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Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches

12-05-2022 , 10:45 AM
If you are looking for a reliable coach with experience and also a management team around, then you’re at the right page. There obviously will be rules to the deal, but in general we think when we compare it with other CFP-coaches this should definately be a great deal.

What is our goal?
• Our goal is to make our students better and let them move up in higher stakes without really taking too much a risk of a risk and for people that can not afford my coaching ratings
• This means it will be time consuming for us, but when we do our job and you do your job, it could lead to great things
• We will teach simplified strategie for micro/lower stakes so that they will be able easy to implement within their game. Advanced strategies are for later...

What do we offer?
• Every week we offer group coaching (all teachings/video’s will be recorded for you to watch!)
• There is always room for suggestions
• Sometimes I invite a student or multiple to watch me play LIVE; the session will be recorded and sent to you. After you are able to ask questions and get feedback
• We make our own maps and will post video’s which will be very helpfull; every week at least two video’s will be posted. This might be something what is most usefull, or something that the group desires. Think about spots that occur often or spots where a lot of micro player’s are leaking money
• We will give you tools on how to study, how to prepare and to work on your mental game
• We rather have you to have a Bank Roll by yourself, but are also willing to give a little help here and there (which will be cut off again obviously)
• Our management will take care of the payments etc.
• We like a personal approach, so we are aiming for a strong group so to speak
• You can post hands anytime, and students and we will also be there to answer the questions

What do we expect from the student?
• We expect you to be dedicated to the game and take this serious
• You should be actvively involved within the Discord group where we daily post hands
• Our management will find a site depending on your location and tracking tools
• We expect you to study the material that we teach; you can always give feedback and answer questions. I will show how I effectively study.
• We want you to play at minimum 20k hands per week on the fast tables (two x fast is enough). The rest, which also should be a big chunck, should be you studying the game. No worries, I have a lot of experience and guidelines

What is the deal?
• We want to be sharp on this, as we are aiming for a group of micro and won’t expect an immidiate great profit anyway. However, both parties win if you win so we will do our best to make you a better player that will be ready for higher stakes
• The split will be 30% for us, 70% for you. So in your big favour at these lower stakes.
• We rather let you move up in stakes first before we split profits
• The duration is six months

Here is a reference to my coaching thread:
Look at the bottom for references from students + my results. Also I got a YouTube channel (amateur with that so excuse me ):

Discord: Gils89#3007 Skype: teunvgils E-mail:

GL and hit me up! There are three students in the group already
Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches Quote
12-08-2022 , 02:13 PM
We need a few more people to join and then we're ready to rock 'n roll

Please add on Discord if interested: Discord: Gils89#3007
Skype: teunvgils E-mail:
Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches Quote
12-14-2022 , 11:35 AM
Due some people wanting more (I also promoted on staking threads etc.) and both want max staking and max coaching, I just wonder; what do you expect when you receive basically free money, get coaching and then still want (apparently) more.

So we have a few guys now, but I rather have 2-3 more, as it also makes it also manageable enough for us

Please add on Discord if interested: Discord: Gils89#3007

Skype: teunvgils E-mail:
Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches Quote
12-18-2022 , 06:05 PM
This was kinda new for me and the friend I manage this whole thing with, so it did not went smooth and we had the feeling a lot were there for just win for them.

WE STAKE you, you just follow the rules and split is 30% to us and 70% to you!

I am looking for motivated micro-stakes players.

Hit me up!

Discord: Gils89#3007
Skype: teunvgils
Offering CFP 30%us/70%you split!! Known GilZ89 Coach from here + more coaches Quote
