Originally Posted by KILLingIT
Poker Ecology/Poker Economy/Poker environment
I wonder why we don't apply this to other activities in society?
Let all the football teams have the same technology/budget/stadium capacity;
The NFL actually has a policy of parity. The revenue sharing and salary cap actually permits teams with smaller markets, smaller stadiums, to compete against the wealthier teams. Green Bay receives a much larger share of the TV revenue than it "deserves" based on its TV mkt share. But the system permits the league to prosper, it has surpassed MLB, as the most popular American sport precisely because it has artificially leveled the playing field.
The NFL is a prime example of socialism working.
Let all golf players play with the same golf club;
That is essentially what occurs. The PGA sets strict rules for what type of clubs, balls and other equipment are permissible. There are many technological advances that could be employed to make the game easier but which are prohibited by the PGA.
By making the game the same regardless of one's financial or technological resources, it permits the tour to reward those players that possess "pure golf skills" not engineering skills for example.
Let's give all the factories of a certain sector the same access to technology and R&D abilities; Let's help the worst teams in the Champions League and make it obligatory for the top teams to play vs them with their second team players;Top football teams utilize a high-tech set of statistics with everything you can possible imagine to improve performance and detect flaws... lets abolish that, it s unfair as other teams dont have that.
Here you are mixing apples and oranges. Again, the NFL has a redistribution system and the more profitable teams actually subsidize the less profitable teams. All leagues have introduced a salary cap to some extent. So, a team is rewarded if it invests in certain technologies, but the ability to invest in those is available to all NFL teams because of the revenue sharing model.
The goal of a government is to ensure that all players have access to the same resources in order to grow. The Intellectual property laws specifically require the inventor to share and employ his invention in order to receive some IP protection. The goal is not to simply reward the inventor, but to force inventors to share the technology and allows others to alter it, improve it, use it and copy it under certain circumstances.
So, the issue with online poker is that the technological advantages of the top players creates a severe imbalance. The poker rooms are not in business to give a select few with programming and mathematical skills, a platform in which they can fleece unsuspecting players. The goal is to make the poker table or "playing field" as equal as possible within the rules of poker. In live poker we do not permit players to bring technology that permits them to see the hole cards of other players, or to play multiple tables at the same time. Online poker should be no different.
Sure, some software aids should be permitted and some multi-tabling , but the poker economy just like the NFL economy or the World economy needs to be managed in a way that levels the playing field, and mitigates the advantages of certain market players. This is what governments and league officials do and what Adam Smith outlined.
You fundamentally misunderstand the notion of a free market economy and what factors make it function. Anti-trust law, IP law and government in general is created in order to protect the rights of all participants. If the govt didn't enforce contracts, break-up monopolies and regulate IP, very few market players would dominate and exploit all the others. This is a necessary consequence of a pure a free market. Hence, "pure free markets" do not work. Game theory implicitly reflects this truth.
Thus, regulation of the poker economy is needed and required in order to grow online poker.
P.S. I am not commenting on or endorsing PS's recent changes to SNE. The little that I know about the issue, a change in the middle of the year seems to be patently unfair.
Last edited by conlaw; 02-04-2016 at 01:50 PM.
Reason: addition