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[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread [888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread

03-02-2013 , 11:16 PM
Recieved your PM, thanks.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-03-2013 , 04:11 AM
888 is so full of donks at micro. going all in for big stacks with J 2, on 3/6 tables. Place is full of donaters.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-03-2013 , 09:39 AM

Is it possible to turn on the betslider? Like when you scroll your mouse, you scroll till the amount you want to bet.

Now I have to click one by one, which is very ignorant and takes alot of time.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-03-2013 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Jonkotemmer

Is it possible to turn on the betslider? Like when you scroll your mouse, you scroll till the amount you want to bet.

Now I have to click one by one, which is very ignorant and takes alot of time.
mouse wheel scrolling works for me
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-03-2013 , 02:23 PM
any pushfold tards like me itt?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-03-2013 , 04:30 PM
Your flash player is horrible. It constantly switches back and forth between tables if it's my turn and I've lost cash by accidentally clicking on "Call" in an All-in situation when I would've folded.

Please tell me you're working on a native Mac app - playing only 1 table now due to this issue.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Djevelen

I was wondering if there is a native mac client under development?, that flash client of yours is prett horrible.

Originally Posted by 888Rep
Yes, we are in the advanced stages of developing a Mac version for 888poker. We do not have a release date as yet, but ‘advanced’ implies sooner rather than later.
For Tripwires attention.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-04-2013 , 11:02 PM

crybaby11 if you read this thread can you stop taking forever every time it's your turn? This fish left just after he posted this in chat because you were taking 20 seconds for every action.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by MMD

crybaby11 if you read this thread can you stop taking forever every time it's your turn? This fish left just after he posted this in chat because you were taking 20 seconds for every action.

He did come back though..

Whilst we're complaining about regs..
Is anything ever going to be done about the embarrassing amount of seat jumping and snap sitting out (when weaker player sits out / busts)?
It's particularly bad at 200NL+
Some take it too a new level - Alexei, Shaggy, DrG etc..
Alexei jumped seats about 5 times the other day in about 1hr.
Table often breaks afterwards - so frustrating.
The 6max high stakes crew are the worst for sitting out and table camping.. 5 or 6 people sitting out on a table. That must just look like collusion to a rec player.

It can't be good for the games in the long run..
Just seems shortsighted.
Almost tempting to join in the seat jumping, as i feel like it's -ev not to if everyone else does.. But that just makes it worse right? Dilemma..

How about something like a sit out on one table, sit out on all rule?
(when BB reaches you on all tables)
Are there any downsides to that?
Can't think of any offhand..

And perhaps a max number of times you can leave and rejoin a table in a different seat in a given timeframe?
If the original seat is no longer available that's fine, but if it is available, it could subtract one from a "seat jump" counter. When counter reaches 0, either sit in same seat or leave and wait for x minutes for counter to reset.
(counter should start at 0, or max 1 per table imo : )

Hopefully 888 will address this (perhaps not the most pressing) issue, as the one thing they are good at is looking after the needs of the rec players.

Sorry for the rant, it's just the 200NL+ action is variable at best, and anything that reduces it further sucks

Do others feel the same, or am I alone on this one?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:24 AM
You are definitely not alone and you only have to look at Party and the steps they have taken to realise that 888 are more than capable of taking the same steps too.

I have written three emails to 888 complaining about table camping and each time I have gotten a response that isn't even worth the time they took to copy and paste from their book of textbook replies.

888 needs to start monitoring the tables for this sort of behaviour.

Fake table starting.
Table camping.
Sitting out when fish busts but whilst he is still at the table.

None of these are against the t&c's but all of them are detrimental to the fish, to regs who "get it", and to 888's bottom line.

Just take the swiss fish **pi*ro** as an example. He has gone now. Long gone. And it's very unlikely it's because he has ran out of money. He knew he was getting hunted at the tables. He actually accused players of doing it in chat and towards the end of his time at 888 he would start a table, watch it snap fill up with regs then leave the table and start a new one watching all the regs snap quit and join his new table rinse repeat. He knew exactly what was going on and it was cringeworthy to watch.

But now one of the biggest money printing machines on 888 has left.
He must have deposited a tonne so 888 lose a big depositor.
888 also lose out on rake that would be generated by the games he played in as those regs who pissed him off just sitout hoping that the elusive fish will join in at a table of 5 regs sitting out.

It pisses me off that 888 don't do more to protect the ecology that they try so hard to build.

Reducing max tables to 6 is a good idea but now when they ignore all the other issues that affect game quality.

I won't hold me breath for anything to be done though. We are talking about the site that are incapable of fixing the most basic software bugs despite knowing about them for years.

Sometimes I wonder if people in charge of the eurosites I play at have ever played online poker or if they were employed on the back of a job in a completely different industry.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:24 AM
segment the player pool would help end bumhunting.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:28 AM
Nobody wants that though. Why should decent regs like be punished for the behavior of the extreme bumhunters?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 03:00 AM
What steps did party take, and were they successful?
How do the games compare there to 888 nowadays?

Yeah, I remember p**o..
I mean, it makes sense for a game to fill up quick around a weak player, but it doesn't hurt to play for at least a few rounds when the weak players leave or sit out.

When you say segmenting the player pool, by what criteria?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 03:06 AM
Let's not derail this thread to talk about what's going on elsewhere. Use Search; Find the threads (Party, and others).
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 03:08 AM
I'm on my phone now so cant link you but there's a big thread in nvg about party's segregation.

Basically they have separated winning players from losing recreational players.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 03:40 AM
+1 to everything in the last few posts,tabling camping isn't such a problem at SSN., the problem is so many regs don't start tables but will load them up to snap sit when a rec player sits. So I get punished for starting tables and playing regs and get the worst seat.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by ArnieAA
Let's not derail this thread to talk about what's going on elsewhere. Use Search; Find the threads (Party, and others).
Ok sry, didn't mean to derail..
Thought it might be relevant to discuss other (successful or not) solutions implemented elsewhere with regards to the problems at this room, and whether we'd want any of those things here.

I'll do a search instead, nps
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-05-2013 , 02:10 PM
Changing the subject..

Can anyone confirm a site wide disconnect on 28th Feb at approx. 06:50 - 07:00 GMT?
That would be either late Wednesday or early on Thursday, depending on where you are in the world.

Support are denying it happened..
But I'm sure it did (and wasn't just my software crashing) - looking at the number of tables running / number of cash players before and after this time - Before it happened there were many tables running at FR and 6max at 100NL+, and after being able to log back on 5 minutes later, there were no tables running at FR > 100NL and only 2-3 tables running at 100NL FR! Far, far less 6 max tables running too.
If it was just me that disconnected, why did all the tables snap break up?
I'm not that big of a fish

I know it was a few days ago now but any help appreciated.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-06-2013 , 08:34 PM
The way 888 treat their customers is a complete joke, i used to play MTTs and 10/20 LHE on there and had a huge amount of points well when i went to convert them they told me that i was winning too much and that my request to convert points had been declined as if that isnt bad enough they then removed all the points from my account as a admin fee while my account was dormant ive contacted support and they will not return the poins or compensate me
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-06-2013 , 08:44 PM
^^ If that is true, that is pretty terrible.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-06-2013 , 08:48 PM
i assure you this is a 100% true i have a number of emails for support where they admit that this happened and that they stand by their decision stating that their terms and conditions allow them to change any bonus scheme at any time without recourse from the customer, i am posting this in the hope that they will finally realise that this kind of thing is unacceptable, can you imagine the uproar if pokerstars tried to do something like this. I hope you all express your opinion in this thread and they might actually understand how bad this is and refund me the points that i accumulated fair and square. I really dont know what else i can do but i know i am in the right i will not give up. Also if anyone doubts this i give full permission for any 888 representative to post publicly about this issue
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-06-2013 , 10:37 PM
Am I right in thinking this happened a long while ago, before the current rewards program was put into place? There was a period before the current program was started when winning players couldn't convert points. I don't recall if I had points that suddenly had value when the new program started.

In any case, it's in the Ts and Cs that points expire after 6 month of inactivity.

I'm not in any way trying to justified what they did, but they can do whatever they want with rewards programs.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-07-2013 , 12:05 AM
Did the rake structure / cap change recently?
Particularly for cash games and jp tables..
Don't remember the cap being $5 on jp tables before, for example.
If so, when did this happen, and what else has changed?

Apologies if this is old news.
I searched the thread, but couldn't find anything recent.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-07-2013 , 12:13 AM
so i assume everybody and not only myself are getting spam popups of casino games now?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
03-07-2013 , 01:21 AM
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
