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ziig blow ups and chat ziig blow ups and chat

06-07-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by lusciouscat
Ziigmund: Ziigmund..What was the most important thing in your
poker career?
Ziigmund: hmm
Ziigmund: I think the most important thing was that Gus Hansen
Ziigmund: railers u liked?

ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 01:21 PM
lol ziigs chat is awesome
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 03:45 PM
Ziigmund is currently in a $300 live Omaha tournament with rebuys in finland instead of being in WSOP.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by FancyAburger
Ziigmund is currently in a $300 live Omaha tournament with rebuys in finland instead of being in WSOP.
Now that's ballin'!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by FancyAburger
Ziigmund is currently in a $300 live Omaha tournament with rebuys in finland instead of being in WSOP.
The man loves his country! Fu Vegas. Helsinki ftw!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 05:09 PM
Z: so f tilt (repeatedly while he s up 150k)

Last edited by Aus Mun; 06-07-2009 at 05:17 PM.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Mic Titan
Ziigmund: just say u r f bad
Gus Hansen: you didnt cry when you won 6 big pots
in a row
Ziigmund: and i was big favourite every pots
Gus Hansen: except 4 of them
Ziigmund: huh
Ziigmund: u r sick
Gus Hansen: and you cant count


This kid's gonna be a poker legend someday... if he can survive the next couple years.
lol true, googogoggo ziigy
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 06:24 PM
Janne Juutilainen raises UTG, Ilari tank goes all in, call.

Janne AAT9

Ilari KK86

Flop Q43, turn J, river T.

16 players left.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-07-2009 , 07:36 PM
LMFAO!!!! he just grabbed the mic randomly and said that hahaha. finnish sounds pretty cool too
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-08-2009 , 08:42 PM
rofl those videos are gold.
in the finnish one ziigy is making reads on the opponent based on how many shots he drank in a row the last night told the reporter that he might be rough and agressive since he drank 8 fisus in a row
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-09-2009 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by ill chop plz

Fluffdog: RAP OFF @thunder dome?
Phil Ivey: lol
Ziigmund: next time when i come to vegas someone beatbox and we battle..u english me finnish
Phil Ivey: lol
Ziigmund: 500k
Phil Ivey: i spit up my drink
Ziigmund: texasdolly is the referee
Hahaha, that just killed me.
That would be the most hilarious thing ever.
They should do that next season of HSP.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-11-2009 , 03:06 AM
Pullo punasta ja pari fisuuu
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-17-2009 , 06:55 AM

Ziigmund @ Coinflip-party. More pics on coinflip site.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-18-2009 , 04:29 PM
"I have had personal reasons why I havent wrote my blog lately and why my mind is down"

Hopefully he is alright after broking up with/from her lovely girlfriend.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-18-2009 , 04:39 PM
full blog

Vegas and mind downswing
ziigmund, 18.06.2009 10:06
Hi everybody.As you have seen,there hasnt been almost any action in Fulltilt lately so I havent played much at all...Some grinding in Betfair and just few session in Fulltilt which has gone actually very well.3 days ago I played with Gusettaja and Benyamine and I won like 200k.In Betfair I have played only 25 50 and those games and last two weeks and those has gone ok....actually before that there was good action high limit games too and I won some. In Powerpoker I got games also 1 time against some guy who almost didnt know rules and he gave me like 90k...thats cool.So has to be glad about poker.
Im going to Vegas tomorrow where I will play 10k plo Main Event and just for joke 50k horse...I cant even spell HORSE so that will be ****** fun.Im waiting a lot Vegas where I can go to gym,playing poker,go to drinking and relaxing....and at least 1 TIME totally ****** drunk poker in bobbys room.I have had personal reasons why I havent wrote my blog lately and why my mind is down.....But as everybody knows Im back least I hope so.
So...leaving tomorrow hunting bracelets first time not for joke..hope i can finally focus for poker and everything what I do 100procent...Lets see is it 25% or 110%.
GL Everybody!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-18-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by RaiseWanMiryon
Vegas and mind downswing
ziigmund, 18.06.2009 10:06
Hi everybody.As you have seen,there hasnt been almost any action in Fulltilt lately so I havent played much at all...Some grinding in Betfair and just few session in Fulltilt which has gone actually very well.3 days ago I played with Gusettaja and Benyamine and I won like 200k.In Betfair I have played only 25 50 and those games and last two weeks and those has gone ok....actually before that there was good action high limit games too and I won some. In Powerpoker I got games also 1 time against some guy who almost didnt know rules and he gave me like 90k...thats cool.So has to be glad about poker.
Im going to Vegas tomorrow where I will play 10k plo Main Event and just for joke 50k horse...I cant even spell HORSE so that will be ****** fun.Im waiting a lot Vegas where I can go to gym,playing poker,go to drinking and relaxing....and at least 1 TIME totally ****** drunk poker in bobbys room.I have had personal reasons why I havent wrote my blog lately and why my mind is down.....But as everybody knows Im back least I hope so.
So...leaving tomorrow hunting bracelets first time not for joke..hope i can finally focus for poker and everything what I do 100procent...Lets see is it 25% or 110%.
GL Everybody!
Oh my. Haha.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-20-2009 , 04:12 AM
Don't know if this has been posted already at least I haven't seen it here.
Ilari in need for cash back in 2007 on Stars:

Dealer: Game #11406537147: cts687 wins pot ($299)
RealAndyBeal: ziigmund?
Dealer: Game #11406542278: Ilari FIN wins pot ($100)
Dealer: Hand cancelled
Ilari FIN: yo
Ilari FIN: kai buxxe
RealAndyBeal: yes
RealAndyBeal: why do u play this peanut limit?
Ilari FIN: wanna lend 60k to ftp
Ilari FIN: because i get to ftp
Ilari FIN: in 3 days
Ilari FIN: u get it in 3 days
Ilari FIN: u can call me
RealAndyBeal: sry only lend to ppl i know in person
Ilari FIN: call me
RealAndyBeal: ask wahlroos or someone u know
Ilari FIN: kai
Ilari FIN: exactly
Ilari FIN: u know wahlroos?
RealAndyBeal: not good
Ilari FIN: he owes me example 200k
Ilari FIN: and get then in 3 days
RealAndyBeal: but there s gotta be some histakes finnish players
Ilari FIN: and luigi owes 500
Ilari FIN: if u know wahlroos
Ilari FIN: call him
Ilari FIN: and ask
Ilari FIN: thats so sick
Ilari FIN: i lend when i had there mucho
Ilari FIN: and now broke
RealAndyBeal: look really sorry but ive lent out so much moiney recently im pissed allready
RealAndyBeal: and i dont even know u
Ilari FIN: [censored]
Ilari FIN: call me m8
Ilari FIN: can u call
Ilari FIN: me
RealAndyBeal: makes no difference
Ilari FIN: r u coming t highstakes=?
RealAndyBeal: its a principle i got not to lend ppl i dont know
Ilari FIN: london
RealAndyBeal: the tv cashgame?
Ilari FIN: y
RealAndyBeal: maybe
Ilari FIN: im coming
Ilari FIN: i can give u cashthere
RealAndyBeal: look still v sorry its just a rule accept it
Ilari FIN: okokok
Ilari FIN: thats so sick
Ilari FIN: u know luigi
Ilari FIN: ?
RealAndyBeal: i know
RealAndyBeal: hes coming i think
Ilari FIN: he owes me 500
Ilari FIN: yes
Ilari FIN: and benyamine owes for him
RealAndyBeal: so ask benyamin then
cts687: gl with that lol
Ilari FIN: and benny has said now 2 times for luigi he ha sput to my account….and he hasnt…then luigi has called to him
Ilari FIN: and beny has said
Ilari FIN: oh wtf it didnt go throuh
Ilari FIN: beny is so f sick
Ilari FIN: owes for everybody
Ilari FIN: and talks b u ls hit
Ilari FIN: so f idiot
Ilari FIN: but i get from luigi
Ilari FIN: all
Ilari FIN: so np
Ilari FIN: but still
Ilari FIN: when u wanna play u should get
Ilari FIN: hehe
RealAndyBeal: know it sucks if ure itching to play and would have the money but gave it to someone
Ilari FIN: im so f tilt
RealAndyBeal: gtg anyway gl finding someone to lend u
RealAndyBeal: cu guys
cts687: cya gl

More chat from another table:

Ilari FIN: yo muckem
Ilari FIN: muckem
Ilari FIN: yo
cts687: hey
Ilari FIN: put me 8k that i can speak benyamine
Ilari FIN: i put it back right away
cts687: nah no can do
Ilari FIN: [censored] u r sick
cts687: ill ask him somethin if u want
Ilari FIN: sure
Ilari FIN: or i can put it for u here
Ilari FIN: but ask
Ilari FIN: yes i come to look
Ilari FIN: go hilo table
Ilari FIN: 1000 2000
Ilari FIN: he is sit out?
cts687: k im there
cts687: ya ?
Ilari FIN: he doesnt speak?
Ilari FIN: go plo
cts687: ya im there hes sittin out still
Ilari FIN: [censored] i hate that fatga y
Ilari FIN: whatta f cheater
Ilari FIN: he owes like 5m
cts687: he in a lotta debt?
cts687: jesus

Later again on Stars:

Ilari FIN: mucekmmucekm
cts687: wuddup
Ilari FIN: go again
Ilari FIN: now he is in
cts687: ok ya im goin to hilo
cts687: wtf
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: lol
Ilari FIN: look at this
Ilari FIN: hahahahahahahahah
Ilari FIN: now he answered
cts687: what do u want me to ask?
Ilari FIN: put why he hasnt put any money to ziigmund
Ilari FIN: 250k is ok
Ilari FIN: lolLOL
Ilari FIN: and he said to luigi he has sent it to ziigmund
cts687: lol
Ilari FIN: put
Ilari FIN: can he send more
Ilari FIN: ilari needs 400
Ilari FIN: no answer
Ilari FIN: lul
cts687: ya sick
Ilari FIN: so sick
Ilari FIN: sickest
Ilari FIN: not my problem

cts687 (MUCKEMSAYUHH on FTP) asks Benyamine if he can transfer Ilari some cash:

Dealer: MUCKEMSAYUHH is sitting out
MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey david ilari
needs to ask u something
Dealer: MUCKEMSAYUHH has timed
MUCKEMSAYUHH: david u there?
David Benyamine: yes
MUCKEMSAYUHH: hey ilari wnats to
know if u can send that $
MUCKEMSAYUHH: to ziigmund
David Benyamine: sent it to luigi
David Benyamine: 50k
MUCKEMSAYUHH: he wants u to send
more to ziigmund he needs 400 for plo
MUCKEMSAYUHH: can u send to
David Benyamine: cant now
MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok can u just send
100 so he can play?
David Benyamine: sent 50 to luigi 4 him
4 now
MUCKEMSAYUHH: ok gl david ttyl
David Benyamine: until i win again ill
send more
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-20-2009 , 07:23 AM
lol Ziigmund in 50K horse, should be fun.
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-21-2009 , 07:24 AM
Hes currently 2nd in chips in the 10k PLO with about a hundred left gooooo!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-21-2009 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseWanMiryon
Hes currently 2nd in chips in the 10k PLO with about a hundred left gooooo!
sick, repping my a team for fantasy too in this event
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-21-2009 , 09:12 AM
What a Funboy!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-21-2009 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by RaiseWanMiryon
Hes currently 2nd in chips in the 10k PLO with about a hundred left gooooo!
holy ****!! go Ziigmund!!!
ziig blow ups and chat Quote
06-21-2009 , 03:02 PM
[x] all pages read

ziigy is a legend

ziig blow ups and chat Quote
