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[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread [888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread

02-02-2013 , 03:25 AM
“The Whale”

Will run once every 4 weeks and have a QUARTER MILLION DOLLAR guaranteed prize – The highest regular scheduled prize pool in 888 history.

This tournament will have 4 steps of satellites running from as little as 99c, $3, $22 several times a day.
It will have 3 direct step 4’s - $109 direct Sat’s running every day in hours that should fit all in Europe, The Americas or the Pacific Rim (20:00, 00:05, 12:00 GMT).

The first tournament will start on the 10th of February at 19:00 GMT with a buy in of $530.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 04:40 AM
care to explain this tournament situation?

feel like my roommate was wronged here. what do you think?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 06:55 AM
888rep, you continued to ignore that disconnection issue, this is absurd.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 07:45 AM
Dear 888rep,

Im playing at 888 for at least 4-5 yrs now and never had an issue before..

My Problem: i casht out 1499$ on january the 23rd to my neteller but received only 186.64$ on the 25th (13xx are missing)

I wrote #7 Mails and havent received anything else than "we will get back within 24-48hrs)

I talked to the livechat in 3 dif. laguages and the Support was really bad (they were not able to understand the problem)

the confirmation Nr is 152974742648
Support id 183609583

Im waiting 10 days now for 1312,16$ - i really please u to help me with this.

If u want i can give more Infos to you @skype or Mail (i cant pm)

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
888rep, you continued to ignore that disconnection issue, this is absurd.
If you read back you will see that I advised members to send thier issues with the games ID and any other details to support@888poker and that is the only way your problem will be solved I'm afraid.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by tiegerente
Dear 888rep,

Im playing at 888 for at least 4-5 yrs now and never had an issue before..

My Problem: i casht out 1499$ on january the 23rd to my neteller but received only 186.64$ on the 25th (13xx are missing)

I wrote #7 Mails and havent received anything else than "we will get back within 24-48hrs)

I talked to the livechat in 3 dif. laguages and the Support was really bad (they were not able to understand the problem)

the confirmation Nr is 152974742648
Support id 183609583

Im waiting 10 days now for 1312,16$ - i really please u to help me with this.

If u want i can give more Infos to you @skype or Mail (i cant pm)

Maybe you have deposited in different ways and they would have paid some to all of your previous deposit methods so please check that out.
Here is the withdrawal policy which is a bit complicated to some but please have a read to see if it helps you understand it,
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
Maybe you have deposited in different ways and they would have paid some to all of your previous deposit methods so please check that out.
Here is the withdrawal policy which is a bit complicated to some but please have a read to see if it helps you understand it,
i havent used any other deposit method over years and the livechat confirmed me twice that they can only see neteller as a payout option for me.

Thats what i get when i click whitdrawls:

Date & Time Amount Status Confirmation Number

1/23/2013 at 5:15 AM US$1,499.00 In Process 152974742648

Total Paid


can you please get in touch with someone to clear this issue?
i wrote mails to every mentioned support adress. this is ridics. and must be a mistake on your end.

thanks for the quick replay!!

EDIT: tlkd to livechat again and they told me that someone maild me on the 27th (ofc "tatjana" said she will look into it and get back to me within 48hrs.. this obviously never happened) ;/

Last edited by tiegerente; 02-02-2013 at 09:44 AM.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
care to explain this tournament situation?

feel like my roommate was wronged here. what do you think?
This is just absurd, they really need to do something about this
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 10:28 AM
I have just had a mssive bust up with support at 888poker incidentally a service customer who tried to give me some cheap rubbish offer in the cashier asking me to deposit more money when i already have money in my account.

Firstly I been a member of 888poker for 4 years , secondly I have had numerous issues with them regarding the security of the site and the constant discconections which are still going on ,and also bug fixes "paying bb 2 times" I keep being moved around tables like some dog without a clue whats going on anymore.Just feels like the network is screwed up or has cheaters on it.

What Ive noticed is that the challenge tourneys have step1s 2s 3s and step 4 main events,.The same players who are already in the final continue to keep playing step 1s/2s/3s .Its impossible why bother playing if your in the final??
I ask myself because its not giving other players a fair opportunity to win the games.

I would envisage my account is down £2.5k , and Ive played main the horserace challenge sattlites .Some 20,000 plus games of this event .its impossible to win guys ,and cassavas buisness is stealing money from players .Its just impossible to win the event at any rate no matter how much effort u put into the game.

I am writing this to inform others that im taking my case to the gibralter gaming board for statistical analysis and for review since I think the site is stealing and cheating /defrauding its players .At least this is what it feels like from me.I feel that they are very manipulative and very nasty in the fact they give you absolutely nothing in return for your money..

I dont even get emails anymore site rep let alone being put on mailing lists.!

ps whats more dont even think about changing my mind because im so fed up and so angry at the sites lack of awareness its insane.You perps at 888 cassava are clearly thieving money grabbers who stop at nothing to cheat players over . you will get your vengeance that I can personally guarantee.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 11:03 AM
All of these issues are very concerning and it's making me question if I really want to have funds on your site.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
If you read back you will see that I advised members to send thier issues with the games ID and any other details to support@888poker and that is the only way your problem will be solved I'm afraid.
OK. We now have proof that you don't understand.

The problem is not that an incident has occurred and an individual member needs attention. The problem is that this is a recurring problem and members need to know when they can expect to be able to play on the site unhindered. We want to hear an explanation for this rash of server issues so that we have some confidence that the problem is understood and will be corrected very soon. Otherwise, we have no choice but to go elsewhere.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 11:56 AM
Max from 888 gave me a call and he was the first who realized that something is wrong he said i will receive the funds within 48hrs - i will update if this is not the case
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 12:55 PM

As someone who plays on 10+ sites online this behavior is absolutely unacceptable. I warn anyone looking to play tournaments on 888 until they resolve this situation. Being a moderator of the tournament forum, and being a regular on 888 plus many other networks, this is SHADY behvior

There are other situations like this. Even Lock poker ICM chops/chip chops when they cancel a tournament for no reason at all

888 just cancelled a tournament for no reason, stole equity from players' pockets. erased the tournament from the lobby+pretended like it never happened

How as professional poker players are we going to play a $530 buyin when they can just split up the prizepool however they want, whenever they want in a tournament?

since joining your network, i've paid the following in rake and tried to recruit friends. after this i'm going to be putting that in other sites/networks and urging all i know to do the same as publicly as possible

Just me:

Total Rake: $4,231
Total Stake: $51,710

Last edited by The Lipo Fund; 02-02-2013 at 01:09 PM.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 01:04 PM
Response Via Email 02/02/2013 03.46 PM
Dear Member,

Thank you for contacting 888poker.

Cards at 888poker are dealt completely at random and by no means intended to favour certain players at a table.

With regards to your recent setbacks, I put this down to bad luck to some extent but mostly due to competing with inexperienced players who are willing to chase anything regardless of their pocket cards.

I do empathize however and can only suggest that you take advantage of our ‘Player notes’ feature, which allows you to keep track of any careless players, etc.

Please remember that when playing online poker, a far greater number of hands are dealt than when playing live. Due to this, instances such as those recently experienced will inevitably occur from time to time and these are the hands normally remembered, which in turn may prompt individuals to accuse a site of being ‘rigged’. It’s the positive occasions when hands go in a player’s favour that tend to be shrugged off as a run of good luck!

I hope you do not mind but below I have included some well known poker tips may just improve your gaming experience with us.

Select the right game for your skill level and pocket: Don’t jump into a game with higher stakes just because you just won an easier one. It’s better to be the best player at an easier table than the loser at the harder one.

Don't play when you are emotional: You won’t play your best if you play “on tilt” -- playing emotionally, not rationally. If you lose your cool during a game, take time out to calm down -- otherwise, you risk having other players pick up on your state of mind and take advantage of you.

Be willing to fold more often: Don’t feel like you have to play every hand – you will only lose more this way. If you are dealt a poor hand, don’t stick with it hoping to improve it. If you are obviously beaten, be willing to part ways with your hand, no matter how good it was when it was dealt, or how much money you’ve put into the pot.

Pay attention to the other players: Watch other players, even if you’ve already folded. Watch for patterns, player reactions, and body language. File this information in your mind and use it when you need it.

Don’t assume that playing at the casino is just like playing online: At the casino, you’ll have to play more wisely against possibly more skilled players. Also, your body language and tells are now on display for all to see, which is not as easy to figure out online.

Bluff wisely and sparingly: Don’t bluff just for the sake of bluffing. Don't use it as a way to get yourself out of folding all the time. Fold if you have to -- bluff occasionally.

Don't raise unless you think you can call a re-raise: There is always a chance of being re-raised, so make sure you are prepared to do so in case it does happen.

Don't call unless you think you can raise: When someone else bets, play the hand if you think you might have the best one, and you want to make others pay to draw out on you.

Be a humble winner and a graceful loser: No one likes to play with a show-off, or a sore loser. Maintain a good attitude, and have fun.

I hope that I have gone some way to dispelling your fears and reassuring you of our honesty and commitment to fair-play. Ultimately, our members have to take something on trust, with a cynic bemoaning and besmirching our attempts to prove we run a fair house.

I can also confirm that you have been removed form the Mailing list so you should not be receiving any spam emails from us.

If you would like us to investigate please forward the mail and we will gladly review.

If you haven’t done so, we recommend that you visit the link below, which addresses most of the common problems and questions encountered by our members:

We appreciate your patience and thank you for choosing 888poker.

Daniel Wade
Support Manager

I personally like the bit where he says to look out for "body language" when playing online..

Seriously 888 , Im now done washing my hands with this site ,as far as im concerned ive won nothing with your company ,I continue to win nothing with your company and the gibralter gaming board are going to investigate my AJW_76 account for fraudulant activity regarding hand analysis.

The game just doesnt add up in my opinion ,If you run a horserace share syndicate at least give players the real opportunity to win the package not just make them and I rebuy thousands of times over. It seriously is a scam ,and I just am beyond comprehension what they actually think of the situation .This was thier answer above I guess.!typical bs responce
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by ArnieAA
OK. We now have proof that you don't understand.

The problem is not that an incident has occurred and an individual member needs attention. The problem is that this is a recurring problem and members need to know when they can expect to be able to play on the site unhindered. We want to hear an explanation for this rash of server issues so that we have some confidence that the problem is understood and will be corrected very soon. Otherwise, we have no choice but to go elsewhere.
Wise words!
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund

As someone who plays on 10+ sites online this behavior is absolutely unacceptable. I warn anyone looking to play tournaments on 888 until they resolve this situation. Being a moderator of the tournament forum, and being a regular on 888 plus many other networks, this is SHADY behvior

There are other situations like this. Even Lock poker ICM chops/chip chops when they cancel a tournament for no reason at all

888 just cancelled a tournament for no reason, stole equity from players' pockets. erased the tournament from the lobby+pretended like it never happened

How as professional poker players are we going to play a $530 buyin when they can just split up the prizepool however they want, whenever they want in a tournament?

since joining your network, i've paid the following in rake and tried to recruit friends. after this i'm going to be putting that in other sites/networks and urging all i know to do the same as publicly as possible

Just me:

Total Rake: $4,231
Total Stake: $51,710
Please read the 888 Disconnection policy that all players sign up to when they join the site.
Whether you think it right or wrong you have agreed to these conditions before they happened.
It was unfortunate that the servers crashed but that is a hazard for all online poker sites i'm afraid and one that we have apologised for many times over.

It has all been sorted out now so hopefully this will be a thing of the past.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by tiegerente
i havent used any other deposit method over years and the livechat confirmed me twice that they can only see neteller as a payout option for me.

Thats what i get when i click whitdrawls:

Date & Time Amount Status Confirmation Number

1/23/2013 at 5:15 AM US$1,499.00 In Process 152974742648

Total Paid


can you please get in touch with someone to clear this issue?
i wrote mails to every mentioned support adress. this is ridics. and must be a mistake on your end.

thanks for the quick replay!!

EDIT: tlkd to livechat again and they told me that someone maild me on the 27th (ofc "tatjana" said she will look into it and get back to me within 48hrs.. this obviously never happened) ;/
Can you please PM me your exact poker user name.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:16 PM
Your servers might be fixed (for now). And that may have been in place. But that doesn't mean it is right

you need to fix your current policies to reflect those of the year 2013 and every other poker site out there. Especially if you want high volume players to view you seriously. and for players to have a feeling of safety and security for their money when playing

if you cant understand what's wrong with your current policy, how it affects equity (i wonder if you even know what equity is?). i feel you have no business running a $500 tournament, let alone promoting it in a public forum.

the problem is NOT fixed. instead of apologizing for something that happens regularly, and will continue to happen. FIX YOUR BACKWARDS POLICIES.

Last edited by The Lipo Fund; 02-02-2013 at 02:29 PM.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Grindation
All of these issues are very concerning and it's making me question if I really want to have funds on your site.
I do not want u on 888 man :P
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
Please read the 888 Disconnection policy that all players sign up to when they join the site.
Whether you think it right or wrong you have agreed to these conditions before they happened.
It was unfortunate that the servers crashed but that is a hazard for all online poker sites i'm afraid and one that we have apologised for many times over.

It has all been sorted out now so hopefully this will be a thing of the past.
change that outdated ToC imo. chopping the pool evenly is just absurd and benefits short stacks who don't deserve it!

how hard is it to implement ICM/chip count chop into the system?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
change that outdated ToC imo. chopping the pool evenly is just absurd and benefits short stacks who don't deserve it!

how hard is it to implement ICM/chip count chop into the system?

and i think if you took a poll of the entire mtt community, you'd have a UNANIMOUS decision

the current system does not benefit the players. it actually only benefits you (for your own screwups)
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
change that outdated ToC imo. chopping the pool evenly is just absurd and benefits short stacks who don't deserve it!

how hard is it to implement ICM/chip count chop into the system?
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund

and i think if you took a poll of the entire mtt community, you'd have a UNANIMOUS decision

the current system does not benefit the players. it actually only benefits you (for your own screwups)
+1, don't see how anyone could argue that
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Lipo Fund
Your servers might be fixed (for now). And that may have been in place. But that doesn't mean it is right

you need to fix your current policies to reflect those of the year 2013 and every other poker site out there. Especially if you want high volume players to view you seriously. and for players to have a feeling of safety and security for their money when playing

if you cant understand what's wrong with your current policy, how it affects equity (i wonder if you even know what equity is?). i feel you have no business running a $500 tournament, let alone promoting it in a public forum.

the problem is NOT fixed. instead of apologizing for something that happens regularly, and will continue to happen. FIX YOUR BACKWARDS POLICIES.

Lipo is doing you a favour essentially by acting as a free consultant pointing out problems that need to be fixed to make your business more accepted in the community

I mean its exceptionally frustrating to see such easily fixed policies just ignored and glossed over

Even if you looked at Stars (the obvious market leader) and just copied all their policies you would be a long way to fixing many issues people have with your site
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 06:09 PM
What you fail to understand Lipo is 888 does not want you or people like you playing on 888. You are bad for the games and make them less fun for the casual players. Casual players make the games great on 888 and sharks like you ruin the fun.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
02-02-2013 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by hazzy7
What you fail to understand Lipo is 888 does not want you or people like you playing on 888. You are bad for the games and make them less fun for the casual players. Casual players make the games great on 888 and sharks like you ruin the fun.
lol this is so irrelevant and selfish.

i mean come on, you're pretty much suggesting that it's fine that their T&Cs stay out-dated because it helps keep the games softer for you.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
