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09-02-2023 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by daxile
Just wanted to write a review about Red-Tailed, I purchased his 10 session package.

First off, he is absolutely by far the best poker coach I've ever had. The amount of detail that went into each session and the amount of information I gained each time is absolutely second to none. I honestly feel none of the sessions were wasteful, every session I learned so many new and useful things. Red-tailed also comes VERY prepared each session, he doesn't wing it, he has a lot of knowledge and a lot to say about your game if you send him your hands.

He goes above and beyond in each session really going through thought process and how to fix leaks within your game looking at your PT4/HEM3 stats. Not only that but he also goes through each big spot from a lense of MDA (i.e data analysis on exploits using the solver as a baseline but seeing how regs/fish have big leaks relative to gto) and shows you what are great bluffing opportunities and great bluff catching opportunities, if you really want to exploit regs/fish maximally in your pools, this was by FAR the most useful takeaways I learned.

One of the big bonuses is that you are free to ask him any questions or give him your hands and he will quickly respond and give you feedback. Most coaches don't take this extra time, once you're done the session, it's last you hear of some. But not red-tailed.

I saw a DIRECT increase in my results from coaching and now I feel more confident than ever in my poker game. Now I just need to work on putting more volume but I have no doubt I will dominate my stakes.
Thank you very much for your review, I'm very proud of your words
09-12-2023 , 07:03 AM
Hi Red,

I'm very interested in setting up some coaching sessions to improve my game. Currently I'm a live grinder (10-11bb/hr over 2.3k hrs) but am brekeven/losing small at 100nl on stars, albeit with small volume.

I'm new on 2+2 and struggling to DM you - where is best to discuss this?


09-13-2023 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by OneTimeee
Hi Red,

I'm very interested in setting up some coaching sessions to improve my game. Currently I'm a live grinder (10-11bb/hr over 2.3k hrs) but am brekeven/losing small at 100nl on stars, albeit with small volume.

I'm new on 2+2 and struggling to DM you - where is best to discuss this?


Hey, you can contact me on discord (PokerSolutions).
12-24-2023 , 04:20 PM
Since I'm not a full time player anymore, I updated my coaching price. Great opportunity for micro stakes players!
12-29-2023 , 10:40 PM

I am interested in having someone like you as a coach. Where could we discuss in more details? I could not find you on the 2+2 Discord site. Please let me know, thank you
12-30-2023 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Fabrice73

I am interested in having someone like you as a coach. Where could we discuss in more details? I could not find you on the 2+2 Discord site. Please let me know, thank you
You need to add PokerSolutions on discord . Let me know if you have any problem adding me!
12-31-2023 , 01:11 PM
Thank you, just sent you Discord Friend request
01-29-2024 , 01:50 PM
I’ve worked with Red for ~ a month now (and still continuing) and I’d just like to chime in with my experiences thus far. My account on this forum is new and doesn’t have any posting history, but if anyone needs any proof or would like further information, please feel free to DM me.

1) Red always comes prepared - For each session we focus on a specific spot (e.g., BU vs BB OOP SRP). He always has a set of notes and sample hands ready that relates to the topic that we are discussing today.

2) Red is an amazing teacher. He is able to take complicated concepts and makes it easy for you to understand. He takes his time to make sure you actually understand each point before moving on to the next point. In addition, he always has examples hands extracted from your DB that relates to each point being discussed and will go through street by street on what you did right/wrong and why. Afterwards, he sends the notes to you and the recording of each session (which is a great way to reinforce what was studied and go back on any points that you forgot).

3) Red helps formulates a plan tailored for you that is simple to execute. He achieves this by using MDA and stats of the population within your database to create the best exploitative approach tailored for your player pool/you. This may or may include playing closer to GTO in some spots, but deviating significantly in other spots. He would always explain why we take that line and uses math to prove it. In addition, he is able to show you specifically where your win rate comes from/what lines have been most profitable for you based on the player pool you play in.

4) Red is passionate about coaching. He really wants to make you sure you succeed and does this by ensuring that you understand the concepts discussed and answers all your questions before ending each session. In addition, even though he is a busy man, he will answer any questions that you have after the session (theory or a HH review) in great detail.

In summary, I couldn’t have been more happy with my experiences working with Red and am looking forward in continuing to work with him! I highly recommend anyone looking to improve their game to give it a shot with Red.
02-03-2024 , 04:42 AM
Thanks a lot for your words! It's a great pleasure working with you.
03-04-2024 , 08:52 PM
Hey I am interested I sent you a friendship DM on discord
03-05-2024 , 03:48 PM
03-26-2024 , 07:17 AM
I have been using Red services as a Cash Coach for the last few months and I could not be happier of that decision. It is clear that he has a deep understanding of the game, not just theory but application as well. His approach is geared towards MDA but he understands and can also explain GTO concepts. Very friendly, with an approachable coaching style, he teaches tough concepts in a way thatÂ’s easy to understand and apply. His support does not stop after the session, he is always available for questions and answers in between sessions. It has only been a few sessions for me so far, but I have already seen my confidence and understanding of the game improve significantly.
03-27-2024 , 08:15 AM
Thanks for your kind words!
04-07-2024 , 06:26 PM
Sent discord
04-11-2024 , 01:11 AM
I started playing poker in 2019 and have been coached by several coaches for over a year, paying over $100/hour. (I'm Korean and my coach is Korean.) However, I have never beaten nl 25 (zoon, or R&C).

However, after being coached by Red-tailed, I am now a R
&C NL20 in GG POKER. Red-Tailed makes poker simple to play, and it has become fun to play poker.

I will definitely continue to play with Red-Tailed in the future.

(Played after receiving coaching from the vertical red line.)

04-14-2024 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by uhmkiwoong83
I started playing poker in 2019 and have been coached by several coaches for over a year, paying over $100/hour. (I'm Korean and my coach is Korean.) However, I have never beaten nl 25 (zoon, or R&C).

However, after being coached by Red-tailed, I am now a R
&C NL20 in GG POKER. Red-Tailed makes poker simple to play, and it has become fun to play poker.

I will definitely continue to play with Red-Tailed in the future.

(Played after receiving coaching from the vertical red line.)

I'm glad you are doing well! Thanks for your review.
04-19-2024 , 09:40 PM
those stats in OP aren't midstakes.
04-24-2024 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Keruli
those stats in OP aren't midstakes.
I think is very easy to understand when you have a database with more than 1.1M hands you have a lot of stakes included. I climbed the stakes from 50nl to 500nl and I stopped playing full time I was playing 200nl and 500nl, that's why I claimed I was a midstakes player. Did I make any mistake saying a midstakes player? Should I say I'm small stakes player when I'm playing 200nl and 500nl? I'm missing something? I never claimed my stats were only from midstakes, I just said I was a midstakes player. Feel free to explain me what is wrong with my original post.

Here, you have my results by stakes, maybe it helps you to understand better:

04-25-2024 , 03:26 AM

please accept Discord friend request from "markotm"
05-16-2024 , 12:37 PM
Hiring Red as my coach has truly been a fantastic decision. Red is incredibly generous with his time and consistently well-prepared for the sessions.

I've had four sessions with Red so far, and I have noticed a significant improvement in both my understanding and win-rate after each session.

What I appreciate most is Red's ability to blend theoretical explanations with practical examples, which resonates well with my learning style. The MDA analyses and hand reviews he provide have been very insightful.

I would highly recommend Red as a coach!
05-18-2024 , 05:03 AM
Thanks for your kind words!
05-20-2024 , 07:14 AM
I wanted a coach because I am having a hard time focusing on pre-recorded videos. So I was googling around and found myself here. After reading the nice reviews I decided to give it a shot.

That "shot" has now lasted a month and included about 10 live sessions and even my wife has taken a lesson from Rui. I can say for sure that not in my wildest dreams would I thought that coaching can be so compelling! Time just flies listening to Rui´s easy-to-understand instructions.

Having said that, I am not sure if getting 2 sessions per week is the most productive approach because there is just so much information to digest, but this is my problem and the sessions have been so frequent out of my own request. Unfortunately I don´t have any nice and improved graphs to show (yet) but - I assure you - that is because of student, not because of the teacher. I am the type of person who just has to bang his head to the wall enough before believing that old manners might not be the best ones.

So, do I think Rui is a great coach? Absolutely.

Do I encourage You to take lessons? No, if it means that Rui does not have enough time for me anymore...
05-20-2024 , 05:23 PM
Thanks for your kind words! Don't worry, I always have time for you
05-30-2024 , 07:39 AM
Hey, sent you a dm on discord. Username amodha
06-11-2024 , 08:09 AM
Have done 2 sessions with Red so far and it has gone WAYYYY above my expectations.
Learned some overfolded spots using MDA, he would also filter through my database to prove the data is correct in my pools(he is an absolute wizard at using HEM).
He is very knowledgeable about the game and like another poster said he is very generous with his time.

The value you get is insane IMO and I'll be booking sessions with him for the foreseeable future. Don't see where you could get better value in terms of coaching.
Thanks Red!
