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Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams? Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams?

09-03-2023 , 04:50 AM
I follow loosely all the live streams including the ones in Texas, PokerGO, and the new Ballys and I noticed Hustler still the highest viewed stream on a consistent basis.

What is it about Hustler that continues to dominate?

I’ve noticed their games have calmed down a lot since JRB, Mikki and Keating.

Like the other day, Bally’s had Jungleman and Berkey while Hustler had no big names or anybody notable at all on a regular Thursday game but were still way up in numbers.

What do you guys think is the reason for this? The other streams run just as big of games sometimes and even if Hustler is playing a smaller one with less famous players, they still have bigger numbers. I find this quite odd.
Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams? Quote
09-03-2023 , 05:07 AM
They have done a good job building their brand over time with good game creation. They have had some hype situations that made people aware of their games (Garret/Robbi, Million Dollar buyin games etc). So now its a lot of people's "go to" for poker streaming content.

I honestly had no clue Bally's even had a stream game so they are doing a **** job promoting themselves unlike Hustler.
Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams? Quote
09-03-2023 , 07:39 PM
Main Reason - Ryan Feldman

I'm just a poker player on the east coast, never in played at Hustler. Just started watching streams on YouTube about a year ago.

Hustler Casino Live
- They do a really great job IMO, not perfect of course. They do a good job branding their players, they mix in some well known pros and celebs. Seems Ryan works really hard on the lineups and it shows. I watched for probably 8 months before I even noticed they 30 minutes pre-show with past highlights. Some corny music and players posing, it's silly but it's great. Got Bill Klein dancing, etc. Whoever does all that production (Ryan?) is really good on a limited budget. I'd imagine Nick plays a role too as they are partners, but they little details are probably Ryan and he does a great job.

That being said the steams the last few weeks have not been very good. Mediocre lineups, etc. Way to soon to say they are slipping, but I'd be stepping it up if I were them. They got a nice market share lead, but if they get lazy they will be knocked off the top.

Also find DGAF's humor really funny when he commentates!

Big Bet
Was impressed the first few shows. But then they stopped popping up on my YouTube suggestions (not subscribed to any of them) and when I did happen upon them the lineups and action were pretty bad and only watched for a short time before shutting off. Nice setup, they need to work on their lineups.

The lodge/Polks Stream

They do a good job getting their highlights "out there" , but just can't trust Polk's clickbait titles. Feel like too many of them I clicked on only to be disappointed. He just overstates everything, I know thats a thing many places do, but just a turnoff to me. It seems like he gets big names for his streams, but just something makes me rarely check them out.

The others
So many are popping up. May watch some at times, none have stood out too much.
Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams? Quote
09-04-2023 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Kebabkungen
... I honestly had no clue Bally's even had a stream game so they are doing a **** job promoting themselves unlike Hustler.
It's another name for LATB.
Why is Hustler still dominating the poker live streams? Quote
