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GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching

10-16-2023 , 11:46 AM
New spots open for coaching and espcially the database review will be interesting for a lot of players. Package deals in combination with that are always possible ofcourse

Regarding the the common asked for database review:
- 1,5h-2h of video recorded content about your mayor leaks/focus points
- A well written structured documentation
- Q&A via Discord

This all for just €55. Any questions just ask me, I can show you many great reviews regarding the database review which is my best training method

Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
10-21-2023 , 05:05 PM
Here my coaching list and deals, prices ranging from €25 for a single lesson, €55 for an intensive database review and just €250 for a 10+1 hour package deal including some extra's.
Always up for a free chat!

Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils

1. An in-depth database review (€55)
- A 1,5h-2h (2h+ work for me) recorded video’s (about four to six video’s) where I go over your mayor leaks.
- Well-structured documentation with all the general leaks that I’ve found
– Homework

2. Individual/single lesson (€25)
There are a lot of different kinds of poker formats. The most common would be a hand review session.
Other formats, including:
- Hand review session
– Solver work (PioSolver, etc.); the WHY; theory
– Player analysis
– Exploitative play(s)
– Studying
– Preparing session and post-session, note-taking
– Review a LIVE session, and I will make a recorded review for you to watch.
– Flopzilla work; range analysis
– Q&A sessions about a specific topic

3. Multi package Nr. 1 (5 hours + 30 mins extra) (€125)
- BONUS: 30m extra
- An indepth-database review
- Three hours and 30 minutes of 1-on-1 coaching sessions of choice
- Preflop charts for MICRO and LOW stakes players

4. Multi package Nr. 2 (5 hours + 30 mins extra) (€125)
– BONUS: 30m extra coaching
– Five hours and 30 minutes of 1-on-1 coaching sessions of choice
– Preflop charts for MICRO and LOW stakes players

5. Multi-package Nr. 3 (10 hours + 1 hour extra) (€250)
– BONUS: one hour extra
– Eleven 1-1 coaching sessions of choice
– Indepth-database review is two hours; I would ALWAYS recommend this)
– Preflop charts for MICRO and LOW stakes players!
– Self-made preflop charts aimed at playing your best preflop against four different kinds of opponents: the regular, the nit, the weak fish, and the whale/volatile
– FREE: join me while I play a LIVE session. I may invite you now and then to join me playing live and ask questions. I’ll also record this for you. This is for long-term students exclusively.

*Let's take your game to the next level!
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
10-24-2023 , 05:37 PM
For anyone interested watching me play, here part 1 where I play two tables of 50nl and one 10nl:

And here the 2nd part where I play two tables 100nl and one table 50nl:


Questions or contact regarding coaching:

Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
11-06-2023 , 08:59 AM
Here newest WR and graph (check under) since I started last month on Coinpoker. Obviously a joke, but I rather already show some results that are no more than 3 weeks old. Some weeks I play 20h, while another week I might not even put 5 hours into it. Also coaching is going very well with great feedback which I love as I put a lot of efford and love into it. I enjoy this a lot

Due to really keeping a strict BR management I am actually only able to play up to 50nl. However I might join a good table now and then. This poor 8k+ sample size, I am looking forward to show you all the place where I think I should be at this moment. Some patience

Take advantage of my extemely low prizing. I will garantee a 'wow this was way more than I expect and have paid for' .... If not I will even return you the money. After a few 10k+ hands showing a good WR at 50nl with some 100nl I am going to offer my services for a higher price.

Contact me:
Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils

DB review (best to start with!): just €55 (more info via this youtube link:
Single lesson €25 per hour, €35 for 90 minutes
5-hour package deal: €125 (Read a few post back about the extra's)
10-hour package deal: €250 (read a few post back about the extra's)

And anyone, add me and I am even willing to do a chat and show me play some live and ask some questions.

More video's on my channel:

The most recent live sessions were quite sweet!

Thank you guys and hope to here from you soon

GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
11-21-2023 , 01:50 AM
Hi gilz i am interested in your DB review i sent a friend request on discord i am kiddex on there thanks.
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
11-29-2023 , 04:24 PM
For reason, someone that had acces to my Discord (gf :/ ....) a lot of contacts got deleted. Also a few new guys that were interested in coaching. Mallow77 above here has already been contacted. I miss about three other new guys. Hope you read this and are able to get in touch with me. You'll have to send a friend request again.

Regarding coaching: please look back above here in my last post for the possibilities!

Contact me:
Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils

Sorry for the inconvenience

GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
12-31-2023 , 12:09 PM
Been a while here . I am currenly looking for players to coach for packages deals.

Hit me up for more info

Contact me:
Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils

Looking forward! Will post new graphs etc soon, but potential are more than fine for me to look into it with me and show me a live session for instance and talk about the package deals.

Starting: 5,5h for €125

take care
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
01-17-2024 , 04:04 AM
Added you at discord GilZ89.

I`ve played a lot of hands NL10-50 zoom GGlately and I`m looking forward to getting in touch with you regarding a deal.
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
02-10-2024 , 07:34 AM
Updated results (Coinpoker) and coaching offers:

Contact me:
Discord: Gils89#3007 (gils89)
Skype: teunvgils

1. Database review: by far the best way to start with. You'll received a multiple video's (4-6) of around 1,5-2h (my time spending is 2,5h+) + detailed written documentation. Check video down here below via the Youtube Link:


*Package deal 1 (5 hours + 0,5h free) = 5,5h)
- 5,5h private live lessons of choice (ask for which options)

€ 145

*Package deal 2 (5 hours + 0,5h free) = 5,5h)
- 3,5h private live lessons of choice
- 2h database review (recommend!)

€ 145

Check you youtube for some live play or sample other videos:
100nl review:
The 50nl review
Very interesting (50nl review) at 0.42 min mark top right AA hand and during that time around 1.25m mark the 86dd hand top left; I'll be making a Flopzilla + PIO analysis about these soon)

Any questions, do not hesitate to contact and have a (live) chat!

Good Luck!

Last edited by GilZ89; 02-10-2024 at 07:39 AM.
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:14 AM
Looking for two more students whom are able to start this upcoming weekend.

Check the above for the deals, free intro call before the start

Contact me:
Discord: gils89 (Gils89#3007)
Skype: teunvgils
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
03-24-2024 , 09:05 PM
paid this guy $150 for a few coaching sessions and now havent heard from him since thursday. today's sunday.
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
03-25-2024 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by dwiele
paid this guy $150 for a few coaching sessions and now havent heard from him since thursday. today's sunday.
disregard, seems to be cleared up
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
04-10-2024 , 09:56 AM
Looking for a few more students:

Contact me:
Discord: gils89 (Gils89#3007)
Skype: teunvgils

Any questions, just lmk!

GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
05-02-2024 , 12:34 PM
Anyone have been speaking with Gilz these days? I dont have answer from the 24 of April... I try to contact from Discord, Skype and mail but still not answer
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
05-14-2024 , 04:24 PM
All fine, in general he is very kind and most Important he care about the student, do extra stuff for the same money and do hard work that for example to him is 1.5hs and only charge one hour for me. Definitelly recommend it
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
05-14-2024 , 08:49 PM
Looking for a few more students for a package deal.

Contact me:
Discord: gils89 (Gils89#3007)
Skype: teunvgils

Contact me for info!
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
05-16-2024 , 07:27 AM
Looking for students that go for a package deal! Or Database review, which is after all this experience, very helpful and I put a lot of efford into it. Always have great feedback!


Package 1: total 5,5h + 0,5h FREE Price: €145
- 2,5 HOURS: Database analysis (2,5h including two+ A4 documentation + multiple video's (5-6 with indepth analysis using tools like Flopzilla and PioSolver); check out my Youtube channel for more info, or just contact me!)
- 3 HOURS coaching of choice --> check post 21-10-23 about the possibilities!

Package 2: total 5h + 0,5h FREE Price: €145
-5,5HOURS coaching of choice

Package 3: total 10h + 1h FREE Price: € 290
- Coaching of choice, but I advice you any time, start with a DATABASE REVIEW. From there I am able to dig deeper into your leaks for future sessions
- You can join LIVE session for free now and then
- I send some free Hand Reviews of my own now and then
- You receive FREE PRE-FLOP gameplan adjusted to micro/low stakes AND adjusted to 4 different type of players
- I show you for free all my study material

I always make sure my students are satisfied and they always receive more time than they've paid for!

Made two free short LIVE video's, explaining thought process but also I've add two preflop charts of how to adjust vs fishes.

Live video 1:
Live video 2:

Again, an overview of coaching, teachings, database review + some FREE HH review with my thought process:

Contact me:
Discord: gils89 (Gils89#3007)
Skype: teunvgils

Contact me for info!

GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
06-08-2024 , 04:37 AM
Only for next 24h during weekend:
- 4h video package for just €90
- Database review for just €45 check this link for an example:

Contact me:
Discord: gils89
Skype: teunvgils

Take care!
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
06-23-2024 , 08:22 AM

Check short vide:

I got a new coaching thread, since I would love to do this more professionally, this passion. Excuses for errors regarding website etc. but I am doing this all interest and pure love

As I said:
First one contacting me received the 1st course (just €14) which is in four parts, well over an hour.

I won't be happy if my students are not satisfied. I like a personal approach, so a warm an relaxed contact.

I am willing to talk with anyone regarding coaching or the course, or feedback.

Contact me:
Discord: yourpokercoach (former: gils89)
Skype: teunvgils
E-mail: (former:
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
07-21-2024 , 08:43 AM
Please check out my new coaching thread with a nice offer for the next 24h!

Any free consulation, just contact me!

Contact me:
Discord: yourpokercoach (former: gils89)
Skype: teunvgils
E-mail: (former:
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
08-23-2024 , 04:15 AM
Looking for new students to join CFP-program!

Contact me:
Discord: yourpokercoach (former: gils89)
E-mail: (former:
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
09-07-2024 , 10:47 AM
Free all weekend. Package deal for just €25 per hour.

Any free consulation, just contact me! I can show you my study routine and coaching formats

Discord: yourpokercoach / gils89
E-mail: /
GilZ89 /hour NL2-NL50 6-max coaching Quote
