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[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread [Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread

03-22-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Warder
This post is mean for anybody who has a no foreign transaction fee credit card and has been charged more than the card deposit fee shown in the cashier. I meant to make a post about this a long time ago, but totally forgot about it until if affected me again when making another deposit in order to take advantage of an offered bonus. Here's what i believe to be happening:

Dynamic Currency Conversion. Here are 2 articles describing the process:



What's happening is that when we deposit, Bovada is essentially making a purchase in USD through a 3rd party processor (with our credit card) and then the 3rd party processor is setting an inaccurate exchange rate in their local currency before processing the transaction. The last 4 deposits that I've made have all been for $1500 ($1429 after their 4.9% visa fee) and in the first case i was overcharged an additional $46, on the 2nd transaction i was overcharged $37, on the 3rd i was overcharged $51 this final transaction i was overcharged $45.

The only way to correct this is for bovada to be aware of current exchange rates and to request the transaction in the local currency of the merchant, not USD. With Bovada's current system of charging all cards in USD no matter the location of the merchant, the merchants/processors are able to skim additional money off of each transaction into their pockets by setting an inaccurate exchange rate at the expense of the customer. I emailed Bovada about this months ago.
I've mentioned this several months ago and it seemed like nobody gave a crap. They say the discrepancy is due to the exchange rate but you ALWAYS get over charged an never less. That's BS!!!
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by dfinch
Is anyone else having issues with the software automatically posting first hand you sit at table? The worst part is that after it posts for you it makes you then sit back out until you are in the big blind. Has happened to be several times now. Pretty annoying to have to pay 1bb to play just one hand.
Yep it happens. At least I got really lucky last time and stacked someone with premo j2o, but still ridiculous to say the least.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by LargeMouthBass
I've mentioned this several months ago and it seemed like nobody gave a crap. They say the discrepancy is due to the exchange rate but you ALWAYS get over charged an never less. That's BS!!!
Yeah they didn't really seem like the were going to investigate the issue. They kept repeating over and over that some banks charge a currency conversion fee and no matter how many times i would say that i'm certain that mine doesn't, they didn't seem convinced. It's obvious that's what's going on because Bovada said they charge every transaction in USD. Why would there be a currency conversion fee if they're charging our card in usd? It's because when you make a transaction internationally and don't choose the local currency, the merchant gets to set the exchange rate. That's why when you travel abroad you always pay in the local currency with your credit card.

Maybe Bovada owns the processors so they're making additional $$ this way, but they seem pretty adamant that they never collect more than the listed fee.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 01:31 PM
Some people say music saved their life. Some people say love. Post 34088 saved mine.



Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-22-2016 at 07:14 PM.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by EndTheFed

And when I did mine they used the same exchange rate as Coinbase at that time so it really was free.

Also as the chart says it was available immediately after I hit send from my bitcoin wallet. Couldn't have went smoother.
be careful using coinbase for gambling sites. I recently got an email from coinbase saying that my account was associated with gambling websites and if i continued to use it for that they would close my wallet. So now i just use blockchain wallet for this sort of thing.

Having bitcoin deposit option is awesome Hope to see BTC withraw option soon!
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by PJB608
Ok ... made a HUGE breakthrough on identifying the lag source and a temp fix: The cause of the lag is almost entirely the crummy lobby structure ... it's running some 30-50% of your PCU trying to update all the tables that are running, # of players, avg. pot %s, etc.

Anyway, the key to getting rid of the lag is to get your 4 tables running, then switch lobby to the casino games tab (where there aren't nearly as many update inquiries by the lobby jamming your PCU.) Soooo relieved I found this out. Can actually play poker like a real human being now.
I still have the lag/pinwheel-o-death issue. Does this work for anyone using a MAC?
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by PJB608
Ok ... made a HUGE breakthrough on identifying the lag source and a temp fix: The cause of the lag is almost entirely the crummy lobby structure ... it's running some 30-50% of your PCU trying to update all the tables that are running, # of players, avg. pot %s, etc.

Anyway, the key to getting rid of the lag is to get your 4 tables running, then switch lobby to the casino games tab (where there aren't nearly as many update inquiries by the lobby jamming your PCU.) Soooo relieved I found this out. Can actually play poker like a real human being now.
Can someone please explain clearly how to set your lobby to the casino tab? I dont see how to do this. Any help is appreciated
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by imallin07
Can someone please explain clearly how to set your lobby to the casino tab? I dont see how to do this. Any help is appreciated
1. Click "Casino"
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:01 PM
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by imallin07
Can someone please explain clearly how to set your lobby to the casino tab? I dont see how to do this. Any help is appreciated
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:15 PM
Bout 350
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by ICROBI
Some people say music saved their life. Some people say love. Post 34088 saved mine.


Holy effing crap. My god, this is come Bovada didn't know this and respond to emails with this simple trick....

Really, you shouldn't have to do this. The casual Bovada player may have just given up. Look at Bovada's traffic on PokerScout. It's kind of divebombed the last month and a half since the software update. Some people just had enough.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by EndTheFed
so just to be clear, you pull up your 4 tables of mtts, then just click this tab and this solves the lag problem????
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-22-2016 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by ICROBI
Some people say music saved their life. Some people say love. Post 34088 saved mine.


Thank you soooo much. Fixed lag instantly.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Shast44
lag-fix for mac users?
Yea this problem has been particularly bad for me lately. Anyone have any input other than "get a pc"?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-23-2016 at 03:34 PM.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by ksidrew
be careful using coinbase for gambling sites. I recently got an email from coinbase saying that my account was associated with gambling websites and if i continued to use it for that they would close my wallet. So now i just use blockchain wallet for this sort of thing.

Having bitcoin deposit option is awesome Hope to see BTC withraw option soon!
hence the reason its been said in these forums, ad nauseum, to NEVER go directly from coinbase or circle to the gambling go from coinbase or circle to blockchain to site
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by imallin07
so just to be clear, you pull up your 4 tables of mtts, then just click this tab and this solves the lag problem????
You register for the tournament(s) you wish to play in and after you have registered, you switch the lobby to the casino lobby. It seems the constant updating of the Sng, MTT lobbies cause the lag we have been experiencing. The switching to the casino lobby after you register for as many games as you wish eliminates this almost entirely.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Warder
Yeah they didn't really seem like the were going to investigate the issue. They kept repeating over and over that some banks charge a currency conversion fee and no matter how many times i would say that i'm certain that mine doesn't, they didn't seem convinced. It's obvious that's what's going on because Bovada said they charge every transaction in USD. Why would there be a currency conversion fee if they're charging our card in usd? It's because when you make a transaction internationally and don't choose the local currency, the merchant gets to set the exchange rate. That's why when you travel abroad you always pay in the local currency with your credit card.

Maybe Bovada owns the processors so they're making additional $$ this way, but they seem pretty adamant that they never collect more than the listed fee.
yeah honestly its really sketchy. I was charged like almost 10% in fees my last deposit. oh well at least bitcoin deposit is now an option on bovada and fees prob wont be as bad. also ran really bad that they released the 20% promo after I made my deposit.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 08:50 AM
Can someone using a MAC confirm post 34088 worked for them?
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 11:57 AM
Just did Circle - > -> bovada and it went really well. is pretty slow (30 min to verify) but sending to bovada was instant, and best of all no deposit fee! Thanks Bovada for adding this option!
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by BovadaOrBust
New York player here. I have had my account for over 10 years at this point. About 2 years ago, I realized I had a few bucks on there and have been using the account. The catch is being that NY is a restricted state, I cant deposit on my account, only withdraw ( which I have done numerous times, always using the rapid transfer option). But now, they have made the maximum withdrawal $300 per month. That's it. Only using rapid transfer, not even checks- they are not giving me any other options.
I explained that it would take years to withdraw my money then if I wanted to withdraw it all. She said she "was a player too, and understands my problem, but their is nothing we can do because of the restrictions placed by the United States".
I even asked what would happen if I won 30K on a sunday, how would I get paid? She said I shouldn't even be playing poker because NY is a banned state. ( WTF )
I hung up at that point. It basically sounds like they are phasing me out, which is a shame. I have over 21k points in my account, so its not like I don't earn them rake.
I would like to know if anyone out there has gone through/is going through something like this with them. Any advice would be appreciated.
After being connected with the Finance team I almost hung up in similar frustration. The finance team was supposed to be very informed, but after the women lectured me on how I can't play bovada from NY, I had them close my account instead of continuing to argue as I didnt want to risk my bankroll. I had about 90k points when they pretty much forced me to close my NY account. What they will allow you to do, allowed me to do about a year ago, is give them a payee that can receive your payment from outside of NY. Originally they allowed me to do this and keep playing until the Finance team realized this was the case and didn't want to allow it. If you have a relative in a state with good withdrawal options and you want to close your account, see if this is an option. If you want to continue to play from NY perhaps wait on the bitcoins, otherwise I think you may be out of options
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by krusty
Can someone using a MAC confirm post 34088 worked for them?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-23-2016 at 03:31 PM.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by aca
yeah honestly its really sketchy. I was charged like almost 10% in fees my last deposit. oh well at least bitcoin deposit is now an option on bovada and fees prob wont be as bad. also ran really bad that they released the 20% promo after I made my deposit.

just a tip....IF you get charged any extra fees on a deposit that are not a standard international transaction fee(FYI, almost no banks charge you for this anymore....some prepaid cards still do), you just need to send Bovada proof and they will reimburse you.

an internatinal transaction fee is usually a flat $1 per transaction or something. so like you guys are saying, its almost certainly on the merchants end and Bovada should be responsible for covering it.
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by imallin07
so just to be clear, you pull up your 4 tables of mtts, then just click this tab and this solves the lag problem????

Last edited by MeleaB; 03-23-2016 at 03:43 PM. Reason: :)
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
03-23-2016 , 03:42 PM
What happens if everyone folds in a Zone hand? Does the BB get the money or does Bodog pocket it?
[Bodog/Bovada/Ignition] Unofficial Thread Quote
