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[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] [DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified]

02-05-2024 , 09:03 PM
Can we get a graph from 1/1/2023 until today?
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-05-2024 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by BERRI BITTER
Can we get a graph from 1/1/2023 until today?

[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-05-2024 , 11:40 PM
I am highly interrested. The 50$ makes me think, but I am sure it is worth it...
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-05-2024 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by Guibz
I am highly interrested. The 50$ makes me think, but I am sure it is worth it...
I PM’d you. Thanks.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-06-2024 , 12:21 PM
Can you DM me? I can't seem to DM you..
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-07-2024 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by OceanCardPls
Can you DM me? I can't seem to DM you..
Sent you a message. Looking forward. If anyone else has trouble messaging me, please just post your interest here and I'll reach out.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-07-2024 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk

[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-07-2024 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by HITTHEPANDA
What’s so funny? This is my actual plo5 graph for the period in question. I recently went on an epic 3-week heater.

Since your issue is with the x and y axis missing (as we PM’d), here it is with all that. I was just trying to maintain some privacy. These are stats from live 1/2 $5 bring in and higher games.

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 02-07-2024 at 03:11 PM.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-10-2024 , 04:27 AM
New 2+2 member, interested in coaching. Unable to pm for some reason, lmk how we can work something out.

[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-10-2024 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by zakkaar
New 2+2 member, interested in coaching. Unable to pm for some reason, lmk how we can work something out.

Hey Zach, I’m Dumbostrunk on discord or email me at Looking forward to working with you!

Edit: someone messaged me asking about just the guide, if you want that PayPal $20 to my email address and provide me with your email address so I can send it to you. Thanks!

Last edited by DumbosTrunk; 02-10-2024 at 05:19 AM.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-10-2024 , 10:25 AM
no btc? how many pages the guide?
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-10-2024 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by BERRI BITTER
no btc? how many pages the guide?
Only USD, sorry. 11 pages.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-11-2024 , 12:54 AM

Just to make sure I undestand correctly. This graph depicts your results from 1/1/2023 until just recently?

Which is basically the last ~600 hours from this one, which shows your lifetime plo5 results?

That means you made ~$260k or ~$430/hour over the last 600 hours, which is huge. I'd guess the winnings of your lifetime graph are then north of $500k. Congrats, that's freaking amazing I'd say! From reading your log, I would've guessed you played much more than 600 hours over the last 13 months though.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-11-2024 , 12:41 PM
Yes the first graph is the last 13 months. But the x axes is number of sessions, not hours. You're right, I did put way more hours than 600. I'd rather not get into lifetime earnings if possible.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-12-2024 , 10:54 PM
Do you have any real graphs playing online poker even if it is on those very difficult usa sites?
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-12-2024 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by BERRI BITTER
Do you have any real graphs playing online poker even if it is on those very difficult usa sites?
I really haven’t played online a lot, just a couple weeks during the pandemic when the casinos were closed. I did fine. But no, I don’t have a graph from online.

Live poker is where it’s at for game integrity and softer fields anyway. I wouldn’t play online today unless I had to.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 01:36 PM
Hi DumbosTrunk,

I’m interested in the guide only (I play recreationally), but wondered if it’s applicable to online games too or focused on live play?

[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by iamazerrad
Hi DumbosTrunk,

I’m interested in the guide only (I play recreationally), but wondered if it’s applicable to online games too or focused on live play?

The principles in the guide apply generally to most games, not just live games. Thanks for your interest!
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by DumbosTrunk
The principles in the guide apply generally to most games, not just live games. Thanks for your interest!
Great, thanks - have sent you an email
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by iamazerrad
Great, thanks - have sent you an email
Responded. Thanks.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 11:51 PM
Thank you for the coaching! Very helpful, and good conversation.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-13-2024 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Guibz
Thank you for the coaching! Very helpful, and good conversation.
Thanks! You were great to work with, looking forward to more in the future.

Actually I’ve run really good with all my new students so far across the board!
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-15-2024 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by monikrazy
DT, i was unaware you are offering coaching services.

As a fellow community member and someone who has regular read and replied to your forum submissions over the years, I can not in good conscience, endorse your services.

Winning at poker does not give someone the qualifications to teach others. In many cases, trying to do so is both unethical and irresponsible.
You should really delete this post - calling him unethical for charging 50/hr when he's transparent with his results and is crushing it just reflects on how absurd your opinion is. 50/hr is a steal for someone crushing like this - you should post less on 2p2 and think more about what you're saying as you're way off base here.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-15-2024 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
when he's transparent with his results

The transaparency


I dont know op, i disagree with monik dude but op posted in an online forum having 0% online experience. He is ''crushing'' live plo 1/2. It is not some kind of an achievement playing against no competition. Anyone who played live poker knows even a blind guy can beat the games playing semi solid strategy
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
02-15-2024 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by BERRI BITTER
The transaparency

Is this better, bitter?

I have played a little online and did well. But I don’t trust the games enough and don’t want to be cheated to bother putting in high volume there.

I play up to 25/50/100, not just 1/2 as you say.
[DumbosTrunk] [0/hr] Live PLO5 Coaching [Verified] Quote
