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[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread [Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread

07-16-2023 , 03:24 PM
cant get tables to show
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by SlimIcy
Hope it's nothing major but I insta cashed out %80 of my money. Cashouts still available at least.
Tell me you're a Black Friday vet without saying you're a Black Friday vet.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:37 PM
Black Friday Vet would know that Cashout is worthless if its a sequel. lol

BlackJack still works on site. Soo maybe?
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:40 PM
If just 10% of the normal Sunday traffic went to their blackjack during this outage, they just saved GP many thousands in future cashouts.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:43 PM
Same. No cash, no tournaments. GC and SC. Glad I wasn't in anything at the time. But good news, casino is still up!
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:52 PM
Time to cash out? That is, if we can.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 03:56 PM
seeing this .... Some poker games are currently unavailable

but you can still play: ....
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by acescracked84
Can someone link me the Global Discord please? I'm looking everywhere and can't find it. There better be some compensation for these tournies I'm just booted off.
theres a discord invite on the global poker website. Go to the "support" tab, click on "help center"... scroll to the bottom u will find it there.

they have a turny cancellation policy on there. David Lyons (GP rep) even came in for a bit to explain everything

hope 2 c yall there =)
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 04:46 PM
Still cannot login to poker
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 04:57 PM
Cash games are back up, not tournies.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 05:08 PM
cash is back. sc are not.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 05:24 PM
Appears to be back up but my balance looks short by a bit. Was on 3 tables before it crashed, not sure if that has been credited back yet.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Tokyo!!
Appears to be back up but my balance looks short by a bit. Was on 3 tables before it crashed, not sure if that has been credited back yet.
Same. I'm sure all will be well soon.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 06:00 PM
Maybe a mod can kindly merge all these GP threads into one and change the title to Global Poker Discussion Thread, since we no longer have the GP subforum.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 07:36 PM
My balance is short several hundred S/C from ring games I was playing when the outage occurred. Is this something that will resolve itself or do I need to create a support ticket?

Last edited by TURTLES4EVER; 07-16-2023 at 07:41 PM. Reason: Typo
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:00 PM
Note; I did receive a cash-out two days ago
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:35 PM
I thought I mind as well start an unofficial thread here. Plz post your GP turny wins and questions here if u have em. =)
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shanghai
Note; I did receive a cash-out two days ago
Thanks for the update on hundreds of missing dollars. I am sure ppl that play higher stakes are out way more money than me. But, at least you got paid.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:42 PM
- Today, I played in the Super Eleven SC 2,000 Guaranteed [Super Deep] and took 6th place for a decent score. (forgot to screen shot)

- Yesterday, I took down the daily 1hundo

and took 4th in the el caz after winning an entry for 2.2sc also yesterday =)

last hand is shown, dood in SB jammed all in preflop w/ 910off i called w/ kj sooted. he hit his 10 and thats all she wrote...

It was a good couple days.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by TURTLES4EVER
My balance is short several hundred S/C from ring games I was playing when the outage occurred. Is this something that will resolve itself or do I need to create a support ticket?
Im not sure, but I think I read on the GP discord that u need to create a support ticket. nothing crazy detailed, just how many tables u were playing in and about how much u had at each before the outage.

GL, keep us posted and let us know what happens.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-16-2023 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by mokujin1
Im not sure, but I think I read on the GP discord that u need to create a support ticket. nothing crazy detailed, just how many tables u were playing in and about how much u had at each before the outage.

GL, keep us posted and let us know what happens.
Thanks for your positive response. And I apologize for my terrible attitude. Thankfully GP made me whole. If anyone else was in the same boat as me, I hope they credited back your funds as well.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-17-2023 , 10:38 PM
i have been running absolutely horrible on GLobal the past 2 months, down almost $3k. My play actually has been solid. I am at a loss now. My confidence is gone. I make the right play over and over again just to get run over someone who does will not fold any 2 suited to a 4 bet preflop...

Just busted the GOAT H, AA loses to 77. This has been a recurring trend for the past 2 months.

I am ready to cash out and take my action else where. I have no faith in a fair game there anymore. Running like this for almost well over 500 games is not normal not when I have a long long history of being a winning player. Its they way I keep losing that bothers me.

That said, if anyone watches their nightly Twitch streamers, watch how often they get reseated. This is a recurring theme every ****ing night. I noticed a while ago but was winning so I kept my mouth shut.

It is way to fishy. I will play the same tournaments they are in and will be at the same seat for hours or until the table breaks. They (twitch streamers) are constantly shuffled between tables, at times will not even play an orbit, get moved, shortly after get moved again. Not sure if they getting put in a better position or skipping blinds but is extremely odd.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-17-2023 , 11:54 PM
I run like garbage in tournies. Always lose a big flip or bad beat in a crucial spot like final 2 or 3 tables or FT. This is not just a Global thing but recurring. I crush cash games though. Way less all ins, way more non showdown wins. Get better is my advice. Way less variance in cash than donkaments.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-18-2023 , 05:31 AM
GLOBAL POKER has to be one of the most, rape you in your brown eye, trash sites ever. I'm going to list some good things and some bad things, but with the bad things , PAY ATTENTION to what I'm commenting so the next time you play, you'll notice what I'm saying.


1. A Big Tournament section that not only gets filled up quick, but doesn't last 15 hours of a marathon like ACR!!

2. I've always been paid everytime on the 3rd day. For all those who said Global Poker quit paying once PayPal did away with Global Poker. I've never EVER used PayPal and the results were the same, and that's I got my money in 3 days.

3. Daily Log in bonus

4. Tons of events year around with big prizes

5. Once you unlock the hundo and the 5 Hundo, which is 100 x your buy in and it's in hyper mode with a good prize pool.

4. SITNGO's fill up fast at any Stakes pretty much


1. Your only allowed to sit at the bottom of the tables even though you clicked your seat on a different spot, where as other poker sites allow you to sit wherever.

2. The GP staff constantly replies with pre-scripted ready comments they can copy and paste or maybe just goes to the screen automatically on their end, all they have to do is press which comment to reply with.

3. The RNG's are so predictable. You will notice rather it's 5 minutes from break, if you have less chips than your opponent, but you have a better hand than your opponent, it doesn't matter, GP will make sure they win 95% of the time. The same applies if the games moving to slow, and ESPECIALLY at the FINAL TABLE where they will bury your ass with a runner runner almost everytime. If you go against another player who has more chips than you, and it's within the window of 5 minutes till break and you get AA, you might as well throw the AA in the muck

4. There's no question the RNG is rigged. People DAMMIT understand that these poker sites are a business first and a poker site second. It's not here so you can have fun, as much as it is like any business, the RNG is set up to make MAD PROFITS. YOU HAVE TO GET THAT IN YOUR Head!!


6. Suspicious players that make calls that only someone who knows what's coming would do, like " Potripper " , which was the player that stole millions and millions of dollars, and didn't even try to stay incognito about it. Potripper was able to see everyone's whole cards. Go watch 60 minutes on this situation that happened with Potripper. Both Absolute poker and Ultimate Bet were both shut down, didn't release Potrippers real name, and had to return millions to players, and obviously the Kanawakhe Gaming Commission was in on it rather they admit it or not. Both those sites were the 3rd and 4th biggest poker sites in the world at that time.

7. Whenever you ask them about their gaming license up to date and/or who certifies their RNG, which they ignore every single time.

8. Even though I've seen this on other poker sites as well, where you go to a table in the MTT's and everyone is sitting out but you.

OK PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND, USE YOUR BRAIN. What do you think the odds are that every single person at your table of 9 players, and they're all sitting out but you. IF YOUR HONEST WITH YOURSELF, THE ODDS ARE SO Astronomical BUT YET WE SEE IT CONSTANTLY, ALL THE TIME. Right there should tell you not all those players are real.

9. Tried to get Global Poker to use webcams like POKERVIEW did when they first came out before the Merge Gaming Network bought it out and got rid of the webcams immediately and shut the site down a couple months later.

I had contacted Global Poker one day and asked them if they care if I get enough votes from players on their Facebook page to see if there were enough players that would like this option as well. Then all the sudden I got banned from making comments on their Facebook page. These sites don't want webcams because you can't see a boys face expression in real time, so that'll never work. But if they are about integrity, you would think that they would make a couple extra tables for webcams to make a player feel safe they're playing a real person, AND NOT JUST TAKE GLOBAL POKERS WORD FOR IT. So this is the real reason why they don't want that talked about, because it could expose inside cheating

10. I do have a smoking gun that proves the RNG is not random. I watched 2 different tables at the same tournament get the same exact board with the same exact suits and hole cards like 5 or 6 times in a row. Once I can pull this off one of my broken phones and transfer it to the laptop, it should take down every RNG on every poker site. What is another poker site going to say " Our RNG Is More Random Than Another Poker Site? They can't do that because that's them admitting they knew it wasn't truly random. I swear on both my stepdaughter I raised from ages 1 and 5 and now are 20 and 24, that I have all this with screenshots while video recording the other table. It's the BEST ACCIDENT that could've ever happened because it proves what we already knew, it's a fixed outcome.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
07-18-2023 , 07:10 AM
Someone needs to look into how their streamers are constantly moving tables. If they are getting seated in late position more often while being moved to avoid hands in weak positions, ie UTG then they would have a huge advantage over the field.

Also I have noticed the last 100++ times Ive been short stacked(under 10bb) in late position and jam, I am constantly running into premiums.

How often is Ax suited, KQ, low pairs are going to run into premiums when jamming from the button, cut off, SB?

Sure I am running bad and **** happens, but when **** like this is constantly happening over my past 500+ games it really make one wonder how fair of a game we are getting.

Sure it could be tilt, but is certainly is more than variance. Even my sharkscope insight says(for the first time ever) this downswing is bigger than expected variance and suggests I am going on tilt.

As I said, I do review my play and not finding any major leaks, just extreme run bad.
[Global Poker] Official Discussion Thread Quote
