, I have not really grinded it for any long stretch. A big reason was the software. The advent of the new software gave me hope that I could add party poker tables to my sessions.

My first impressions:

- This doesn't look like new software to me. It looks like the game engine underneath was given the veneer of a new skin along with a couple of new features. Just because you change the appearance of something, it doesn't mean the software is new.

- The new skin does look sleek and modern. It's not my cup of tea exactly, but that's just a matter of preference. It still is good design and a much needed improvement to the old graphics which had all the vibrancy and freshness of a 1970s era english apartment wallpaper.

However, as a person who does graphical modding and looks for certain things, the new software is a disappointment.

- You still can't increase window size beyond a certain point. Wtf? You know, it's 2013 and people have big screens and stuff.

- The window size itself has different proportions than most poker rooms. You could at least gives the ability to resize it to 792x546 like PS and FTP. Now this may sound like a minor nag, to me it's important, because I stack; if the PP's window had the same proportion, I might have fit a game here and there, now I can't.

- Another seemingly minor quibble which shows IMO lack of attention to detail. Graphic file sizes are too small. For example. The resolution of a PartyPoker chip file is 22x15. The resolution of a Pokerstars chip intended for a window of approximately the same size is 26x24. Now you may say, what's the big deal about that.

The big deal about that is that because Partypoker graphical files (cards, deck, chips etc) use low resolution, they don't seem as sharp as they could on the screen . Again, this is 2013! And not only that, but when one imports his modded files, they don't look as good as they look on other websites. And it really shouldn't be that big of a deal to fix and yet, you didn't.

- Overall, I suspect that modding Partypoker - in the sense of being able to change seat positioning and other elements- is going to be as difficult as it was with the old software. Why? Because it's the old software with a new suit!

- Why are you still using 10 seats in tournaments?

- I am not even discussing the lag and the drops and all the kinds of problems people have been reporting.

I don't see anything to draw me back in and I ll probably be withdrawing the 2k that I ve kept there for the past year or so. btw, good job adding those fees with no warning no less. Good job on that.

PS. I appreciate the new group manager posting and showing the willingness to engage players, but Party, you have ****ed up so bad for so long, that it's going to be a long slog to fix the mess you ve created for yourselves.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 10:14 AM
PartyRep, any ETA on an update to fix some of these crash-bugs?

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 10:15 AM
I'll say it again, the 3% skrill fee to withdraw is RIDICULOUS. How can you possibly justify this? It's just plain robbery and there's no reasons for it. All you will do is alienate your customers. It's our money and we already paid rake on it.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 10:56 AM
Justification is simple. They charge the 3% to winners because their modus operandi has been to focus on net depositors and hurt winners for many months now. If they bring you the fish then you can pay what they pay to withdraw the money and a little bit on top of that. Don't expect much to improve until their overall stance does.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 11:02 AM
i see here to many ppl who like to complain every time regarding of something. but is anyoane who made something ? i mean to withdraw all money and to close his account? i allready did it. someone else?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:22 PM
still haven't been able to player transfer over the last 48 hours or so... saying account names don't exist, anyone else having this problem, or able to transfer successfully recently?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:45 PM
im not sure why ppl think achievement will attract fish

fish =/= 13yo idiots
fish = bad at poker
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
im not sure why ppl think achievement will attract fish

fish =/= 13yo idiots
fish = bad at poker
ya a fish was talking on ipoker yesterday about how he played on party for awhile but was being driven crazy with annoying achievement popups so deposited there :d I said welcome to ipoker

I laugh at how hard party misses the ball.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:54 PM
who is saying they do?

not even sure party believes in them...? they just do random stuff that doesn't make sense
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:56 PM
This **** is just unplayable ATM.. I get disconnected every 2-4 mins.. Why does it take this long to fix some bugs FFS?!?!?!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 12:59 PM
I think the achievement is a good idea in principle. It should have only been rolled out to new signups though and the amount of achievements cut down substantially. They are so bland and meaningless it's untrue. Hardened gamblers and regs don't want to see this crap.

I can see Party's thinking with this, if they are eventually to integrate the Zynga player pool this is the type of think players new too poker would like. Rolling it out to long time players was a stupid and obvious mistake, I couldn't turn the thing off quick enough.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 01:23 PM
Dear Party Rep and Jeff -

I thought you guys were going to "participate in the discussion," we havn't seen that in the slightest. There is much to discuss. Thank you.

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Stalrock
Dear Party Rep and Jeff -

I thought you guys were going to "participate in the discussion," we havn't seen that in the slightest. There is much to discuss. Thank you.

That question has been in my head all day.

Last edited by centebakkie; 09-10-2013 at 01:39 PM. Reason: they are online everyday !
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
09-10-2013 , 02:40 PM
One can only fathom as to what next move will be to save money; it feels as though they are conjuring up something. Its like every time the company fails from within, they punish their clients in order to make up for their decline.

That doesnt seem to be a recipe for success. It seems like a recipe to only temporarily bandage and slightly delay their imminent failure.

A new client really could have helped turn things around but the new client isnt a new client as we have all come to see. Its just a big orange and WHITE bandage trying to cover up their broken out of date software. Nice try!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
