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Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't?

10-09-2022 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Numen
As some of you might already know, Hans Moke Neimann was recently accused of by Magnus Carslen. Although Niemann confessed to cheating in two online games (one when he was 12 years old and the other when he was 16), he said he had never cheated on live games (also known as OTB or on-the-board games)., probably the most prominent entity in the chess world alongside FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs, or International Chess Federation) recently published a report suggesting that Niemann had actually cheated in dozens of games online, much more than the number of games he said he had cheated. However, the report also states that there is neither physical nor statistical proof that Niemann has ever cheated on-the-board (I am not qualified enough to share the details of the report, here is the link for those who are interested:

My question is: The majority of the chess community sides with Magnus Carlsen whereas the majority of the poker community supports the underdog, Robbi Jade Lew; two similar incidents, yet quite opposite reactions. Why might that be? Can it be because a little to no chance is involved in chess whereas it is a main factor in Poker (although the way Robbi played her hand has nothing to do with chance factors andmight be compared to blundering your queen in chess)?
Because he is a self-confirmed cheater and they have computer models to show the best move you can make in chess. They saidthe best players play 70% optimally. The best player of all time played 72%. Now this guy is running through tournaments at 100% at times or making moves that are correct but are so outside of the box.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
10-26-2022 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Bawookles
Not only are they not comparable situations, poker and chess are not comparable games. Poker is a game with chance involved, chess isn't.

I or any dork you find on the street could beat Phil Ivey in one hand of poker if we got lucky....
At first glance, poker and chess are polar opposites, but the road to excellence in both is the common thread of pattern recognition.

If I were to play with Ivey, much prefer to have it all riding on the one hand; as you say, anything could happen. While I have played poker for many years and often against pros, I do not delude myself over the almost certain outcome in a longer encounter with the great man.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-08-2022 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bawookles
Not only are they not comparable situations, poker and chess are not comparable games. Poker is a game with chance involved, chess isn't.

I or any dork you find on the street could beat Phil Ivey in one hand of poker if we got lucky.

I or any dork you find on the street are never going to beat Magnus Carlsen in a game of chess, not unless he was really drunk and just doing continual mouse-slips on his computer.
Even then he would beat you. I used to know a top ranked woman chess player. She would drunk dial guys she knew and invite them over and beat them in chess. She had me down three pawns after twenty moves and I resigned.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-08-2022 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
Even then he would beat you. I used to know a top ranked woman chess player. She would drunk dial guys she knew and invite them over and beat them in chess. She had me down three pawns after twenty moves and I resigned.
Truth tbh. I've played many a drunken chess player and they might not be great, but they still have a certain level. I like to think of it like this - if you get drunk enough, you might have trouble operating a pen, but you're still not going to just mis-spell words that you know. Chess moves are like that once you reach a certain level - you might pass out at the board, or knock over all the pieces, but you're still going to make good moves when you do move.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-08-2022 , 06:07 PM
my time has come

Last edited by Kagome; 11-08-2022 at 06:19 PM.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-08-2022 , 06:40 PM
because the poker community is mostly losing recs?
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-11-2022 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Kagome
my time has come
Your avatar speaks for itself.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-11-2022 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by MoViN.tArGeT
because the poker community is mostly losing recs?
same in chess, even more so online.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-11-2022 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by aureaborealis
I think that chess has no external factors just you and the other player plus the time, however poker has a lot more drama lol

Fischer vs Spassky for WC in 1972 ; match was built up to be THE sporting event during the cold war, with Fischer having Kissinger calling him to make sure he participates.
Karpov vs. Kasparov for WC in 1984 ; both sides working with KGB spies, mentalists and the whole charade ending with the corrupt FIDE president finally aborting the match.
Karpov vs Korchnoi both matches ; KGB threatening the defector Korchnois family.
Kramnik vs Topalov for WC in 2006 ; Topalovs coach accusing Kramnik of cheating without any evidence (toiletgate).

amazing research on the external factors and drama in chess my friend (btw, these are WC matches only. could write a whole book on fischers incidents outside of his only match alone).
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-21-2022 , 01:26 AM
If the psycho donk wins the good player's money, that is more money for psycho donk to donate to the "Poker Community."

Why do people use such pompous language?
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
11-21-2022 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Darth Sagebrush
If the psycho donk wins the good player's money, that is more money for psycho donk to donate to the "Poker Community."

Why do people use such pompous language?
I love it when the limit holdem players call themselves “experts”. Always got a kick out of that one.
Why Does the Chess Community Side with the Better Player whereas the Poker Community Doesn't? Quote
