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Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ?

05-04-2016 , 09:32 AM
Then why is americas card room just as nitty and reg infested as stars? By your logic it should be just as soft as bovada, but it isnt, why? Hmmmmmmmm
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Then why is americas card room just as nitty and reg infested as stars? By your logic it should be just as soft as bovada, but it isnt, why? Hmmmmmmmm
They're all pretty much the same to me. Everybody still sucks.

This game is a sperm in some dude's nutsack. Not an old man.

Not to mention...any differences would likely be due to table capping causing the style of play to change...not anon tables. A player who plays 20 tables will play nitty because that's all they have time for in order to cycle through their tables. That same player will change their play if only allowed to play 4 tables.

I fail to see where the anon aspect factors into the equation.

Last edited by LeakyChips; 05-04-2016 at 09:43 AM.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
Lol. It's funny how people believe the myth about Bovada attracting soft players because of the anon factor.

Bovada is the only poker site open to Americans. This will always be the only reason it's soft. You people need to drop this anon myth. The situation with Bovada is terrible for online poker because people like you are drawing false conclusions on limited data and ignoring more significant factors in the process.

Go look at the win rates of regs on Pokerstars pre-Black Friday on versus their win rates on Bovada....THEY'RE EXACTLY THE SAME. This is because the anon system accomplished nothing.
thats not what i was getting at. i didnt imply that anonymous poker entices weak players. i was implying that it takes nitty regs out of there element by making them take a more intuitive approach to poker by not letting them compile data. look at acr its a reg infested nit fest but basically the same player pool and your saying theres no difference. lol. ( also of course u.s. is going to have softer field , we have the most money and fish willing to play. its a past time here everyones dad played at some point )
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
Not to mention...any differences would likely be due to table capping
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Its softer because you can only 4 table. Has nothing to do with what country people play from.
Read more, troll less.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Read more, troll less.
Right, because nothing in history has ever had more than one factor play into it.

I thought you were one suggesting that it was the anon system...sorry.

Table caps are a factor, but Americans on average are gambling junkies with disposable income. Those 2 factors breed fish. It's not an intelligence issue. It's more of a cultural issue. Don't take it personally, or anything. I'm an American...I don't.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:08 AM
yeah I think he took it personally lol, obviously there are very smart american players, nobody denied that
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
I thought you were one suggesting that it was the anon system...sorry
Read more, troll less.

Originally Posted by LeakyChips
It's not an intelligence issue.
For you it is.

Americans are degens who gamble their whole lives? So by your logic american online poker beginners should be better than non american online poker beginners because... they have more experience.

No. Beginners are beginners, regs are regs, fish are matter where they play from.

Bovada is softer than most sites because you can only play 4 tables at a time. Period.

Americas card room is just as bad as stars, if not worse. So your logic doesnt check out, sorry.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Then why is americas card room just as nitty and reg infested as stars? By your logic it should be just as soft as bovada, but it isnt, why? Hmmmmmmmm
Bc soviet union can play on ACR and cant play on bovada. Really not that hard to understand
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:33 AM
yeah ACR def tougher than stars, hoss wins
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:36 AM
It doesn't matter what you're personal interest are in America. Pipe dreams of winning big by gambling are thrown in your face all around you...filling up gas, buying groceries, driving down the freeway seeing a powerball just breeds a society of people who when given the opportunity to play poker would be more likely to perceive it as a form of gambling rather than a process of logic and reason.

America is indeed a fish factory.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:38 AM
TimStone is right. The best thing that could happen to online poker would be if the rooms segregated player pools, separating east europe/soviet and other low wage/cost countries from west europe/canada/us.

Today we have ****loads of players willing to grind day in and day out for a 5$ hourly at stakes that should be for recreationals.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by fishfood69er
thats not what i was getting at. i didnt imply that anonymous poker entices weak players. i was implying that it takes nitty regs out of there element by making them take a more intuitive approach to poker by not letting them compile data. look at acr its a reg infested nit fest but basically the same player pool and your saying theres no difference. lol. ( also of course u.s. is going to have softer field , we have the most money and fish willing to play. its a past time here everyones dad played at some point )
If a 20 tabler nitreg now has to play 4 tables, then once he sees some showdowns/general game flow (and he will notice everything cause its only 4 tables) u'll be playing against a much tougher opponent than just a nit. His vacuum game is still gonna be way better than everyone elses and he'll find good exploits much faster than players who have grinded 4 tables for a long time (even if he is hudless). Ye the games will be better short term since fish/reg ratio will be better, but if todays regs cant make enough money 4 tabling then some russians can and eventually games will become ****ty again, only now there is 10 times less rake generated. Limiting tables is not a solution, it just ****s the current pros and makes games fishy for a while, but in the long run nothing really changes for recs. Poker is just in a state where recs get crushed no matter what, cause skill gaps are bigger than ever and there is not enough new money flowing in (and still too many regs). Stars is actually trying to hide skill gaps a bit w spins/ko poker (both would be f**king goldmines if rake were lower) where skill gaps are somewhat hidden/variance is higher and recs feel like they have a better chance to win (in the long run they get crushed there obv too)
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by PlsFold
TimStone is right. The best thing that could happen to online poker would be if the rooms segregated player pools, separating east europe/soviet and other low wage/cost countries from west europe/canada/us.

Today we have ****loads of players willing to grind day in and day out for a 5$ hourly at stakes that should be for recreationals.
Well, I'd like to see if Tim Stone can make $2 million after segregating player pools.

Good luck with that one.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO

Americas card room is just as bad as stars, if not worse. So your logic doesnt check out, sorry.
I just gauge the skill of players differently than you. So, you don't understand my logic...sorry.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Bc soviet union can play on ACR and cant play on bovada. Really not that hard to understand
Would they play there if it were 4 tables max, and no rewards?
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Would they play there if it were 4 tables max, and no rewards?
Who gives a S25t about 4 tables max? I don't. I could care less if my opponents play 20 tables, or 4 tables.

If you can't win money playing against opponents who play 20 tables, or 4 tables then it's time to find something else to do. I really don't understand players who complain about stuff like this...always looking for someone from the poker site to hold their hand and give them a handicap to help them out...such whiners.

If you're to the point where you need to bum hunt than you need to find another hobby/profession. So, you're telling me you need the site to help attract more recreational players, or force nitty regs into action with less tables, because you don't know how to play the game properly and force nitty opponents into action yourself? That's comedic.

"Get rid of HUDS"

"Get rid of unlimited tables"

"No more screennames"

Such cry babies.

Last edited by LeakyChips; 05-04-2016 at 10:58 AM.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by HossBonaventureCEO
Small minded USA haters ITT.
I think it's actually a compliment. Most Americans on bovada are playing with disposable income, finding something to pass time in between their sports bets. The soviets would be out on the street sucking dick for money without that $7/hr, of course they are going to play better!
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by rtd353
I think it's actually a compliment. Most Americans on bovada are playing with disposable income, finding something to pass time in between their sports bets. The soviets would be out on the street sucking dick for money without that $7/hr, of course they are going to play better!
Precisely the point. It's not an intelligence thing at all...and you could flip the argument and say that having more fish in America makes Americans SMARTER because our country is in an economic state to where donks can afford to F855 off money on gut straight draws.

Then, you could flip that argument and say you're economic state in America is a result of murdering, raping, and pillaging. That doesn't make you makes you aHOLES. lol


Well, the entire industry wouldn't be focused on ways to get winning players to win less money for no reason. Obviously, people are winning money and lots of it. So, I can totally see why someone would take poker seriously in 2016.

Bovada wouldn't do what it does unless there were actually a large number of players that they perceive to be "hurting the poker ecosystem" by winning money, would they? Same for Pokerstars and their recent changes.

Last edited by LeakyChips; 05-04-2016 at 11:10 AM.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
You totally missed the point, but thats not surprising.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:11 AM
Leaky forgot to say

"get rid of bots"
"Get rid of real time assistance software"

What crybabies everyone is. Just get better! And or cheat Uncle Sam!

For a moment I though how depressing it is to have such idiots spouting this kind of **** and actually believing it.. But gotta make lemonade... It makes me feel grateful I wasn't born and raised to be stupid and ignorant as some of you are. So thanks leaky!
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 11:19 AM
I'm sure Bovada is killing it on the bot removal.

It's so easy for players to spot with their anon system and all.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 12:07 PM
Stop crying about them.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Stop crying about them.
Criticism of the mismanagement of a poker site that results in smaller player pools is justified and constructive.

Whining about how it's hard for you to win da moneeeeez is not.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 01:52 PM
Fun strawman.
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:18 PM
It seems that u have to run through loops and just find several more sites add it to ur repertoire and its the same as before BF.... the positive is that now the rewards are much greater than pre BF
Why would anyone start taking poker seriously in 2016 and beyond ? Quote
