Originally Posted by KILLingIT
It's uncomparable because the money that a regular company wins by reducing their loyalty schemes is a 1/10000 that stars wins with this measures.
it's great that you back up your failed logic with made-up numbers.
Originally Posted by KILLingIT
@PTLou,and gazesch
You're comparing loyalty schemes that aren't comparable, because they can't be considered loyalty schemes to begin with. Who cares if they finish my Gas Station card, if all I get after paying 5k in gas is a radio? I didn't even need a radio in the first place, its 15 bucks.
it's also funny that you criticize "comparing loyalty schemes that aren't comparable" while you failed horrible with your electric bill/gym comparison. PS doesn't sell you anything. they charge you for using their tables and they offer a loyalty programme as well as promotions.
no one says with the 'new system' the recs will be winners. it's just a smart move to offer promotions like the 'puzzle challenge' where some random dude can win $1m just b/c he was lucky, than giving a big bonus to some hundred players. 1st promotion attracts tons of players, 2nd promotion only a few.
it seems, that you not only don't have any clue, how the industry works/evolved, but you also don't have any numbers or data. you just make claims based on the fact, that PS cut bonuses.
Amaya is a public company any you can check, how much money they make. IF (!) i'm not wrong, some numbers of the old PS were made public (i think it was b/c of the NJ licence) and if my memory doesn't deludes me, the old PS made more money than Amaya.
but even if Amaya would make more money. who are you to tell them, what they are allowed to make? it's an open market. you can choose any provider you want. no one says it's fair, but that's life. ppl lose their jobs all the time, b/c markets shrink.
one last thing about the HUDs. i think no one (smart) claims, that a HUD makes you a instant winner. But players use it, to maximize their winnings. it doesn't matter if the HUDs are more important in Reg on Reg battles, or in general play. it's just simply a 'money grab'. And if PS really bans HUDs (or make them less efficient like PP or MPN are planning), than it's their decision.