Originally Posted by AKingdom
I don't have a problem with what Stars claim to be trying to do. The theory is solid imo, we see that sites that have actually taken such steps to protect the recs (see Unibet and Bovada) have grown while others have languished .
The issue people need to understand is that there are other factors in Bovada's success. Factors that are far more significant than anonymous tables.
People always attribute Bovada's success to anonymous tables. In reality, nobody cares about anon tables. Not the regs, not the recs. NOBODY. Except for a few HUD babies who can't use their HUDS and seat scripts (2% of the market). Recreational players never cared about huds, or their losing stats, or the fact that opponents could see their losing stats and berate them over it...EVER.
If a losing recreational player wants to avoid being berated on a site allowing names all they have to do is turn the freagin chat to OFF. No anonymous tables are required to prevent that kind of harassment and it was a myth that it was created by the dummy at Bovada that came up with this system. In fact, chat box berating is more rampant on Bovada then every other site in existence because the *******s who do it now have the time to do it because they're restricted to 4 tables. Back when those guys were on Stars playing 10-20 tables they never had time to berate people in the chat box. I rarely ever saw chat box berating on Stars in it's prime. I see it all day every day on Bovada. It's horrible.
They only thing online poker players care about is to have large player pools in cash games (lots of fish), big prize pools in tournaments (a product of more fish buying in), and getting their money quickly if/when they win. Bovada has all 3 and it has absolutely nothing to do with anonymous tables. Bovada's competitors are Merge (can't pay their players fast) and WPN (worst software problems in online poker.)
I firmly believe that Bovada would have more recreational players and fish than they currently do if they ditched the anonymous tables and synchronized their breaks during MTT's. I don't care if they ditch anon tables personally as it really changes nothing for me because I was never a HUD user in the first place. However, they would definitely have more players on the site if they did. Anon tables actually scare fish away because fish are the type of people to be scared of RNG rigging, bots, house bots, and collusion. Anon tables only fuels their paranoia.
I think anon tables scare fish away personally. The fact that Bovada has more fish than other American sites is due to fast payouts, good tourney selection, large cash game player pools, and incompetent competitors (WPN and MERGE) in the industry. These are the only factors in their success. Nothing more.
Last edited by LeakyChips; 11-02-2015 at 05:14 PM.