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[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread [888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread

04-15-2024 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by nihilicus
For starters, he doesnt have a nickname.
okay, its a software bug. after a certain time another player "lost" his nickname too.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-16-2024 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by abcde23
Hello 888rep,

2 weeks later I still haven't received any answer regarding this issue. Could you please send a reminder?

Will do.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-16-2024 , 05:00 PM
2 weeks is rookie numbers im waiting 3 months for one reply and around 7 months since first contacting them. Not even asking you to nudge them again rep as they replied last time u did saying it was still under consideration. Just wondering do you have 3 support staff to cover thousands of requests or what?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-17-2024 , 10:42 AM
@888 rep

1) What is the detailed information for where 888 is licensed?

2) I will be suing 888 for withholding my funds declining to pay me my money. Please provide information where I lawyer can contact your company.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-17-2024 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Konkurentas
Have you requested a withdraw?
I was asked to reverify account after requesting a cashout. Sent all required documents, but they refused to reverify my account.
Got verified after after few attempts
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-17-2024 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
I'm thinking about depositing money on your site.
Is it safe?

Will I be able to withdraw in the future?

Why do you think that there are so many players having problems last year with 888?

I'm really interested on playing on your site but this is holding me back. Can you share some info for the community?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by gavilanu77
I'm thinking about depositing money on your site.
Is it safe?

Will I be able to withdraw in the future?

Why do you think that there are so many players having problems last year with 888?

I'm really interested on playing on your site but this is holding me back. Can you share some info for the community?
These are the terms and conditions for the site and if you abide by them you should be fine.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by LynxEffect
We need someway of knowing how much timebank we have as our normal clock nears zero. Else sometimes you want to use timebank but you don't have any and it snap folds without warning?
Hi can you acknowledge this please. Its a bug to not know if you have any timebank as the regular time goes down. The original request was also liked by other players so its clearly effecting others too.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 05:52 AM
Hey folks

1. Did the manual time bank button disappear after the latest update or am I missing something?

2. When the automatic time bank is activated, the countdown is on top of the cards and sometimes you can't understand what you have.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by LynxEffect
Hi can you acknowledge this please. Its a bug to not know if you have any timebank as the regular time goes down. The original request was also liked by other players so its clearly effecting others too.
Originally Posted by weatherman1
Hey folks

1. Did the manual time bank button disappear after the latest update or am I missing something?

2. When the automatic time bank is activated, the countdown is on top of the cards and sometimes you can't understand what you have.
Please mail with this issue and they will advise you.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by weatherman1
Hey folks

1. Did the manual time bank button disappear after the latest update or am I missing something?

2. When the automatic time bank is activated, the countdown is on top of the cards and sometimes you can't understand what you have.
Im not sure about the manual button, I always had the automatic selected. Last night I tried changing it to manual but couldn't see any button.

The timer only a peers for me once timebank is activated - yes its on top of the card(not a big deal for me personally but not idea). If I don't have any timebank it folds my hand - but my problem is I have no idea IF I have timebank or how much I have prior to the normal action time running out. So I have to guess if I have used my timebank and sometimes guess wrong = snap fold.

Is this the same for everyone else?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by LynxEffect
Im not sure about the manual button, I always had the automatic selected. Last night I tried changing it to manual but couldn't see any button.

The timer only a peers for me once timebank is activated - yes its on top of the card(not a big deal for me personally but not idea). If I don't have any timebank it folds my hand - but my problem is I have no idea IF I have timebank or how much I have prior to the normal action time running out. So I have to guess if I have used my timebank and sometimes guess wrong = snap fold.

Is this the same for everyone else?
yeah, same here

I don't know where they're looking when making these software updates...
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-18-2024 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
Please mail with this issue and they will advise you.

What will they advise with if this functionality is just missing? Can't you forward it to the development team and let us known if they plan to fix it?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-20-2024 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by weatherman1
What will they advise with if this functionality is just missing? Can't you forward it to the development team and let us known if they plan to fix it?
Can you please confirm this has been sent to support?

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-20-2024 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by LynxEffect
Can you please confirm this has been sent to support?

no, I haven't sent it
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-20-2024 , 04:23 PM
Hello! A player with the nickname "OnCaffeine" is systematically engaged in Buttoning, below I will attach 3 hands, and this happens every day, he sits down and plays 1 hand, most often steals the blind and sits out.
#Game No : 713745408
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 713745408 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - ***
Table Rio Cuarto 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 5: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 6: OnCaffeine ( $50.50 )
ValentinaKs posts small blind [$0.25]
OnCaffeine posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ 5s, 4d ]
ValentinaKs raises [$1]
OnCaffeine raises [$3.87]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 713745322 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 19 04 2024 21:14:27
Table Rio Cuarto 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 2: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 6: OnCaffeine ( $50 )
OnCaffeine posts small blind [$0.25]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ 3c, 4d ]
OnCaffeine raises [$0.75]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 585390313 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 20 04 2024 22:13:06
Table Iquitos 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 5: OnCaffeine ( $50 )
OnCaffeine posts small blind [$0.25]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ Ah, 7d ]
OnCaffeine raises [$1.25]
ValentinaKs calls [$1]
Dealing flop [ 3s, Kc, 9h ]
ValentinaKs checks
OnCaffeine bets [$0.99]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $2.85 ]
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-20-2024 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by ValentinaKs
Hello! A player with the nickname "OnCaffeine" is systematically engaged in Buttoning, below I will attach 3 hands, and this happens every day, he sits down and plays 1 hand, most often steals the blind and sits out.
#Game No : 713745408
***** 888poker Hand History for Game 713745408 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - ***
Table Rio Cuarto 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 5: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 6: OnCaffeine ( $50.50 )
ValentinaKs posts small blind [$0.25]
OnCaffeine posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ 5s, 4d ]
ValentinaKs raises [$1]
OnCaffeine raises [$3.87]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $2.50 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 713745322 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 19 04 2024 21:14:27
Table Rio Cuarto 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 2: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 6: OnCaffeine ( $50 )
OnCaffeine posts small blind [$0.25]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ 3c, 4d ]
OnCaffeine raises [$0.75]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $1 ]

***** 888poker Hand History for Game 585390313 *****
$0.25/$0.50 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** 20 04 2024 22:13:06
Table Iquitos 9 Max (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 2
Seat 4: ValentinaKs ( $50 )
Seat 5: OnCaffeine ( $50 )
OnCaffeine posts small blind [$0.25]
ValentinaKs posts big blind [$0.50]
Dealing down cards
Dealt to ValentinaKs [ Ah, 7d ]
OnCaffeine raises [$1.25]
ValentinaKs calls [$1]
Dealing flop [ 3s, Kc, 9h ]
ValentinaKs checks
OnCaffeine bets [$0.99]
ValentinaKs folds
OnCaffeine did not show his hand
OnCaffeine collected [ $2.85 ]
Please mail with this issue and they will check it out.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-20-2024 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
Please mail with this issue and they will check it out.

I thought you were 888 official rep/support. Cant you relay this to relevant department, its a bug confirmed by others, what am I missing?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by 888Rep
You have already sent this over so it's in the right hands as they will investigate it.

I havent seen those accounts for ~3 days now. Maybe they are enjoying live.
Did 888 have a software update which might costs them some trouble or did 888 actually ban some accounts?
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by cardporn
I havent seen those accounts for ~3 days now. Maybe they are enjoying live.
Did 888 have a software update which might costs them some trouble or did 888 actually ban some accounts?
Sorry but I am not privy to this information regarding security matters but it would have been investigated and action taken.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by allwind
@888 rep

1) What is the detailed information for where 888 is licensed?

2) I will be suing 888 for withholding my funds declining to pay me my money. Please provide information where I lawyer can contact your company.


1) What is the detailed information for where 888 is licensed?

2) I will be suing 888 for withholding my funds declining to pay me my money. Please provide information where I lawyer can contact your company.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by allwind

1) What is the detailed information for where 888 is licensed?

2) I will be suing 888 for withholding my funds declining to pay me my money. Please provide information where I lawyer can contact your company.

You can find information in the user aggreement here,

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:45 AM
Hello, I want to report players bluffing420s and Peter_Martin, both from UK because of collusion in satellite tournaments. My long term suspection against these 2 players, who are friendly to each other, has just been proofed. In the hand ID 968417611 they were in the bubble of the tournament #251239211 (Sunday Big Shot 215 - 10 Seats GTD - NEW Sub-Satellite). bluffing420s was on the Small Blind with 7,5 Big Blinds and Peter_Martin on the Big Blind with 1,18 Big Blinds. In the nash equilibrium bluffing420s had to go all-in with 100% of his hands, but against Peter_Martin on Big Blind he folded and helped him to win the tournament.

888rep, please send it for investigation.
[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by abcde23
Hello, I want to report players bluffing420s and Peter_Martin, both from UK because of collusion in satellite tournaments. My long term suspection against these 2 players, who are friendly to each other, has just been proofed. In the hand ID 968417611 they were in the bubble of the tournament #251239211 (Sunday Big Shot 215 - 10 Seats GTD - NEW Sub-Satellite). bluffing420s was on the Small Blind with 7,5 Big Blinds and Peter_Martin on the Big Blind with 1,18 Big Blinds. In the nash equilibrium bluffing420s had to go all-in with 100% of his hands, but against Peter_Martin on Big Blind he folded and helped him to win the tournament.

888rep, please send it for investigation.
Sent over for investigation.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
04-21-2024 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by LynxEffect
I thought you were 888 official rep/support. Cant you relay this to relevant department, its a bug confirmed by others, what am I missing?
I also sent this over for you.

[888poker] (ROW) Official Players' Thread Quote
